Annex I: Overview of Global Development of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants Annex I provides an overview of the global development of advanced nuclear power plants covering all reactor types, i.e. water cooled reactors, gas cooled reactors and liquid metal cooled reactors, to facilitate information gathering by the reader. Annex II: Summary Tables Annex II provides four summary tables for the year 2002 with PRIS and EEDB data to facilitate reviewing information/performing analyses by the reader. It contains the status of nuclear power reactors in Member States, individual reactors connected to the grid and under construction, and the main EEDB data (population, economic, energy, electricity and energy related ratio data). Annex III: Bangladesh Annex IV contains information from Bangladesh which has submitted relevant information within the framework of the IAEA activity on an integrated approach to nuclear power programme planning. In addition, the Secretariat has added the EEDB data and the international agreements. |
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