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(THP1/03) Ideal and Resistive Interchange Instabilities in Negative
Session THP1 - Theory 1 (Friday, 23 October)
(THP1/03) Ideal and Resistive Interchange Instabilities in Negative Shear Tokamaks and Currentless Heliotron Plasmas
(THP1/04) Internal Disruptions in Stellarators
(THP1/05) Dimensionless Energy Confinement Scaling in W7-AS
(THP1/06) Optimisation of Stellarator Systems: Possible Ways
(THP1/07) MHD Stability Calculations of High-
Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarators
(THP1/09) Optimization Study of L=1 Helical Magnetic Axis Systems
(THP1/10) Theoretical Studies on the Role of Flows and Currents in the RFP
(THP1/13) The ``Positive'' Magnetic Islands Conception and its Applications to T-11M Experiments
(THP1/15) Influence of External Toroidal Flux on Low-Aspect-Ratio Toroidal Plasma
(THP1/16) Two-Point Boundary Value and Cauchy Formulations in an Axisymmetrical MHD Equilibrium Problem
IAEA 1999