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(EX/W-1) Heating, Current Drive and Energetic Particles Studies on JET in Preparation of ITER Operation

J.M. Noterdaeme1), R. Budny2), A. Cardinali3), C. Castaldo3), R. Cesario3), F. Crisanti3), J. deGrassie4), D.A. D'Ippolito5), F. Durodié6), A. Ekedahl7), E. Joffrin7), D. Hartmann1), J. Heikkinen8), T. Hellsten9)10), T. Jones11), V. Kiptily11), Ph. Lamalle6)10), X. Litaudon7), F. Nguyen7), J. Mailloux11), M. Mantsinen12), M. Mayoral11), D. Mazon7), F. Meo1), I. Monakhov11), J.R. Myra5), J. Paméla10), V. Pericoli3), O. Sauter13), Y. Sarazin7), S.E. Sharapov11), A.A. Tuccillo3), D. Van Eester6), JET EFDA Contributors14)
1) Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics, Euratom Associaton, Garching, Germany
2) PPPL Princeton, NJ, USA
3) ENEA, Euratom Association, Frascati, Italy
4) General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA
5) Lodestar Research Corporation, Boulder, Colorado, USA
6) Association Euratom-Belgian State, LPP-ERM/KMS, Belgium
7) Association Euratom-CEA, Cadarache, France
8) Association Euratom-Tekes, VTT Processes, Finland
9) NFR, Euratom Association, Sweden
11) UKAEA, Euratom Association, UK
12) Association Euratom-Tekes, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
13) CRPP, EPFL, Euratom Association, Lausanne, Switzerland
14) see annex1 of J. Paméla et al., OV/1-4, Fusion Energy 2002 (Proc. 19th IAEA, Lyon, 2002), IAEA, Vienna

Abstract.  The paper summarizes the work that has been done on JET in the three areas of heating, current drive and energetic particles. The achievements have extended the possibilities of JET, have a direct connection to ITER operation and provide new and interesting physics. Toroidal plasma rotation was investigated while heating with little or no refueling or momentum input (as will be the case in ITER). With LH current drive the magnetic shear was varied from slightly positive to negative. The improved coupling (through the use of plasma shaping and CD4) allowed up to 3.4 MW of PLH in ITB plasmas with more than 15 MW of NBI and ICRF heating. The q profile with negative magnetic shear and the ITB could be maintained for the duration of the high heating pulse (8 s). Fast ions have been produced in JET using different ICRF scenarios to simulate alpha particles and the effects related to the presence of such fast ions have been investigated. Third harmonic heating of beam injected 4He at 120 kV produced energetic alpha particles with energies above 2 MeV. This takes advantage of the unique capability of JET both to use NBI with 4He and to confine MeV class particles.

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IAEA 2003