(THP2/03) Is the Mercier Criterion Relevant to Stellarator Stability?
B. A. Carreras1), V. E. Lynch1),
K. Ichiguchi2), M. Wakatani3),
T. Tatsuno4)
1) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
2) National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Japan
3) Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
4) Graduate School of Frontier Science, Tokyo University, Tokyo,
Abstract. Local flattening of the pressure profile at the resonant
surfaces may significantly change the stellarator stability properties. This
flattening may be an intrinsic consequence of the three-dimensional nature
of the equilibrium and may invalidate the local stability criteria often
used in stellarator design.
IAEA 2001