(Updated 2015)


1.1. Country overview

1.1.1. Governmental System

Poland is a democratic country based on legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

The legislative authority is held by a two-bodied Parliament. The upper chamber (Senat) with 100 senators and the lower chamber (Sejm) with 460 deputies are elected for a four-year term in a general election.

The President, elected for a five-year term in a general election, and the Government hold executive authority. The Head of the Government and on his/her recommendation, the Ministers, are nominated by the President. Thus constituted, the Council of Ministers is responsible for domestic and foreign affairs, and its activities are supervised by the Head of the Council of Ministers, i.e. the Prime Minister.

State administration and the government in a province (voivodship) are represented by a voivoda. On the basis of the act of 24 July 1998, which came into effect on 1 January 1999, a three-level territorial division of the country was introduced. The units of this division are: communes, counties and voivodships. Since January 1999, the country has been divided into 16 voivodships.

The capital city of Poland is Warsaw (area of 494 km2) with 1,702,000 inhabitants.

The official language is Polish

The monetary unit is 1 zloty (PLN) = 100 groszy.

1.1.2. Geography and Climate

Poland is located in Central Europe on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Poland borders with the Czech Republic (796 km), Slovakia (541 km), Ukraine (535 km), Germany (467 km), Belarus (418 km), Russia (210 km) and Lithuania (104 km). The length of the sea border is 440 km (the length of the coast line is 770 km). The total length of the borders is 3511 km.

Poland has an area of 322, 575 km2, comprising a land area (together with inland waters) of 311, 888 km2, a sea inland water area of 2,005 km2, and 8,682 km2 of territorial waters. According to calculations of the total area of all administrative units, the total administrative area of Poland is 312, 679 km2 (311,888 km2 of land area and 791 km2 of sea inland waters).

In Poland, lowlands (elevations below 200 m) take up 75% of the surface area. The average elevation is thus only 173 m. Lowlands appear in the north and in the centre of the country, whereas mountains and highland areas are prevalent in the south. The highest elevation is Rysy at 2,499 m.

Poland lies in the transitory climate zone. The western part of the country has a temperate oceanic climate, whereas in the eastern part a continental temperate climate prevails. Different masses of air collide over the territory of Poland which is the result of its central location in Europe and the latitudinal layout of topographic zones.

The average annual air temperature in Poland ranges between 7°C and 10°C (excluding mountainous areas). Significant differences occur between summer and winter periods. The average summer temperature oscillates between 16.5°C and 20°C, and the winter temperature ranges between – 6°C and 0°C.

1.1.3. Population

Poland is suffering from a decline in population following the change of political system. This situation is due to a number of phenomena among which the decrease in birth rate is significant. The Central Statistical Office predicts further decline in the next 25 years. It is expected that in the year 2035, the population of Poland will be about 36 million. It will create some problems for the national economy due to the increasing number of elderly people.


Average annual growth rate (%)
Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013 2000 to 2013
Population (millions) 32.5 35.6 38.1 38.5 38.2 38.2 38.5 0.0
Population density (inhabitants/km2) 106.8 116.8 125.2 126.3 124.6 126.0 125.8 -0.03
Urban Population as % of total 52.1 58.1 61.3 61.7 61.5 61.2  60.6 -0.14
Area (1000 km2)  312.7

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators

1.1.4. Economic Data

During 1990-91 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decreased by about 7% per year, mainly due to a dramatic fall in industrial output caused by plummeting demand. It was a consequence of the administrative control of wage increase, high exchange rates, lowering of subsidies and increase in interest rates. There were also some restrictions in investments and employment. A significant improvement in national economy took place in the years 1994-1997. The average GDP equated to 6.4%, a figure which represented the effect of good results achieved in industry, the construction sector and also in trade. The inflow of foreign capital significantly influenced an increase in employment and investments. Consumer demand was stimulated by the increase in buying power and consumption, as well as by loans.

In the years following 1997 economic slowdown was observed. Economic crisis in Russia caused an abrupt break in export to the east, which in the years 1998-1999 led to the greatest negative foreign exchange rate. Better results in agriculture and a one-digit figure for inflation were the positive phenomena of this period. The reverse in negative tendencies took place in 2003, and in 2004 GDP increased by 5.3%. The boom had a wide range of influences and its sources were ascribed to Poland’s accession to the European Union, resulting in export acceleration.

The period of pronounced economic growth comprising all the main sectors (i.e. services, industry, and construction) which started in 2004 lasted until the middle of 2008. In the following years, growth slowed, partly owing to the financial crisis. In 2010 the GDP increase was equal to 4%.


Average annual growth rate (%)
1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013 2000 to 2013
GDP (millions of current US$) 58,975.9 171,276.1 303,912.3 469,736.8 517,542.8 8.88
GDP (millions of constant 2005 US$)   180,139.9 261,094.7 303,912.3 382,576.4 414,314.0 3.62
GDP per capita (PPP* US$/capita) 5,460.7 10,513.9 13,784.2 20,036.0 23,274.8 6.30
GDP per capita (current US$/capita)   1,547.2 4,454.1 7,963.0 12,302.0 13,432.0 8.86

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators

1.2. Energy Information

1.2.1. Estimated available energy


Estimated available energy sources
Fossil Fuels Nuclear Renewables
Solid Liquid Gas Uranium Hydro Other
 Total amount in specific units*  400 750  25.9  110  7270 n/a  n/a 
Total amount in Exajoule (EJ)  7607 1.14   3.74 3.64   n/a  n/a

* Solid, Liquid: Million tons; Gas: Billion m3; Uranium: Metric tons; Hydro, Renewable: TW

Source:Energy Policies of IEA Countires – Poland 2011 Review, IEA; Red Book 2011 OECD - NEA

1.2.2. Energy Statistics


Million Terajoule (TJ)
Average annual
growth rate (%)
Years 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013 2000 to 2013
Energy consumption**            
- Total 3.53 5.21 4.38 3.66 3.93 4.12 4.02 0.67
- Solids*** 2.90 4.02 3.29 2.28 2.32 2.19 2.15 -2.99
- Liquids 0.37 0.77 0.61 0.83 0.94 1.09 0.92 2.98
- Gases 0.22 0.37 0.38 0.42 0.52 0.53 0.59 3.19
- Nuclear
- Hydro 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
- Other
0.03 0.03 0.04 0.15 0.18 0.30 0.35 6.24
Energy production      
- Total 4.00 5.10 4.34 3.29 3.26
2.95 -2.72
- Solids*** 3.76 4.85 4.14 2.96 2.86 2.31 2.38 -3.88
- Liquids 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 10.41
- Gases 0.18 0.19 0.10 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.16 3.41
- Nuclear
- Hydro 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
- Other
0.03 0.03 0.04 0.15 0.19 0.28 0.35 6.24
Net import (Import – Export)         0.00  0.02  0.00 0.00
- Total -0.46 0.11 0.03 0.37 0.67 1.32 1.06

** Energy consumption = Primary energy consumption + Net import (Import - Export) of secondary energy.

*** Solid fuels include coal, lignite

Sources: Eurostat online (retrieved 2015-02-24); Central Statistical Office of Poland

1.2.3. Energy policy

The main objective of the energy policy document adopted by the government in November 2009 is to enhance the country's energy security by observing the principle of sustainable development. The key directions of Polish energy policy are:

  • To improve energy efficiency;

  • To enhance security of fuel and energy supplies;

  • To diversify the electricity generation structure by introducing nuclear energy;

  • To develop the use of renewable energy sources, including biofuels;

  • To develop competitive fuel and energy markets;

  • To reduce the environmental impact of the power industry.

Polish energy policy is driven by EU directives and requirements to a very large extent. In particular, Poland has to liberalize its electricity market in line with the EU directives. The Polish electricity market has been gradually opened to competition since 1998 and was fully opened on 1 July 2007, in accordance with EU directives. All customers are now eligible to choose their supplier. Poland has adopted all EU regulations regarding market liberalization and security of supply relatively quickly, compared to some other countries that started market transformation earlier.

Poland therefore places focus on maximizing the use of existing domestic energy resources. Also, as part of the EU "20-20-20" goals, the following targets have been set for Poland for 2020:

  • Limit greenhouse gas emissions in the sectors not covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) to 14% above the 2005 level (binding target);

  • Reduce energy consumption by 20% of the projected 2020 levels (non-binding);

  • Increase the share of renewable energy to 15% of gross final energy consumption, including an increase of the renewables in transport to 10% (binding target).

After adoption of new climate policy goals by the EU in October 2014, Poland is going to fulfil its obligation to reduce CO2 emissions in ETS sectors (which include the power sector) by 43% in relation to 2005. This will require significant change in the Polish energy mix by 2030 and nuclear power will play a vital role in the new mix.

1.3. The electricity system

1.3.1. Electricity policy and decision making process

The government aims to enhance security of electricity supply through the following measures:

  • Continuing to use coal as a domestic fuel for power generation to the extent possible in terms of new EU climate policy goals;

  • Building new generating capacity (including nuclear units and new highly efficient co-generation plants);

  • Developing and modernizing the national transmission system;

  • Developing cross-border connections to exchange the equivalent of 25% of the electricity used in Poland by 2030;

  • Modernization and extension of the distribution grids.

The development of renewable energy sources and an increase in energy efficiency will also be beneficial for the security of electricity supply.

Today, the Polish electricity sector is characterized by ageing infrastructure. More than 60% of generating capacity is over 30 years old, emphasizing the requirement for substantial new investment in the short and medium term to satisfy electricity and heat demand. Electricity networks see similar investment challenges: nearly 80% of 400 kV lines and 99% of 220 kV lines are over 20 years old.

1.3.2. Structure of electric power sector

The Polish electric energy sector is divided into four subsectors – generation, distribution, transmission, and sales.

There are 17 large power plants (or groups of power plants) and 19 combined heat and power stations (CHPs). The total capacity installed in the electric energy generation sector is over 38,000 MW. Most power units date back to the 1970s, although there are also some much older plants which have to be closed by 2020 due to environmental regulations.

There is only one national Transmission System Operator (PSE S.A., www.pse.pl). This company is fully independent of other electricity activities.

Distribution System Operators function as independent companies within four strong groups vertically-structured (PGE, TAURON, ENEA, ENERGA) and one smaller DSO (RWE).

Electricity sales are carried out by approximately 100 companies. Since 2013 all electricity generated by Polish power stations has been traded on the Polish Power Exchange (www.polpx.pl).

1.3.3. Main indicators


Average annual growth rate (%)
1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013 2000 to 2013
Capacity of electrical plants (GWe)              
- Thermal 11.38 20.66 25.99 28.38 29.82 31. 93 33.99 1.40
- Hydro 0.74 1.30 1.98 2.12 2.18 2.19 2.31 0.66
- Nuclear              
- Wind       0.004 0.12  1.12 3.41 56.61
- Geothermal              
- other renewable              
- Total 12.12 21.96  27.97 30.56 32.26 35.54 38.65 1.82
Electricity production (TWh)            
- Thermal 62.64 118.59 133.00 141.05 153.02 147.69 154.77 0.72
- Hydro 1.89 3.28 3.31 4.12 3.78 3.16 2.44 -3.95
- Nuclear              
- Wind     0.005 0.03 0.14 1.66  6.00 50.31
- Geothermal              
- other renewable             4.28  
- Total (1) 64.53  121.87 136.31 145.18 156.94 157.66 164.56 0.97
Total Electricity consumption (TWh) 59.02 109.44  124.71 124.58 131.19 144.45 160.04 1.95

(1) Electricity transmission losses are not deducted.

Source: Statistics of Polish Power Sector 2013. Report by the Polish Energy Market Agency (ARE S.A.), Warsaw, September 2014


1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013
Energy consumption per capita (GJ/capita) 108.09 145.80 111.10 97.24 102.21 102.97*
Electricity consumption per capita (kWh/capita) 1 807 3 063 3 276 3 257 3 438 4 092 4 157
Electricity production/Energy production (%) 5.8 8.6 11.96 15.89 17.49 19.93*
Nuclear/Total electricity (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ratio of external dependency (%) (1) -13.03 2.11 3.31 9.4 17.69 32.06*

(1) Net import / Total energy consumption.

* Data for 2009

Source: Polish Energy Market Agency report 2011


2.1. Historical development and current organizational structure

2.1.1. Overview

The first plans to launch nuclear power in Poland were made in 1956. Nuclear energy was perceived as a tool enabling reductions in internal coal consumption (on which the whole Polish energy sector was based) thanks to which it would have been possible to save precious natural resources or to export them. Such a justification was found in the reports of scientific councils commissioned by the government.

A full nuclear fuel cycle was considered for Poland.

In the 1960s there were plans to construct the first merchant ships with nuclear propulsion in the Gdansk Shipyard. For this purpose designs of nuclear units with PWR and SCHWR reactors were drafted. Due to the low price of oil on the global markets, these works were stopped in the late 1960s.

Between 1945 and 1977 uranium was mined in several places in Poland, especially in the Sudety mountains. The uranium ore with 0.2% of uranium content was sold to the Soviet Union. The mining was carried out by a company called Zaklady R-1 (the “R-1 Facility”). The uranium mining and sales were top secret. Over 800 t of raw material (calculated in respect to pure uranium) was obtained. In 1965, all the resources of uranium ore of 0.2% U content were mined out and at the same time the Soviet Union refused to buy the ore with lower U content. Thus the management of Zaklady R-1 made a decision to build a yellowcake production plant which would deliver uranium concentrate for export purposes out of the ore with U content lower than 0.2%. The plant started its production in 1967 and continued to operate until the end of 1972 when the Government Commissioner for Nuclear Energy decided to close down Zaklady R-1 due to uranium mining becoming non-profitable because of high mining costs, low price of uranium ore on the global markets and diminishing resources of uranium rich ore.

Until 1971, the government had not made any binding decisions on the construction of nuclear power plants (NPP). In 1971 it decided to build the first nuclear plant and a year later it designated Zarnowiec near Gdynia (by the Baltic Sea) as its site.


NET capacity
Construction start (first concrete)
Construction cancelation
preliminary works and reactor manufacturing were started
preliminary works and reactor manufacturing were started
Warta-1 (Klempicz)
1988 (preliminary works)
Warta-2 (Klempicz)
1988 (preliminary works)
Warta-3 (Klempicz)
not started
Warta-4 (Klempicz)
not started
Total net power (8 units)
5508 MWe

According to plans made in 1973, a total 10 (7860MWe) or 12 (9860MWe) nuclear units in several locations were to have been commissioned by the end of 2000.

The construction of Zarnowiec NPP was delayed until 1982. It was to consist of 4 units with Soviet VVER-440/213 reactors which were to be upgraded in compliance with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the requirements of the Polish nuclear regulator. Power units of Zarnowiec NPP were to be equipped with turbines of Polish production (manufactured on ABB licence) in a single-unit system (one turbine per one reactor) with higher efficiency and power than typical Soviet turbines in a double-unit system (two turbines per one reactor). The gross electrical power was 465 MWe instead of 440 MWe. Moreover, the whole turbine island was designed in Poland and it was to be supplied with equipment provided by Polish manufacturers. Localization rate was 70%. Units 3 and 4 were to be CHP units and supply heat for the needs of the central heating system of the Tricity (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia). The power plant was to be cooled by water from Zarnowieckie Lake (open cooling system). Economic difficulties (characteristic of a centrally controlled economy) made the progress of construction slow, but the quality was high due to the implementation of the first Polish quality assurance system.

The high quality of civil works was confirmed by the pre-OSART mission carried out between 2 and 15 September 1989. Next, from 26 to 30 March 1990 a successive IAEA mission – Site Safety Review Mission - confirmed the suitability of Zarnowiec site selection. On 26-27 April 1990 and on 29 April - 4 May 1990, IAEA held a mission to evaluate the containment structure and confirmed the good quality of its design and realization. On 4 September 1990, the government ordered the construction to stop. At that time the completion rate was 40% (and its infrastructure was at 90%). The equipment that had been ordered was subsequently sold or scrapped. It is estimated that the decision to cease the construction caused direct losses of at least USD 2 billion (at 2014 prices).

A second power plant was also planned. In 1987 the government assigned its location in Klempicz to the north of Poznan. The construction (preparatory works, ground excavation and infrastructure build-up) was started in 1988 and stopped in 1989. That power plant was to have a closed cooling system with cooling towers and it was to be based on 4 VVER –1000/320 units of Soviet design, similar to Temelin NPP in Czech Republic.

2.1.2. Current organizational chart(s)

FIG 1. Current organizational chart.

In the model of Polish nuclear power, the four following main subjects can be distinguished:

  1. The Nuclear Energy Department of the Ministry of Economy (NED ME). Its primary duty is to support the appropriate minister for economy in outlining and coordinating the strategy of nuclear power development implementation. Outlines of nuclear energy development will be prepared by NED. NED ME acts as NEPIO (Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organization)

  2. Investors in nuclear power facilities, and after their start-up the operators (utilities) with the experience, knowledge, and funds necessary for construction and maintenance of such facilities. Currently only the PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. is seen as a main utility with firm plans for NPP construction (with other power utilities, such as Tauron S.A., Enea S.A., and KGHM S.A., and a mining company, as minority owners)

  3. Nuclear control is performed by the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency

  4. Radioactive Waste Management Plant (RWMP) which will deal with radioactive waste. A substantial part of the costs of radioactive waste management including spent fuel from NPPs, will be covered by the operator (investor) of the facility

2.2. Nuclear power plants: Overview

2.2.1. Status and performance of nuclear power plants


Reactor Unit Type Net
Status Operator Reactor
First Grid
ZARNOWIEC-1 PWR 427 Cancelled Constr. EJZ SKODA 1984-03-01 1990-09-04
ZARNOWIEC-2 PWR 427 Cancelled Constr. EJZ MEGADEX 1984-03-01 1990-09-04
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).
Note: Table 7 is completely generated from PRIS data to reflect the latest available information and may be more up to date than the text of the report.

No NPP in Poland is currently in operation, under construction, suspended, or decommissioned. Two nuclear power units at Zarnowiec, construction of which started in 1984, were cancelled in 1990 when 40% complete.

2.2.2. Plant upgrading, plant life management and licence renewals

Not applicable.

2.3. Future development of Nuclear Power

The introduction of nuclear power is a primary aim of the Polish energy policy as stipulated in the Energy Policy of Poland (EPP 2030). The first nuclear unit is planned to start operation by 2024. Beyond this, the government’s plan is to have 4,500 MWe by 2030 and a total of 6,000 MWe by 2035. The government (Council of Ministers) adopted the Polish Nuclear Power Programme (PNPP) on 29 January 2014.

2.3.1. Nuclear power development strategy

The Polish Energy Policy until 2030, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 10 November 2009, envisages nuclear power development in the medium term i.e. into the 2020s.

The Ministry of Economy is currently working on a new document – Polish Energy Policy until 2050 - which takes into account the new framework of EU climate policy and its deep CO2 emissions reductions goal. The draft document recognizes nuclear power as a main tool for implementation of EU climate policy. On 29 January 2014 the Council of Ministers adopted the Polish Nuclear Power Programme. The Programme states that the construction of the first nuclear unit will start in 2019 and it will be commissioned by the end of 2024 at the latest. It is planned that by 2035 two plants will have started operation, each with total capacity of about 3,000 MWe (net), i.e. 4-6 power generating units.

PGE S.A. (Polish Energy Group, a joint-stock company) will be the first operator of both NPPs. The first 2-3 units will probably be built under a turnkey contract.

Nuclear Power Programme schedule in short:

Stage I (January 2014 – December 2016) – final site selection, technology and selection of vendors, establishing business partnership with experienced nuclear utility (or utilities)

Stage II (January 2017 – December 2018) –obtaining all necessary approvals and licences, technical design, preliminary site works (ground excavation, etc.)

Stage III (January 2019 – December 2024) – starting construction of first NPP, commissioning of first reactor, starting construction of second unit.

Stage IV (January 2025 – December 2035) – construction of next reactors, designed to achieve 6,000 MWe of nuclear capacity on the power grid by December 2035. The English translation of the document can be downloaded here:


After performing some technical and economic analyses, the investor will be able to make a decision about the possible use of the plant for heating purposes (CHP).


Station/Project Name Type Net Capacity Expected Construction Start Year Expected Commercial Year
 NPP-1, unit 1 PWR or BWR  1000-1650  2019  2024 
 NPP-1, unit 2 PWR or BWR  1000-1650  2022 2027 
 (NPP-1, unit 3) PWR or BWR  1000-1650  (2024) (2029) 
 NPP-2, unit 1 PWR or BWR   1000-1650  2025 2030
NPP-2, unit 2 PWR or BWR  1000-1650  2027 2032
(NPP-2, unit 3) PWR or BWR  1000-1650  (2030) (2034)

(Brackets signify possible units, depending on the specific reactor technology. The goal is not the number of reactors but the installed capacity)

2.3.2. Project management

Refer to section 2.1.2.

The Nuclear Energy Department of the Ministry of Economy, subordinate to the Government Commissioner for Nuclear Power, plays the role of NEPIO.

Nuclear regulator:

The President of the National Atomic Energy Agency (NAEA), operating with the assistance of the Agency, is the institution responsible for nuclear regulation in Poland.

Activities of the President of the NAEA as a central body of government administration for nuclear safety and radiological protection are regulated by the act of 29 November 2000, on Atomic Law (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2007 No 42 item 276 with subsequent amendments). In June 2011, the Parliament endorsed an amendment to the Atomic Law which came into effect on 1 July 2011. Its aim was to adjust the Atomic Law to the regulations of the nuclear regulator and to transpose the 2009/71 Euroatom Directives of 25 June 2009, determining a common nuclear safety framework for nuclear facilities, into the Polish law. New implementation regulations to the Atomic Law have also been published. They contain the requirements from the point of view of nuclear safety and radiological protection, in particular referring to the criteria of site location and its analyses, a design, safety analyses and a safety report, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of a nuclear power facility.

Since 1 January 2002, the President of the NAEA has been subordinate to the Minister of the Environment.

The significant elements of the nuclear safety and radiological protection system implemented by the President of the NAEA are the following:

  • Regulating the activities where nuclear materials and ionizing radiation sources are used, realized through granting permissions for such activities or their registration;

  • Regulation of the methods employed in these activities and regulation of occupational radiation doses;

  • Supervision of training of nuclear regulatory inspectors and inspectors of radiological protection (experts in nuclear safety and radiological protection functioning in units operating on the basis of granted licences) and employees working with ionizing radiation. Control over radioactive material turnover;

  • Keeping a record of radioactive sources and their users. Keeping a central record of individual doses, and in the case of activities employing nuclear materials – also administrating a detailed register and accounts regarding them, endorsing plans of physical protection and control of applied technologies;

  • Monitoring radiation in the country through coordination (together with standardization) of operation of local facilities measuring radiation doses, radionuclide content in chosen elements of natural environment and also in drinking water, food products and fodder;

  • Maintenance of services ready to recognize radiation conditions and to react in the case of radiation occurrences (in cooperation with other bodies and services operating within the National Emergency Response System);

  • Performing activities with the aim of fulfilling Poland’s duties resulting from treaties, conventions, and international agreements within nuclear safety and radiological protection.

In reference to nuclear power facilities (including power plants), radioactive waste repositories as well as radioactive waste and spent fuel bunkers, the President of the NAEA grants permissions within nuclear safety and radiological protection for their:

  • Construction;

  • Commissioning;

  • Operation;

  • Decommissioning.

In 2014 the number of employees in the NAEA reached 130.

Apart from the nuclear regulator there is an Office of Technical Inspection, which regulates conventional parts of Nuclear Power Facilities such as turbines, generators, cranes, non-nuclear pipes, cables etc. However, it is only a support institution for NAEA, since the NAEA is the main and only nuclear regulator.

RWMP – Radioactive Waste Management Plant

RWMP will continue to operate radioactive waste repositories and will also build a spent fuel repository in the future. Financial responsibility for waste handling will be the responsibility of the nuclear power facility operator, who will be obliged to accumulate financial means for this purpose and financing activities in this field.

Investors / operators of nuclear power facilities

The investors (operators) of nuclear power facilities will be responsible for a number of duties, and in particular for the following:

  • Accumulating funds for preparation of storage and the storage of radioactive waste and spent fuel;

  • Accumulating funds for decommissioning of nuclear power facilities;

  • Decommissioning of facilities after their operation cycle has finished;

  • Fulfilling legal requirements of legal liability for nuclear damage;

  • Preparing plans for emergencies.

After the NPP has completed its operation, the operator will be obliged to decommission the facility according to NAEA requirements resulting from the accepted schedule of decommissioning.

Within the whole period of construction preparation, construction, operation and decommissioning of the plant, the investor/operator will be obliged to carry out information and educational activities directed at the local communities and neighbouring communities to the nuclear facilities. In particular, the Investor/Operator is obliged to set up an information centre (about each nuclear power facility) which would perform the role of information and education centre for nuclear power.

Other national institutions

According to IAEA recommendations, responsibilities of the national administration in the field of managing the nuclear power development scheme should be delegated to a specially appointed organizational unit NEPIO. At the present stage of preparations for implementation of nuclear power in Poland, this role is played by the Nuclear Energy Department in the Ministry of Economy.

Duties within the field of nuclear power development will be carried out by the following institutions:

  • Ministry of Economy;

  • National Atomic Energy Agency;

  • the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO);

  • Office of Technical Inspection (OTI) and other Polish inspection institutions;

  • Institutions connected with environmental protection and industrial development;

  • Institutions responsible for safety, physical protection and emergency planning;

  • Voivoda from the province where the investment is planned to be located.

Additionally, the realization of the Programme will require the participation of many other ministries and offices (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Treasury, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Regional Development, and The Internal Security Agency)

Duties of the two most important institutions for the implementation of the Programme, i.e. NAEA and ME are described previously in this paper. The duties of the other subjects are as follows:

Ministries and national administration offices are engaged directly or indirectly in the realization of the PNP Programme.

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office

As in the case for other electrical energy and heat producers, NPP operators will be obliged to obtain a Licence for electrical energy production (and perhaps also heat) issued by the President of ERO.

The Office of Technical Inspections (OTI) and other inspection institutions in Poland

These will carry out all technical inspection activities not connected with nuclear safety and radiological protection (NSRP)

The Voivoda appropriate for the province where the investment is to be located

The Voivoda from the province where the investor will be interested in constructing a power plant will issue a decision “Site Indication” and a decision about the location of the nuclear power facility.

2.3.3. Project funding

An estimated cost of main government activities related to nuclear power programme implementation up to 2024 is PLN 265 million (ca. EUR 66.25 million). A detailed list of expenses can be found in appendix 2. of the PNPP (pages 144-145):


The NPP itself will be financed using various sources:

  • Investors own capital (equity);

  • Debt: probably loans from Export Credit Agency (ECA), commercial loans from financial institutions (banks);

  • Other forms like EURATOM loans, project bonds etc. if possible and feasible.

The final decision on financing method will be taken by the utility in parallel with reactor vendor selection, since the PGE expects the vendors will come with proposals of project financing using their established business partnerships with financial institutions (for example a reactor vendor may be willing to arrange loans from ECA from his mother country).

2.3.4. Electric grid development

FIG 2. Scheme of the extra high voltage power grid (NTN).

The National Transmission Network (NTN) is comprised of 220 kV and 400 kV lines. The 220 kV network is well developed and interconnected, whereas the 400 kV network is relatively well developed only in the south of the country, while in eastern and northern Poland there are still “radial” lines which are at particular risk of disturbances and lengthy blackouts.

One of the most important barriers for introducing new units of over 1000 MWe, regardless of type, to the Polish Power System (PPS) is the lack of an adequately developed 400 kV transmission network. Moreover, a proper level of active power (second and minute redundancy) regulation services should be provided. Together with the development of nuclear power, decisive steps must be taken to accelerate the activities connected with the development of the network regarding both the stations and the network.

The only Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Poland is Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. (acronym: PSE).

In 2013 PSE together with PGE commissioned a feasibility study of NPP connection to the grid. The results indicate that there are no major technical obstacles, though some reinforcement of the transmission system in northern Poland will be needed. The cost of reinforcement will be included in the NPP project and the extent of increase of NPP investment costs will be moderate.

2.3.5. Site Selection

In 2009, the Ministry of Economy updated the list of NPP sites considered up to 1990 in cooperation with local authorities. Also, new offers presented by local authorities were collected. On this basis, a new list of 28 potential locations of NPPs was prepared.

In 2010, the Ministry of Economy commissioned a study entitled: A Study of Criteria of Nuclear Power Plant Locations and Their Initial Evaluation. Within this study, a ranking list of locations was made taking into account expert opinions on 17 evaluation criteria.

The results were published on the Ministry of Economy website and passed on to the potential investor of the first Polish NPP for further research and analyses.

PGE SA started further analyses of the first four sites from the beginning of the list (Zarnowiec, Warta – Klempicz, Kopan, Nowe Miasto). Choczewo and Lubiatowo-Kopalino joined the other sites due to their coastal location which is characterized by more favorable cooling conditions than is the case of locations inland, and potentially better economic conditions for electrical energy production. Finally, in November 2011, PGE selected 3 sites for detailed studies: Choczewo, Gaski and Zarnowiec. The last one was a site of NPP construction during the 1980s, with available infrastructure and with detailed environmental, seismological, hydrogeological, meteorological and other relevant documentation based on previous studies.

The most important factors taken into account in the process of site selection will be: the area available for the construction of the power plant and its facilities, access to sufficient amounts of cooling water and raw water (for technological and social needs), the possibility of power take-off from the plant, geological structure and seismic stability of the area, hydrogeological characteristics, population density and distribution in the vicinity of the plant, restrictions on the construction and operation of the power plant due to the conditions of the surrounding area, including environmental protection area development, accessibility to communication routes, lack of threats from nature or human activities and suitable meteorological conditions.

In January 2013, PGE concluded a tender for performing detailed site studies for three potential sites indicated by the investor. The winning bid was made by Worley Parsons. In this task, the previously obtained results (together with site studies made in the 1980s) within this field will be used. However, in December 2014 the utility cancelled the contract with Worley Parsons due to significant delays caused by the contractor. PGE declared the studies will be carried on by the utility itself with the help of subcontractors. It is expected now that site characterization studies will be finished by the end of 2015.

The “Gaski” site is no longer being considered due to public acceptance issues.

2.4. Organizations involved in construction of NPPs

Chapter XV of the Polish nuclear energy policy (PNEP) is focused on localization issues relating to Polish industry. One of the intentions of the Government is to increase the extent of Polish industry involvement in the future nuclear market as much as reasonably possible. The localization ratio included in the policy accounts for: 10% in the first year of construction (around 2020), 30% at the end of first unit construction, and 60% in 2030. In the first phase of PNPP (2014-16) three types of activities have been foreseen: comprehensive inventory of industry, informative activities, and educational activities for Polish industry. In the second stage the Ministry of Economy has been appointed to draft the policy to support Polish industry in the process of its nuclearization.

In 2014 the Ministry of Economy has led wide and direct dialogue with Polish industry with the aim of assessing national competencies, qualifications and experience in nuclear power. By direct questioning and through some of the chambers of industry, the Ministry has created a comprehensive image of the current situation in Polish industry from a nuclear point of view. Below are some of the most important conclusions.

  1. Despite the fact that Poland is not yet a nuclear country Polish industry does have some nuclear competencies and experience gained abroad (mainly in EU) and domestically for the R&D sector (i.e. for Maria research reactor facility).

  2. Until now the Ministry of Economy has identified:

    • 58 Polish companies that have carried out at least one “nuclear project” in the last 10 years;

    • 25 Polish companies actually preparing themselves for nuclear cooperation;

    • 21 further Polish subsidiaries of foreign/multinational companies with Polish experts who have carried out a nuclear project in the last 10 years.

  3. In addition another 220 Polish companies/Polish subsidiaries have sufficient capabilities, competencies and experience to be used for nuclear purposes with a reasonable level of investment adjustment. Those companies have for instance a sufficient and mature system of management (confirmed by ISO9001, 14001 and 18001 certificates) and experience from non-nuclear sectors (coal, gas, renewable and other industry projects).

  4. In terms of specializations – Polish companies currently have sufficient competencies to carry out most of BOP’s activities (excavation, civil works, manufacturing and assembly of steel structures and heat exchangers and most of the other components) some of the turbine island and some of the nuclear island’s activities. The aim of the Ministry of Economy and Industry is to increase the list of a.m. specializations in order to carry out more activities in the turbine and nuclear island.

  5. The Ministry of Economy has also identified some organizations that expressed an intention to carry out common work to prepare the national industry for cooperation with the nuclear power sector. Some of the chambers of industry, technology parks and scientific laboratories are already undertaking a first initiative for Polish industry (some seminars and conferences, common projects, publication of related articles in specialised newspapers). The role of the Ministry of Economy is now to coordinate these different initiatives and to initiate the next ones but the strongest accent will be put on industry driven actions as the most efficient ones.

  6. Regardless of the fact that the technology provider (reactor vendor) for Polish NPP has not yet been selected the Ministry of Economy undertakes the first informative and educative actions for the national industry in order to provide basic information, for instance, on nuclear norms, codes and specificity of nuclear projects.

In order to provide national industry with the correct information relevant to the current status of the nuclear project the Ministry of Economy launched a special webpage (based on the Ministry’s own website) in September 2014; see:


2.5. Organizations involved in operation of NPPs

At present, there are no NPP operators in Poland. A company owned by the PGE SA. and a chosen co-investor will be the first operator in Poland.

The NCBJ institute in Otwock is the operator of the MARIA research reactor.

2.6. Organizations involved in decommissioning of NPPs

In Poland, there are no companies with experience in decommissioning NPPs. However, the RWMP has experience in research reactor decommissioning.

2.7. Fuel cycle including waste management

At the moment there are only two plants of the nuclear fuel cycle: an interim storage pool for spent fuel at the site of the nuclear research centre in Otwock (RWMP is its operator) and a repository for low and intermediate level radioactive waste in Rózan (NRWR, operated by the RWMP)

Between 1945 and 1972 there were several uranium mines in operation, together with uranium mills and a small-scale concentrate production facility. The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology carried out research in the field of spent fuel reprocessing.

The uranium ore resources studied so far contain from 250 to 1100 ppm of uranium, and those mined in the 1950s typically contained approximately 2000 ppm.


Region of Poland

Identified resources of pure Uranium [ton]
content in the ore [ppm]
Forecasted resources
[ton of pure U]
Rajsk (Podlasie)
Peribaltic syneclise

Okrzeszyn (Walbrzych basin, the Sudety mts)

Grzmiaca in Gluszyca Dolna (the Sudety mts)

Wambierzyce (the Sudety mts)

Source: OECD NEA Red Book, 2008

Polish resources are rather poor, however, some of them (Wambierzyce, Grzmiaca, Okrzeszyn) have a special advantage. They are bedded deposits with a quite uniform character, which has enabled their fairly regular exploitation throughout the years. It is also possible to recover uranium from copper deposits occurring in the region of Lubin – Sieroszowice. The uranium content in this ore is of about 60ppm, at 2% of copper content. The total resources of this ore are approximately 2400 million tons, including 48 million tons of copper and 144 thousand tons of uranium. At present the annual production in the Lubin – Sieroszowice area is of about 569 thousand tons of copper, and the amount of dumped uranium comes to about 1.7 tons/year.

Due to the lack of thorough overviews regarding uranium resources in Poland, one of the aims of the activities described in the ”Programme of Activities for The Years 2009-2013”, Appendix 3 to the “Energy Policy of Poland until 2030” is “Studies of Uranium Resources in the Territory of Poland”.

The issue of radioactive waste management arose in Poland in the year 1958, when the first nuclear research reactor EWA started its operation in the Institute of Nuclear Research in Swierk. A significant development of radioactive isotope applications in different sectors of national economy, which took place at the beginning of the sixties, caused an immediate need to deal with the problem of radioactive waste handling. The solution to the problem was the decision of locating a repository in Rózan and its commissioning in 1961.

In Poland, the manager of the facility where radioactive waste is produced is responsible for its interim storage, administration and treatment. However, the only Polish company authorized to treat and store radioactive waste so far is the state company of public utility RWMP, which is responsible for proper handling of radioactive wastes from the moment of taking it over from the producer.

RWMP collects liquid and solid low and intermediate level radioactive waste, used closed radioactive sources and smoke detectors. The main source of low level liquid radioactive waste is the MARIA reactor, which produces about 90% of all the liquid waste. Intermediate level liquid waste appears at production of radioactive sources and in some cases at decontamination of contaminated surfaces.

A significant amount of solid radioactive waste, i.e. 40% originates in the Centre in Swierk, its source being the research reactor MARIA and the plant producing radioactive isotopes i.e. the Institute of Atomic Energy POLATOM, Radioisotope Centre. Radioactive reactor-based waste comes from (among other sources): filters (from cooler purification and ventilation systems), post-decontamination waste, out of service parts of reactors. The remaining 60% comes from hospitals all over the country and from other companies which use isotope techniques.

RWMP is both the operator and user of the NRWR. The NRWR is situated in Rózan by the Narew River, about 90km from Warsaw. It is located on the site of a former fort with an area of 3.045 ha. NRWR has been operating since 1961 and according to MAEA classification it is a surface type repository.

This repository is designed to store short-lived low and intermediate level radioactive waste and to provide interim storage of long-lived waste. The sites where the waste is stored are the concrete facilities of the fort, partly covered with earth (facilities 1, 2, 3 and 3a). Parts of the western moat are also used (facility 8).

The amount of radioactive waste for interim or final storage reaches 45 m3 a year. This is the solid or solidified waste of 70 ton mass, which takes up 80 m3 (35 m3 of this are binding materials, mainly concrete). The solidified waste is transported to NRWR.

According to estimations made by RWMP, the NRWR will be full around 2025.

2.8. Research and development

2.8.1. R&D organizations

In Poland there are several research institutes related to nuclear energy. The most important are the following:

The National Centre For Nuclear Research (NCBJ). Created in 2011 through the merge of the POLATOM Institute for Atomic Energy (IEA) and the Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ) with the aim to optimise the management of resources located in the Swierk Research Centre. The institute is equipped with the 30 MWth MARIA research reactor and deals with reactor physics and nuclear engineering, nuclear safety, radiation protection, radioactive waste management, application of nuclear techniques in industry, science, environmental protection, solid-state physics, and computing techniques. It also carries radioisotope production and irradiation services as a part of the global radioisotope supply chain.

The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (ICHTJ), Warsaw, is specialized in radiation chemistry and technology, application of nuclear methods in material and process engineering, design and production of instruments based on nuclear techniques, radiation analytical techniques and environmental research. Basic research is focused on radiochemistry, chemistry of isotopes, physical chemistry of separation processes, cellular radiobiology and radiation chemistry.

The Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection (CLRP), Warsaw, carries out work in the field of monitoring of environmental radioactivity; personal dosimetry, controlling the use of radioactive sources, research on mechanisms of influence of radiation upon biological organisms, behavior of radionuclides in the environment; development of dosimetric methods, calibration, control and standardization of dosimetric equipment and training for radiological protection officers.

The H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kraków, is specialized in theoretical and experimental research in the following fields: high energy and elementary particle physics, physics of the structure of the nucleus and of nuclear reaction mechanisms, studies of the structure, interactions and properties of condensed matter, applications of nuclear methods in geophysics, radiochemistry, medicine, biology, environmental physics and materials engineering. The Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow now belongs to the institutions working under the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of the University of Science and Technology AGH in Krakow, is involved in theoretical and experimental aspects of elementary particle physics, solid state physics, theoretical and computing physics, nuclear electronics, radiation detectors, X-ray fluorescence and microdosimetry, hydrology and gas chromatography, nuclear geophysics, effective energy conversion, medical physics and industrial radiometry. The research programmes are carried out in close collaboration with many international laboratories and centers (e.g. DESY, CERN).

The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine ( IMP JN), Lódz, has as a primary task to conduct R&D activities and provide expertise on health hazards arising from occupational and environmental exposure to noxious agents. The multidisciplinary nature of the research performed at IMP JN makes it possible to address complex environmental and health related problems.

The above listed research institutes together with universities will comprise TSOs (Technical Support Organizations) for nuclear regulatory or the operator of a nuclear facility. In 2011, the NAEA signed respective agreements on cooperation with IEA POLATOM (now NCBJ) and the PAN Institute of Geophysics.

2.8.2. Development of advanced nuclear technologies

Poland does not have its own nuclear industry yet, and is collaborating with other countries on the development of new technologies in the meantime. The National Centre For Nuclear Research is involved in the EUROATOM framework, mainly the SNETP activities, among them the Allegro gas cooled reactor project and ESNII, also being a coordinator of the NC2I project focusing on the nuclear cogeneration concept. The National Centre For Nuclear Research is involved in the ITER project on the scientific and technical level.

2.8.3. International co-operation and initiatives

Aside from the projects mentioned in the above paragraph, Poland is a member of INPRO and IFNEC (formerly called GNEP). The institutes take part in numerous activities carried out by different organizations and platforms like: EURATOM Supply Agency, OECD-NEA, IGD-TP, COST, IRPA, MELODI. The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology is a Collaborating Centre of the IAEA.

2.9. Human resources development

List of higher education institutions in Poland offering studies in the field of nuclear energy engineering, physics and chemistry:

  1. Stanislaw Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow

  2. Gdansk University of Technology

  3. Lublin University of Technology

  4. Lódz University of Technology

  5. Poznan University of Technology

  6. Silesian University of Technology

  7. Warsaw University of Technology

  8. Wroclaw University of Technology

  9. University of Lódz

  10. University of Silesia in Katowice

  11. University of Warsaw.

Currently, first-cycle studies in the subject area of nuclear energy engineering are offered by 9 higher education institutions. These are: University of Warsaw, Poznan University of Technology, Lódz University of Technology - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Chemistry, Lublin University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, University of Silesia, University of Lódz and Stanislaw Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

Currently, second-cycle studies are offered by 6 higher education institutions. These are: Poznan University of Technology, ?Lódz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, University of Lódz, University of Warsaw and Stanislaw Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

The studies last 4 semesters and are entirely carried out in the English language. The Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering carries out this programme in collaboration with the Faculty of Physics of Warsaw University of Technology and the National Centre for Nuclear Research. It offers its students an up-to-date curriculum as well as internships in national research institutions such as the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology and NCNR in Swierk where classes are performed, and additionally, at the MARIA research reactor. International internships of at least two months duration are carried out in facilities in France, Germany, USA, Sweden, Switzerland and Belgium. The Faculty collaborates with the world's leading universities, research institutes and enterprises. It has the longest tradition and the broadest experience in the field of nuclear energy engineering in Poland.

These studies are free of charge for foreigners, until 2015.

Doctoral studies are offered by four higher education institutions. These are: Warsaw University of Technology, University of Warsaw, University of Lódz and Stanislaw Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

Doctoral studies are also provided by three scientific and research units of the Polish Academy of Sciences. These are: Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, Institute of Chemistry and Nuclear Technology in Warsaw and National Centre for Nuclear Research in Otwock near Warsaw.

Post-graduate studies are conducted in the form of extramural studies. Alumni obtain a certificate of completion of studies. Post-graduate studies are offered by four higher education institutions: Stanislaw Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Gdansk University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology and Wroclaw University of Technology.

As a part of getting ready for the PNPP, most universities are planning to launch curricula with specializations (both at undergraduate and graduate level) directly connected with nuclear power. These activities are supported by training, which is organized and financed by the Ministry of Economy, for educators active at Polish universities. In 2009-2012 , the group of 36 people received training in France. Currently a Plan of Human Resources Development is being prepared. They expect this Plan to be admitted and accepted by the Minister of Economy at the beginning of 2015. The infrastructure of personnel training will be developed to implement the Plan. One of the solutions will be the modification and modernization of existing infrastructure in vocational and secondary schools and at the level of higher education. The Plan will deal in detail with activities and means, including financial measures, which will have to be provided. It will cater for the needs of administration and all national services (including the NAEA in the field of nuclear regulation, professional and administrative staff), schools, universities and support. The Plan will identify indispensable qualifications and the number of specialists at each stage of the PNPP realization. There will be potential challenges in reaching some defined goals and consultation with science and contractor representatives will be sought.

2.10. Stakeholder Communication

Public communication in the area of nuclear power ought to be enriched with dialogue with the citizens and with the interested social organizations and institutions (bidirectional flow of information). Such communication should take account of the use of feedback from the stakeholders.

As provided by the Polish Atomic Law, the Minister in charge of economy is obliged to pursue actions in the fields of public information, education and popularization, as well as scientific and technological and legal information regarding nuclear power. The Law also specifies the obligations of Chairman of NAEA as regards providing information on NSRP.

At present, the support for nuclear energy in Poland fluctuates between 40% and 56%, according to various surveys. It ought to be observed, however, that the signalled lack of sufficient public knowledge in this respect remains a considerable issue. This is clearly indicated by the public opinion polls commissioned by various institutions. The informative activity of the institutions responsible for it should be systematic, reliable, open, and transparent. Polish society generally considers nuclear power an important topic and social research has shown that over 90% of Poles expect information actions to be taken in this respect.

Both ME and the Investor have been implementing an array of informative actions regarding nuclear power, including the information campaign ‘Learn more about the atom. Let’s talk about Poland with energy’, an ME project, and PGE’s information campaign ‘Knowing about the atom’.

The consulting and debating process has involved a number of various stakeholder groups, including local governments, business self-governments, economists, energy experts, sociologists, activists of organizations and institutions opposing nuclear power, and exponents of public trust professions.

The National Atomic Energy Agency pursues its information-related actions, as required by the law.

As far as dissemination of knowledge on nuclear power is concerned, the National Centre for Nuclear Research as well as the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology conduct intense activities.

Informative actions and some educative activities on the local as well as countrywide level should be carried out and financed by the Investor, owing to their importance for efficient conduct of the project and, thereafter, functioning of the NPP.

The Local Information Centre (LIC) will be an important element of public communication. Every investor is obliged to form such a LIC within the commune being the prospective location of a nuclear power facility, by the date the permit for construction of the nuclear facility is requested, at the latest. The investor is thereafter bound to run the centre’s operations until the decommissioning of NPF is completed. The LIC will be the information desk where the investor and, subsequently, the operator will conduct the informational, educational and promotional actions in the domain of nuclear power. The Investor has already launched such local centres in Choczewo, Gniewino and Krokowa.

The local community of the commune(s) which is the prospective NPF location may establish a Local Information Committee (LIC) whose role is that of a link between the local community, the investor, and the NPP operator. The LIC will be composed of the commune representatives appointed by the village heads or city mayors, along with representatives of the local community. The LIC’s tasks will include ensuring public monitoring of the operations of the NPF, informing the local community on the NPF’s operations, and representing the local community in meetings with representatives of the NPF.

The commune within which the construction project is planned, with the NPF to be constructed or to function there, may set up a Communal Information Point (CIP) where its communal information, education and promotion policy with respect to nuclear power will be conducted. Stable and conscious public support for nuclear power is one of the major conditions for implementation of PNPP. It is based on public access to reliable and updated knowledge and information on nuclear power and the progress of PNPP. It moreover calls for a broad consensus and political consistence at the stage of preparation and implementation of PNPP, as well as appropriate regulations in this respect. It is also necessary to observe and take into account the opinions of the stakeholders and, in the first place, the opinion of local communities in the areas being the prospective locations for NPPs.

The process of public information and education must be a continuous action delivered at the preparatory and implementation stage of the PNPP. Knowledge on nuclear energy and nuclear power engineering is complex; moreover, these issues are burdened with numerous myths and negative associations.

Public Education

As shown by public opinion research, knowledge about the power industry, nuclear power, ionising radiation and nuclear physics is still very poor in Poland. Hence, continual educative action, thanks to which nuclear power decisions, whether supportive or negative, will gain a stronger substantive foundation, is a must.

In line with the Polish Atomic Law, informative activities in the area of nuclear power will be conducted by ME, PGE, RWDE, and NAEA. Such activities need to be carried on two levels:

  • Countrywide, and,

  • Local – in the considered and assigned locations for nuclear facilities. The Investor ought to be responsible for such actions, in the first place.

An important element of educational action will be the education offer targeted at primary, junior-high, and upper-secondary students and teachers. Education-oriented actions will encompass: training the teachers and enriching their skills and tools (preparing scripts for classes, object lessons, preparation of interactive presentations and educational materials), organising conferences, seminars, lectures, exhibitions, competitions, excursions, and related activities.

Public education will be carried out using all the available forms of communication (internet, television, radio, daily press, periodicals, trade press), including ‘Scholaris’ – the specialist knowledge portal for teachers.

In order to increase reliable public knowledge on nuclear energy (and, as part of that knowledge, knowledge of nuclear power), it is necessary that educational and informational actions be conducted on a regular basis.


3.1. Regulatory framework

3.1.1. Regulatory authority(-ies)

The NAEA is an institution of nuclear regulation. The Agency was set up at the beginning of the1980s and since its beginning has dealt with the licensing process of the Zarnowiec NPP and other nuclear facilities in Poland.

The activities of the President of the NAEA were described in section 2.3.2.

The Act – Atomic Law and other acts for implementing the Law, define regulations on the requirements for:

  1. radiological protection (of employees, population and patients)

  2. nuclear and radiation safety, including:

    • Safety of nuclear facilities;

    • Handling of nuclear materials and sources of ionizing radiation;

    • Radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel;

    • Transport of radioactive materials and sources as well as spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste;

    • Evaluation of radiation conditions and emergency procedures.

  3. physical protection (of nuclear facilities and nuclear materials)

  4. non-proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies (protection)

  5. legal liability for nuclear damage

3.1.2. Licensing Process

The licensing process is regulated by the Amendment to the Atomic Law accepted by the Parliament and signed by the President in June 2011.

3.2. Main national laws and regulations in nuclear power

All the issues connected with civil use of nuclear energy are regulated by the Act on Atomic Law of 29 November 2000 (amended in June 2011) and the acts for its implementation.

In the middle of 2011, the Parliament accepted two acts regulating different fields of nuclear power operation, and in particular:

  1. Act on the preparation and implementation of investments in nuclear power facilities and accompanying facilities. Its main objective is the implementation of regulations enabling an efficient process of preparation and execution of the construction of nuclear power facilities. The aforementioned are vitally important for national energy safety and due to high investment and financial risks.

  2. An Amendment to the Act on Atomic Law – its aim being to determine the requirements for nuclear safety and radiological protection of nuclear facilities including the construction and operation of nuclear facilities at the highest level, which is reached in compliance with international requirements and recommendations. The present amendment is to implement the directives of The Council 2009/71 Euratom of 25 June 2009 into Polish regulations, establishing a Community framework for the safety of nuclear installations. Moreover, the amendment is to supplement the so far applicable regulations on legal liability for nuclear damage and to introduce any issues connected with the duty of the nuclear facility operator to supply the society with information on operation of such facilities. In a subsequent amendment of the Atomic Law a new structure of nuclear regulator operation will be introduced, which will respond to the requirements of ensuring safety of a number of nuclear facilities in Poland.

The issues of environmental protection are regulated by the Act on Nature Conservation of 16 April 2004 together with implementing acts (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] No62 item 627 with subsequent amendments) and also the Act of 18 July 2001, Water Act (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] No115 item 1229)


Polish Nuclear Power Programmehttp://www.mg.gov.pl/files/upload/10960/PPEJ%20eng.2014.docx (Ministry of Economy)

Energy Policy of Poland until 2030 –http://www.mg.gov.pl/Bezpieczenstwo+gospodarcze/Energetyka/Polityka+energetyczna (Ministry of Economy)

National Atomic Energy Agency – www.paa.gov.pl (nuclear regulator)

PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. – www.pgesa.pl (utility)

National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) – www.ncbj.gov.pl (R&D)

Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology – www.ichtj.waw.pl (R&D)


International treaties, conventions, and agreements signed/ratified by the country and Cooperation agreements with IAEA in area of NP

Date of entry into force
Date of signature
Date of Poland’s ratification
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, made in Moscow and London on 1 July 1968
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials together with Appendixes I and II, opened for signature in Vienna and New York on 3 March 980
Convention of Assistance in the case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, made in Vienna on 26 September 1986
Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, made in Vienna on 26 September 1986
Convention on the Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, made in Vienna on 21 May 1963
Joint Protocol relating to the application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention (on liability for nuclear damage), made in Vienna on 21 September 1988
Convention on Nuclear Safety, made in Vienna on 20 September 1994
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty adopted by General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 September 1996
Treaty did not come into effect
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, made in Vienna on 5 September 1997
Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, signed in Brussels on 17 April 1957
An agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Atomic Agency in implementation of Article III (1) and (4) of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, signed in Brussels on 5 April 1973
Additional Protocol to the
Agreement between the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Finland, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of Netherlands, the Portuguese Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Sweden, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Atomic Agency in implementation of Article III (1) and (4) of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, signed in Vienna on 22 September 1998
An Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, adopted in Vienna on 8 July 2005
amendment did not come into effect

Bilateral agreements with other countries or organizations signed/ratified by the country in the field of nuclear power

Country –signatory to the agreement
Agreement between the Government of the Polish People’s Republic and the Government of the Republic of Austria on Exchange of Information and Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Vienna on 15 December 1989.
Agreement between the Government of the Polish Republic and the Government of the Belarus Republic on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and Cooperation in the Field of Radiological Safety,
made in Minsk on 26 October 1994.
Agreement between the Government of the Polish People’s Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark on Exchange of Information and Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Warsaw on 22 December 1987.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and on Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Warsaw on 2 June 1995.
Agreement between the Government of the Polish People’s Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and on Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Oslo on 15 November 1989.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Russian Federation on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Exchange of Information on Nuclear Facilities and on Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Warsaw on 18 February 1995.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Slovak Republic on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Exchange of Information and on Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Bratislava on 17 September 1996.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of Ukraine on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Exchange of Information and on Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Kiev on 24 May 1993.
Czech Republic
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Czech Republic on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and on Exchange of Information on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection,
made in Vienna on 27 September 2005.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Exchange of Information and Experience and on Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, made in Warsaw on 30 July 2009.


Contact data
Ministry of Economy, Department of Nuclear Energy
acting as NEPIO (Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organisation)
Pl. Trzech Krzyzy 3/5
00-507 Warsaw
tel. (+48 22) 693 49 79
fax. (+48 22) 693 40 51
National Atomic Energy Agency – NAEA
nuclear regulator
Panstwowa Agencja Atomistyki
ul. Krucza 36
00-522 Warszawa
tel/fax: (+48 22) 628-27-22, (+48 22) 695-98-00/629-01-64
PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
main national nuclear utility
ul. Mysia 2,
00-496 Warszawa
tel: (+48 22) 340 1053
faks: (+48 22) 340 1041
Radioactive Waste Management Plant
radioactive waste management
05-400 Otwock-Swierk
tel.: (+48 22) 718 00 92
fax: (+48 22) 718 02 57
Office of Technical Inspection
regulator of pressure vessels, cranes, and conventional parts of nuclear facilities
02-353 Warszawa,
ul. Szczesliwicka 34
tel. (+48 22) 57-22-100, fax: (+48 22) 822-72-09, udt@udt.gov.pl
Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection
TSO to NAEA in the area of radiological protection
ul. Konwaliowa 7
03-194 Warszawa
tel./fax. (+48 22) 811 16 16 dyrektor@clor.waw.pl www.clor.waw.pl

Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
radiation chemistry and technology, application of nuclear methods in material and process engineering, design and production of instruments based on nuclear techniques, radiation analytical techniques and environmental research
ul.Dorodna 16  
03-195 Warszawa,
tel.:(+48 22) 5041220, 5041000
fax: (+48 22) 8111917, 8111532
(nuclear) electrical equipment manufacturing, installation and commissioning
40-246 Katowice,
ul. Porcelanowa 12 
tel.  (+48 32) 259 01 00
fax (+48 32) 205 27 60
ZT-B POLBAU sp. z o.o.
(nuclear) civil works
45-054 Opole
ul. Grunwaldzka 25
tel. (+48 77) 4543288
fax (+48 77) 4530019
ENERGOMONTAZ-Pólnoc (Polimex-Mostostal S.A.)
(nuclear) shop manufacture and prefabrication of piping and steel components
ul. Przemyslowa 30, 00-450 Warszawa
tel. (+48 22) 583 60 00
fax (+48 22) 583 60 06 info@energomontaz.com.pl
Erbud International sp. z o.o.
(nuclear) civil works, reinforced steel constructions
ul. Wapienna 10
87-100 Torun
tel. +48 56 658 00 10
fax +48 56 658 00 20
KMW Engineering Sp. z o.o.
ventilation and AC systems
ul. Powstanców 8a
86-050 Solec Kujawski
tel. +48 52 569 80 00
fax +48 52 569 80 01
Machine Tool Factory
Production of high quality machine tools for manufacturing reactor pressure vessels
ul. Staszica 1
47-420 Kuznia Raciborska
Tel. +48 327 213 300
Fax +48 324 191 251
Fax +48 324 191 366


Lukasz Kuzniarski
Department of Nuclear Energy
Ministry of Economy
Tomasz Nowacki
Department of Nuclear Energy
Ministry of Economy
Pl. Trzech Krzyzy 3/5
00-507 Warsaw
tel. (+48 22) 693 47 10
fax. (+48 22) 693 40 51
Pl. Trzech Krzyzy 3/5
00-507 Warsaw

tel. (+48 22) 693 48 45
fax. (+48 22) 693 40 51

Attached files

POLAND CNPP 2015.pdf