Abstract. The potential for ITER-FEAT to operate in an ELMy H-mode DIII-D like AT scenario is evaluated. Both physics and control issues are examined. These include rotation and feedback stabilization of resistive wall modes (RWM) for high beta operation, constraints on the edge pedestal for high fusion performance due to drift-wave based core transport and edge localized modes (ELM) triggered by ideal intermediate toroidal mode number n peeling-ballooning modes, disruption mitigation, and divertor heat load. The effects of a finite edge pressure pedestal and current density are self-consistently included. This is crucial for evaluation of the effects of ELMs on edge pedestal, divertor heat load, and hence fusion performance. For these AT configurations, stability and transport analyses indicate that a modest amount, 35 MW, of 1 MeV negative NBI can provide sufficient rotational drive for stabilization against the n=1 RWM and allow operation at attractive values of 3.0 - 3.5. Consideration of edge stability and core transport suggests that a pedestal width in the range of 5% is likely to be sufficient for the projected fusion performance.*Supported by General Atomics IR&D funds.
IAEA 2003