Glossary of
Nuclear Terms
Contains an A-Z index of nuclear terms and news briefings, and
a weekly news update on all aspects of uranium mining and the
nuclear energy industry.
Forces Guide
Coverage of this site includes information on: Countries National
Nuclear Forces Guide including Systems; Facilities; Organizations;
Sources and Resources.
Nuclear Safety Information
Centre (NSIC)
Developed by the Department of Nuclear Safety (NSIC), the centre
makes available to IAEA staff documents in the field of nuclear,
radiation and radioactive waste safety published by: the IAEA;
national and international organizations and commercial publishers.
Nuclear Sites
of the World
This site contains a list of 27 nuclear countries worldwide arranged
in the following categories: Chernobyl and the consequences; commercial
associations; companies; conferences and meetings; disposal of
radioactive waste; electrical utilities; environmental organizations;
fuel reprocessing; information about nuclear energy; international
organizations; journals; nuclear power plants; nuclear regulatory
bodies; nuclear societies; nuclear weapons; opponents of nuclear
energy; radiological protection; research institutes; universities;
uranium mining.
and Wastelink
Directory of radioactive waste management includes companies,
research centres, organizations, and government agencies information
and journals.
Nuclear Energy and It's Safety
This site has general information on nuclear energy, as well as
data about nuclear reactors, radiation and all accidents happened
in this field. (in Russian)