New Publications

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Preparation, Conduct and Evaluation of Exercises for Detection of and Response to Acts Involving Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control
Colección de seguridad física nuclear del OIEA Nº  41-T

STI/PUB/1877, 109 pp.; 3 figures; 2027
ISBN 978-92-0-341823-2, Spanish. 52.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/2/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 2670 KB).

Operating Experience with Nuclear Power Stations in Member States 2024 Edition
Operating Experience 

This report contains the 55th edition of the IAEA’s series of annual reports on operating experience with nuclear power plants in Member States. It is a direct output from the IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) and contains information on electricity production and overall performance of individual plants during 2023. In addition to annual information, the report contains a historical summary of performance during the lifetime of individual plants and figures illustrating worldwide performance of the nuclear industry. The design characteristics and dashboards of all operational nuclear power plants worldwide are also included.
IAEA/OPEX/2024, 2024, English, Web Publication
Full Text, (File Size: 129947 KB).

Regulatory Inspection Programme for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
IAEA TECDOC Series No.  2062

This publication provides practical information on establishing and implementing regulatory inspection programmes for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (NFCFs). It covers the regulatory inspection process, the elements of a systematic regulatory inspection programme, and the interface of regulatory inspections with other functions and processes of the regulatory body. This publication is useful for regulatory bodies and their technical support organizations dealing with the regulatory inspection of NFCFs. The publication could also be useful for operating organizations in preparation for regulatory inspection, and for management review of the safety of NFCFs.
IAEA-TECDOC-2062, 96 pp.; 0 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-123124-6, English. 30.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/15/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1646 KB).

Enhancement of Modelling Approaches for the Assessment of Radionuclide Transfer in the Marine Environment
IAEA TECDOC Series No.  2060

This publication describes the work undertaken by Working Group 7, Assessment of Fate and Transport of Radionuclides Released in the Marine Environment of the IAEA’s Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments (MODARIA II) programme (2016–2019). The work carried out was a natural continuation of that completed during the first phase of the IAEA’s MODARIA programme (2012–2015) by Working Group 10, Modelling of Marine Dispersion and Transfer of Radionuclides Accidentally Released from Land Based Facilities. In MODARIA II, the degree of complexity of the models used was increased in order to effectively consider additional processes, specifically uptake by biota, and the spatiotemporal scales of the simulations were also expanded. General information on the simulation of radionuclides in the marine environment using dispersion and transport models was compiled. This is intended for scientists in Member States considering development or adoption of models for radiological assessment following incidents or emergencies involving releases of radionuclides into the marine environment.
IAEA-TECDOC-2060, 64 pp.; 13 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-122724-9, English. 30.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/12/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 2345 KB).

Application of the Principle of Defence in Depth in Nuclear Safety to Small Modular Reactors
INSAG Series No.  28

This publication developed by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG) supplements its advice provided in INSAG-10 underscoring application of the principle of defence in depth in nuclear safety for small modular reactors and related emerging technologies. It is intended to stimulate discussion and to promote practical action at all levels to enhance safety of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). INSAG provides recommendations on current and emerging nuclear safety issues to the IAEA, the nuclear community, and the public. The report is intended for use by governmental authorities and by the nuclear industry and its supporting organizations. In particular, the intended audience includes national decision makers for nuclear power programmes using small modular reactors (SMRs), researchers and designers in this field and nuclear and radiation safety experts.
STI/PUB/2094, 14 pp.; 0 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-121724-0, English. 30.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/9/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1273 KB).

Advancing the State of the Practice in Uncertainty and Sensitivity Methodologies for Severe Accident Analysis in Water Cooled Reactors in the QUENCH-06 Experiment
IAEA TECDOC Series No.  2045

The IAEA facilitated the co-operation on research and development among its Member States on the development and validation of computer codes for the design and safety analysis of nuclear power plants. The main objective of this effort was to bring together the current state-of­knowledge on uncertainty propagation in severe accident analyses that has been accumulated by experienced analysts with the aim of increasing the sophistication and competency of the practitioners in this field. This publication provides the contributions from four individual organizations from four Member States describing their employed uncertainty and sensitivity assessment methods applied in simulating the QUENCH-06 experiment performed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) in December 2000. The QUENCH-06 experiment was designed to explore the behavior of nuclear fuel under oxidizing and quenching conditions during severe accident scenarios in light water nuclear reactors. Due to its comprehensive nature, this experiment was chosen as the benchmark for evaluating the performance of severe accident codes employed by participants in this coordinated research project. This publication is intended for nuclear engineers, researchers, code developers, experimentalists in nuclear energy fields, reactor vendors and developers, university professors and students, regulatory experts, and nuclear power plant planners.
IAEA-TECDOC-2045, 144 pp.; 172 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-108524-5, English. 30.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 2/27/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 8840 KB).

Model Academic Curriculum in Nuclear Security
IAEA Nuclear Security Series (Russian ed.)   12-T (Rev. 1)

STI/PUB/1930, 165 pp.; 2 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-440023-6, Russian. 58.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/12/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 2184 KB).

Detection in a State's Interior of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control
IAEA Nuclear Security Series No.  47-T

This publication provides guidance on planning, implementing, and evaluating systems and measures in a State in order to detect nuclear and other radioactive material out of regulatory control in the State’s interior by means of instrument alarms and information alerts. The guidance covers the planning of detection operations, equipment deployment and human resource development. This publication is intended for authorities responsible for designing, implementing, and sustaining nuclear security systems and measures within a State, such as personnel from the Ministry of Interior, Law Enforcement Agencies, Health Authorities, National Regulators, Emergency Response, and National Security Organizations.
STI/PUB/2084, 56 pp.; 1 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-109724-8, English. 42.00 Euro
Full Text, (File Size: 1663 KB).

Design of Electrical Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
Chinese Safety Standards Series No.  SSG-34

STI/PUB/1673, 100 pp.; 9 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-504223-7, Chinese. 47.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/1/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 2024 KB).

Near Surface Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste
Chinese Safety Standards Series No.  SSG-29

STI/PUB/1637, 83 pp.; 5 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-502123-2, Chinese. 36.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/1/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1532 KB).

Design of the Reactor Core for Nuclear Power Plants
Chinese Safety Standards Series No.  SSG-52

STI/PUB/1859, 63 pp.; 0 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-506723-0, Chinese. 41.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/1/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1575 KB).

Construction for Nuclear Installations
Chinese Safety Standards Series No.  SSG-38

STI/PUB/1693, 39 pp.; 3 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-505223-6, Chinese. 42.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/1/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1391 KB).

Safety of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities
Chinese Safety Standards Series No.  SSG-42

STI/PUB/1744, 101 pp.; 6 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-505623-4, Chinese. 51.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/1/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1730 KB).

Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Research and Development Facilities
Chinese Safety Standards Series No.  SSG-43

STI/PUB/1745, 77 pp.; 2 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-505823-8, Chinese. 44.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/1/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1610 KB).

Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste from the Use of Radioactive Material in Medicine, Industry, Agriculture, Research and Education
Chinese Safety Standards Series No.  SSG-45

STI/PUB/1758, 95 pp.; 6 figures; 2024
ISBN 978-92-0-506023-1, Chinese. 40.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 7/1/2024.
Full Text, (File Size: 1616 KB).

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