Abstract. Disruption of the plasma current is a significant design issue to be addressed in burning plasma experiments in tokamaks. The conventional baseline scenario (ELMing H-mode) has been chosen with the safety factor of 3.0 as a tradeoff of the benefits in fusion power and confinement at lower safety factor, against the risk of more frequent disruptions with higher potential for damaging the machine. A scenario with much higher safety factor (4.5) but equivalent fusion performance to the ITER reference scenario has been demonstated in the DIII-D tokamak under stationary conditions (> 6 s). The normalized beta value is controlled to be 2.7 and the confinement factor relative to the ITER89P scaling relation is 2.6. The current profile has relaxed to a stationary state with the minimum safety factor greater than 1. Only global plasma parameters (stored energy, density, current, shape) are under feedback control. The relative merits of the two types of discharge and the issues involved in extropolating these new discharges to a burning plasma experiment will be discussed. *Work supported by U.S. DOE Contracts DE-AC03-99ER55463, DE-AC05-00OR22725, DE-AC04-94AL85000, Grant DE-FG03-01ER54615.
IAEA 2003