(Updated 2020)


The Islamic Republic of Iran has one operating nuclear power reactor, Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP), Unit 1, where a total of 42 199 million kW.h electricity has been generated from March 2011 to March 2020. BNPP-1 provided 1.84% of national electricity production in 2019. Since 2011, it is calculated that its operation has prevented the consumption of 11.244 billion m3 of natural gas, equivalent to 66.7 million barrels of crude oil, and the release of 37.7 million tonnes of pollutant or greenhouse gases into the environment. The Islamic Republic of Iran also plans to expand its nuclear power programme over the long term. In this regard, construction of BNPP-2 with a capacity of 1 057 MW(e), was started in September 2019.

This report provides information on the status and development of nuclear power programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran, including factors related to the effective planning, decision making and implementation of the nuclear power programme that together lead to safe and economical operation of nuclear power plants (NPPs).

The CNPP summarizes organizational and industrial aspects of nuclear power programme and provides information about the relevant legislative, regulatory and international framework in the Islamic Republic of Iran.



1.1.1. Energy policy

The energy policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is explained in the National Energy Strategy Document, which sets out policies through 2041. Approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on July 2017, the document outlines a comprehensive set of long term goals and strategies in the country’s energy sector. This document is also aligned with its Twenty-Year Vision, the sixth national five year development plan, and macro-policies related to energy, resistive economy, and environment.

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s primary energy consumption has almost doubled since 2004, mostly because of growth of energy consuming industries (e.g. developments in oil refineries, petrochemicals, iron, steel and cement), expanding demand for transportation and greater use of electricity. Natural gas and oil account for almost all of the country’s total primary energy consumption, with marginal contributions from hydropower, nuclear, and non-hydropower renewables.

Given the challenges surrounding fossil fuels on one hand and increased annual consumption of energy on the other hand, new energy sources and creative approaches have been attractive for policy makers to reduce dependence on fossil resources and to effectively manage energy demand. Accordingly, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran plans to develop clean and renewable energy capacity in the country according to the Article 50 of the sixth national five year development plan.

Among different renewable sources of energy, hydropower is the country’s largest by generating capacity. However, owing to the limitations of hydropower potential in Iran, other options are also required to be considered to meet the growing energy demand and diversify the power generation mix.

Nuclear energy is a clean energy, which not only has all the advantages of renewable energies, but also does not suffer from the limitations of these types of energies; in other words, electricity generation by NPPs is economically competitive and can be considered as a stable and predictable resource. Accordingly, the Government plans to increase nuclear power generation capacity over the coming decades. In this regard, a construction contract including the design, construction and commissioning of two new units, each with a capacity of 1 057 MW(e), was signed between the Islamic republic of Iran and the Russian Federation. The operation of these new facilities may save fossil fuel consumption of 22 million barrels of oil equivalent (MBOE) annually and can avoid potential emissions of 14 million tonnes of pollutant gases per year. This shows that the country is trying to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, in line with the actions of the international community.

1.1.2. Estimated available energy

The Islamic Republic of Iran holds one of the world’s largest proven oil and natural gas reserves. Based on recent exploration activities during 2015 and 2016, the Islamic Republic of Iran has a total of 1 407 tU as reasonably assured resources (RAR) and 6 750 tU of inferred resources as of 1 January 2017. In addition, recent studies have identified favourable areas for investigation of unconventional resources, including phosphate rocks, non-ferrous ores, ferrous ores, carbonatite and black shales. Speculative resources, with an unassigned cost category amount to approximately 53 000 tU according to the ‘Red Book 2018’.

The estimated available energy resources of the Islamic Republic of Iran are presented in Table 1.


 Fossil fuels Nuclear Renewables
Solid Liquid Gas Uranium Hydro Other
Total amount in specific units* 1147.9** 160.1*** 33.3*** 1 407? n.d ?? n.d ??

* Solid: Million tonnes; Liquid: Billion barrels; Gas: Trillion m3; Uranium: Tonnes; Hydro, Renewables: TW.

** The data correspond to 2018.

*** The data correspond to 2017

? Reasonably Assured Resources (RAR). The data correspond to the end of 2016.

?? n.d: Not determined.

Source: In the case of fossil fuels, the data were derived from national energy balance, Ministry of Energy (MOE). In the case of Uranium, the value was derived from “Uranium 2018: Resources, Production and Demand (Red Book 2018)”.

1.1.3. Energy Consumption Statistics

Table 2 contains energy statistics.


2000 2005 2010 2015 2017* Compound annual growth rate (%) 2000 to 2017
Final Energy consumption [EJ]
- Total 3.757 5.102 6.327 6.858 7.314 4.00
- Heat and Other - - - - - -
- Electricity 0.340 0.487 0.669 0.838 0.926 6.07
- Natural Gas 1.218 1.965 3.181 3.850 4.097 7.40
- Coal/Lignite/Peat 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.008 0.009 6.68
- Oil products 2.180 2.576 2.441 2.111 2.231 0.14
- Bioenergy and Waste 0.016 0.072 0.034 0.051 0.051 7.06

*Latest available data.

Source(s): National energy balance, Ministry of Energy (MOE).


1.2.1. Electricity system and decision making process

The Ministry of Energy (MOE) is the main organ of the Government responsible for the regulation and implementation of policies applicable to the main energy industries, including electricity, renewable energy, water, and wastewater services. Trends such as privatization, quantitative and qualitative development of the electricity market, utilization of clean and renewable energies, efficiency improvement, loss reduction, human resource development and optimization of the existing installations are among the important policies and activities that are followed by the MOE (

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) is an organization affiliated to the Government, but not under the MOE. It is responsible for all activities and functions related to nuclear technology development, including, in particular, nuclear electricity generation in the country (

1.2.2. Structure of electric power sector

The MOE consists of three levels:

  1. At the highest level is the headquarters, where policy making and governance activities in power sector are performed.

  2. At the middle level are specialized holding companies, such as the following:

    1. Power Transmission, Generation and Distribution Company (Tavanir) is responsible for planning, supervision and evaluation of its subsidiary companies as well as guiding and management of electricity transmission and distribution in the country through its regional and distribution companies.

    2. Thermal Power Plant Holding (TPPH) is responsible for organizing government activities in the field of thermal power generation; leading its subsidiary companies; and planning, development, management and operation of its subsidiaries’ plants based on the policies of the MOE.

  3. At the operational level are subsidiary companies, including: regional electric companies, power distribution companies, power generation management companies, Iran Grid Management Company (IGMC), Iran Power Plant Project Management Company (MAPNA) and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA). These companies are responsible for implementation of the plans, programmes and macro-policies adopted in the power sector.

In the nuclear field, the Nuclear Power Production and Development Company of Iran (NPPD), under the AEOI, is responsible for organization and implementation of the Government’s activities in the field of safe generation and development of nuclear power, guiding and conducting some of the activities of AEOI in this field, including monitoring and supervision.

1.2.3. Main indicators

Table 3 contains information about electricity production and Table 4 shows energy related ratios.


2000 2005 2010
2017 2018 2019* Compound annual growth rate (%) 2000 to 2019
Electricity production (TWh)
- Steam 80.71 93.38 94.07 86.97 90.34 85.66 85.77 0.32
- Gas turbines 20.87 32.13 58.40 75.42 79.48 70.32 68.62 7.25
- Combined cycle 12.86 36.19 70.66 100.94 115.08 129.20 135.20 14.84
- Diesel 0.36 0.21 0.13 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.04 -12.12
- Hydro 3.66 16.10 9.53 14.09 15.40 15.77 30.59 13.30
- Nuclear - - - 2.91 7.45 7.25 7.24 -
- Wind 0.04 0.07 0.16 0.22 0.31 0.91 0.72 -
- Solar 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0009 0.09 -
- Biogas - - 0.01 0.01 0.04 -
- Heat recovery - - - - 0.04 -
- Total 118.49 178.09 232.96 280.64 308.31 309.18 328.18 6.18

*Latest available data. The data are preliminary.

Source(s): National energy balance, Ministry of Energy (MOE).


2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2019*
Nuclear/Total electricity (%) - - - 1.27 2.09 1.84

* Latest available data.



2.1.1. Overview

Initial interest regarding nuclear energy development in the Islamic Republic of Iran goes back more than sixty years. In the mid-1950s, the University of Tehran initiated the first order for purchasing the equipment required for nuclear research and educational activities from abroad. Since then, the Nuclear Centre of the university was established and the start of operation of the Tehran research reactor (TRR) in 1967 laid the foundation of the country’s nuclear science and technology fields.

In the mid-1970s, the construction of two 1 213 MW pressurized light water reactors was started in Bushehr province on the coast by German Kraftwerk Union (KWU) and the plant remained incomplete for about 20 years.

In 1992, a cooperation agreement for the peaceful use of nuclear power was signed between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation. Based on the contents of this agreement, a contract for the completion of the first unit of BNPP was signed in 1994 between the AEOI and Zarubejatom Company (which later changed its name to Atom Stroy Export); this agreement was put into force in 1995. A separate contract for the 10-year supply of nuclear fuel was also signed between the Islamic Republic of Iran and TENEX, a Russian company which was replaced by TVEL Co.

Finally, in the late summer of 2011, the first unit of BNPP was connected to the national grid for the first time after passing successful commissioning tests (Fig. 1). The plant was put into the commercial operation in September 2013.

According to the country’s policy on increasing the share of nuclear energy in electricity generation, the construction of the BNPP units 2 and 3, each with the capacity of 1 057 MW(e) is being pursued actively.

FIG. 1. Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1.

2.1.2. Current organizational structure

With the establishment of the AEOI in 1974, the mission and functions related to promoting application of nuclear technology, particularly regarding nuclear electricity generation in the country, were allocated to the AEOI (resource: AEOI establishment Act, 1974).

In 2003, the duties and missions of the Nuclear Power Plants Division of the AEOI were delegated to the NPPD holding company. In 2004, the company statue was approved by the Board of Ministers, and executive activities of the company were started. NPPD’s mission is the comprehensive development of NPPs in all stages including feasibility studies, site selection, design, construction, commissioning, operation, and decommissioning in terms of social acceptance, safety and technology aspects (

In order to implement the long term goals of the country in using nuclear energy to generate electricity as well as to gather experience related to the safe, reliable and economic operation of NPPs, establishment of a company was put on the agenda by the AEOI and NPPD. Hence, by use of the capacities included in Article 11 of the Iran Budget Law of 2006, the Board of Ministers agreed to establish the BNPP Operating Company in 2006 and ratified its statute in 2007. The main activities of this company include executing any activities aiming at generating electricity, maintenance and repairs, fuel supply and safe operation of BNPP.

The Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) is the national nuclear regulatory body established in 1975 and has since been authorized to regulate safety of nuclear installations and radiation activities. INRA is authorized to issue permission and licenses, regulations and guides and provide authorization or supervision of activities, thereby regulating nuclear and radiation safety for siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities or activities. INRA’s mission is to ensure safe and secure utilization of nuclear energy and radiation sources, in such a way that personnel, the public, future generations and the environment are protected against harmful effects of radiation. It is worth noting that the INRA and NPPD are two separate entities (


2.2.1. Status and performance of nuclear power plants

Table 5 contains information on the status and performance of NPPs in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Reactor Unit Type Net
Status Operator Reactor
First Grid
BUSHEHR-1 PWR 915 Operational NPPDCO JSC ASE 1975-05-01 2011-05-08 2011-09-03 2013-09-23 73.4
BUSHEHR-2 PWR 974 Under Construction NPPDCO JSC ASE 2019-09-27
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).
Note: Table is completely generated from PRIS data to reflect the latest available information and may be more up to date than the text of the report.

2.2.2. Plant upgrading, plant life management and license renewals

In 2012, NPPD performed stress tests at BNPP-1 as a response to the Fukushima Daiichi event. The result of safety assessments recommended the preparation of mobile diesel generators and pumps for BNPP-1 under severe accident conditions.

The first peer review by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) was conducted at the BNPP site in 2011. Based on the routine practice of implementing the WANO peer reviews in a four year period, the second peer review of the BNPP was conducted from 1 June to 18 June 2015. During this project, 25 WANO experts from different countries surveyed 12 areas of the power plant in line with state of the art nuclear industry standards around the world and related criteria from WANO documents, and presented their recommendations for future improvement of the power plant functions. In addition, WANO has evaluated the BNPP’s performance through its peer review mechanism and upgraded its safety performance indicators from C to B in 2017. Cooperation with WANO has continued progressively during 2018 and 2019.

An Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) mission to Bushehr was conducted on 29 September to 16 October 2018 by experts from 14 countries. They assessed the BNPP in ten areas: leadership and management for safety; training and qualification; energy generation; maintenance and repair; technical support; operational experience; radiation protection; chemistry; emergency preparedness and response; and severe accident management. Finally, the team submitted its report to the managing director of the BNPP Operating Company and the head of the representative office of INRA. The OSART follow up mission is being planned for late 2020.

At the 10th International Exhibition of Russian Nuclear Industry, known as ATOMEXPO 2018, with the slogan “Global Participation — Joint Success”, NPPD received the Diploma of Honour for “The Best Commissioning” for the BNNP-1 project. This project ranked among the three top projects together with NPP construction projects in Belarus and Turkey. It is worth noting that over 650 companies working in the field of nuclear energy unveil their newest technologies in the nuclear, medical and agricultural industries at this exhibition.

2.2.3. Permanent shutdown and decommissioning process

Not applicable.


2.3.1. Nuclear power development strategy

Given that nuclear power makes a significant contribution to reducing green gas emissions and improves energy security, the Islamic Republic of Iran envisions a long term plan in order to increase the share of nuclear power in the country’s energy mix. The main strategies in nuclear power development are as follows:

  • Diversification of electrical energy generation sources by constructing and operating new NPPs;

  • Promoting the capability level for operation, maintenance and repair of NPPs;

  • Increasing the contributions of domestic industries and companies;

  • Promoting the qualifications of expert human resource in the field of NPPs.

Iran is implementing phases 2 and 3 of BNPP (Table 6). In addition to producing electricity, these reactors will run two desalination plants.


Reactor unit/Project name Owner Type Capacity in MW(e) Construction start year Expected commercial year
BUSHEHR-2 AEOI VVER 1 057 2019 2025
BUSHEHR-3 AEOI VVER 1 057 2021 2027

2.3.2. Project management

NPPD, the responsible body for the development of NPPs, identifies and approves different projects. For any project, the project manager is assigned by NPPD and has adequate authorities to perform its duties and complete the project effectively.

2.3.3. Project funding

Presently, the Government is responsible for funding NPP development in Iran and the budget required for medium and long term plans is estimated and approved in accordance with the five year national development plans.

2.3.4. Electric grid development

Currently, no further development of the electric grid is needed for NPPs.

2.3.5. Sites

In line with government policy and planning for sustainable development, the site surveying project for selecting suitable sites for construction of new NPPs was implemented in the 1970s. The investigation and evaluation of the proposed sites were carried out based on INRA regulations, which consider the IAEA relevant Safety Standards, recent documented international experiences and other relevant regulations including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the regulations of the supplier country. The project was accomplished in three phases and 16 sites were considered in coastal and inland regions. After the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the site surveying project was reviewed by the AEOI. The first phase of this project (preliminary studies) ended in 2011, leading to determination of candidate sites. Currently, based on previous studies, development plans are being done and additional studies are being performed for the expanded nuclear power programme.

For NPPs under construction, the necessary planning and studies were performed for location of the units. Finally, the construction of two new units in the vicinity of BNPP, unit 1 was planned by the AEOI and the necessary planning and measures for implementation of this project were taken by NPPD.

2.3.6. Public awareness and acceptance

One of the most important duties of organizations in charge of nuclear power generation across the country is to inform and notify the public on advantages and benefits of construction and operation of NPPs. Article 48 of the sixth development plan states the necessity of enhancing social awareness and acceptance and also increasing participation in achieving sustainable development of nuclear power in Islamic Republic of Iran, especially for the residents around the NPP (Bushehr province). In this regard, NPP, in cooperation with domestic stakeholders (including AEOI, INRA and the BNPP Company) developed a special program within an executive specialized workgroup for social acceptance and awareness in 2015. Some of the related activities in this area are the following:

  • Formulation, publication and distribution of books, booklets and company newsletters entitled “Development news”;

  • Participation in occasional and specialized exhibitions;

  • Performing sociocultural activities;

  • Equipping the BNPP Information Center for the public as an effective symbol of social acceptance.


The NPP construction projects are being developed and completed by the project manager, who provides reports directly to the vice president of the AEOI. The Supervisory Commission is responsible for overseeing regulatory activities, which are performed by the operating organization and its contractors.


The Government provides the required financial and organizational support, as well as technical staff, for the national nuclear power programme. NPPD has been established as the owner/operating organization of NPPs in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


As the first NPP was put into commercial operation, only the overall plan of decommissioning was considered in safety documents relating to national nuclear safety regulation. This was done by the operator under the direction of the national regulatory body. Therefore, for the time being there is no need for any further practical action. However, the operator, INRA as the regulatory body, the Iran Radioactive waste Management Company (IRWA) and any technical supporting company will be involved in planning of NPP decommissioning, if necessary.


The Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear fuel cycle includes uranium exploration, mining, triuranium octoxide (U3O8) production, uranium conversion, uranium enrichment and fuel fabrication and waste management. Additional information regarding the fuel cycle in Islamic Republic of Iran is available below:

2.7.1. Uranium mining and milling

The owner of the uranium industry is the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, where AEOI is the operator and responsible for uranium exploration, mining and treatment. 

Uranium ore recovered by open pit mining of the Gachin salt plug has been processed at Bandar Abbas Uranium Production Plant since 2006. This is the first such production facility, and operates with a nominal capacity of 21 tU/a.

Ardakan Yellow Cake Production Plant is the second production facility, and has a nominal production capacity of 50 tU/a. It is supplied with ore from the Saghand uranium mine.

2.7.2. Uranium conversion and fuel fabrication

The Uranium Conversion Facility in the southeast of Isfahan consists of process lines to convert yellowcake into natural uranium hexafluoride (UF6) and natural uranium oxide (UO2).

A fuel manufacturing plant next to this facility produces pellets, rods and nuclear fuel assemblies. The Zirconium Production Plant was also established to produce zirconium sponges.

2.7.3. Uranium enrichment

The Fuel Enrichment Plant is located in Natanz. This plant comprises major components such as a feed system, cascade halls, a take-off system and a sampling system. It also houses a centrifuge assembly area. Fordow, near the city of Qom, is the second enrichment facility.

2.7.4. Reprocessing

Spent fuel reprocessing is not intended or planned in any stage of the nuclear fuel cycle in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

2.7.5. Waste management

IRWA is a government authorized company which has been established to conduct and implement any activities associated with radioactive waste disposal in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In addition, studies about geological disposal through using an underground mine are being carried out with the aim of increasing the capacity to dispose radioactive waste around the country.

According to the current national radioactive waste management plan, and following the related studies, the Anarak site has been selected to be used as the near surface repository for disposal of low-and intermediate- level wastes arising from NPPs in Iran. The Anarak repository consists of a predisposal and treatment building unit and two interim storage areas in which the wastes coming from NPPs and other facilities will be stored until the disposal trenches are ready to operate for receiving the waste packages.


2.8.1. R&D organizations

Nuclear research is conducted by several institutions and universities. The leading research and development organization in the Islamic Republic of Iran is the Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), which was established in 2002 with the objective of nuclear technology research and development. NSTRI operates under a Board of Trustees and is officially affiliated to the AEOI. It cooperates with international scientific communities, especially the IAEA, as well as universities and other scientific and research institutes. Based on its mission and statute, NSTRI consists of the following research schools, which conduct nuclear research and development:

  • Reactor and Nuclear Safety Research School;

  • Materials and Nuclear Fuel Research School;

  • Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Research School.

It also has the following other schools related to peaceful applications of radiation:

  • Radiation Application Research School;

  • Photonics and Quantum Technologies Research School;

  • Physics and Accelerators Research School;

  • Nuclear Agriculture Research School.

2.8.2. Development of advanced nuclear power technologies

The Islamic Republic of Iran anticipates future cooperation to develop advanced nuclear generation systems, while national experts participate in the relevant international events.

2.8.3. International cooperation and initiatives

In 1958, the Islamic Republic of Iran joined the IAEA, and as a Member State it receives assistance from IAEA programmes for enhancement of safety, performance and reliability of NPPs and also for promoting the peaceful applications of nuclear technology in various fields. The bilateral collaboration with IAEA can be divided into two categories:

  1. Technical Cooperation (TC) projects: The Islamic Republic of Iran works with the IAEA within the framework of TC projects to create, establish and maintain the required capacities for safe, reliable and peaceful use of nuclear technology. One of the most significant areas of TC projects is NPPs. The followings are some examples of national, regional and interregional TC projects:

    IRA2012: Increasing NPPD’s capability in planning and implementing activities related to the design and construction of two new pressurized light water NPP units in Bushehr, with an emphasis on safety.

    IRA2013: Enhancing the level of operational safety and reliability of the Bushehr NPP-1.

    IRA9023: Strengthening the owner’s capabilities in safe operation of the TALMESI radioactive waste disposal facility.

    IRA9024: Strengthening regulatory competence and enhancing the effectiveness of the national nuclear and radiation safety regime.

    RAS9073: Strengthening the regulatory infrastructure for radiation, transport and waste safety.

    RAS9074: Enhancing and strengthening the national regulatory infrastructure for safety through self-assessment.

    RAS9076: Strengthening of national capabilities for response to nuclear and radiological emergencies.

    INT9180: Sustaining the safe transport of radioactive materials by promoting the harmonization of transport regulations, and building regulatory capacity and outreach to the transport community to address global related issues, including denial of shipment.

    INT9181: Building capacity and supporting self-evaluation of capacity building activities on safety in Member States with NPPs and those that are thinking of embarking on nuclear power programme.

  1. Participation in international technical meetings planned by the IAEA: Based on the IAEA notification, Iranian experts participate in technical meetings. In 2015, a number of experts from NPPD, BNPP Operating Company and other subsidiary companies have participated in these meetings in the areas of environmental monitoring, technical support and operational safety. On the basis of NPPD missions, development of international cooperation is highly important and aims at exchange of experiences as well as establishing a platform for promotion of BNPP performance and also programmes for developing NPP construction.


The strategic management model of human resources was designed in NPPD as the organization responsible for generation and development of nuclear power. Consequently, the human resources policies were developed and then approved by the Board of managing directors of the company. Afterwards, the current status of human resources was identified, and strategies and priorities were further specified according to policies. The national HRD strategy is aimed at improving the necessary capabilities for nuclear activities in all life cycles of national nuclear facilities. The prioritized areas of HRD include siting, designing, constructing, commissioning, operating and decommissioning of nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

NPPD human resources management has paid special attention to the education field. In this regard, with the aim of promoting the skill and knowledge level of personnel and to implement articles 37 and 45 of the company’s recruitment regulations, several training courses were held, including general, managerial and specialized courses. Also, the BNPP Training Center was constructed at Bushehr NPP to perform functions such as organizing and planning the implementation of occupational training to create, maintain and promote the level of personnel knowledge and skills for providing VVER NPPs and BNPP with safety. The centre has a full scope simulator for training purposes, which has been upgraded and improved in recent years. In addition, the centre uses computer based training. Initial and continuing trainings are provided to BNPP personnel through the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) with the help of existing documents. This method is on the agenda for safe and effective operation of a NPP.


Ensuring effective and efficient communication with all stakeholders is one of the most important and high priority programmes of the NPPD. Communication with stakeholders, including the general public — especially the residents around the NPP (Bushehr province), government, research institutes, schools, academies and universities, industries and associated organizations is accomplished through reports, information sheets, brochures, books, newsletters and booklets published on the web site of the AEOI (; seminars; exhibitions; specific conferences; public briefings offered by AEOI spokespersons; Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting and news agencies.


Despite all the precautions taken in the design and operation of nuclear facilities, there remains a possibility that a failure or an accident may give rise to a radiation emergency. In some cases, this may give rise to exposure or release of radioactive materials within facilities or into the public domain, which may necessitate emergency response actions. In this regard adequate preparations shall be established and maintained at local level by the operator to respond to nuclear or radiological emergencies.

For this purpose, the INRA regulation entitled Regulation for on-site Emergency Preparedness and Response in Nuclear Facilities/Radiation Activities, was developed and has been applied since 2015. This regulation establishes the requirements for preparedness and response in case of a radiation emergency for operating organizations of facilities and activities involving the use of ionizing radiation in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is also a party to the relevant international conventions, namely the “Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident” and the “Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency”.



3.1.1. Regulatory authority(s)

INRA is an independent governmental regulatory body established to supervise safety, security and safeguards in nuclear and radiation facilities and activities as well as regulate the safe and secure use of nuclear energy and radiation sources in order to ensure the protection of workers, the public, future generations and the environment against harmful effects of radiation. Its functions are assessment of applicants’ documents, inspection, issuing permission and license and enforcement.

While maintaining its effective independence, this body implements its legal supervision through preparing and developing regulations and guidelines for nuclear and radiation safety; safety assessment; issuance of licenses and related permits for construction and operation; and inspection, supervision and enforcement.

INRA’s management system has been established based on IAEA Safety Standards Series. Safety is the fundamental principle upon which the management system is based.

The main regulatory functions of INRA are defined as the following:

  1. Authorization and notification;

  2. Review and assessment of facilities and activities;

  3. Inspection of facilities and activities;

  4. Enforcement of regulatory requirements;

  5. Development of regulations and guides;

  6. Emergency preparedness;

  7. Communication and consultation with other national organizations and interested parties.

INRA legal and regulatory control will be continued throughout the entire lifetime of facilities and the duration of activities at all stages of site selection, design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning.

INRA has established a functional structure comprising four specific departments: the National Nuclear Safety Department, the National Radiation Protection Department, the Nuclear and Radiation Regulation Development Department and the National Nuclear Safeguards Department.

The National Nuclear Safety Department is responsible for regulatory supervision and control of all national nuclear installations. The National Radiation Protection Department is responsible for regulatory control of radiation (source) activities and facilities. The Nuclear and Radiation Regulation Development Department is responsible for investigation, preparation, updating, verification and development of regulations, codes of practice and guidelines related to nuclear and radiation safety. The National Nuclear Safeguards Department is the regulatory authority concerning nuclear safeguards and security in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The legislative basis for the National Nuclear Safeguards Department regulatory framework consists of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (as of 1970), the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA (INFCIRC/214, 1974), the Additional Protocol to Iran’s Safeguards Agreement (INFCIRC/214/Add.1), and the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA (INFCIRC/9/Rev.2, 1974). Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Islamic Republic of Iran notified the IAEA that it would apply the Additional Protocol provisionally and voluntarily as of 16 of January 2016. In addition, a number of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliamentary/ministerial acts, regulations and decrees have provided a regulatory framework for nuclear safeguards as well as physical protection.

3.1.2. Licensing process

Utilization of all nuclear and radiation facilities and related activities in the Islamic Republic of Iran is subject to obtaining appropriate authorization (license/permit) from the Supervisory Commission, which is responsible for overseeing regulatory activities, such as developing regulations, assessment, issuing licenses/permits, conducting inspections and taking enforcement actions for nuclear and radiation facilities and activities in Iran.


Main national laws in nuclear power

AEOI establishment Act, 1974;

  • Radiation Protection Act, 1989;

  • Environment protection Act, 1974;

  • Principle 50 of the Constitution.

Some regulations in nuclear power

  • Regulations for siting of nuclear installation;

  • Regulations for radiation protection during operation of NPPs;

  • Regulations for radiation protection during operation of uranium fuel cycle facilities;

  • Regulations for licensing of uranium mining and milling facilities;

  • Regulations on radioactive waste management;

  • Regulations for safe transport of radioactive materials;

  • Regulations on the physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities;

  • Regulations on the physical protection of nuclear material during transport;

  • Safety regulations for nuclear fuel transportation by vehicles;

  • Safety regulations for storage, transportation and handling of fresh nuclear fuel at a NPP;

  • Regulation for on-site emergency preparedness and response in nuclear facilities/radiation activities;

  • Regulation for granting permits for design, manufacturing and transportation of fresh nuclear fuel and associated core components at nuclear facilities;

  • Regulations for determination of exclusion area, low population zone and distance from population centre in nuclear facilities;

  • General safety regulation for nuclear facilities and activities;

  • Management system regulations for nuclear facilities;

  • Regulation for granting permits during operation of BNPP-1;

  • Regulation for supervision over fire safety assurance at the BNPP-1;

  • Regulation for granting permits during siting, design, manufacturing, construction, commissioning and operation of Bushehr-2 NPP;

  • Regulations for registration of the BNPP-2 vessels and pipelines operating under pressure;

  • Regulation on the BNPP-2 reactor plant passport;

  • Regulation for supervision over fire safety assurance at the BNPP-2.


  1. Atomic Energy Organization of Iran,

  2. Nuclear Power Production and Development Company of Iran,

  3. Ministry of energy, I.R. Iran,

  4. Energy Balance, Ministry of energy, I.R. Iran.

  5. IAEA Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).

  6. Uranium 2018: Resources, Production and Demand.

  7. IAEA, Office of Legal Affairs,


Relevant treaties
Entry into force
Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA
21 May 1974
Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident
9 November 2000
Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency
9 November 2000
Revised Supplementary Agreement Concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance by the IAEA (RSA)
12 February 1990
Safeguards agreements
Agreement Between Iran and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
15 May 1974

Note: It is noteworthy that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is another multilateral instrument agreed between the Islamic Republic of Iran and P5+1 (China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United states of America in addition to Germany) in 2015 in this regard.


End of North Kargar street, Tehran, Iran
No. 8, Tandis St., Above Zafar Ave., Nelson Mandela Ave., Tehran, Iran
Telephone No.
(+98) 21 88221073
(+98) 21 2488 2601
(+98) 21 2205 5106
Email address
Web Site Address
Main Activities
Issuing licenses/permits for facilities or activities and amendment, renewal, suspension or revocation of licenses/permits.
Supervision on and inspection of nuclear and radiation facilities and activities.
Implementation of the enforcement policy within the legal framework.
Liaising and cooperating with regulatory bodies of other countries, international organizations and institutions, in particular with the IAEA, and continuous attendance in international communities.
Developing/adopting regulations and guidelines related to the nuclear safety, security and radiation protection and safeguards.
Establishing, maintaining and updating a national data bank containing the information related to nuclear and radiation facilities and activities.
Establishing and maintaining a system of accounting and control of radiation sources and nuclear material.
Safety assessment of nuclear and radiation facilities and activities.
Cooperation with government authorities and providing advice, guidance and information on protecting workers, the public and the environment, preparedness and planning for emergencies, physical protection of nuclear facilities and materials and transportation of radioactive materials.
Providing information about nuclear safety and radiation protection in order to improve the safety culture.
Radiological assessment of environmental impact within the Islamic Republic of Iran’s borders, including the estimation of radiation exposure from natural background radiation.

Studying and proposing appropriate strategies and policies and establishing consensus and convergence among the stakeholders for effective use of peaceful nuclear energy in electricity generation.
Developing the technology and human resources, and institutionalizing the nuclear safety culture.
Constructive and effective cooperation with international and regional institutions for using scientific and technical opportunities and exchanging the experiences.
Construction and operation of NPPs, and marketing their generated electricity.
Reliable supply of the nuclear fuel, components, and equipment needed by NPPs.
Effective communication with universities, research centres and domestic sources for promoting the country’s capacities in different nuclear power fields.
Environmental and public dose assessment.
Qualified experts.
Training capacity for newcomers.
Equipped labs.
Regional office in nuclear facilities.
More than 8 years’ successful experience on safe and reliable operation of BNPP-1.
Experience on commissioning, maintenance and repair as well as refueling of NPPs.
Qualified and competent human resources on operation, maintenance and repair, and technical support.
Comprehensive training system including BNPP Training Center, full scope simulator, computer based training and competent instructors.

Coordinator information

Name of report coordinator: Office of Strategic Programme and Plans Codification

Institution: Atomic Energy Organization of Iran — Department of Nuclear Planning and Strategic Supervision