(TH3/1) Macroscopic Coherent Magnetic Islands
F. Porcelli1), A. Airoldi3),
C. Angioni4), A. Bruschi3),
P. Buratti5), F. Califano6),
S. Cirant3), I. Furno4), D. Grasso1),
E. Lazzaro3), A. Martynov4),
M. Ottaviani7), F. Pegoraro6),
G. Ramponi3), E. Rossi8), O. Sauter4),
C. Tebaldi9), O. Tudisco5)
1) INFM and Department of Energetics, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy
2) Plasma Science and Fusion center, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, USA
3) IFP, Ass. EURATOM-ENEA-CNR, Via Cozzi 53, Milan, Italy
4) CRPP, Ass. EURATOM-Conf. Suisse, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
5) Ass. EURATOM-ENEA, Frascati, Italy
6) INFM and Department of Physics, University of Pisa, Italy
7) DRFC, CEA Cadarache, 13108 St Paul lez Durance, France
8) IFS, University of Texas at Austin, USA
9) Department of mathematics, University of Lecce, Italy
Abstract. We present experimental and theoretical investigations on the
dynamics of coherent magnetic islands in high temperature, magnetically
confined plasmas of thermonuclear interest, and of their effects on plasma
IAEA 2001