International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators

4-8 May 2009, Vienna


Developmental Studies of a High Current Proton Linac for ADS Program

P. Singh, S.V.L.S. Rao, R. Pande, S. Roy, R. Kumar, P. Jain, P.K. Nema, S. Krishnagopal, R.K. Choudhury, V.C. Sahni, and S. Kailas

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

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A program has been initiated at BARC, Mumbai to design and develop an Accelerator Driven
sub-critical reactor System (ADS) as it will provide an additional route to an efficient and economic nuclear power generation with the abundant Thorium resources.

One of the main sub-systems of ADS is a high energy (~1 GeV) and high current (~30 mA) CW proton accelerator. In contrast to high-energy particle accelerators in use hitherto, the electrical efficiency, reliability and beam loss rate in this system should be improved to a great extent. It is, therefore, planned to take a staged approach towards development of the requisite accelerator technology, dividing it into 3 sections; namely, 20 MeV, 100 MeV and 1 GeV. Developmental studies for such an accelerator architecture were initiated in our institute sometime back.

The most challenging part of these accelerator sections is the front-end low-energy injector, typically up to 10 - 20 MeV, because of severe space-charge effects at these energies. This section with its stand-alone applications as intense neutron source through 9Be(p, n) reaction, has been taken up for construction at BARC. It consists of a 50 keV ECR ion source, 3 MeV RFQ and a 20 MeV DTL. The LEBT and MEBT lines are used to match the beams from ion source to RFQ and from RFQ to DTL respectively. In order to minimize the emittance growth space charge compensation (>95%) is planned in the LEBT. Two solenoids used for focusing the beam in the LEBT have been fabricated and are meeting their specifications. The operating frequency is chosen as 352.21 MHz in view of readily available RF power hardware. This would serve as the front end of an ADS set up. The fabrication of various sub-systems is in progress. Measurements on the prototypes validate the design procedures.

Beam dynamics of the high energy part (>100 MeV) has also been done using superconducting elliptical cavities with a gradient of ~15 MV/m. The aperture is more than 16 times the rms beam size in order to restrict the beam loss to less than 1 nA/m required in ADS systems. In this paper, salient features of the project and its status will be discussed.

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