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(ITERP2/04) The Development of Negative Ion Beam Plasma
Session ITERP2 - ITER EDA 2 (Saturday, 24 October)
(ITERP2/04) The Development of Negative Ion Beam Plasma Neutraliser for ITER NBI
(ITERP2/05) Development of Tritium Fuel Processing System Using Electrolytic Reactor for ITER
(ITERP2/06) Improvement of Tritium Accountancy Technology for the ITER Fuel Cycle Safety Enhancement
(ITERP2/07) Summarized Results of the Cryosorption Panel Test Programme for the ITER Cryopumping System
(ITERP2/08) Test Facility TIMO for Testing the ITER Model Cryopump
(ITERP2/09) Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics during Ingress-of-Coolant and Loss-of-Vacuum Events in Fusion Reactors
(ITERP2/10) Direct Measurement of the Plasma Equilibrium Response to Poloidal Field Changes and
Controller Tests in TCV
IAEA 1999