(IFP/14(R)) The GEKKO XII-HIPER (High Intensity Plasma Experimental Research)
System Relevant to Ignition Targets
N. Miyanaga1), M. Nakatsuka1),
H. Azechi1), H. Shiraga1), T. Kanabe1),
H. Asahara1), H. Daido1), H. Fujita1),
K. Fujita1), Y. Izawa1), T. Jitsuno1),
T. Kawasaki1), H. Kitamura1),
S. Matsuo1), K. Mima1), N. Morio1),
M. Nakai1), S. Nakai1), K. Nishihara1),
H. Nishimura1), T. Sakamoto1),
K. Shigemori1), K. Sueda1), K. Suzuki1),
K. Tsubakimoto1), H. Takabe1),
S. Urushihara1), H. Yoshida1),
T. Yamanaka1), C. Yamanaka2)
1) Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University,
2-6 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
2) Institute for Laser Technology, 1-8-4 Utsubohonmachi, Nishi-ku,
Osaka 550-0004, Japan
Abstract. To test high gain targets surrogated in the planar geometry, we
have constructed a new experimental system (HIPER) which provides the high
ablation pressure with a uniform irradiance profile. These performances were
achieved by bundling twelve beams of the existing GEKKO XII into a F/3 focus
cone. The partially coherent light is introduced for the beam smoothing of a
green foot pulse consisting of three beams, and the three-directional
smoothing by spectral dispersion is utilized for residual nine beams
delivering a blue main drive pulse. The detail of design concept and results
of initial activation of this system are reported.
IAEA 2001