(FTP1/01(R)) Engineering Design of KSTAR Tokamak Main Structure
K. H. Im1), S. Cho1),
N. I. Her1), D. L. Kim1), G. S. Lee1),
M. Kwon1), C. J. Do1), J. B. Kim2),
Y. C. Kim2), J. S. Lee2), I. K. Yu1),
S. R. In3), B. J. Yoon3), G. H. Hong1),
B. C. Kim1), G. H. Kim1), W. C. Kim1),
J. W. Sa1), and the KSTAR Team
1) Korea Basic Science Institute, Taejon, Republic of
2) Hyundai Heavy Industries, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
3) Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon, Republic of Korea
Abstract. The main components of the KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak
Advanced Research) tokamak including vacuum vessel, plasma facing
components, cryostat, thermal shield and magnet supporting structure are in
the final stage of engineering design. Hundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has
been involved in the engineering design of these components. The current
configuration and the final engineering design results for the KSTAR main
structure are presented.
IAEA 2001