Abstract. Significant progress has been made on addressing critical issues for high repetition rate chambers, target fabrication and injection for inertial fusion energy (IFE) for both heavy ion and laser drivers. For heavy-ion driven systems, the focus has been on thick-liquid-wall chambers where the key issues are formation of the protective liquid blanket and chamber clearing between shots. For laser drivers, the favored concept is a bare-wall chamber that is protected from short-ranged target emissions by either a low-density gas fill or an armor coating on the first wall structure. Key target technology issues include creation of high quality fuel capsules, cryogenic filling and layering, and the thermo-mechanical response of the targets during injection. Models are being developed and experiments conducted to guide material selection, fabrication techniques and injector design for both direct and indirect-drive targets. Technologies that could extrapolate to mass production are being developed. New data is being acquired on the properties and response of cryogenic DT under acceleration and thermal exposure conditions relevant to IFE. An overview of these R&D programs is presented.
IAEA 2003