Abstract. Transmutation high-level waste (HLW) utilizing D-T fusion neutron is good selection for early fusion applications. A concept of transmutation Minor Actinide (MA) nuclear waste based on the Spherical Torus (ST) tokamak fusion reactor, FDTR, was put forward. A set of plasma parameter was decided suitable for the ST transmutation nuclear waste blanket. Using the 1-D burn-up calculation code BISON 3.0, 2-D neutron transport code TWODANT, and 3-D Monte Carlo code MCNP/4B and their associated data libraries to calculate the transmutation rate, the energy multiplication factor and the tritium breeding rate of the transmutation blanket. The Center-Post (CP) is one of important component in ST tokamak device. Some preliminary neutronics calculation of CP for the reference design has been carried out. A preliminary neutronics design and analysis shows that proposed system has high transmuting ability of 110 kg one FPY for MA waste. The neutronics performances of system can meet the requirement of design.
IAEA 2003