(Updated 2015)
The Argentine Republic is a federal state constituted by 23 provinces and the federal district. Each one of the Argentine provinces is also divided into administrative areas or departments.
1.1. Country Overview
Note: The content of this section, including Tables 1 and 2, has been removed by the IAEA to better focus the report on nuclear power.
1.2. Energy Information
1.2.1. Estimated Available Energy
Argentina has natural resources such as oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. While the situation has been changing throughout history, Argentina has been one of the few countries self-sufficient in energy in the region, even counting with exportable surpluses. In the late 80’s and during the 90’s, Argentina paralyzed its hydroelectric and nuclear development, despite having a hydroelectric potential greater than the installed capacity and a nuclear power extensively developed at all the stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. Moreover, the reserves of fossil fuels decreased sharply, given the lack of investment in exploration recorded in the late 90's, and unplanned exploitation, intended primarily to supply the high growth of domestic demand and the regional market.
Since 2004, the National State has implemented a policy of a rational use of resources in a planned way, for sustenance in the future.
According to the last available National Energetic Balance (BEN) of 2013, 87.2% of the total primary energy offer comes from fossil fuels. Also 52.7% corresponds to natural gas (NG), 32.9% to oil, and 1.6% to mineral coal. The rest comes from hydroelectric energy (4.4%), nuclear energy (2.3%), and renewable resources as wood (1.0%), bagasse (1.0%), bio fuel (2.8%) and other primary resources (1.3%). This higher concentration of hydrocarbons in Argentina’s primary energy sources is a main structural characteristic of the argentine energetic net. Figure 1.1 shows the information about the evolution of the composition of primary energy (extracted from BEN Historical Series).
Figure 1.1: Composition of Primary Energy Sources 1970-2013 in kTEP (Tonne of equivalent oil).
The analysis of the National Energy Balance for the period 1970-2013 shows significant changes linked to the progressive replacement of oil by natural gas, the latter assuming all increases and the former remaining almost constant over time. It should be noted that fossil fuels have remained throughout the period between 86.2% and 93.7% of the whole primary energy mix. Other notable changes are related to the development of hydro and nuclear energy. Since 1970, when hydroelectric generation represented only 0.5% of total sources and there was no contribution of nuclear energy, both sources have had a significant growth, representing in 2013, 4.4% and 2.3% of the primary energy, respectively. It is important to mention that the nuclear share will increase with the entry into operation of the planned power plants, as described in chapter 2.
Moreover, the category ‘Other Primary’ (in Figure 1.1) emerged in 1970 and it varied over time from 2.8% to 4.1% by 2013. Until 2007, it consisted of wind and solar energies, as well as various agricultural waste used as fuel, in addition to biofuels. Since 2008 biofuels began to be accounted separately, under the ‘Oil’ category. Finally the wood, bagasse and coal continue to have marginal values, as seen in the figure above.
Table 3 shows the total of energy resources in Argentina.
Table 3. Estimated Available Energy Sources
Available Estimated Sources of Energy | ||||||
Fossil Fuels | Nuclear | Renewable | ||||
Solid | Liquid | Gas | Uranium | Hydro** | Other renewable*** | |
Total amount in specific units* | 444 | 370 374 | 328 260 | 18 531 | 40 400 | 2 055 |
Total amount in Exajoule (EJ) | 10.04 | 13.72 | 11.55 | 11.74 | 0.61 | 0.03 |
*Solid: Millions of Tons; Liquid: Thousands of m3; Gas: Millions of m3; Uranium: Tons of U; Hydro and Other Renewable: MW.
** In the case of Hydro power, the gross theoretical potential technically exploitable is 169,000 GWh/year, considering an average load factor of 0.477. Latest data available in 2011.
***Regarding Other Renewables, the potential of geothermic sources, as well as wind and solar, are estimated considering an average load factor of 0.3. In the case of wind energy, it only corresponds to the projects submitted to the Energy Secretariat since the total wind resource potential is much higher. Latest data available in 2011.
Note: For the coal reservoirs, the measured reserves of the Adaro Exploitation Plan were taken into account.
In the case of oil and gas, the proved reserves of the country until December 31, 2013, were taken into account.
In the case of uranium, reasonably ensured sources are taken into account along with those inferred measured as metallic uranium. Data from December 2014.
1.2.2. Energy Statistics
Table 4. Energy Statistics (Exa-Joule [EJ])
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2013* | Average Annual Growth Rate (%) 2000 to 2013 |
Energy Consumption (1) | |||||||
- Subtotal | 1.29 | 1.73 | 1.87 | 2.50 | 3.22 | 3.59 | 3.77 |
- Solids (2) | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.05 | 10.80 |
- Liquids (3) | 0.92 | 1.06 | 0.82 | 0.92 | 1.23 | 1.18 | -1.37 |
- Gas (4) | 0.24 | 0.46 | 0.77 | 1.26 | 1.58 | 1.98 | 7.64 |
- Nuclear | 0.00 | 0.04 | 0.09 | 0.07 | 0.10 | 0.08 | -6.86 |
- Hydro water | 0.01 | 0.07 | 0.08 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.41 |
- Other Renewable (5) | 0.09 | 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.12 | 0.16 | 9.70 |
Energetic Production (6) | |||||||
- Subtotal | 1.24 | 1.75 | 2.07 | 3.43 | 3.24 | 3.19 | -0.59 |
- Solids | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8.78 |
- Liquids | 0.84 | 1.06 | 1.04 | 1.66 | 1.31 | 1.20 | -2.79 |
- Gas | 0.28 | 0.50 | 0.78 | 1.47 | 1.61 | 1.62 | 0.26 |
- Nuclear (7) | 0.00 | 0.04 | 0.09 | 0.07 | 0.00 | 0.00 | - |
- Hydro water | 0.01 | 0.07 | 0.08 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.40 |
- Other Renewable | 0.09 | 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.17 | 0.21 | 6.30 |
Net Import (Import - Export) | 0.08 | 0.20 | 0.09 | -0.68 | 0.10 | 0.34 | 49.03 |
- Total | 1.33 | 1.95 | 2.15 | 2.75 | 3.35 | 3.53 | 1.75 |
* Latest available data from the 2013 National Energy Balance from the National Energy Secretariat.
(1) Energy consumption = Primary energy consumption + Secondary energy net import (Import - Export)
(Excluding electricity and non-energy products). In previous CNPP versions, only the primary energy consumption was considered, so the data across the whole table has been modified.
(2) Solid fuels including coal from the primary sector + net imports of residual coal and coal coke from the secondary sector.
(3) Includes domestic supply of oil primary sector + net imports of all liquid fuels in the secondary sector (excluding non-energy products).
(4) Includes domestic supply of natural gas primary sector + net imports of all gaseous fuels in the secondary sector (excluding non-energy products).
(5) Since 2010 the oils and biofuels, disaggregated in BEN, are incorporated in the “Other renewable” category.
(6) Includes the production of the primary energy sector.
(7) Since 1997, Argentina imports all the uranium that their power plants consume, totally interrupting domestic production.
1.2.3. Energy Policy
During the last years, several laws have been issued with the aim of decreasing the use of fossil fuels and making a rational use of energy by suggesting a series of objectives, mechanisms of promotion, and recognising the importance of the participation of every energy source in the integration of the national energy mix.
The main goal is to diversify the matrix of power generation with a bigger participation from the nuclear, hydro, and other renewable energies.
With regard to the nuclear sector, in August 2006, the reactivation of the nuclear sector was politically declared in the country.
The enacted laws related to achieve the proposed aims are mentioned as follows:
Law N° 25019: promotes solar and wind energy;
Law N° 26093: promotes biofuels and its sustainable use;
Law N° 26190: National Development scheme for the use of renewable energy sources for electricity production;
Law N° 26123: promotes hydrogen as a fuel and energy vector;
Law N° 26566: declares the interest to extend the life cycle of Embalse NPP, and authorizes the creation of trust funds intended for that purpose and for the construction of a fourth nuclear reactor in Argentina. Moreover, the law states the construction of the CAREM 25 NPP as a matter of national interest, and puts CNEA in charge of it.
Uranium mining activity in Argentina was paralysed, along with the rest of the nuclear plan, in 1995. As a consequence of the reactivation of the nuclear plan in Argentina, exploration activities have been reintroduced, along with quantification of uranium resources.
With regard to energy sovereignty, in May 2012 the law N° 26741 was sanctioned. It declares the achievement of self-sufficiency in hydrocarbons in the interest of the public, and the creation of the Federal Council of Hydrocarbons. The law also declares the creation of a public utility, subject to expropriation, 51% of the assets of YPF SA and Repsol YPF Gas SA, which was promulgated the next day and regulated by Decree 1277/2012 on July 25, 2012.
Moreover, in October 2014, Law N° 27007 (known as the New Hydrocarbons Law) was enacted, promulgated and published. This amends Laws N° 17319 and 25943 establishing, amongst others, the conditions for new tenders in conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons, and in offshore areas.
1.3. The Electricity System
1.3.1. Electricity Policy and Decision Making Process
As a result of the governmental policies applied between 1960 and 1990, the electricity sector has been characterised for its:
The technological diversification of energy sources: use of hydroelectric resources and nuclear technology development, which has reduced fossil fuel rates from 93% in 1972 to 43% in 1994.
The reduction of the consumption of oil derivatives in thermal plants: oil consumption in 1990 (1 440 000 toe(1)) can be compared to the beginning of the fifties in spite of the fact that energy produced by thermal power plants has been increased five times, as a result of the intensive use of natural gas.
The Electricity Transmission and Distribution Systems: the rate of electrification is 95% in urban areas and above 86% at a national level in the electricity transmission and distribution system.
A low participation of self-production in the provision of electricity, compared to a value close to 25% existing in the late sixties.
A highly interconnected system which is also integrated.
The beginning of electrical power interchange with Brazil in spite of the difference in grid frequency (50Hz in Argentina and 60Hz in Brazil).
It is important to highlight that during this period, global energy policy was almost exclusively stated by the National Government, with planning both in the short and long terms.
On the contrary, during the 1990s, the electrical market was completely deregulated through Law N° 24065 and its reglamentary decrees. Through this law two organisms were created:
The Regulatory National Entity of Electricity (ENRE): created as an independent organism within the Secretariat of Energy, with the aim of controlling the achievement of regulations on behalf of the agents of the market, by defending the interests of users.
The Administrator Company of the Wholesale Electricity (CAMMESA): its aim is to administrate the operation of the Wholesale Electrical Market and conduct the electricity scheduled dispatch. This company is constituted by the Association of Electrical Energy Generators of the Argentine Republic (AGEERA), the Association of Distributors of Electrical Power of the Argentine Republic (ADEERA), the Association of Haulage Contractors/Transporters of Electrical Energy of the Argentine Republic (ATEERA), the Association of Great Users of Electrical Energy of the Argentine Republic (AGUEERA) and the National State represented by the Energy Secretariat, each owning 20% of the total assets.
Under Law N° 24065, the following changes were made:
Privatization of the assets of the entire State-owned-thermal generation network.
The concession to private companies of the operation of hydropower plants owned by the Federal Government, with the exception of the bi-national hydro power plants (Salto Grande and Yacyretá).
The granting of the operation of networks in high voltage transmission, which is State owned.
The granting of the State owned distribution networks.
Granting the expansion of the three systems (generation, transmission and distribution) to private sector, guaranteeing free access for any new generator to the idle capacity of transport (both high voltage and medium, and low voltage distribution).
Establishment of a dispatch system based on the minimum marginal cost of generation, and compensation to the generators given by the maximum marginal costs of the system.
At first, this policy generated an additional investment in thermal fossil equipment needed to burn natural gas. This situation, along with the low prices of natural gas, and the start-up of major hydropower projects which were to be concluded (with the state’s commitment), caused a strong reduction in the wholesale prices of electric power allowance, making private investments in new facilities unattractive. That situation was particularly pronounced in the case of new nuclear and hydro projects, which required high capital costs and long recovery periods.
In addition, in December 2001 and through 2002, Argentina suffered a financial economic crisis, reducing electric power demand.
From 2003 to 2008, Argentina experienced a quick recovery of the industrial sector, along with a rapid growth of electric power demand. The market did not respond in a dynamic way and therefore a policy change took place. Thus, since 2004 the State has resumed the planning tasks relegated during the previous decade, in order to guide investment, assuming those considered necessary and which are not of interest to private investors.
For this, the Energy Secretariat focused on the solution of short term issues and on formulating and implementing a medium and long-termed Energetic Plan (which is updated periodically) as a reference for private investors fundamentally based on the expansion of the system with a bigger participation in hydroelectric, nuclear and other renewable energies.
Regarding the long-term Energy Planning, the Secretariat of Energy, with the assistance of the CNEA’s Strategic Planning Management and other institutions and agencies, developed the Strategic Energy Plan, for which the basic guidelines of two alternative energy demand scenarios were established, depending on the expected developmental possibilities of the economy and energy demand sectors in the coming years. It is noteworthy that, every two years, an update is carried out.
1.3.2. Structure of Electric Power Sector
The Electric Sector
In 1992, by means of Law N° 24065 and its reglamentary decrees, a horizontal division of integrated state companies occurred. Generation, transport, and distribution were separated; thermal generators were privatised. Hydropower generators, transport, and electric power distribution were franchised. Below is a breakdown of each of these divisions of the Argentine Electricity System.
Electric Power Generation
Argentina has a generation mix with three main sources, the main technology used is the NG combined cycle and during periods of extreme temperatures the NG is replaced with gaseous oil. Figure 1.2 shows the latest available information on the participation of each electricity generation technology.
Technology | GWh | Share (%) |
Combined Cycles | 51067 | 39 |
Steam Turbines | 17885 | 14 |
Gas Turbines | 12136 | 9 |
Diesel Engines | 2178 | 2 |
Total Conventional Thermal Fossil | 83266 | 64 |
Hydro | 40662 | 31 |
Nuclear | 5258 | 4 |
Wind | 613 | 0.47 |
Solar | 16 | 0.01 |
Total Domestic Generation | 129815 | 100 |
Figure 1.2: Electricity Generation by Source.
Considering that the aim is to meet demand at the lowest cost, consistent with an acceptable quality level of supply against foreseeable disturbances, within the limits of production, the operation of an electrical system requires coordination requirements not found in other systems.
According to the merit order, technologies dispatched first for base load: base hydro and nuclear power generation. Then, the conventional thermal fossil generation meets the variable demand, and finally the rest is dispatched. Meanwhile, hydro technologies of reservoir and gas turbines satisfy the peak demands. Figure 1.3 depicts a diagram of the daily schedule along with the applied technologies.
Figure 1.3: Dispatch per Hour of Generation Technologies.
As for payment, the producers receive the following items according to resolution 529/2014, which updated the previous resolution (95/2013): a variable remuneration according to the energy delivered to the grid, a fixed remuneration associated with the available power, and an additional remuneration for effective income, derived from the electricity generated. In the case of thermal fossil generators, they also receive a remuneration of the Non-Recurring Maintenance according to the total energy generated by them.
In relation to the concepts mentioned, in recent years, the income of new generation has been accompanied by energy supply contracts to WEM, designed to cover new investments. Besides, since 2008 the Law N° 26190 stipulate that by 2016, 8% of the demand should be supplied by electricity from renewable sources, and for that there are several incentives to promote it. Thus, wind power plants have been incorporated into the generation system, and in December 2014, they totalled 190 MW.
The transport of electricity is done in Extra high (550kV), High (=220kV), Medium (up to 33kV) and Low voltage lines. According to its capability, networks are operated by national carriers (Extra High Voltage) and regional carriers (High and Medium voltage). Transport in high and extra high tension is performed through TRANSENER, which operates the grid of national interconnection (500 kV) and is linked to 6 regional operators. In recent years, significant extensions to the network that forms the Argentine Interconnected System (SADI) at 500 kV were made, electrically linking the various country regions.
Figure 1.4 presents lines of length in km and voltage run by each of the electricity transport systems, and the capacity (Figure 1.5) of transformers per region, in km, by 2014.
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM | 500 kV | 330 kV | 220 kV | 132kV | 66 kV | 33 kV | Total |
TRANSENER (*) | 13824 | 562 | 6 | 14392 | |||
Main Distribution | 1116 | 1113 | 16410 | 398 | 24 | 19061 | |
DISTROCUYO(*) | 641 | 625 | 1266 | ||||
DISTROCOMAHUE | 1369 | 1369 | |||||
TRANSBA | 177 | 5583 | 398 | 6158 | |||
TRANSNEA(*) | 30 | 1861 | 24 | 1915 | |||
TRANSNOA (*) | 4908 | 4908 | |||||
TRANSPA(*) | 1116 | 265 | 2064 | 3445 |
Figure 1.4: Energy Transport Companies, Line Type and Length of the Electricity Transport Lines.
* Includes its independent carriers.
High Tension | 16,950 |
Trunk Distribution | 13,756 |
- Cuyo Region | 1,365 |
- Comahue Region | 595 |
- Buenos Aires Region | 5,549 |
- NEA Region | 1,222 |
- NOA Region | 3,023 |
- PATAGONIA Region | 2,002 |
TOTAL | 42,460 |
Figure 1.5: Capacity of Transformers per Region in 2014 [km].
Regarding interconnections with neighbouring countries, there are two 500kV transmission lines between Argentina and Brazil, two 500kV lines with Uruguay, one of 220 kV with Paraguay and also a 330kV line with Chile.
From the implementation of the Federal Plan, the transport system has been strengthening through a mesh network configuration in almost all the same. The Patagonia region is the only one which still remains radially fed.
The SADI also has a flexible protection system that responds to failures in transport and/or the forced output of the generators.
SOURCE: CAMMESA Annual report, 2014
As of 2013, 59% of the distribution corresponds to provincial public services, some privatized and others belonging to provincial government and cooperatives. The remaining 41% is distributed between private companies such as EDENOR (northern part of Gran Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires), EDESUR (southern part of Gran Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires), and EDELAP (city of La Plata and its outskirts).
When analyzing the total delivered to end users (which is similar to the final consumption of electricity users), 65.5% are direct users of distribution, 11.6% correspond to direct users of cooperatives and other providers (e.g. city councils) and 23.0% to users of the WEM, which means free users with contract.
Users are divided within the electric market in accordance with their consumption level: large users (GUMA), small users (GUME), particular users (GUPA) and residential users.
1.3.3. Main Indicators
As mentioned in 1.3.2, Argentina has an energy generation system with three main sources of energy; fossil, hydro, and nuclear power. Wind and solar energy are still relatively small.Table 5 and Table 6 present the main characteristics of the electric sector.
Table 5. Electricity Production, Consumption and Capacity
Average rate of annual growth (%) | |||||||
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2013* | 2010 to 2013 | |
Capacity of electric power station (GWe) | |||||||
- Thermal | 6.08 | 8.01 | 9.48 | 15.75 | 21.78 | 23.90 | 3.14 |
- Hydro | 0.61 | 3.63 | 6.61 | 9.60 | 10.05 | 10.05 | 0.01 |
- Nuclear | 0.00 | 0.37 | 1.01 | 1.01 | 1.01 | 1.01 | 0.17 |
- Wind | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.19 | 85.66 |
- Geothermal | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
- Other renewable | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | ** |
- Total | 6.69 | 12.00 | 17.11 | 26.35 | 32.88 | 35.16 | 2.26 |
Electricity production (TW.h) | |||||||
- Thermal | 20.17 | 22.22 | 25.58 | 53.93 | 84.90 | 99.64 | 5.48 |
- Hydro | 1.55 | 15.14 | 18.14 | 28.84 | 33.90 | 33.42 | -0.47 |
- Nuclear | 0.00 | 2.34 | 7.28 | 6.18 | 7.17 | 6.21 | -4.69 |
- Wind | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.46 | 149.05 |
- Geothermal | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
- Other renewable | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.02 | ** |
- Total (1) | 21.73 | 39.71 | 51.00 | 88.98 | 125.99 | 139.75 | 3.51 |
Total Electricity Consumption (TWh) | 18.72 | 33.49 | 40.53 | 75.28 | 111.87 | 124.13 | 3.53 |
(1) Losses in the electrical transmission are not deduced.
* Latest available data.
** Although both the capacity and the production of electricity from Other Renewable energy has been increasing since 2000, they have been negligible in comparison to the other technologies until 2013, so a growth rate for the period between those years cannot be calculated.
Note: The generation from Embalse NPP decreased because it is limited to 80% (520 MW) of output power, due to preparatory work in lifetime extension.
Table 6. Energy Related Ratios
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2013* | |
Energy Consumption per capita (GJ/cápita) (1) | 54.20 | 61.79 | 57.29 | 68.10 | 80.95 | 84.84 |
Electricity Consumption per capita ( (kWh/cápita) (2) | 745.73 | 1170.73 | 1238.24 | 2026.10 | 2810.55 | 2834.43 |
Electric/Energetic Production (%) (3) | 6.29 | 8.16 | 8.59 | 9.34 | 13.94 | 15.75 |
Nuclear/Total Electricity (%) | 0.00 | 5.89 | 14.76 | 6.94 | 5.71 | 4.45 |
External Dependence Rate (%) (4) | 8.22 | 8.50 | -4.82 | -36.28 | 1.84 | 15.53 |
* Latest data available.
(1) The energy consumption per capita considers the domestic supply of primary energy per capita plus the net imports of secondary energy per capita. For the population, the 2013 value was taken from the demographic data projected from the 2010 Census.
(2) As electricity consumption, the final consumption excluding own consumption of the processing sector is considered. For the population, the demographic data projected were taken from the 2010 Census.
(3) The production of electrical energy over the production of primary energy.
(4) Net imports/total energy consumption. Net imports are calculated as imports minus exports both for primary and secondary energy. Total energy consumption is calculated as the primary domestic supply plus secondary net energy imports.
SOURCES: Reports from Electricity Sector and National Energy Balance - ENERGY SECRETARIAT ARGENTINE REPUBLIC.
2.1. Historical Development and Current Organizational Structure
2.1.1. Overview
In 1950, the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA, by its Spanish acronym) was created, with the firm intention of possessing and producing nuclear technology.
CNEA began the production of uranium, at a pilot scale, in 1952, and at an industrial scale, from 1964 up to 1997, when, due to the low prices and oversupply of the international uranium market, the production activity came to a halt in the San Rafael Industrial Mining Complex, in the Mendoza province, operated by CNEA.
In the field of nuclear fuels, those required in the country for all argentine experimental reactors were made. In this sense, one of the last achievements occurred has been the award of the contract to manufacture the fuel of the research reactor RP10 of Peru, by the IAEA to a joint proposal from the INVAP state company and CNEA. Similarly, in the area of fuel elements for nuclear power plants, its development for Atucha I (Presidente Juan Domingo Perón), Atucha II (Presidente Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner) and Embalse nuclear power plants can be mentioned, as its technology transfer to CONUAR S.A.
In line with the aforementioned, CNEA resumed uranium enrichment activities in Pilcaniyeu Technological Complex (CTP), strengthening gaseous diffusion technology, originally used during the 1980s. This is expected to be used to produce enriched uranium for the Atucha I and Atucha II NPPs. Additionally, research activities were undertaken along with activities to develop uranium enrichment advanced technologies, such as the use of centrifuge and laser.
CNEA has made steady progress in terms of technological autonomy related to nuclear reactors. In 1964, it began studies necessary for the construction of Atucha I. This was launched in 1968 and, once finished; its commercial operation began in 1974, with a national share of 36.7% of its total cost, including the 13% of electromechanical components. The construction of the Embalse Nuclear Power Plant began in 1974, reaching criticality in 1983 and connecting to the network in 1984.
In late 1979, the construction of a third nuclear power plant of 700 MWe with natural uranium and heavy water was under consideration with the same design and location of CNA- I. The construction of CNA-II was initiated in 1981 with scheduled operational date of July 1987. Between 1994 and 2006 when 81% of the construction was complete, the project was delayed, until the relaunch of the Argentine Nuclear Plan done by the President Néstor Carlos Kirchner. The reactor went critical for the first time on June 3, 2014 and began the nuclear start-up stage since July, supplying power to the national grid until reaching a value close to 75% of rated power, in December 2014.
Moreover, in the early 1980s, CNEA had already developed the first conceptual design of a very low capacity nuclear power plant, based on a light-water reactor with passive and redundant safety systems, known as CAREM (Argentine Power Plant of Modular Elements).
From 2007 the activities resumed, with a strong governmental impulse, thereby allowing the establishment of CAREM project’s reactivation policy, for which CNEA created the structure to carry it out.
In December 2013, the award of the contract for the provision of the CAREM-25’ pressure vessel to the Pescarmona Metal Industries company (IMPSA) was signed, and then in February 8, 2014, the civil works started. Subsequently, it is planned a change of scale while retaining the original design plans, and also to build a CAREM nuclear power plant of approximately 120 – 150 MWe in the province of Formosa.
On July 18, 2014, Argentina and the China signed a cooperation agreement, and another of implementation for the construction of the fourth nuclear power plant (Atucha III). This will consist of a CANDU reactor, with a capacity of approximately 700 MW, and will be built in Atucha Nuclear Complex in Lima, Buenos Aires, which comprises all the licensed land for possible construction of nuclear power plants.
Regarding current spent fuels, their management consist of interim storage, under safe conditions which are permanently controlled in nuclear power plants.
From the beginning, CNEA showed special attention in the research and application of radioisotopes, as well as in the use of radiation for health, starting with research in the field of biology and medicine in 1952, and radiobiology in 1957. One year later the Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine at the Hospital of the Buenos Aires University (UBA) was created, which in 1962 became the Nuclear Medicine Centre (CMN). In 1969, the Oncology Centre in Nuclear Medicine was created at the Angel H. Roffo Institute of Technology, under the same agreement between the UBA and CNEA. In 1991, by agreement between CNEA, the University of Cuyo and the Government of the Mendoza Province, the Foundation School of Nuclear Medicine (FUESMEN), located in the city of Mendoza, was created.
Since its creation, in CNEA, the research and development equipment was built to be devoted to nuclear technology applications, to increase the competitiveness in different industrial, agricultural and livestock areas of Argentina.
CNEA has displayed a wide and successful research and development task (R&D) in physical sciences, chemistry, radiobiology, metallurgy, science and technology of materials and engineering. These activities are pioneering and have been oriented to acquire, produce and store knowledge so as to back the autonomous productive national development.
Also, CNEA has showed a strong commitment with the training of professionals and technicians at the highest academic level. Undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of science and engineering of the Balseiro (IB), Sábato (IS) and Beninson (IB) Academic Institutes, were created jointly with National Universities.
Over the last 64 years, CNEA has developed bases on multiple nuclear and technological activities, taking into account the current Argentine needs and guidelines from the State set by the present government, in order to define institutional strategic objectives.
The importance of Safety and Environmental topics is worth mentioning, and is directly included in institutional objectives which are prioritized as essential for the development of the Strategic Plan 2010-2019 and its update and revision (2015-2025).
2.1.2. Current Organizational Chart(s)
Since August 30, 1994 through a governmental decree (N° 1540/94), the nuclear sector has been reorganised, and thus nuclear activity has been divided into three entities: Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN), Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NA-SA), and the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). They are responsible for the regulation, operation of facilities, and for research and development of the sector, respectively. Before the division, every activity was developed by CNEA.
Figure 2.1 shows the hierarchy of the organizations.
Figure 2.1: Organizational Chart of the National Nuclear Activity.
As a result, ARN assumed the responsibilities of regulating nuclear activities, since its purpose is to establish standards of nuclear and radiation safety and to formulate regulations regarding the physical protection and control of the use of nuclear materials. Similarly it is responsible for the licensing, the regulation of nuclear facilities, and the compliance of international safeguards agreements.
The main task of NA-SA is to operate nuclear power plants, and to finish the construction of CNA II. The decree N° 1540/94 also binds NA-SA to pay an annual tax to CNEA and ARN for licence fees.
The aforementioned decree was then formally substituted by Law N° 24084 known as the "National Law of Nuclear Activity" sanctioned by the Argentine National Congress in 1997 that came into force in 1998 (through the decree 1390/98). This federal law ratified CNEA original partition in the three entities and would legally allow the gradual/eventual NA-SA privatization through an international bid. This federal law ratified the partition of CNEA in all three actors, and eventually allowed the privatization of NA-SA through an international tender.
Due to this, CNEA advises the Executive Power on the definition of nuclear policy. As a R&D Institution, it performs activities connected to the nuclear area and also trains human resources to work in it; it regulates decommissioning of the relevant nuclear facilities; carries out programmes related to NPPs, nuclear fuel cycle, radioisotopes applications and radiations; performs the management of radioactive wastes and owns special fissionable radioactive materials.
Figure 2.2 presents the diagram of fund sources of the three nuclear entities.
Figure 2.2: Cash Flow of Nuclear Activity.
Other nuclear entities are the associated companies with CNEA, created as commercial entities and devoted to production activities at an industrial scale. They are:
INVAP SE.: Created in 1976 in Bariloche, by an agreement between CNEA and the Provincial government of Río Negro. This company is devoted to develop advanced technology in different areas.
CONUAR SA.: Combustibles Nucleares Argentinos S.A. (Argentine Nuclear Fuels Company) was created in 1981. The industrial facility is located in CAE where uranium pellets are manufactured and the assembly of structural components to fabricate fuel elements for NPPs.
FAE SA: Fábrica de Aleaciones Especiales SA (Special Alloys Industrial Company). It was created in 1986 and during its beginnings was devoted to producing Zircaloy tubes for the nuclear industry. It is located in Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, in CAE’s property.
ENSI SE: Empresa Neuquina de Servicios de Ingeniería SE. It was created in 1989 through Law N° 1827 sanctioned by the Provincial Legislature. It operates the Heavy Water Industrial facility (PIAP) and commercialises heavy water at a reactor scale.
DIOXITEK SA: It was created by the Executive Power in 1997 so as to guarantee uranium dioxide supply used in the manufacturing of fuel elements for CNA I and CNE facilities. It is a state-owned company. The industrial facility is located in the city of Córdoba and it began operating in 1982. Dioxitek SA is responsible for it since May 1997.
Figure 2.2 shows the technical relations and supply connections among CNEA, NA-SA, supplier companies and ARN.
Figure 2.3: Technical and Supply Links of the Nuclear Sector
2.2. Nuclear Power Plants: Overview
2.2.1. Status and Performance of Nuclear Power Plants
Currently, the three nuclear power plants in operation (CNA I and II, and CNE) reach a total installed capacity of 1755 MWe. This value includes the 5 MW added to CNA I in April 2013; and the 745 MW belonging to CNA II.
Moreover, although nuclear generation recorded a normal dispatch, since March 2011 CNE began operating limited to 80% (520 MW) of its maximum power because of the preparatory work for its life extension.
It should be noted that during the period 1984-1990, the nuclear share represented about 15% of the total electricity generated, gradually decreasing in subsequent years due to the expansion of generation facilities based on other technologies and the discontinuity of the Nuclear Plan. From the reactivation of the mentioned Plan in 2006, which considers the entry into service at full power of CNA II; the repowering and life extension of CNE; the construction of the CAREM nuclear power plant and the Fourth one, added to other future incomes, it is expected to improve the percentage of nuclear participation, currently around 5%.
The main characteristics of the plants in operation are described below:
CNA I: It is sited in Lima, Zárate, province of Buenos Aires, 100 km from the City of Buenos Aires. It is a pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR), cooled and moderated with heavy water, with a rated electrical capacity of 363 MW. It uses fuel elements based on slightly enriched uranium (0.85% U235 isotope) and has a machine which allows the replacement of the fuel elements without interrupting the service of the plant.
CNE: Chronologically, it is the second Argentine NPP, with an electric nominal power of 648 MW. CNE is located on the south coast of Embalse de Río Tercero, province of Córdoba. It is a CANDU reactor, with PHWR technology. It uses natural uranium as fuel and, as CNA I, the load and unload of the fuel is performed during the power plant operation. Besides generating electricity, this plant also produces cobalt-60 (Co60), used in medical, industrial and research applications, turning the country into the third world producer of this radioisotope.
CNA II: It is located near CNA I, with a rated electrical capacity of 745 MW. It is a PHWR reactor, whose fuel, currently, is natural uranium, according to the original design. Nevertheless, there exists a future possibility to migrate to LEU as in the case of CNA I.
The main characteristics of the NPP under construction are described as follows:
CAREM 25: It is located next to CNA I and II. It is an Argentine reactor of innovative design that is within the segment of small and medium reactors, with a capacity of 27 MW. It is based on an integrated water light PWR reactor type using enriched uranium as fuel, with liabilities and redundant safety systems, among other features.
In Table 7, the characteristics of the NPPs in operation and under construction are presented.
Table 7. Status and Performance of Nuclear Power Plants
Reactor Unit | Type | Net Capacity [MW(e)] |
Status | Operator | Reactor Supplier |
Construction Date |
First Criticality Date |
First Grid Date |
Commercial Date |
Shutdown Date |
UCF for 2015 |
ATUCHA-1 | PHWR | 340 | Operational | NASA | SIEMENS | 1968-06-01 | 1974-01-13 | 1974-03-19 | 1974-06-24 | 66.0 | |
ATUCHA-2 | PHWR | 692 | Operational | NASA | SIEMENS | 1981-07-14 | 2014-06-03 | 2014-06-27 | 0.0 | ||
EMBALSE | PHWR | 600 | Operational | NASA | AECL | 1974-04-01 | 1983-03-13 | 1983-04-25 | 1984-01-20 | 99.8 | |
CAREM25 | PWR | 25 | Under Construction | CNEA | CNEA | 2014-02-08 |
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System (PRIS). | |||||||||||
Note: Table 7 is completely generated from PRIS data to reflect the latest available information and may be more up to date than the text of the report. |
The decline of the UCF of Embalse NPP is because the full capacity is limited to 80% (520 MW) and also because during 2014 it did not operate continuously, due to life extension tasks.
2.2.2. Plant Upgrading, Plant Life Management and License Renewals
CNA I: Throughout its lifetime, different improvements in the facility design were implemented, such as: replacement of all fuel elements in fuel channels, construction of a second ultimate heat sink, construction of a second temporary SFP, and the modification of the third circuit, to accommodate for construction of CNA II. Also, in 1996, the change of the original fuel design from natural uranium to using slightly enriched uranium resulted in a 40% reduction in the fuel consumption and around 30% cost reduction. This extended the time limit the SFP would reach its maximum capacity. Subsequently, the plant was repowered with 5 MWe during 2013, due to the redesign of the blades of the generator’s high pressure stage. Currently, the reservoir for dry storage of spent fuel elements – necessary when finishing the cooling stage in pools – is under construction. Moreover, due to the experience gained from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, safety has been improved through the installation of hydrogen recombiners. Finally, another of the expected improvements in nuclear safety to be incorporated into the facility during 2015 is the construction of a new emergency power system.
CNE: Nucleoeléctrica Argentina is currently developing its Life Extension Project. The objective of the project is to add between 25 and 30 years of operation and increase the electric power of the NPP by approximately 35 MWe. In this context, CNE has developed a set of actions linked with the facility life time management and has completed the analysis of life and ageing assessment for different NPP systems. The major working areas to be developed in the project are: revision of pressure and calandria tubes, feeder, change of steam generators, and repowering.
CNA II: From a design and construction perspective, CNA II has updated safety systems and concepts.
2.3. Future Development of Nuclear Power Sector
2.3.1. Nuclear Power Development Strategy
The strategic nuclear Argentine plan includes the reactivation of the sector, from an energetic point of view, through increased nuclear share in the energy mix and by revitalising the applications in the medical and industrial areas.
This reactivation is based on the knowledge and domain of disciplines of a high technical and technological level that place the country in a competitive worldwide context. Even though there was paralysis in some nuclear activities during the 1990s, nowadays Argentina has a sector which transcends its own barriers and has managed to be valued by the industrial and service sectors. Thus, it is forecasted that it is likely for Argentina to recover idle capabilities. Moreover, it is expected that it will prepare and train the necessary human resources that will bear the responsibility of continuing and improving the country’s nuclear development in order to supply present and future energy needs.
In 1999, Law N° 25160 was sanctioned, thus enabling CNEA to create the CAREM Project.
More details about the nuclear plan were announced on August 23, 2006, in the speech delivered by the Minister of Planning, Public Investment, and Services, Julio De Vido. Main points of the speech are given:
“(...) This reactivation is based on two technical, pragmatic main points, which have a mere strategic content:
- In the first place, a massive production of nuclear energy, (...)
- Secondly, nuclear technological applications to public health and industry (…).
“(...) As part of the plan, building activities of Atucha II NPP will be concluded and this NPP will be commissioned.”
As previously mentioned in 1.2.3., National Law N° 26566 was sanctioned on November 25, 2009 and enacted on December 17, 2009. This law regulates nuclear activities and enables:
Extension of the operating licence and the necessary tasks for CNE´s life extension.
Beginning of previous studies for the definition of the life extension of CNA I.
Conclusion of construction, commissioning, and operation of CNA II.
Beginning of preliminary feasibility studies to construct a fourth NPP.
Design, execution, and commissioning of a CAREM prototype reactor.
As regards to prospecting and exploitation activities, the plan entails the reopening of certain mining areas already developed in the past, as well as the incorporation of new reserves through prospecting.
Continuing with the activities required by the fuel cycle, the uranium enrichment by gaseous diffusion is being carried out in the Technology Complex Pilcaniyeu in a pilot plant project. In addition, R&D tasks are being carried out to develop ultracentrifugation and laser technologies, as well as the management of radioactive waste. Also, at laboratory scale and pilot plant, reprocessing activities are performed.
Considering the prominence of LWRs worldwide, Argentina has undertaken feasibility studies to incorporate Gen III LWRs into its fleet, concluding that “the country should incorporate a Gen III LWR” in the short term, given the implications of domestic and foreign policy, and from the technological, economic and human resources points of view. Its adoption will enhance and optimize Argentina’s fuel cycle capabilities, by using both technologies. Competition among suppliers is being promoted in order to achieve favourable technology transfer, economic, and financial terms, as well as component and critical supplies guarantees.
The incorporation of an enriched uranium reactor does not imply that natural uranium reactors have to be abandoned; however, they must complement each other.
CNEA has adopted a responsible attitude towards the environment and the prevention of environmental pollution, thus creating a Programme on Environmental Restitution of Uranium Mining (PRAMU) which sets the following objectives: ensuring environmental protection and the health and other rights of present and future generations by making a rational use of resources. PRAMU, in that framework, intends to improve the present conditions of uranium mining tailings deposits by considering that even though at present they are under control, in the long term, different remediation actions have to be performed so as to ensure the protection of the environment and the public.
In accordance with National Law N° 25018 “Management of Radioactive Wastes”, CNEA is responsible for supervising and treating wastes coming from low, medium and high activity level.
According to the same federal law, CNEA is responsible for decommissioning and decontaminating any Argentine NPP at the end of its operating life.
Further, the “Fund for Radioactive Waste Management” is expected to be created. This fund would be destined for financing the National Programme of Waste Management with CNEA in charge, and would be established by contributions from radioactive waste generators.
Whereas this article of the law is not regulated yet, currently this fund has not been created and the percentage of turnover that should provide the operator of nuclear power plants for its establishment has not been determined. Until this happens, the State will continue to make financial contributions to the National Programme for Radioactive Waste, through the budget of CNEA.
In relation to the design of national reactors, since 2013 the CAREM 25 nuclear power plant is under construction. It is expected that at least 70% of their inputs, components and related services to be provided by Argentine companies qualified under the international quality standards, monitored by CNEA.
Finally, following the general guidelines of the Strategic Energy Plan developed by the Secretariat of Energy, the PHWR technology was defined for the fourth power plant, leaving the PWR development option for CAREM reactors and future reactors to incorporate.
In relation to the fourth nuclear power plant, on September 3, 2014, a Trade Framework Agreement for the provision of equipment and services for the project was signed between NA-SA and the China Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). The parties agreed that NA-SA will conduct the pre-project design, construction, commissioning and operation of the new plant. For its part, the CNNC will provide support, services, equipment and instrumentation, plus the materials required by the Argentine industry to locally manufacture components for the project. As for the engineering design, CNNC has the support and design of the reference plant – China Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, CANDU 6, owned by Candu Energy, as also the updates of the design required by NA-SA.
In Table 8 the planned nuclear power plants are summarized, indicating their characteristics and relevant schedules:
Table 8. Planned Nuclear Power Plants.
Station/Project Name | Type | Capacity (MW) | Expected Construction Start Year | Expected Commercial Year |
CAREM-25 | PWR | 27 | 2014 | 2018 |
CAREM-150 | PWR | - | - | 2020 |
IV Power Plant | PHWR | 700 | 2016 | 2022 |
V Power Plant | PWR | 1000 | 2019 | 2024 |
2.3.2. Project Management
Currently, the management of nuclear power projects is made by the NA-SA company, while technical support is provided by CNEA, according to the stipulations of Law N° 26566. As an exception to this, the Law provides in Article 16 that the design, implementation and commissioning of the CAREM reactor prototype is entrusted exclusively to CNEA.
Main actors of the nuclear sector are mentioned in section 2.1.2. The private capital companies that presently provide services to the nuclear sector are the following: Electro-Ingeniería S.A., Techint, TECNA, IEACSA S.A., and IMPSA.
2.3.3. Project Funding
Traditionally, Argentine NPPs were partially financed through their own suppliers, as was the case with German KWU for CNA I´s and Canadian AECL CNE. Additionally, these tasks received specific funds from the national state, including the “Great Electric Works,” as well as national treasury contributions. Argentina has only depended on its own suppliers as a private source of financing for its nuclear activities. Another source of financing activities in the nuclear area is remediation tasks of mining tailings. In a first step, the restoration project was financed by a World Bank loan, applicable to Malargüe sites, whose works are already started. Regardless of the loan, a CNEA’s budget in the implementation of the various project tasks is being advanced.
In the case of CNA II, the project was divided into two phases:
The construction, from 1982 until its discontinuation in 1994, was funded by KWU of Germany, with specific funds of the State, together with contributions from the Argentine National Treasury.
Since its resumption in 2006, the work was financed with state funds and specific contributions from the National Treasury, via a trust called "Atucha II Completion Plan". At the same time, the funding in the capital market through placement of debt securities, through the setting up financial trusts, was also obtained.
As regards the activities to develop the future of the nuclear area, the following sources are expected:
Life extension and revamping of CNE: this project will be financed by the Andean Association of Promotion/Development, being the first case of an Argentine NPP financed by a multilateral entity. In 2010 such corporation approved a funding of $240 million for the power plant’s life extension. However, this funding represents only part of the total; while the most significant, is covered with contributions from the national treasury.
CAREM NPP: a 350.000 million dollars trust administration agreement was signed between the CNEA and Banco de la Nación Argentina.
Fourth NPP: In the year 2014 a Framework Trade Agreement for the provision of equipment and services for the project, totaling 2000 million dollars to finance products and services from China and other countries, in addition to 32000 million pesos in domestic suppliers, was signed, between NA-SA and the China Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). Additionally, other funding options are covered by National Law N° 26566, which regulates the nuclear activity. These are: the possibility of generating trusts for these projects, authorizing NA-SA to conclude the contracts needed with national public financial institutions, whose selection was made according to the guidelines set timely by the Secretariat of Energy, which depends on the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services.
Additionally, National Law N° 26566, ruling nuclear activity, includes other financing options as follows: creation of a trust fund to construct a fourth NPP with one or two modules and creation of a trust fund to extend the life time of CNE: NA-SA is thus entitled to enter into the necessary agreements with the national public financial entities, whose selection will be done with the rules duly set forth by the Energy Secretariat.
Those trusts created will be made up of:
Contributions of the National Treasure with those annual sums of money provided by the Law of General Budget of the National Administration.
Resources coming from credit operations in the internal or external market. Those financial means which are most convenient can be requested subject to the provisions of the following Laws: Law N° 19328 (General Dispositions concerning Determination of the Policy or Level of Indebtedness), Law N° 24156 (Financial Administration and Control Systems) and Law N° 24354 (National Public Investment), as well as modified and complementary laws as long as they are not modified by the present law.
Resources owned by NA-SA, as well as those coming from special laws and those specifically assigned to this law with the aim to reconcile differences existing between future investments and resources coming from points a) and b).
Incomes made up of legacies or donations.
Funds provided by international entities or non-governmental organisations.
Moreover, currently it is provided the use of:
Other public sources not included in the above paragraphs are the following: public trust funds specifically created for each case, regulation on financing with electricity fees/charges in the construction period, creation of other posts in electric power sales, creation of development Banks, and regional focus projects covering more than one country.
Other private sources: working in obtaining financing through international credit organisations such as the Inter American Bank of Development.
2.3.4. Electric Grid Development
Prior to the construction of a nuclear power plant (or other electrical power plant of such magnitude), it is necessary to conduct a study of the network to determine its technical adequacy and verify that its transmission and processing capacity remains appropriate. Otherwise the improvements and developments needed should be analyzed.
For example, for the implementation of the CNA II NPP, the following construction works were performed: a beach of maneuvers of 500 kV that divided the original line which linked the Ramallo-Rodriguez nodes in two shorter lines (Ramallo-Atucha II and Atucha II-Rodriguez). This beach was connected to the lines from the major power plant transformers, also allowing future extensions to assimilate new lines and transformers.
During 2014 the completion of these works was conducted.
2.3.5. Siting
Historically, CNEA has developed siting studies on relevant nuclear facilities 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 under the criteria recommended by the IAEA and considering local restrictions.
For this purpose, it divided its studies in two groups of macro and micro localization. In the first, large regions are investigated to identify potential areas available, and to choose one or more candidate areas, through the use of Georeferenced Information Systems. In the second case, by different considerations, which include those related to security, the environment and the social perception, the areas are reduced until achieving a number of favorable sites, using multicriteria methodologies.
[1] Study of pre investment. NPP for Gran Buenos Aires Area. Littoral/Coastline. CNEA 1965.
[2] Study of pre investment: NPP for Province of Córdoba. CNEA 1968.
[3] Study of NPP siting in the southern subsystem site of the Province of Buenos Aires. Bahía Blanca. CNEA 1976.
[4] Study of NPP siting for Cuyo Region. CNEA 1976.
[5] NPP. Argentine siting Los Timbúes y Hernandarias NPPs. CNEA 1986.
[6] INPRO. Methodology for the Assessment of Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles. Stage I planning. Final Argentine report. Prospective and energetic planning. CNEA 2006.
[7] Study of 150 MW NPP CAREM siting in Formosa province. Stage I, II, III planning. Final Argentine report. Strategic Planning. CNEA 2012.
[8] Study of research reactor RA-10 siting. Stage I,II planning. Final Argentine report. Strategic Planning. CNEA 2012.
With regard to the fourth nuclear power plant, its construction is expected within the area in which CNA I, II, and the site of the CAREM 25 NPP are located (Atucha Nuclear Complex). The reason is that this site is licensed and has a flow of water for cooling which is sufficient to meet all the power plants stationed there. Nevertheless, it is planned to build a “Service Centre for Nuclear Power Plants".
2.3.6. Public Acceptance
Over the last years, nuclear departments in charge of providing information to the public have conducted a number of surveys to quantify and/or determine the level of public acceptance by taking into account ongoing activities undertaken in the nuclear sector.
An example of this is a study required by CNEA in 2012. Out of its analysis, the following results have been achieved: an ample majority of the population, 72%, associated nuclear energy with scientific and technological development, and 64% believed it was profitable to the country economy. Consequently, 63% of the population believed it contributed to the generation of energy independence and sovereignty; as well as this, 60% of the population also believed that the country positively stood out worldwide as an efficient and responsible user of its resources.
Moreover, 37.5% of the population perceived nuclear energy as an opportunity for employment and progress, and 17.2% considered it as a matter of national pride and as a symbol of scientific and technological development. When analyzing the country per region and area, it could be seen that the closer the towns were located to nuclear facilities and nuclear power plants, the higher acceptance percentages were.
Particularly, a significant proportion of the population (49%) believed that both each interviewed person and their families would benefit from the development of activities related to nuclear energy. When explaining their reasons, this sector of the population focused on the benefits expected for the development, economy and energy sovereignty.
2.4. Organizations Involved in Construction of NPPs
From the beginning of nuclear activity in Argentina, in negotiations and the signature of agreements, beyond the provision of NPPs, it was expected that a comprehensive and complete programme of knowledge transfer from technology suppliers to the national nuclear sector would occur. CNEA is responsible for the construction of CAREM prototype reactor which has not begun yet and promotes the creation of national companies specialised in the nuclear area, essential for the Argentine nuclear programme, as mentioned in section 2.1.2, encouraging and monitoring their continuity.
In the maintenance, construction, and installation of NPPs CNE, CNA I and beginning of CNA II the following companies participated: Degremont S.A., Essener Hochdruck Rohrleistungsbau (HER), Mannesmann Analgenbau AG, Mellor Goodwin S.A., SADE S.A.C.I.F., Construction Engineering SA and SIEMENS AG.
Then, the responsibility for concluding CNA II was assigned to NA-SA, with the following companies involved in the construction and commissioning project: CNEA, NA-SA, AECL, ANDRITZ,AREVA, ASEA Brown Boveri, BHR-Electroingeniería SA, Blanco Montajes SA, CONUAR SA, DIOXITEK SA, DYCASA SA, E & E Power Plant Services, ENSI SE, FAE SA, Henisa Sudamericana SA, IECSA SA, IMPSA SA, Indigo SRL, Ingeniería Integral, INVAP SE, KSB, S.A de Construcción Y Montaje Don Fierro, SCK, SOLENER SA, TECHINT, TECNA, Universidad de Pisa, Universidad Nacional de San Juan and Warner Saint Gobain.
With regard to the construction of the CAREM-25 nuclear power plant, such as mentioned in Law N° 26566, CNEA has been chosen as responsible for carrying out the project.
2.5. Organizations Involved in Operation of NPPs
Since 1994, operation of NPPs is NA-SA’s responsibility. These NPPs belong to the national state. Likewise, CNEA is the technical support of the NPPs. Main actors of the nuclear sector have been mentioned in section 2.1.2.
2.6. Organizations Involved in Decommissioning of NPP
The decommissioning of NPPs, research reactors, and every radioactive facility is included in Law N° 24804 governing nuclear activity. This law states that CNEA is responsible for documenting and decommissioning activities when nuclear facilities reach the end of their lifetime. For its part, the ARN is responsible for granting the licenses for the dismantling and closure of the operations, as defined in the standard AR 3.17.1: "Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors".
With regards to research reactors, CNEA is responsible for their operation and providing information to execute the decommissioning plan, taking into account historic data of operation and generated waste flow.
As regards to NPPs, the company NA-SA must provide the information and the necessary funds for the decommissioning.
2.7. Fuel Cycle Including Waste Management
Every activity of the nuclear fuel cycle is oriented towards satisfying the main objective of guaranteeing uranium reserves and supply in the long term for the current and future operation of the commercial and research NPPs.
The stages of the nuclear fuel cycle currently performed in Argentina are: uranium prospecting, conversion and purification, mining waste management, fuel element fabrication/manufacturing, and interim storage of spent fuel. In addition, there is an uranium enrichment pilot plant which uses gaseous diffusion technology, and there are R&D tasks conducted to develop the ultracentrifugation and laser technologies, as radioactive waste management. Also, at laboratory scale and pilot plant, reprocessing activities are being performed.
For strategies of radioactive waste management, every activity is oriented towards guaranteeing the protection of the environment, public health and the rights of future generations in accordance with the regulations set forth by ARN, regulations at all government levels, as well as relevant international agreements.
The characteristics of the developed fuel stages cycle in are as follows:
Mining, Prospecting and Production: The Argentine Mining Code, sanctioned under the Law N° 1919 and its amendments, entitles CNEA to perform prospecting, exploration, and exploitation of nuclear minerals. Under this framework, with the aim of developing new prospects of nuclear interest, CNEA developed expedited prospecting and exploration tasks in 38 "Tasting Areas" located in the provinces of Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja, La Pampa, Mendoza, Río Negro, Chubut and Santa Cruz.
Detailed exploration tasks are taking place in 17 mineralized areas called "Manifestation of Discovery", among which are: Cuesta Vieja in Salta province; Donato I and II, Barbara I to V, Coco I and Alipán I, in the province of La Rioja, as also Sierra Cuadrada Sur, Sierra Cuadrada, El Cruce, Mirasol Chico, La Salteada, La Meseta, El Picahueso and Cerro Chivo, in Chubut province.
Ten (10) are the reservoirs of uranium ore classified as "deposits". The one which has a higher level of knowledge in the exploration-assessment phase is the Cerro Solo deposit, located in Chubut. In the 1990s the exploration-assessment tasks were focused on "B and C" mineralized areas as the most promising ones (the site consists of seven sectors), regarding mineral content. These works were continued from the Revival of Nuclear Activity, and an impulse of the uranium mining was announced in 2006 and continues to the present. Since 2012 the Commodities Exploration Management works on the information transfer of surface geology, mineralized levels (specifying thickness, depth and Uranium law) and topographic stratigraphy to the data Commodity Production Management, who is doomed to developing a proposal for an Uranium Concentrate Production Project, with the mineral extracting from sectors B and C in order to gradually replace imports of uranium concentrate that have been done since 1997 to meet the internal requirement of this supply.
It should be noted that in the Cerro Solo Uranium District located in the center-north of the province of Chubut, where the homonymous deposit is located, another four sites have been recognized, namely: El Molino, Arroyo Perdido, El Ganso and Puesto Alvear. Always within the territory of Chubut, about 150 km north of Cerro Solo, the Laguna Colorada site is located.
In the Don Otto site, located in the valley of Tonco, Salta province, different tasks to estimate the continuity and relevance of carrier levels of uranium in the north of the Tonco valley were developed.
Another promising field is the one called Mina Franca, located in the Fiambalá Department, Province of Catamarca, where a structural-radiometric survey was performed, rock sampling and construction of 9 pits or exploratory trenches, to know the geology of the area and the patterns which control the distribution and orientation of the mineralized lens and then define the location of the holes to perform in a near future.
In Urcal-Urcuschun deposits, granted to CNEA in 2013 and located in the Province of La Rioja, tasks of geological and geophysical prospecting were developed, with the assistance of an expert from the IAEA; allowing to establish a drilling programme to be executed in 2015, for which the mining roads and tracks were repaired and expanded.
No change was registered in the values of recoverable uranium resources, i.e. the ones calculated are valid. The Reasonably Assured Resources and those inferred from U metal at a cost < U$S 130Kg/U totaling 18.531 t/U while speculative resources total 19,581 t/U.
With regard to environmental care, the seasonal sample programmes (water and sediment module) in deposits and manifestations of discovery deployed in the provinces of Chubut, La Rioja and Catamarca were continued, which were presented to the enforcement authorities of the corresponding Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) and the technical documents in the areas of prospecting activity were reviewed. The environmental database using the geographical information systems under an ArcGis work environment was also reorganized.
Finally, the Environmental Baseline for Cerro Solo deposit and the catchment area under Annex VII of Decree 185/09 of the Law N° 5439 "Environmental Code of the Province of Chubut" was relieved.
With regards to the production of uranium concentrates from national sites ores, CNEA, through the Raw Materials Production Management, is working on three lines of action:
Reinstatement of the production in the San Rafael Mining Manufacturing Complex in the province of Mendoza, from Sierra Pintada deposit.
Engineering studies for defining the feasibility of a module of 200 t U/year at the Cerro Solo deposit, taking into account its specific technical characteristics.
Engineering Studies related to other Argentine likely sites.
From the point of view of environmental protection, the Raw Materials Production Management (RMPM) actively works in the implementation of all the appropriate measures to minimize potential contamination of the environment, using the best available techniques (BAT), which generate less waste, use less hazardous substances, enable the recovery and recycling of substances emitted; implementing preventive environmental controls (permanent optimization) to monitor the quality of water, soil and air in the area of direct and indirect influence of the future mining operation sites, while specific corrective actions on existing systems are executed.
In turn, the RMPM works in technical projects aimed at the environmental management of the drained quarries in the CMFSRs.
Finally, it worth’s adding that, from the RMPM, the development of suppliers and constructors is being strongly performed, including in all the contractors procurement specifications an obligatory environmental technical instructive during the execution of the contracted tasks.
Uranium Conversion: The conversion of uranium concentrate (U3O8 or ADU) to UO2 is performed in DIOXITEK S.A. The nominal production capacity of the plant is 150 t of UO2 per year, although in recent years it has reached a production of 175 t of UO2 per year working outside normal operating hours to meet the requirements of Atucha II NPP. Currently, the concentrate is completely imported. On the other hand, the Uranium Dioxide Processing Plant (NPUO2) project is being held. It involves the design, construction, installation and commissioning of an industrial plant which will have a capacity of 460 t UO2 per year, tripling the current production level.
Uranium Enrichment: is an activity performed by CNEA in the Pilcaniyeu Technological Complex. Gaseous diffusion is currently used to enrich uranium, and under further development to reduce its energy footprint and optimize the facilities in which it takes place. Research is also being carried out to achieve enrichment by laser and ultracentrifugation.
Fuel Fabrication: The Factory of Special Alloys, FAE SA, is in charge of manufacturing Zircaloy rods and pellets used in the manufacturing of fuel elements, coming from imported trex tubes(2). The technology applied was developed in CNEA and is consistently updated. Stainless steel alloy, titanium, and incalloy products used in different NPP components are fabricated. Fuel element fabrication is performed by CONUAR SA. UO2 pellets are fabricated and assembled for fuel elements of Atucha I, Atucha II, and Embalse NPPs. MTR research type and production reactor RA-3 are also fabricated. In late 2011, the delivery of the 451 fuel elements constituting the first core of the CNA II was completed. The fuel was manufactured by CONUAR S.A. and FAE SA, with the UO2 produced by DIOXITEK and the engineering provided by CNEA.
CNEA has a plant for the fabrication of fuel elements for Research Reactors (ECRI) made up of four areas: fabrication of compacts, fuel rods, assembly of fuel elements, and quality control.
Temporary Storage of Spent Fuels: Temporary storage of spent fuel is performed in situ in NPPs. In CNA I, fuels are stored in pools, which contain all fuel since the beginning of plant operation. In CNE, storage is initially performed in SFP in order to be transferred to dry silos after a period of not less than 6 years of storage in the same site of the NPP.
Temporary storage of fuels of research reactors is performed in different ways depending on the reactor. Fuels of the RA-3 reactor are stored in the Wet Interim Storage of Spent Fuels Deposit of Research Reactors located in the Management Area of Ezeiza (AGE) in CAE. Fuels from the RA-6 reactor, located in Bariloche Atomic Centre, CAB, in Río Negro province, are temporarily stored in pools located on site. To concentrate the storage of all the spent fuel elements from research reactors, the Facility for Research Reactor’s Irradiated Fuel Storage (FACIRI), located in the Ezeiza Atomic Centre (CAE), is available. Its objective is to replace the existent facility in AGE, as a system improvement.
Reprocessing: CNEA conducts research on spent fuel reprocessing. At present, it has several pending or licensed facilities that would provide a lab scale experience of reprocessing. The following are some of the prominent facilities: the Lab for Post-Irradiation Assays (LAPEP), Hot Cells (CELCA) located in CAE and ALFA Lab located in CAC.
Radioactive Waste Management: Radioactive waste management is included in Law N° 24804, in which CNEA´s responsibilities are described. Subsection “d” states that CNEA has to “exert the responsibility for managing radioactive wastes by fulfilling the tasks assigned to the specific legislation” and subsection “g” regulates that CNEA has to “exert the state property of special fissionable radioactive materials contained in irradiated fuel elements”. In article 16, ARN’s tasks are mentioned and its subsection “c”, licenses, permits or authorisations for facilities are granted for radioactive waste or waste management.
Law N° 25018 establishes that CNEA is in charge of enforcing the law and establishes the "National Programme of Radioactive Waste Management" (PNGRR) to carry out the necessary actions to give effect to the obligations listed in the Law. In order to achieve this, CNEA should produce a "Strategic Plan for Radioactive Waste Management" (PEGRR) and submit it to the National Executive, which after consulting the ARN, sends it to the Congress of the Nation (HCN) for its approval by Law. The PEGRR must be updated every three years.
CNEA developed the PEGRR project, which had been updated and approved by the authorities of CNEA in late 2012. This latest version was elevated to the Energy Secretariat to begin the evaluation process by the various agencies and then be sent to HCN.
Regarding the waste generated by uranium mining, the "Environmental Restoration of Uranium Mining Programme" (PRAMU) that aims at environmental restoration of those sites which activities related to uranium mining was developed. The sites where the programme applies are: Malargüe and Huemul (Mendoza province), Córdoba and Los Gigantes (Córdoba province), Pichinan (Chubut province), Tonco (Salta province), La Estela (province of San Luis) and Los Colorados (La Rioja province). In a first stage, the project was financed with a CNEA’s refund budget. Currently there is also a loan from the World Bank, applicable in the following sites: Malargüe (whose works already started), Los Gigantes, Cordoba and Tonco.
Policy for the Final Disposition of High Level Waste (HLW): The country has adopted classification of the new category set by the IAEA, based on considerations of long-term safety and disposal of radioactive waste. With regards to the final disposal of HLW, during the 1980s, CNEA began a feasibility study and engineering draft for the construction of a deep geological repository. Stable granite formations in low seismic regions with scarce hydraulic conductivity were searched. One of the possible options was in Gastre, province of Chubut, and studies to characterise the area were performed. The final report was duly handed in to the National Congress. As a consequence of the public opinion, studies were suspended in this site. There is currently a location project for a new site.
NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY.“Uranium 2007. Resources, Production and Demand”.
2.8. Research and Development
2.8.1. R&D Organizations
CNEA is a national institution oriented towards conducting R&D in every aspect related to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Thus, CNEA fosters technologically innovative activities in the nuclear area and consequently performs development and transfer of new technologies in related areas, in this way it has established the technological support in the Argentine nuclear system as one of its main aims.
Most of production activities, which were formerly performed by CNEA, are at present handled by private companies, with the exception of radioisotope production, heavy water production and equipment development and/or specific facilities. Most of CNEA facilities are located in the following sites: Headquarters (City of Buenos Aires); Constituyentes Atomic Centre (San Martín, Buenos Aires); Ezeiza Atomic Centre (Ezeiza, Buenos Aires); Bariloche Atomic Centre (San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro); Pilcaniyeu Technological Complex (Pilcaniyeu, Río Negro); San Rafael Industrial Mining Complex (San Rafael, Mendoza).
In the atomic centres and complexes projects are developed and administered on R&D, technology transfer and technical support.
Moreover, CNEA currently has four Regional Offices: Northwest, Cuyo, Centre, and Patagonia, whose missions are to carry out the exploration and prospecting of mineral resources of nuclear interests.
Facilities: Research reactors and operating production reactors are the following:
RA-0 in National University of Córdoba, oriented towards educational use and nuclear diffusion.
RA-1, in CAC, mainly used for research on irradiation damage, material and equipment assay, analysis through activation, and teaching.
RA-3, in CAE, its main aim is to produce radioisotopes for medical and industrial purposes, research, and material assays.
RA-4, in the University of Rosario, Santa Fe province. The main objective is to educate and communicate nuclear activity.
RA-6, in CAB. The base activities of this reactor are teaching and training of employees, as well as research and development in a strict relationship with Balseiro Institute. In 2009, it was repowered up to 3 MWth.
RA-8, located in CTP, is a critical group designed for carrying out experiments related to the design of the CAREM reactor.
Argentina has experience in design, construction and assembly of experimental reactors, and up to the present day it has exported the following reactors:
RP-0 Training Reactor of zero power operating since 1978. It was sold to the “Instituto Peruano de Energía Nuclear” (IPEN, Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy) by CNEA.
Research reactor, radioisotope fabrication and training of personnel, 10 MW RP-10 in operation since 1988. Sold to IPEN by CNEA.
The 1 MW multi-purpose facility NUR in operation since 1989. It was sold to the Algerian "Haut Comissariat pour la Recherche".
22 MW multi-purpose reactor ETRR-2 in operation since 1997. It was sold to the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (AEA).
Radioisotope production facility with medical and industrial application located in Inshas, next to the ETRR-2 reactor. It was sold to the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority.
CENTIS radioisotope production and fractioning facility was inaugurated in 1995 in Cuban Republic with the collaboration of Argentina.
A 20 MW reactor that produces radioisotopes supplies for microelectronic and research into materials, known as OPAL, in operation since 2005.
There are relevant facilities, with different purposes, as well as labs in different sites of CNEA, which are listed as follows:
CAB: Linear Electron Accelerator used for investigation and teaching purposes. Labs of Activation Analysis, Atomic Collisions, Metal Physics, Statistical Physics, Particles and Fields, Magnetic Resonance, Material Characterisation, Special Ceramics, Material Physicochemical, Nuclear Materials, Computer Mechanics, Metallurgy, New Materials and Devices, Process Control, Fuel Element Design, Physics of Advanced Reactors, Neutrons and Reactors, Nuclear Safety, Thermal hydraulics, Analysis by Neutron Activation, Radiological Protection, Chemical Kinetics, Electronic Developments, SIGMA and Isotopic Separation.
CAC: TANDAR Electrostatic Accelerator, Fuel Elements Fabrication Plant for Research Reactors (ECRI), Plant of Uranium Hexafluoride conversion to Uranium Oxide, ALFA Lab, Ceramic Core NPP, Analytic Chemistry Lab, Nuclear Chemistry Lab, Environmental Monitoring Lab (air management), and Labs of Colloids, Water and other Fluids, Structural Material Characterization, Condensed Matter, Cells and Solar Panels, Uranium Dioxide Characterization, Diffusion, Dosimeter Irradiation, Non Destructive Assays. Experimental Physics of Reactors, Lab Radar Dish of Synthetic Opening, Circuit of hydrodynamic assays of fuel elements.
CAE: Cyclotron for Radioisotope Production: production of radio drug 18 fluoride dioxide glucose (18-FDG) for the local market supply; Molybdenum-99 Fission Production NPP: capacity to produce the radioisotope Mo-99 and I-131 to supply the local market and export; Radioisotope Production NPP: conditioning, fractioning, and/or production of radioisotopes I-131, Mo-99, P-32, Cr-51, and Sm-153, and Hf-181; Semi-industrial plant of Irradiation: provides advisory services, food irradiation, and disposable biomedical material for institutional, external and internal clients; Triple Height Laboratory; Management Area of Radioactive Wastes: Treatment Plant of Low Level Solid Radioactive Wastes, Contention System of Low Level Solid Radioactive Wastes, facility for Solid Disposal Radioactive Wastes, Structural and Canned Sources and the deposit Central of Special Irradiated Fissionable Material, Regional Reference centre of Secondary Patrons, Methodology Lab of Radioisotopes Applications, High Pressure Circuit for Mechanisms Testing (CAPEM). Labs of head, Enriched Uranium, Radiochemical Facility (LFR), Postirradiation Assay (LAPEP), Detector Physics, Analysis by Activation, Radiotracers Application, Radiopharmacy, High Pressure and Temperature (LENAP), High Doses Dosimeter, Handling/Management and Conservation of soils, Microbiology and Industrial Applications.
Located at the CAE site are industrial plants of two CNEA associated companies: CONUAR SA and FAE SA. Moreover, DIOXITEK SA operates the Co-60 Sealed Source Fabrication Plant meeting local demand and exporting sources with the highest quality standards, constituting Argentina as the third largest exporter of sealed sources.
CTP: Plants of Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion, The Enrichment Uranium “Mock up” Pilot (by gaseous diffusion), Porous Membranes Fabrication, Fluorides Oils Fabrication, Fluoride Production and Labs of Analytical Chemistry and CAREM Reactor Development.
The associated medicine companies from which CNEA owns part of the stock are as follows:
FUESMEN: headquarters in Mendoza province. Quasi-public corporation. CNEA owns 33.33% of the stocks, Mendoza, 33.33% and University of Cuyo, 33.33%.
Foundation Centre of Nuclear Diagnostic: CNEA owns 50% and FUESMEN, the other 50%.
The following are the companies and institutions related to CNEA:
Investigaciones Aplicadas S.E. (INVAP SE), located in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro province.
Centro de Medicina Nuclear del Hospital de Clínicas “Gral. San Martín” (Nuclear Medicine Centre of the Hospital Gral. San Martín, located in the City of Buenos Aires.
Oncological Centre of Nuclear Medicine of the Oncological Institute Dr Ángel H. Roffo, located in the City of Buenos Aires.
Service of Radiotherapy of the Oncological Institute Dr Ángel H. Roffo.
The national government, through the National’s Ministry of Planning, Public Investment and Services, and the Ministry of Health, has undertaken actions to bring the infrastructure and technology needed to address the national public health problems to the whole country. In this regard, the Cibersalud National Plan (Integral Connectivity Plan for the national, provincial and municipal hospitals and medical centres around the country) and the National Plan of Nuclear Medicine (NPNM) should be highlighted. Particularly, the NPNM aims to provide to Argentina the tools which nuclear activity offers for the prevention, control and treatment of chronic non communicable diseases, such as cancer and respiratory, cardiovascular, and endocrine diseases.
CNEA is the agency responsible for the coordination of all actions that must be undertaken to achieve the objective.
In a first stage, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy centres will be built in Formosa, Entre Ríos, Santa Cruz, Río Negro, Santiago del Estero and La Pampa provinces, and in the future in Jujuy, Córdoba, Chubut and Buenos Aires provinces.
On the other hand, new equipment has been taken to existing centres where CNEA takes part (FUESMEN, FCDN). Both centres, with CNEA, are the pillars of this plan considering the experience in managing technology that both centres have, as also their capacity to train human resources and their management model.
Within the NPNM the installation of the first Latin American proton therapy centre is also postulated.
2.8.2. Development of Advanced Nuclear Technologies
CNEA has organized its research and technological activities of scientific development in different fields. These activities involve advanced projects related to the nuclear activity and its applications, some of which are worth mentioning:
Central Argentina de Elementos Modulares “CAREM”, development and construction of the prototype reactor of the first NPP with a complete Argentine technology and design. During 2012 the Environmental Impact Study, in charge of the National Technological University (Avellaneda Regional Faculty) was conducted. In 2013 the manufacture of the pressure vessel was awarded to the national company IMPSA SA. Finally, at the beginning of 2014, the structural construction started.
A new multipurpose research reactor, RA-10 for production of radioisotopes, is being projected. The conceptual engineering has been completed, and the basic engineering tasks have begun, through an agreement between CNEA and INVAP S.E. for joint development. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority granted the license to build the RA-10 Reactor in October 2014.
Uranium Enrichment Project: its objective is to strengthen the technological capacity as regards to the uranium enrichment through the gaseous diffusion technology, and also develop laser and ultracentrifuge technologies.
Since 2002, Argentina has developed and implemented technology to produce fissile radioisotopes (such as Mo-99 and I-131) by using LEU.
In order to optimize the transport of nuclear materials between different facilities, the CNEA’s Management of Nuclear Fuel Cycle designed a special package called DALMA 25, which will transport aqueous LEU solutions. The product obtained the quality certification issued by the ARN, which ensures compliance with national and international standards for the transport of radioactive materials by land and sea.
2.8.3. International Co-operation and Initiatives.
The scope of international co-operation in the area of nuclear energy development and its application is very wide between the main entities that act in the Argentine nuclear sector and international companies, governments, and organizations. Such co-operation is promoted and carried out by CNEA, ARN, and NA-SA, which have a special linkage with IAEA. There are also special links with Latin America, promoted in part by IAEA through the Project Area of Latin America, through the projects under the Regional Cooperative Agreement for the promotion of nuclear science and technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL). Every year, CNEA has received an important number of foreign students and professionals, mainly from Latin American countries, Africa, and Asia, especially by scholarships awarded by the IAEA.
Specific links between the CNEA and the foreign associates exist in various areas of R&D activities.
On the other hand, NA-SA has a special collaboration agreement with the Brazilian Electronuclear company, sharing Brazilian and Argentine labour during the outages at the nuclear stations in Brazil and Argentina, as well as other issues of interest for both countries.
In the context of its regulating task, the ARN also has a close and varied interaction with national and foreign organizations, governmental and non-governmental.
2.9. Human Resources Development
The education and training of young technicians and professionals is an ongoing activity in CNEA. The organization has over fourty years of experience in the field and provides an important system of fellowships that consists of two main types: those that are awarded for academic education and those intended for the development under the "training on the job" mode, within the framework of the "Learning by Doing" programme.
This programme has over the years demonstrated not only being a training tool, but also an efficient screening tool and a way to generate commitment of youth to nuclear activity.
The fundamental concepts that guide the CNEA’s policy of knowledge and skills development involve a solid basic education, combined with an intense learning process by inserting into projects, acting under the guidance of professional and/or experienced technicians.
For the development of the intellectual capital and knowledge there are several institutions and venues:
Three academic institutes: "Instituto Balseiro", located in the CAB, "Sabato Institute" located in the CAC and "Dan Beninson Institute" in the CAE, created in partnership with national universities, where nuclear application technicians, physicists and nuclear, mechanical, materials science and telecommunications engineers are formed at the undergraduate, degree and graduate levels, as well as reactor, radiochemistry, nuclear medicine and technological applications of nuclear energy specialists. There are other degrees, like masters in physical sciences, engineering, medical physics and materials science and technology.
Two training centres in the health areas: the FUESMEN and the Nuclear Diagnosis Centre Foundation.
Due to the requirements associated to the termination and start-up of the CNA II NPP, NA-SA developed a nuclear quality welding school, on the premises of the power plant.
For its part, the ARN maintains a permanent control over nuclear activities related to staff training for the licensing of facilities operation. To do this, it tests the official candidates who seek to obtain or renew licenses or specific authorizations. As a complement to these activities, the ARN also performs a yearly teaching programme at a post graduate level in different areas.
Since December 2010, CNEA and ARN are part of the Latin American Network for Education and Training in Nuclear Technology (LANENT), organized by IAEA. The institutions which participate in the network, dedicated to education and training of professionals and technicians in the Latin American region, can access important information to increase the specialized knowledge of the nuclear field. To this end, the network has a web site operated by CNEA, in Spanish and English. It includes an Integrated Database where there is access to information on careers and courses, masters, doctoral issues, etc.; provided by members of LANENT and, in the near future, the share of education networks AFRANEST (from Africa) and ANENT (from Asia).
With the same purpose of supporting education, training, and knowledge management in the nuclear field of IAEA Member States, in 2012 CNEA and IAEA signed in Vienna the “Practical Provisions”, thereby strengthening cooperation activities between the two organisms. On the basis of these Practical arrangements, CNEA operates as Regional Node for LANENT, an educational portal for training in nuclear and related issues, using the mode of "e-learning". It offers two types of access: restricted for courses which have instructors and open for self-directed learning to a wider audience. To this end, CNEA has an active participation in the Regional Technical Cooperation Project RLA0048: "Networking for Nuclear Education, Training, Outreach and Knowledge Sharing".
2.10. Stakeholder Communication
With the reactivation of the nuclear activity in the country, the imperious need to create new communication strategies has arisen in order to offer society the necessary information on nuclear activity. In this sense, long term strategies are being prepared and put into practice, within the frame of the development of the Strategic Planning of the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission, in order to reach the political, corporate, professional, educational, and journalism levels, to achieve a massive and effective flow of information showing the benefits of peaceful applications of nuclear technology and its contribution to welfare and development.
Complementing what is mentioned above, for several years specific communication programmes have been executed, in reference to the management of radioactive waste and spent fuels, as the environmental restitution of the sites where past uranium mining related activities were performed. As part of the mentioned effort, a Technical Cooperation Project with IAEA is under development, which involves assistance in the definition of a Communication Plan, communicator training, and a series of activities.
2.11. Emergency Preparedness
Any activity involving the use of ionizing radiation, regulated by the ARN, shall have emergency procedures or plans. This is a requirement of the licensing process and oversight of these activities. The ARN sets criteria and evaluates the radiological and nuclear emergency plans and procedures, which are made by the controlled facilities in order to face accidents.
Regarding intervention in radiological emergencies in facilities other than nuclear power plants, the ARN has a Radiological Emergency Intervention System (SIER, by its Spanish acronym). This system is designed to:
Advise the operators of facilities in case of radiological emergencies.
Advise public authorities intervening in the control of radiological emergencies.
Intervene in emergency situations in those facilities or practices in which radiological accidents that cannot be controlled by those responsible for the facilities where such accident took place, or in which members of the public could be affected, and in which unforeseen radiological emergency situations happened in public areas.
The SIER has a primary intervention group which works in weekly shifts throughout the year. This system has specific equipment and the logistics structure necessary for the timely and efficient intervention in accidents with potential radiological consequences.
The ARN has established cooperation agreements with other agencies such as the Federal Police, the National Gendarmerie and the Coast Guard to act on radiological emergencies.
In order to comply with the provisions set forth by Law N° 24804 and its reglamentary decree, the ARN has created the Intervention System in Nuclear Emergencies (SIEN, by its Spanish acronym), which complements the existing SIER in case of nuclear emergencies. In the event that the latter may reach members of the public, the SIEN is designed to fulfill the intrinsic function of the ARN undertaking the actions of other organizations involved, such as the Municipal Civil Defense, the Provincial Civil Defense Department (in Buenos Aires and Córdoba) the National Civil Protection Department.
It is important to note that all the activity of ARN, associated with the treatment of accidents–especially nuclear ones–which has been conducted over 50 years of regulatory experience, has been developed within the legal framework of the National Nuclear Activity Law N° 24804 and its Reglamentary Decree N° 1390. This activity fully complies with the recommendations and obligations at an international level and is also supported by scientific knowledge on the matter.
In the next paragraph, the main features of the emergency response systems of ARN are summarized:
SIEN System: It is the Nuclear Emergency Intervention System which has the following objectives:
Respond to emergencies caused by accidents at nuclear power plants with consequences outside the facility.
Intervene in the stages of emergencies preparation, training and intervention.
Establish a link with the Federal Emergency System (SIFEM).
SIER System: It is the Radiological Emergency Intervention System, which has the following objectives:
Respond to Radiological Emergencies occurring in facilities and minor practices, or affecting the population.
Respond to unforeseen radiological emergencies in public areas.
Advise public entities and users.
3.1. Regulatory Framework
3.1.1. Regulatory Authority
The Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) was created by Decree N° 10936 in 1950. One of its defined specific functions was the control of the nuclear development activities in the country.
Later, different legal regulations determined the competence of the CNEA as regulatory authority in the area of radiological, physical and nuclear safety, especially in the aspects concerning the protection of individuals and the environment with respect to the adverse effects of ionizing radiations, the safety of nuclear facilities, and the control of the use of nuclear materials. The main legal regulations corresponding to these aspects are Decree Law N° 22498 of 1956 (“Organization of the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission [CNEA], the Application Authority”) ratified by Law N° 14467 of 1958 (“Ratification Law of Decree Laws of the provisional government between September 23, 1955 and April 30,1958”) and Decree N° 842/58.
The Decree N° 842/58 also approved and placed the “Regulation for the use of Radioisotopes and Ionizing Radiation” in force, with the goal to regulate the uses and applications of radioactive materials and the radiations they emit or emitted by nuclear reactions and transmutations, clearly determining that the CNEA would control the application and sanctions of those regulations. The use and regulation of X-ray generators was excluded from the competence of that standard, belonging exclusively to the scope of the Ministry of Health of the Nation.
Moreover, due to the continued increase in the use of nuclear applications in the country, it was strengthening the functional independence of the regulatory branch with respect to the other activities of CNEA.
Based on the above considerations, the National Authorities reorganized the nuclear Argentine structure. To do this, with Decree N° 1540/94 it created the "National Nuclear Regulatory Body", to which it assigned the functions of supervision and regulation of such activity.
Later, under Law N° 24804, which came into force in 1997, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) was constituted, as the successor of the ENREN, which had been created in 1994. The ARN is directly dependent on the General Secretariat of Argentina’s Presidency and has the power to regulate and control all activities with respect to nuclear radiation and nuclear safety, physical protection, safeguards, and other aspects of non-proliferation. ARN also advises the National Executive on matters within its competence. This law also states that the regulatory body has the legal capacity and complete autarchy to act in the field of private and public law. As a self-governing body, its resources consist of regulatory fees and state funding. Article 16 of the mentioned regulation sets out the functions and responsibilities of the ARN, authorizing it to issue regulations regarding the matters under its jurisdiction. On the other hand, the Act 24804 gives the ARN the necessary legal capacity to establish, develop and apply the rules of all nuclear activities in the country. In this regard, the Act provides that the regulation and oversight of nuclear activity is "subject to national jurisdiction".
3.1.2. Licensing Process
The regulatory system considers licenses for the construction, start-up, operation, and final closing of nuclear facilities. With reference to the licensing of facilities, the ARN must approve the permission for the construction start, and therefore it must demonstrate that the facility will not cause damage to the public or to the environment, backed by the due documentation. Because of this, prior to applying for a license to build from the ARN, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), under the national law, should be performed.
The complete process of the EIE comprises the following essential steps: Preliminary Report (PR), Environmental Impact Study (EIS), Revision of the Environmental Impact Study (REIS), Public participation instance, Environmental Impact Declaration (EID).
Once the environmental license has been obtained, the EIE is delivered to the ARN with the aim to begin the proceedings to obtain the construction license, which in turn provides the following licences:
Commissioning: the licensee must appoint an ad hoc Commissioning Committee, constituted by senior specialists; this continuously evaluates the execution of the commissioning programme and recommends its continuation. (Standards AR 3.7.1, AR 3.8.1 and AR 3.8.2)
Operating: ARN authorizes the commercial operation of a nuclear installation under stipulated conditions, which shall be fulfilled by the licensee (Standard AR 3.9.1).
Decommissioning: safe dismantling is established, with the licensee in charge of planning and providing the necessary means for its fulfilment (Standard AR 3.17.1).
3.2. National Laws and Regulations in Nuclear Power
3.2.1. Main National Laws
The Argentine legal and regulatory system includes different aspects from the ratification of international treaties for the peaceful use of nuclear energy to the different standards for the regulation and vigilance of the nuclear activity in the country.
Bilateral treaties and agreements for the pacific use of nuclear energy:
In 1991, a bilateral agreement was signed with the Federative Republic of Brazil, for the exclusive peaceful use of nuclear energy. In this way an agency was created “Brazilian – Argentine Accounting and Control Agency of nuclear material” (ABACC), and its essential objective is the implementation of a common system for the accounting and control of nuclear material, to prevent it from being diverted to the manufacture of nuclear weapons or other nuclear devices. The signature of the Agreement was executed between Brazil, Argentina, the IAEA, and the ABACC (quadripartite agreement) to consolidate the application system of safeguards presently in force in both countries.
Tlatelolco Treaty: Treaty for the Ban of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, approved by Law N° 24272. Argentina adhered to this international treaty and, in this manner, committed to use the material and nuclear facilities under its jurisdiction exclusively for peaceful objectives, and to forbid and impede the use, manufacturing, production, possession, and dominion of all nuclear weapons in their respective territories, as well as the participation, in any manner, in this type of activity.
Non-Proliferation Treaty of Nuclear Weapons, approved by Law N° 24448: Argentina is one of the signatories of the treaty in which signatory countries renounce the use of nuclear weapons.
In turn, the Argentine Republic has concluded co-operation agreements in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy with the following countries(3): Uruguay (Law N° 17938), Peru (Law N° 18255), Paraguay (Law N° 18436), Plurinational State of Bolivia (Law N° 18814), Colombia (Law N° 19505), Ecuador (Law N° 21.896), Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Law N° 22314), India (Law N° 26766), Brazil (Laws N° 22494, 24046, 24048), Chile (Law N° 22886), Yugoslavia(4) (Law N° 23387), China (Law N° 23712), Turkey (Law N° 23.914), Indonesia (Law N° 24161), Romania (Law N° 24217), USSR(5) (Law N° 24253), Guatemala (Law N° 24645), Canada (Law N° 24.646), France (Law N° 24.647), Thailand (Law N° 24861),United States of America (Law N° 24.862), European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) (Law N° 24869), Morocco (Law N° 24.980), Costa Rica (Law N° 24.981), Armenia (Law N° 25285), Greece (Law N° 25.286), Viet Nam (Law N° 25.776), Bulgaria (Law N° 25809), Australia (Law N° 26014), Mexico (Law N° 26771), South Africa (Law N° 26770), Republic of Algeria (Law N° 26765), Jordan (Law N° 26767), Saudi Arabia (Law N° 26768), and United Arab Emirates (Law N° 26969).
In Appendix 1, the international, multilateral, and bilateral agreements signed by the Argentine Republic are mentioned.
National Laws:
Law N° 1919: Mining Code. Approved. Enacted in 1886. The amending and complementary standards of the cited Act are listed in:
Decree/ Law N° 6673: Patents and Trademarks – Model or Industrial Design. Regulatory Standards. Enacted in 1963. Modified by the standards indicated in:
Law N° 17048: Nuclear Damage. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage. Enacted and promulgated in 1966. Modified by Law N° 22455
Law N° 21947: Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters. Enacted and promulgated in 1979.
Law N° 22455: Convention related to Civil Liability within the sphere of nuclear materials sea transport. Enacted and promulgated in 1981.
Law N° 22507: Treaty concerning the Prohibition of Placing Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on Sea and Ocean beds, and Underground beds. Enacted and promulgated in 1981.
Law N° 23340: Treaty on Nuclear Weapons Test-Ban in the Atmosphere, in the Outer Space and in Submarine Waters. Enacted and Promulgated in 1986.
Law N° 23620: Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials. Enacted and Promulgated in 1988.
Law N° 23731: Conventions on the Immediate Notification of Nuclear Accidents and Assistance in case of Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Enacted and Promulgated in 1989 by Decree N° 983/89.
Decree N° 603/1992: Control system of sensitive exports and military material. Constitutes the National Commission for the Control of Sensitive Exports and War Material. Published in the Official Bulletin on April 14, 1992. Modified by the standards indicated in:
Law N° 24272: Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, adopted in Mexico in 1967, with the amendments introduced in 1990, 1991 and 1992 (Tlatelolco Treaty). Enacted and Promulgated in 1993. (Application Art. 70, National Constitution).
Decree N° 1540/94: Reorganization of the ARGENTINE ATOMIC Energy Commission.Creation of the “Ente Nacional Regulador Nuclear y Constitución de la Sociedad Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A” Privatization Process. Enacted and Published in the Official Bulletin in 1994. Modified by the standards indicated in:
Law N° 24448: Treaty on Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (TNP). Enacted in 1994 and Promulgated in 1995.
Law N° 24481: Patents and Utility Models and Regulatory Decree N° 260/96, Passed in 1995.The amending regulations of the Act are set out in:
Law N° 24776: Convention on Nuclear Safety. Enacted and Promulgated in 1997 (Application Art. 80, National Constitution).
Law N° 24804 and Regulatory Decree 1390/98: National Law on Nuclear Activity. Functions. Regulation Criteria. Enacted and Promulgated in 1997. The amending regulations of the Act are set out in:
Law N° 25018: Radioactive Waste Management System. General Dispositions.Enacted and Promulgated in 1998by Decree 1222/98. The amending regulations of the Act are set out in:
Law N° 25022: Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, accepted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, USA. Enacted and Promulgated in 1998. The amending regulations of the Act are set out in:
Law N° 25279: Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. Enacted and Promulgated in 2000. (Application Art. 80, National Constitution).The amending regulations of the Act are set out in:
Law N° 25313: Protocol to Amend the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages and the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damages (Modifies and complements the Vienna Convention approved by Law N° 17048).Enacted and Promulgated in 2000. (Application of Art. 80, National Constitution). Entry into force in 2003.
Law N° 25675: National Environmental Policy. Minimum Budget for Sustainable Management. Enacted and Promulgated in 2002. Modified by the standards indicated in:
Law N° 25837: Agreements. Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Enacted in 2003, promulgated and entered into force in 2004.
Law N° 25842: Agreements. Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology. Enacted in 2003 and promulgated in 2004. Entry into force in 2005.
Law N° 26566: Nuclear Activity. Enacted and Promulgated in 2009.
Law N° 26640: Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material. Enacted on 10/13/10 and Promulgated on 11/16/10.
Law N° 26976: Adopts the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. Enacted on 08/27/14 and Promulgated on 09/17/14 by Decree 1605/2014
Law N° 27111: Amendment to the Mining Code and Decree 456/97, replacing Articles 31, 215 and 221 of the Code, in relation to securities of Canon. Enacted on 12/17/14 and promulgated on 01/20/15.
3.2.2. Main Regulations in Nuclear Power:
ARN has specific regulation in the following issues:
Regulation for establishing an authorization system, responsibilities of the operator, inspection, and enforcement;
Site selection and approval;
Radiation protection, including protection of workers, public and environment;
Safety of nuclear installations;
Radioactive waste and spent fuel management, including storage and disposal;
Decommissioning, including funding and institutional control;
Mining and milling;
Emergency preparedness;
Transport of radioactive material.
Nuclear Regulatory Standards
AR 0.0.1. Licensing of Class I facilities.
AR 0.11.1. Licensing of Class I facility staff.
AR 0.11.2. Psychophysical capacity requirements for specific authorizations.
AR 0.11.3. Re-training of Class I facilities staff.
AR 0.11.4. Licensing of staff for facilities Class II and Class III of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle.
AR 2.12.1. Radiological safety criteria for the management of radioactive waste from mining manufacturing facilities.
AR 3.1.1. Occupational exposure to nuclear power reactors (NPR).
AR 3.1.2. Limitation of radioactive effluents in NPR.
AR 3.1.3. Radiological criteria with reference to accidents in NPR.
AR 3.2.1. General safety criteria for the design of NPR.
AR 3.2.3. Fire safety in NPR.
AR 3.3.1. Design of the core of NPR.
AR 3.3.2. Heat removal systems in NPR.
AR 3.3.3. Primary pressure circuit in NPR.
AR 3.3.4. Safety in combustible elements for NPR.
AR 3.4.1. Protection and instrumentation system related to the safety of NPR.
AR 3.4.2. Extinction systems for NPR.
AR 3.4.3. Confinement system in NPR.
AR 3.5.1. Essential electrical supply in NPR.
AR 3.6.1. Quality system in NPR.
AR 3.7.1. Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the commercial operation of a NPR.
AR 3.8.1. Preliminary tests and start-up of NPR.
AR 3.9.1. General safety criteria for the operation of NPR.
AR 3.9.2. Communication of relevant events in NPR.
AR 3.10.1. Protection against earthquakes in NPR. Under revision process, taking into account the “state of the art”.
AR 3.17.1. Dismantling of NPR
AR 4.1.1. Occupational exposure in research nuclear reactors.
AR 4.1.2. Radioactive effluent limitation in research nuclear reactors.
AR 4.1.3. Radiological criteria relative to accidents in research reactors.
AR 4.2.1. Design of critical compounds.
AR 4.2.2. Design of research reactors.
AR 4.2.3. Fire safety in research reactors.
AR 4.5.1. Design in the electric energy supply system in research reactors.
AR 4.7.1. Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of a research reactor.
AR 4.7.2. Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of a critical compound.
AR 4.8.1. Preliminary tests and start-up of critical component.
AR 4.8.2. Preliminary tests and start-up of research reactors.
AR 4.9.1. Operation of critical component Revision 1.
AR 4. 9.2. Operation of nuclear research reactors.
AR 5.1.1. Occupational exposure in Class I particle accelerators.
AR 5.7.1. Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of a particle accelerator.
AR 6.1.1. Occupational exposure of Class I radioactive facilities.
AR 6.1.2. Limitation of radioactive effluents in Class I radioactive facilities.
AR 6.2.1. Design of fixed irradiation plants with mobile under water irradiation sources.
AR 6.7.1. Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of an industrial irradiation plant.
AR 6.9.1. Operation of fixed irradiation plants with mobile under water irradiation sources.
AR 7.9.1. Industrial gammagraphy equipment operation.
AR 7.9.2. Operation of radiation sources for industrial applications.
AR 7.11.1. Individual permits for industrial gammagraphy equipment operators.
AR 7.11.2. Individual permits for radiation sources operators for industrial application.
AR 8.2.1. Use of sealed sources in brachytherapy.
AR 8.2.2. Operation of linear accelerators for medical use.
AR 8.2.3. Telecobalt therapy facility operation.
AR 8.2.4. Use of non-sealed radioactive sources in nuclear medicine facilities.
AR 8.11.1. Individual permits for the use of radioactive material or ionizing radiations in humans.
AR 8.11.2. Minimum clinical training requirements to obtain individual permits for medical use.
AR 8.11.3. Individual permits for specialists and technicians in radiotherapy physics.
AR 10.1.1. Basic Standard of Radiological Safety.
AR 10.10.1. Siting Evaluation for Nuclear Power Plants.
AR 10.12.1. Radioactive Waste Management.
AR 10.13.1. Physical protection standard for nuclear materials and facilities.
AR 10.13.2. Physical safety standard for sealed sources.
AR 10.14.1. Non deviation guarantees of nuclear materials and materials, facilities and equipment of nuclear interest.
AR 10.16.1. Transport of radioactive materials.
National Nuclear Safety Reports to the CONVENTION ON NUCLEAR SAFETY.
Law N° 24804, 1997 (National Law of Nuclear Activity). Decree 1390, 1998.
The International instruments within the nuclear field in which Argentina takes part and involve the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission and other nuclear sector agencies are listed below:
Treaties and Multilateral Agreements
Antartica Treatment (Section V). Signed by the Argentine Republic on June 23, 1961. Its duration is unlimited.
Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Under Water (Moscow Treaty). It was approved by Law N° 23340 and later enacted in 1986 (Official Report(6) 2/IV/69), ratified and entered into force in 1969. Its duration is unlimited.
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. It was approved by Law N° 17989, in 1968 (Official Report 2/IV/69) and ratified in 1969. Its duration is unlimited.
Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco). It was approved by Law N° 24272, promulgated in 1993 (Official Report 14/XII/93) and ratified with exemption of the referred conditions in 1994 thus coming into effect in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil. It was approved by Law N° 22507, promulgated in 1981 (Official Report 13/X/81) and ratified in 1983. Its duration is unlimited.
Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The Argentine Republic adhered to it in Washington in 1995. It came into effect in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). It was approved by Law N° 25022, promulgated (Official Report 28/X/98) and ratified in 1998. Its duration is unlimited.
Bilateral Agreements
Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil
Agreement for the exclusive pacific use of nuclear energy (Guadalajara Agreement or Agreement SCCC). It was signed in Guadalajara (Official Report 24/XII/91) and ratified in 1991. Its duration is unlimited.
Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Brazilian-Argentine Agency of Accountancy and Nuclear Material Control in Brazil. It was added to the before agreement in 1991, it was later approved by Law N° 24048, enacted (Official Report 9/I/92) and ratified in 1992. Its duration is unlimited.
Agreement on Immunities and Privileges of the Brazilian-Argentine Agency of Accountancy and Nuclear Material Control in Argentina. It was approved by Law N° 24580 and then enacted in 1995 (Official Report 27/XI/95). Ratifying notes are still to be exchanged. Provisionally in force since October of that year. Its duration is unlimited.
Agreements with IAEA
Statute of IAEA. In force in Argentina since May 2002 with its four amendments.
Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of IAEA. Approved by Decree-Law N° 7672 in 1963 (Official Report 29/XI/63), it was later ratified by Law N° 16478 and then enacted in 1964 (Official Report 30/IX/64). Its duration is unlimited.
Agreement between IAEA and the Government of Argentina. Through this agreement, the Agency will advise Argentina on carrying out a project related to an experimental reactor and a production reactor (RA-3 INFCIRC/62). Signed in 1964 within the framework of the Agency’s statute. It was amended by the Second Agreement of Property Ownership Transference (INFCIRC/62/Add.1), signed in Washington and in Vienna in 1965. Suspended application in 1994 in virtue of the Quadripartite Agreement coming into force.
Agreement on the project relating to the procedures for the delivery of irradiation equipment reached between the IAEA and the Argentine Republic (INFCIRC/128). Signed in 1969 as part of the Agency's Statute. Its duration is unlimited.
Safeguards Transfer Agreement relating to a bilateral agreement between Argentina and the USA (for cooperation in the promotion and development of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes) (INFCIRC/130). Signed in 1969. Its duration is unlimited. Application suspended by suspension Protocol signed in 1996 and entered into force in 1997, pursuant to the entry into force of the Quadripartite Agreement.
Agreement between the IAEA, the Government of Argentina and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the assignment of a teaching reactor and an enriched uranium reactor, named RA-4 (INFCIRC/143). Signed in 1970. Its duration is unlimited. Application suspended by suspension Protocol signed in 1996 and in force since 1997, pursuant to the entry into force of the Quadripartite Agreement.
Agreement for the application of safeguards to nuclear power reactor facilities in Atucha (INFCIRC/168). Signed in 1972. Application suspended in 1994 under the entry into force of the Quadripartite Agreement.
Agreement on the application of safeguards (to 1 kg of plutonium) (INFCIRC/202). Signed in 1973. Application suspended in 1994 under the entry into force of the Quadripartite Agreement.
Agreement for the application of safeguards to nuclear power reactor facilities in Embalse NPP (INFCIRC/224). Signed in Vienna in 1974. Application suspended in 1994 under the entry into force of the Quadripartite Agreement.
Agreement for the Application of Safeguards (INFCIRC/250). Signed in 1977. As amended by the Agreement which modifies the former agreement in 1977 between the Government of Argentina and the IAEA for the Application of Safeguards (INFCIRC/250/Mod.1) signed in 1980 and in force since that date. Application suspended in 1994 under the entry into force of the Quadripartite Agreement.
Agreement for the Safeguard Application in relation to the Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Canadian Government for the Cooperation in the Development and Application of the Atomic Energy with Peaceful Purposes (INCIRC/251). Signed in 1977. Suspended application in 1994 in virtue of the Quadripartite Agreement coming into effect.
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic, the Peruvian Government and the United States of America related to Enriched Uranium Transference for an NPP of Zero Power (RP-0) (INFCRC/266). Signed and come into force in 1978.
Agreement for the Application of Safeguards in Atucha II NPP (INFCIRC/294). Signed and come into force in 1981. Suspended application in 1994 in virtue of the Quadripartite Agreement coming into effect.
Agreement for the application of safeguards in relation to the heavy water production NPP in Arroyito (INFCIRC/296). Signed and come into effect in 1981. Application suspended in 1994 in virtue of the Quadripartite Agreement coming into effect.
Agreement for the safeguards application to the heavy water supplied by the USSR (INFCIRC/297). Signed and come into effect in 1981. Its application was suspended in 1994 in virtue of the Quadripartite Agreement coming into effect.
Agreement for the safeguards application to nuclear material (uranium 20% enriched) supplied by the USSR (INFCIRC/303). Signed and come into effect in 1982. Its application was suspended in 1994 in virtue of the Quadripartite Agreement coming into effect.
Agreement of Supplementary Supply between the IAEA and the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Argentine Republic to transfer enriched uranium (enriched to a 20%) destined for a research reactor from Islamic Republic of Iran (INFCIRC/97/Add.2). Signed and come into effect in 1988.
Agreement between the Argentine Republic, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Argentine-Brazilian Agency of Accountancy and Nuclear Material Control and the IAEA for the application of safeguards (Quadripartite Agreement). Signed in 1991, it was approved by Law N° 24113, later enacted in 1992 (Official Report 7/IX/92) and ratified in 1994 thus coming into effect on that date. Therefore, the application of other agreements has been suspended referred to in the following section.
Agreement for applying the Quadripartite Agreement in relation to the Tlatelolco Treaty and the TNP, coming into effect in 1997. It will be valid as long as Argentina is part of the Tlatelolco Treaty, TNP or Guadalajara Agreement (or SCCC Agreement).
International Conventions
Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage. Open for signature in 1963, it has come into effect in 1977. Argentina signed it in 1966. It was approved by Law N° 17048 later enacted in 1966 (Official Report 16/XII/66) and was ratified in 1967. It came into force in 1977. Its duration is unlimited.
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter. Signed in 1972, it was approved by Law N° 21947, enacted (Official Report 9/III/79), ratified and came into force in 1979. Its duration is unlimited.
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. Signed in 1974, it was approved by Law N° 22079, enacted (Official Report 24/XII/79), ratified and coming into effect in 1979. Its duration is unlimited.
Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material. Signed in 1971. It was approved by Law N° 22455, enacted (Official Report 6/IV/81), ratified and came into force in 1981. Its duration is unlimited.
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material was open for signature in 1980. It came into force in 1987. Argentina signed it in 1986, and it was approved by Law N° 23620, enacted in 1988 (Official Report 2/XI/88) and ratified in 1989, with reserves, thus coming into force in 1989. Its duration is unlimited. Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material. It was approved by Law N° 25313 promulgated in 2010 (Official Report 17/XI/10) and ratified in 2011. Its duration is unlimited.
Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention. Opened for signature in 1988, it entered into force in 1992. Its duration is unlimited.
Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident. Entered into force in 1986. Approved by Law N° 23731, it was enacted (Official Report 30/I/90) and entered into force in 1990. Its duration is unlimited.
Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Entered into force in 1987. Approved by Law N° 23731, it was enacted in 1989 (Official Report 30/I/87). It entered into force in 1990. Its duration is unlimited.
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. Signed in 1989, it was approved by Law N° 23922, enacted (Official Report 24/IV/91) and ratified in 1991. Entered into force in 1992. Its duration is unlimited.
Convention on Nuclear Safety. Opened for the signature in Vienna in 1994, it entered into force in 1996. Signed in 1994. It was later approved by Law N° 24776 and enacted (Official Report 11/IV/97), ratified and entered into force in 1997. Its duration is unlimited.
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. Signed in 1997, it was approved by Law N° 25279, enacted (Official Report 4/VIII/00) and ratified in 2000. Its duration is unlimited.
Protocol to Amend the 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage. Signed in 1997, it was approved by Law N° 25313, enacted (Official Report 18/X/00) and ratified in 2000. Its duration is unlimited.
Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage. It has not come into effect (it has not been ratified by any country yet). Signed in 1997, approved by Law N° 25313, enacted (Official Report 18/X/00) and ratified in 2000. Its duration is limited.
Multilateral Agreements
IAEA Statute. Signed in 1956, thus entering into force in 1957. It was approved by Decree Law N° 5011 in 1957 (Official Report 22/V/57), ratified by Law N° 14467, enacted (Official Report 29/IX/58), ratified and entered into force in 1958. Its duration is unlimited.
First amendment (to Article VI.A.3) approved by Decree-Law N° 6251 in 1963
Second amendment (to Article VI.A.B.C and D) approved by Law N° 19252 enacted in 1971 (Official Report 5/X/71). Effective since 1973.
Third amendment (to Article VI.A.1) approved by Law N° 23425 enacted in 1986 (BO 30/I/87). In effect since 1989.
Fourth amendment (to Article VI and Article XIV Paragraph A) approved by Law N° 25483 enacted in 2001 (Official Report 2001/11/27). Not entered into force yet.
Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA. Approved by Decree-Law N° 7672 in 1963 (Official Report 29/XI/63) which was ratified by Law N° 16478, enacted in 1964 (Official Report 30/IX/64). Its duration is unlimited.
Supplementary Agreement Concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance by the IAEA to the Government of the Argentine Republic. Signed and entered into force in 1991. Its duration is unlimited.
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) related to the pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 1996, it was approved by Law N° 24869, enacted (Official Report 18/IX/97) and entered into force in 1997. Its duration is of 10 years and is automatically renewed by successive 5-year periods.
Co-operation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL). Signed in 1998, it was approved by Law N° 25842, enacted (Official Report 15/I/04) and ratified in 2004. It entered into force in 2005. Its duration is of 10 years and is renewed by successive 5-year periods.
Bilateral Agreements
Saudi Arabia: Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2011, it was approved by Law N° 26768 enacted in 2012 (Official Report25/10/12/12). Its initial duration is 20 years, being automatically renewable for 10-year periods, unless either party notifies its intention to terminate it.
Algeria: Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (specifically including nuclear). Signed in 1984, was approved by Law N° 23424 enacted in 1986 (Official Report 26/III/87) and entered into force in 1987. Initial term was 5 years, automatically renewable for successive periods of 5 years.
Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2008, it was approved by Law N° 26765, enacted (Official Report 25/10/12) and entered into force in 2012. It lasts 20 years. Possibility of renewal based on the agreement between the parties.
Armenia: Cooperation Agreement on Pacific Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 1998, it was approved by Law N° 25285, enacted in 2000 (Official Report 13/XII/00) and entered into force in 2001. Its duration is 5 years and it is automatically renewed by 5-year periods.
Australia: Cooperation Agreement on Pacific Uses of the Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2001, it was approved by Law N° 26014, enacted (Official Report 14/I/05) and entered into force in 2005. Its duration is unlimited.
Plurinational State of Bolivia: Cooperation Agreement on the pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 1970, it was approved by Law N° 18814, enacted in 1970 (Official Report 23/X/70) and entered into force in 1971. Its duration is unlimited.
Brazil: Cooperation Agreement for the development and application of the pacific uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1980. It was approved by Law N° 22494, enacted in 1981 (Official Report 16/XI/81) and ratified in 1983. Its initial duration was 10 years and it is automatically renewed by 2-year periods.
Cooperation Protocol on the immediate notification and mutual assistance in case nuclear accidents and radiological emergencies should occur (Protocol N° 11). Signed and entered into force in 1986. Its duration is unlimited.
Nuclear Cooperation Protocol (Protocol N° 17). Signed and entered into force in 1986. Its duration is unlimited.
Joint Declaration concerning the creation of the Argentine Brazilian Nuclear Energy Application Agency (ABAEN). Signed and entered into force in 2001. Its duration is unlimited.
Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy. Signed and entered into force in 2005. Its duration is unlimited.
Additional Protocol to the Cooperation Agreement for the development and application of the pacific uses of the nuclear energy regarding reactors, nuclear fuels, radioisotopes and radio drugs and radioactive waste management. Signed and entered into effect in 2005. Its duration is unlimited.
Additional Protocol to the Cooperation Agreement for the development and application of pacific uses of nuclear energy in the regulatory and implementation areas. Signed and entered into force in 2005. Its duration is unlimited.
Protocols of the Day of the Friendship. Signed in 2005. It includes the following cooperation items:
Joint Declaration on nuclear policy.
Additional Protocol regarding reactors, nuclear fuels, radioisotope supply and radioactive drugs as well as radioactive waste management.
Additional Protocol in the regulatory areas and the implementation for nuclear regulations.
Anniversary Joint Declaration ABACC. Signed in 2006.
Joint Declaration February 2008. Signed in 2008. It sets the creation of the Binational Commission on Nuclear Energy; trains agencies to create a binational uranium enrichment company and conducts a Technical Binational Seminar in both countries.
Joint Declaration signed in 2010. It highlights bilateral cooperation and the existing mechanism of safeguards and also highlights the commitment to disarmament and non-proliferation, and the achievements of the VIII Conference for the Review of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
Bulgaria: Co-operation agreement concerning pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 2000, it was approved by Law N° 25809, enacted in 2003 (Official Report2/XII/03). Its initial duration will be of 5 years, automatically renewed every 5-year periods.
Canada: Agreement for the co-operation on the pacific uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1994, it was approved by Law N° 24646, enacted (Official Report 28/VI/96) and coming into force in 1996. Its duration is of 30 years, and it is automatically renewed by 10-year periods.
Chile: Agreement on co-operation in the pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 1976, it was approved by Law N° 22886, enacted (Official Report 14/IX/83) and entered into force in 1983. Its duration is of 5 years and it is renewed by annual periods.
China: Agreement for the co-operation in pacific uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1985, it was approved by Law N° 23712, enacted (Official Report 12/X/89) and entering into force in 1989. Its duration is of 15 years and it is automatically renewed by 5-year periods.
Agreement between the Government of Argentina and the Government of the People's Republic of China on co-operation in the Project for the Construction of the Pressure Tubes and Heavy Water Reactor in Argentina. Signed in Buenos Aires on July 18, 2014.
Colombia: Co-operation Agreement in the pacific uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1967, it was approved by Law N° 19505, enacted (Official Report 18/VII/72) and entered into force in 1972. Its duration is unlimited.
Act for the Argentine - Colombian Integration. Signed in 1988.
Protocol for Co-operation on Uranium Mining. Signed in 1988.
Republic of Korea: Agreement on co-operation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1996, it was approved by Law N° 24860, enacted (Official Report 16/IX/97) and entered into force in 1997. It is valid for 10 years and is automatically renewed every 5 years.
Agreement on co-operation in the fields of energy and mining resources. Signed and entered into force in 2004. Its duration is unlimited.
Memorandum of Understanding between the parties, on Cooperation in Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2010
Costa Rica: Co-operation Agreement for the development and application of peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 1992, it was approved by Law N° 24981, enacted in 1998 (Official Report 15/VII/98). Its initial duration is 10 years, automatically renewed by 2 year successive periods.
Cuba: Agreement on scientific and technical co-operation (specifically including nuclear). Signed in 1984, was approved by Law N° 23388 and became effective in 1987. Its duration is unlimited.
Memorandum of Understanding on the co-operation of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 2009.
Ecuador: Co-operation Agreement on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1977, it was approved by Law N° 21896 enacted in 1978 (Official Report 03/XI/78) and entered into force in 1979. Its initial validity was of 5 years, and it was automatically renewed by annual successive periods.
Memorandum of Understanding between the parties. Signed in 2008. Its initial term was 5 years with automatic renewal for successive periods of 5 years.
United Arab Emirates: Agreement on Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy between Argentina and the United Arab Emirates. Signed in Abu Dhabi on January 14, 2013. Not yet in force.
Memorandum of Co-operation between the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services of Argentina and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy in the UAE. Signed in Buenos Aires on April 24, 2014. Its initial term is 5 (five) years.
Spain: Special Co-operation Agreement for the development and application of the peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed and entered into force in 1978. Its initial validity was 5 years, automatically renewed by 2 year successive periods.
United States of America: Agreement on the peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 1996, it was approved by Law N° 24862, enacted (Official Report 17/IX/97) and entered into force in 1997. Its duration is 30 years.
Agreement between the parties on co-operation to prevent illicit trade of nuclear and other radioactive materials, “MEGAPORTS”. Signed in 2010.In legislative approval process. It will last 5 years, automatically renewable for periods of 5 years.
Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Energy of the United States of America on Co-operation in Clean Energy Technologies. Signed in 2010.
France: Co-operation Agreement for the use of nuclear energy for exclusively peaceful and non-explosive purposes. Signed in 1994, it was approved by Law N°24647, enacted on (Official Report 1/VII/96), and entered into force in 1996. Its duration lasts 10 years, automatically renewed by 10 year successive periods.
Greece: Agreement on the co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1997, it was approved by Law N° 25286, enacted (Official Report 13/XII/00) and entered into force in 2000. The duration is 10 years. It shall be automatically renewed on a 5 year basis.
Guatemala: Co-operation Agreement for the development and the application of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1986, it was approved by Law N° 24645, enacted in 1996 (Official Report 28/VI/96) and entered into force in 1997. This agreement was executed for a period of 5 years. It is automatically renewed on a 2 year basis.
Indonesia: Agreement for the cooperation in the pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 1990, it was approved by Law N° 24161, enacted in 1992 (Official Report 02/XI/92), and entered into force in 1993. This Agreement is executed for a period of 5 years and it shall be automatically renewed on a yearly basis.
India: Agreement on Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2010, it was approved by Law N° 26766 enacted in 2012 (Official Report 25/X/12). It will last 20 years, being automatically renewable for successive periods of 10 years.
Jordan: Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2009, was approved by Law N° 26767 enacted in 2012 (Official Report 25/X/12). It will last 10 years, being automatically renewable for successive periods of 10 years.
Libya: Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2008. Its initial term is 5 years, with automatic renewal for 5 years periods.
Morocco: Co-operation Agreement on peaceful uses of atomic energy. Signed in 1996, it was approved by Law N° 24980, enacted in 1998 (Official Report15/VII/98). It shall be initially executed for 5 years and automatically renewed on a yearly basis.
Mexico: Agreement of Co-operation for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 2002, was approved by Law N° 26771 enacted in 2012 (Official Report 25/X/12) and entered into force in 2013. Its duration is 2 years, being automatically renewable for successive periods of 2 years.
Paraguay: Co-operation Agreement on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1967, it was approved by Law N° 18436, enacted in 1969 (Official Report 19/XI/69) and entered into force in 1970. Its execution is unlimited.
Peru: Co-operation Agreement on peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1968, it was approved by Law N° 18255, enacted (Official Report 18/VII/69) and entered into force in 1969. Its duration is unlimited.
Romania: Agreement on the co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1990, it was approved by Law N° 24217, enacted (Official Report 1/VII/93) and entered into force in 1993. It is executed for 10 years and renewed on a 5 year basis.
Russian Federation: Agreement between the Government of Argentina and the Government of Russian Federation on Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in Buenos Aires, on July 12, 2014.
Joint Declaration with the State Corporation of Atomic Energy “ROSATOM” on the co-operation in the peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2008.
Memorandum of Understanding with the State Corporation of Atomic Energy (ROSATOM), on co-operation concerning the peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2010.
Agreement on the Cooperation Guidelines with the State Corporation of Atomic Energy (ROSATOM), within the framework of the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy. Signed in 2010.
Memorandum of Understanding with the State Atomic Energy Corporation "ROSATOM" on Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2011.
South Africa: Agreement on the Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Signed in 2008, it was approved by Law N° 26770 enacted in 2012 (Official Report 25/X/12). Its initial duration is 10 years, being renewable for successive periods of 5 years.
Thailand: Agreement on co-operation in peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in 1996, it was approved by Law N° 24861, enacted in 1997 (Official Report16/IX/97) and entered into force in 1998. It was executed for 5 years and renewed on a yearly basis.
Turkey: Agreement on the co-operation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1988, it was approved by Law N° 23914 enacted in 1991 (Official Report 22/IV/91) and entered into force in 1992. It was executed for 15 years and renewed for 5 year periods.
Uruguay: Co-operation Agreement on peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 1968, it was approved by Law N° 17938 enacted in 1968 (Official Report 25/X/68) and entered into force in 1972. Its duration is unlimited.
Memorandum of Understanding with the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. Signed in 2007. It shall be executed for 5 years and automatically renewed for 5 year periods.
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Complementary Agreement on technical scientific cooperation in nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Signed in 1979, it was approved by Law N° 22314 enacted (Official Report 7/XI/80) and entered into force in 1980. It was initially executed for 5 years, automatically renewed on a yearly basis.
Viet Nam: Agreement on co-operation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in 2001, it was approved by Law N° 25776, enacted in 2003 (Official Report 16/IX/03). It entered into force in 2004. This agreement shall be executed for 10 years and automatically renewed for 5 year consecutive periods.
Main organisations, entities and companies previously mentioned in Section 2, appear as follows with the corresponding contact information.
INVAP S.E.; Web site:
CONUAR S.A.; Web site:
DIOXITEK S.A.; Web site:
Name of report coordinator:
Norberto Ruben Coppari, Engineer, Head of Strategic Planning Management.
Argentine Atomic Energy Commission. Management of Planning Coordination and Control.
Av. Del Libertador 8250, CABA, (1429), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Email address:
(1) Toe: Equivalent tonnes of oil
(2) Trex: Semi or heavy wall pipes that after their laminate give rise to fuel pods.
(4) The Convention between Argentina and Yugoslavia was extinguished.