IAEA Meetings in 2017 »
Announcement Code: 54643 (K4-TM)
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14th Coordination Meeting of the IAEAs Network of Analytical Laboratories for the Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity (ALMERA)
Stockholm, Sweden
23–25 October 2017 Conference ID: 54643  (K4-TM)
Announcement ALMERA (‘Analytical Laboratories for the Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity’) is a worldwide network of analytical laboratories, established by the IAEA. Through methodological and data quality support received from the IAEA and the development and validation of collaborative methods, ALMERA member laboratories are able to provide internationally acceptable radioanalytical data in normal situations as well as in case of accidental or intentional releases of radioactivity, as requested by their nominating authorities. The ALMERA Network holds annual coordination meetings to discuss the implementation of planned activities and to define future activities of the Network.

The purpose of the meeting is to review ALMERA activities and to define a future work plan for developing the Network’s activities in the following fields: recommended radioanalytical methods, reference materials and proficiency testing, methodologies supporting routine and emergency environmental monitoring, and radioecological assessment.

The expected outputs of the meeting are to:

• Present and discuss ALMERA proficiency test results and related proposals;
• Discuss the current status and plans for recommended radioanalytical procedures developed within the ALMERA Network;
• Discuss priorities for training courses and workshops;
• Discuss means for communication and data sharing and exchange among ALMERA laboratories;
• Discuss initiatives for regional cooperation and collaboration with other networks;
• Identify work plans and proposals for the ALMERA regional groups and task groups;
• Review and update the general ALMERA work plan.

The meeting will provide an opportunity to undertake, at the senior technical level, a thorough review of the plan for future ALMERA activities. The meeting will also discuss how to further increase the role of regional coordination centres in mobilizing the Network’s experience, encouraging the exchange of expertise, and supporting capacity building at the regional level.

Working Documents

• Prospectus PDF
• Participation Form (Form A) PDF, Word
• Grant Application Form (Form C) PDF, Word

Scientific Secretary

Mr Aurélien Pitois
ALMERA Scientific Coordinator
IAEA Environment Laboratories
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications
Email: A.Pitois@iaea.org

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