(Updated 2013)
1.1. Country Overview
1.1.1. Governmental system
Information not available.
1.1.2. Geography and climate
A republic of Southern Europe, Italy is a peninsula set in the Mediterranean Sea. It extends from the Alps, its northern border, southward for 960 kilometres; it has a maximum width of 240 kilometres. To the east lays the Adriatic Sea, to the south the Ionian Sea and to the west the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian seas. Starting from northwest and moving to northeast, Italy is bounded by France, Switzerland, Austria and the Republic of Slovenia. The Apennines, a recent mountain chain, created by the collision of the African and European plates, subject to frequent earthquakes, extends the length of the peninsula. There are few large catchment basins and only the Po basin is a suitable site for modern nuclear power plants (PP).
The peninsula comprises much of Italy and includes the independent republic of San Marino as well as the Vatican City. In addition to the continental part, there are two big islands, Sicily and Sardinia. The total area is 301,333 km2.
Italy is located in the temperate zone, the mainland climate varies from the north to the south; summer temperatures are relatively uniform in most cities and range on average between 23°C and 28°C, while winter temperatures range between 12°C and 17°C. The annual average rainfall, generally, does not exceed 1,000 mm.
1.1.3. Population
In 2011, the population of Italy was about 60.7 million with the density of 201 inhabitants/km2. Table 1 gives the statistical data until 20011. The capital and largest city is Rome which had a population of about 3.5 million in 2005. The country is composed of 20 regions, which are subdivided into 103 provinces.
Average annual growth rate (%) | ||||||
Year | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2011 | 2000 to 2011 |
Population (millions) | 56.5 | 56.7 | 57.7 | 58.1 | 60.7 | 0.24 |
Population density (inhabitants/km2) | 187.4 | 188.3 | 191.6 | 192.9 | 201 | 0.24 |
Urban Population as % of total | 70.2 | |||||
Area (1000 km2) | 301.3 |
Source: Eurostat
1.1.4. Economic data
Table 2 shows the historical GDP data.
Average annual growth rate (%) | ||||||
1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2011 | 1980 to 2000 | |
GDP (millions of constant 2000 US$) | 733,507 | 917,509 | 1,074,763 | 1,114,184 | 1,871,000 | 1.93 |
GDP per capita (2000 US$/capita) | 12,994 | 16,170 | 18,621 | 19,176 | 30,100* | 1.82 |
PPP (millions of constant 2000 int$) | 973,110 | 1,240,067 | 1,441,935 | 1,491,743 | N.A. | 1.99 |
PPP per capita (2000 int$/capita) | 17,238 | 21,854 | 24,982 | 25,674 | N.A. | 1.87 |
*current US$
Source: World Bank World Development Indicators
1.2. Energy Information
1.2.1. Estimated available energy
Italy is poor in natural resources and depends heavily on imported energy supply. In 2005, about 86% of Italy’s energy was imported. Natural gas is Italy’s largest domestic source of energy, with proven reserves of 9.1 EJ in 1996 (Table 3).
Italy’s total primary energy consumption was 198.7 Mtoe in 2005, of which solid fuels accounted for 16.9 Mtoe, oil 86 Mtoe, natural gas 71 Mtoe, renewable sources (hydro, geo, wind, solar, biomasses) 13.9 Mtoe, and electricity net imports 10.8 Mtoe. Historical data are given in Table 4.
Estimated energy reserves in (*) | |||||
Solid (1) | Liquid (2) | Gas (3) | Uranium (4) | Hydro (5) | |
Amount | 34,000 | 62,000 | 2,731,470 | 4,800 | 190,000 |
(*) Estimated energy reserves in: Solid and Liquid in million tons, Uranium in metric tons, Gas in billion cubic metres, Hydro in TWhr per year
(1) Coal including Lignite: proved recoverable reserves, the tonnage within the proved amount in place that can be recovered in the future under present and expected local economic conditions with existing available technology
(2) Crude oil and natural gas liquids (Oil Shale, Natural Bitumen and Extra-Heavy Oil are not included): proved recoverable reserves, the quantity within the proved amount in place that can be recovered in the future under present and expected local economic conditions with existing available technology
(3) Natural gas: proved recoverable reserves, the volume within the proved amount in place that can be recovered in the future under present and expected local economic conditions with existing available technology
(4) Reasonably Assured Resources (RAR) under < USD 130/kgU
(5) Hydropower: technically exploitable capability, the amount of the gross theoretical capability that can be exploited within the limits of current technology
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database.
1.2.2. Energy statistics
Basic Energy Situation (Energy values are in Exajoule exept where indicated) | Annual Average Growth Rate (%) | |||||||
Energy Production | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2011 | 2000 to 2011 | |
Total | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | ||
Solids | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | ||
Liquids | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | ||
Gases | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | ||
Hydro | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | ||
Nuclear | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | ||
Other Renewables | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | ||
Final Energy Consumption | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2007 | 2008 | 1990 to 2000 | 2000 to 2008 |
Total | 5.44 | 5.44 | 3.06 | 6.03 | 5.98 | 5.79 | 7.02 | -0.50 |
Solids | 1.43 | 0.56 | 0.09 | 0.15 | 0.12 | 0.17 | 4.87 | 1.67 |
Liquids | 2.50 | 2.21 | 1.18 | 2.14 | 2.61 | 2.11 | 6.17 | -0.18 |
Gases | 0.78 | 1.84 | 1.79 | 2.45 | 1.93 | 2.23 | 3.19 | -1.12 |
Electricity | 0.73 | 0.83 | .. | 1.19 | 1.23 | 1.23 | .. | 0.42 |
Other | .. | .. | .. | 0.11 | 0.09 | 0.05 | .. | -6.82 |
Net Energy Balance (Export-Import) | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2007 | 2008 | 1990 to 2000 | 2000 to 2008 |
Total | 4.30 | 0.59 | 0.28 | -1.46 | 1.88 | 2.61 | -61.96 | -34.87 |
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Data Bank |
1.2.3. Energy Policy
The last Energy Plan approved by the Government dates back to August 1988. It focused on a set of actions capable of yielding substantial results in terms of energy conservation, environmental protection, development of domestic energy sources, diversification of imported energy sources and their origins, and safeguarding the competitiveness of the production system. Since 1988, the Italian Government has issued no further comprehensive energy documents. A five-year nuclear moratorium, following a popular referendum, which took place in 1987, officially expired in December 1993. Nevertheless, the Government remains steadfast in excluding nuclear energy. Recently, a new State owned Company (SOGIN) got the assets constituted by the closed existing power stations (about 1,400 MW) and will take care of their decommissioning. A return to nuclear power, in Italy, is for the moment not foreseeable.
Italy’s energy policy is currently driven by market liberalisation, transfer of relevant political and administrative decision-making powers to the regional authorities, diversification of supply sources, energy security, efficiency improvements and environmental protection. Italy has made significant progress in implementing electricity and gas market reforms and in restructuring its energy industry. The European Commission directives for electricity and gas market liberalisation have been transposed into legislation. Large state-owned energy companies began to be privatised and the government reduced its shares in both ENEL (electricity) and Eni (oil and gas). New institutions, including an energy sector regulator “Electricity & Gas Regulator” (AEEG), are now fully operational, which will ensure a much more market-oriented energy economy.
Italy ratified the Kyoto Protocol in June 2002 and on 19 December 2002 released the first national action plan for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Revised Guidelines for National Policies and Measures Regarding the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Diversification of energy sources is particularly challenging in this respect. Italy’s energy mix is shifting from oil to more use of gas, with little probability of rapidly diversifying much further, owing to the limited growth of renewable energy, local resistance to coal and the fact that the nuclear option was abandoned in 1987. Significant reliance on oil and gas, including from external supply sources, raises concerns about security of supply and the risk of high energy costs. Timely investment in energy production, transportation and interconnection is essential to secure energy supply and more active competition. Italy’s high level of local resistance to new infrastructure is becoming increasingly serious in the context of the transfer of power to local authorities. Uncertainties regarding responsibilities for clearing new energy projects and complexity in the authorisation procedures are consequences of the legal changes initiated to enable decentralisation. From April 2002, the government introduced a fast track procedure for new electricity generating plants (Sblocca Centrali), thereby streamlining the decision-making process.
1.3. The Electricity System
1.3.1. Electricity policy and decision making process
New generation capacity will be built according to the licensing procedure: producers wanting to operate on the free market will apply for the authorization. In order to encourage the use of renewable sources, operators producing more than 100 GWh/year (coming from non-renewable sources) are obliged as of 2001 to insert a quota of energy into the grid produced with renewable sources equal to 2% of the amount exceeding 100 GWh.
From April 2002, the government introduced a fast track procedure for new electricity generating plants (Sblocca Centrali), thereby streamlining the decision-making process. From January 2003, no producer or operator is allowed to generate or import more than 50% of the total electric power generated and imported in Italy.
1.3.2. Structure of the electric power sector
In 1962, the electric sector was nationalized by Law 1643 of 6 December 1962. ENEL (Ente Nazionale per I'Energia Elettrica, Italian Electricity Generating Board) was established to be wholly responsible for electricity production and transmission, and partially responsible for distribution of electric energy.
Over the following three decades, the structure of the Italian electricity sector - in terms of production, transmission and distribution - was organized along the following model: a large, nationwide company (ENEL), a number of municipal utilities, namely in the large cities like Rome, Milan, Turin, and a large number of industrial autoproducers.
Starting from the early 1990’s, many changes have been developed in the Italian electricity sector and the consequences are beginning to appear.
By Decree No. 333 of 11 July 1992, the Government decided to privatize some state-owned industrial and commercial companies. The new companies issued shares for a total value equal to the net fixed assets given in the last balance sheet. The shares have been allocated to the Treasury and the revenue obtained by their sale will be used to reduce the national debt and to balance the Government’s books. Thus, in August 1992, ENEL became a joint-stock company (ENEL S.p.A.) with its shares in the hands of the Treasury. In November 1995, the law setting up the Independent Regulatory Authority was approved, and the Authority has been operational since the beginning of 1997. In December 1995, the Ministry of Industry issued the new concession to ENEL SpA.
In March 1999, a legislative Decree ("Bersani" Decree) was issued, for the restructuring and liberalization of the Italian electricity sector. The purpose of the Decree is both to reach a sufficiently large liberalization and to guarantee such general economic interest as, for instance, a universal service, tariff equalization, and the development of renewable sources.
According to the "Bersani" decree, ENEL SpA began a process of complete reorganization. ENEL is now a join stock company, whose shares are 60% property of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (former Ministry of Treasury). The balance of 40% is already on the stock market. As for generation, ENEL has subdivided its generation capacity into a few companies (Gencos Generation Companies), with the perspective of reducing its generation share in the Italian market according to the European directive. Elettrogen (5720 MW), Eurogen (7000 MW), and Interpower (2600 MW) have already been sold to private operators. Two other companies are dedicated to distribution (one company for the captive market and one for the free market). Many others stock companies exist in the ENEL group for other business such as engineering, lighting, water management, and different industrial services.
The government introduced an ambitious measure to cap the incumbent's market share to less than 50%. This has enabled the entry of a number of new market participants. The electricity market has been liberalised up to 70% in several phases.
Transmission networks have been legally unbundled and, in April 2000, a Transmission System Operator was established (GRTN) (Gestore della Rete di Trasmissione Nazionale - Italian Independent System Operator).
The activities of GRTN concern electricity transmission on the high- and extra-high voltage grid (national transmission grid) that it operates under exclusive rights ("concession"). This responsibility is fulfilled through dispatching, i.e. the co-ordinated operation of power plants, national transmission grid, connected grids and ancillary services.
The shares of GRTN are held by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, exercising the shareholder’s rights jointly with the Ministry of Production Activities, which also issues strategic and operational guidelines for GRTN.
GRTN set up two companies, of which it is the sole shareholder: AU (Acquirente Unico) and GME (Gestore del Mercato Elettrico). AU plays the role of the single buyer of electricity for the customers of the captive market, on the basis of criteria of service continuity, security, efficiency and non-discrimination of customers (also from the standpoint of tariffs) throughout the country. Captive customers are households and small businesses that are not entitled to choose their supplier because the value of their power consumption lies below a specified threshold. AU has the task of purchasing electricity and of reselling to distributors the portion allocated to the captive market, in compliance with the directions of the Electricity & Gas Regulator (AEEG). The date upon which AU has acquired the responsibility of power procurer for the captive market (01/01/2004) has been set by a decree issued by the Minister of Production Activities (decree 19/12/2003).
GME is a company with the task of organising and managing the electricity market, on the basis of transparency and objectivity criteria, so as to foster competition between producers and ensure the availability of an adequate power reserve.
1.3.3. Main Indicators
Italy’s total gross output capacity of electricity generating plants in 2011 amounted to 122.8 GW, with a breakdown given in Table 5. Total gross electricity production in 2011 was 302.6 TWh, including wind and photovoltaic for about 20.6 TWh. High voltage transmission lines, connecting power plants with the distribution system, are mainly based on 380 kV and 220 kV lines.
Average annual growth rate (%) | |||||||
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2011 | 2000 to 2011 | |
Capacity of electrical plants (GWe) | |||||||
- Thermal | 16.95 | 30.65 | 39.12 | 56.43 | 64.65 | 79.7 | 1.64 |
- Hydro | 13.41 | 15.9 | 19 | 20.66 | 21.34 | 22.11 | 0.32 |
- Nuclear | 0.577 | 1.47 | - | - | - | - | - |
- Wind | - | - | - | 0.37 | 1.65 | 19.7 | 18.93 |
- Geothermal | 0.39 | 0.44 | 0.51 | 0.63 | 0.71 | 0.77 | 0.95 |
- Total | 31.33 | 48.46 | 58.63 | 78.09 | 88.35 | 122.28 | 2.13 |
Electricity production (TWh) | |||||||
- Thermal | 70.22 | 133.35 | 178.59 | 220.47 | 253.07 | 228.5 | 0.17 |
- Hydro | 40.70 | 45.23 | 35.08 | 50.90 | 42.92 | 47.8 | -0.3 |
- Nuclear | 3.18 | 2.21 | - | - | - | - | - |
- Wind | - | - | - | 0.6 | 2.3 | 20.6 | 16.84 |
- Geothermal | 2.73 | 2.67 | 3.22 | 4.71 | 5.32 | 5.6 | 0.82 |
- Total (1) | 117.4 | 185.7 | 216.9 | 276.6 | 303.7 | 302.6 | 0.43 |
Total Electricity consumption (TWh) |
115 | 179.5 | 235.1 | 298.5 | 330.4 | 334.6 | 0.54 |
Source: TERNA
1970 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2005 |
2011 |
Energy consumption per capita (GJ/capita) | 82.70 | 102.80 | 113.80 | 128.40 | n.a. | n.a. |
Electricity per capita (KWh/capita) | 2,170.60 | 3,257.80 | 3,824.00 | 4,792.90 | n.a. | n.a. |
Electricity production/ Energy production (%) | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. |
Nuclear/Total electricity (%) | 2.70 | 1.20 | .. | .. | n.a. | n.a. |
2.1. Historical Development and current nuclear power organizational structure
2.1.1. Overview
Italy was among the first countries in the world to use nuclear technology for civil power generation purposes only. The Italian history of nuclear technology development can be split into three major periods:
pioneering period from 1946 to 1965, during which the private industry played a fundamental role;
planning period from 1966 to 1987, during which the Government planned nuclear development;
post referenda period from 1988 onward, which is characterized by the efforts to abandon nuclear energy production.
Pioneering Period
In November 1946, CISE (Centro Informazioni, Studi ed Esperienze) was founded, with the participation of the elite post-war Italian industries (Edison, Montecatini, FIAT) and some of the most prominent Italian nuclear scientists. Early on, the purpose of CISE was to lay down the foundations of civil nuclear engineering and, later on, to design a natural uranium fuelled, heavy water moderated nuclear test reactor.
In June 1952, the Government established CNRN (Comitato Nazionale per le Ricerche Nucleari), an agency in charge of developing and promoting nuclear technology. In August 1960, the agency was reorganized and renamed CNEN (Comitato Nazionale per I'Energia Nucleare).
In October 1958, the construction of the country’s first NPP, Latina, began. This 200 MWe gas-graphite reactor (Magnox, from magnesium alloy used in the fuel cans) was connected to the electric grid in May 1963. It was ordered by SIMEA, an ENI1 (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) subsidiary, and contracted from the Nuclear Power Plant Company (NPPC) of the UK. The United Kingdom’s Atomic Energy Authority was to offer support for the safety aspects.
In November 1959, construction work for the Garigliano NPP began. A Boiling Water Reactor prototype was ordered by SENN (Societa Elettro Nucleare Nazionale) from the International General Electric. In January 1964, the 150 MWe Garigliano reactor started operation.
The Trino Vercellese NPP, a Westinghouse PWR with two separate turbine systems, was ordered by SELNI (Societa Elettro Nucleare Italiana), a subsidiary of the Edison group. Construction for the 260 MWe Trino Vercellese began in August 1961. It entered commercial operation in October 1964.
A general rule, Law 1860, to regulate peaceful use of atomic energy was issued for the first time in December 1962. This law assigned CNEN the role of the nuclear regulatory body and foresaw the issuance of a subsequent law for radioactive protection of population and workers.
In February 1964, the Italian Government issued a complete set of Regulations (D.P.R. 230) to cover in detail the different aspects of nuclear safety and radiation protection. CNEN was confirmed as the official regulatory body. However, this responsibility created an inherent conflict of interests between its role as a public promoter of nuclear technology and as a regulator. The safety criteria during the period were adopted from countries exporting nuclear technology (mainly the UK and the USA).
In 1962, after a long political struggle, the electric sector was nationalized and ENEL was established as the sole utility. In 1964, the ownership of Latina NPP was transferred to ENEL, and, in 1966, the Garigliano and Trino units were also transferred to ENEL, hence closing the first period of the Italian nuclear history.
Planning Period
In December 1966, ENEL announced a huge nuclear programme forecasting 12,000 MW of nuclear power by 1980. A year later, in 1967, CIPE2 (Comitato Interministeriale per la Programmazione Economica) - a Committee in charge of co-ordinating the activities of Ministries involved in the country's economic planning and of defining the nuclear programme of ENEL - reorganized the nuclear sector. Among the most important actors (all state-owned companies) were:
ENEL, which maintained its position as the sole utility;
ENI, which was in charge of nuclear fuel;
ANSALDO, which was in charge of collaborating with foreign supplier(s) and later became the Italian nuclear components supplier.
In 1967, an agreement was signed by CNEN and ENEL for developing an Italian version of the Canadian CANDU. This reactor type, called CIRENE, was designed to use heavy water as moderator and boiling water as coolant. In 1972, ANSALDO got an order to build a 40 MWe prototype close to the Latina NPP. CISE actively participated in the design and construction of the CIRENE reactor, which, however, never became operational due to technical problems and the lack of economic resources. Its construction was finalized only in 1988.
In 1969, ENEL decided to build a BWR (G.E. BWR 4, Mark 2) on the site of Caorso; one year later ANSALDO, in a joint venture with G.E., officially received the order. The Caorso site construction began in 1970. After several delays in implementing improvements in the suppression pool and bolstering thermal fuel performance, this 860 MWe unit finally started commercial operation in 1981.
In 1974, following the Yom Kippur War and the consequent oil crisis, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Crafts (hereafter referred to as Ministry of Industry) approved a National Energy Plan that foresaw the construction of 20 NPPs in order to reduce the contribution of oil on the Italian energy balance. The main effort during that period was to achieve a certain level of technological independence from the American licenser(s). Political indecision led the industry to spread technical and economic resources over five different reactor types; namely, the GE BWR, the Westinghouse and Babcock PWRs, the AECL CANDU, and the indigenous CIRENE.
To attain the goals of the new energy plan, the Italian government in 1973, joined the EURODIF consortium. AGIP Nucleare, a subsidiary of ENI, and CNEN were in charge of providing the country with enriched uranium for fuel fabrication. Meanwhile, in 1972, ANSALDO -in a joint venture with G.E.- completed the Fabbricazioni Nucleari (Bosco Marengo) to manufacture the fuel elements for the future BWRs. The plant can produce 100 tons of fuel annually. It entered in operation in 1976 and has produced more than 500 tons of fuel for the Italian nuclear power stations and Leibstadt nuclear power station in Switzerland.
Later, in December 1973, three major European utilities signed an agreement to build a Superphenix, 1200 MWe fast breeder reactor in France. A second smaller station was planned in the Federal Republic of Germany. The three original partners were Electricité de France (EDF), ENEL and Rheinisch Westfalisches Elektrizitätswerk (RWE). Subsequently RWE was substituted by Schnell-Bruter Kernkraftwerkgesellschaft (SBK), a joint enterprise of RWE, Belgian and Dutch utilities and, to a lesser extent, the British Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB). Under the terms of this agreement the NERSA company was created in 1974 to undertake the construction of the Creys-Malville station. EDF’s share of NERSA was 51%, ENEL had 33% and SBK 16%. Preliminary work on the Creys-Malville site started in December 1974. The first concrete was laid in December 1976. The reactor began operation in January 1986. Earlier, in 1983, construction had begun for PEC (Prova Elementi di Combustible) for testing fast breeder fuel elements. This was intended to strengthen Italy’s participation in the Superphenix venture.
In 1976, Montalto di Castro was selected as the site for two new BWR’s (G.E. BWR 4, Mark 3). The site permit was issued in 1979, exactly one month before the Three Mile Island incident. This along with the active opposition of the environmental movements, delayed the implementation of the energy plan. Moreover, ENEL faced increasing difficulties with its nuclear power stations and conventional power plants with the construction of the transmission system. During the 1980’s, the nuclear option became one of the major political issues, almost completely halting all nuclear activities, despite the commitments of several energy plans.
The new National Energy Plan of 1982 reflected mixed attitudes. It called for two nuclear units at Montalto di Castro and six other units on three different sites (Piemonte, Lombardia and Puglia). The plan also identified the development of the so-called PUN3 (Progetto Unificato Nazionale), a Westinghouse PWR, as the final reactor type for the country. The most important characteristic of PUN design was to standardize nuclear plant design and construction. ENEA4 (Ente Nazionale per la ricerca e lo sviluppo dell'energia nucleare e delle Energie Alternative), formerly CNEN, was split into two major branches: ENEA responsible for research and promotion of nuclear technology; and, ENEA/DISP5, an independently acting nuclear regulatory body.
Disengagement Period
In 1986, a few months before the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, CIPE reaffirmed its commitment for the two BWR units at Montalto di Castro and for the six PUN type PWRs. However, the impact of the Chernobyl disaster on public opinion was enormous and a general debate on the implications of the use of nuclear energy inflamed the contest in the political arena. In November 1987, three referenda were passed essentially stopping any activity in the nuclear sector.
In December 1987, CIPE halted construction of the Montalto di Castro and Piemonte plants. These were the only two sites where construction work was effectively in progress. A nuclear moratorium period of five years became effective.
In June 1988, the Government, by Decree Nos. 230 and 324, ended all nuclear construction. The Caorso reactor, which was shut down in October 1986 for the annual refuelling remained in cold shut down for a complete safety review and assessment. In 1989, an OSART (Operational Safety Assessment Review Team, under the aegis of IAEA) inspection of the Caorso plant was conducted. Despite the positive results of both reviews, CIPE decided, in July 1990, to close down the plant. At the same time Trino NPP was closed. The remaining units of Garigliano and Latina had already been closed down in August 1978 and November 1986, respectively.
At the same time, ENEA decided to close down a number of facilities relevant to the fuel cycle: IFEC (Impianto di Fabbricazione Elementi di Combustibile), EUREX (Enriched Uranium Extraction), ITREC (Impianto di Trattamento e Rifabbricazione Elementi di Combustibile) and the plutonium plant at its Casaccia Centre. In effect, Italy is currently inactive in the nuclear energy sector.
Last Period
In 2009, the Italian Government, with the aim to restart a new nuclear power programme, promulgated Law n° 99/2009, establishing the necessary legislative provisions. Other Legislative Decrees have been subsequently issued or were in preparation, but, after the Fukushima event, the Government decided a moratorium on the planned programme and consequently changed the new laws. A national public referendum, held in June 2011, showed, the will of Italian citizens not to proceed with the construction of new NPPs. It should be noted that, as provided by Article 29 of Law n° 99/2009, a new Nuclear Safety Agency entitled with the role of Regulatory Body has been established. This new Agency will be composed by the structures and resources of the Nuclear Department of ISPRA and by resources from the Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable development (ENEA). However, since the full establishment of this new Safety Authority has still to be completed, the Nuclear Department of ISPRA continues to perform the functions of Regulatory Body.
More recently, Legislative Decree n° 31/2010 establishes the new procedure for the localization and the construction of a national repository for the LLW disposal and the ILW-HLW long term storage, and assigns to SOGIN the role of the implementer responsible for the construction and operation of the repository. Legislative Decree n° 31/2010 also assigns to SOGIN the responsibility to propose areas suitable for the location of the repository, based upon criteria established by the IAEA and the new national Agency for Nuclear Safety and taking into account results of the Strategic Environmental Evaluation. The steps to be made in order to realize a national storage facility, including public consultation, are described, together with the timeframes to perform each of them.
In connection with the commitments taken in the intergovernmental agreement between Italy and France in relation to the return of the waste resulting from the reprocessing of the spent fuel, Legislative Decree n° 31 issued in 2010, as subsequently amended, establishes all the steps and timeframes, including public consultation, for the siting procedure of the national site for the LLW repository and for the ILW-HLW long term storage. The same Decree assigns to SOGIN the role of the implementer responsible for the siting, construction and operation of the national repository.
2.1.2. Current Organization
In the context of the privatization and of the liberalization of the electric energy market, and accordingly Legislative Decree n° 79 of 16 March 1999, all ENEL’s liabilities and assets (and all capabilities and resources) connected to nuclear power have been assigned to a newly established company, named SO.G.I.N. (Società Gestione Impianti Nucleari, hereafter SOGIN); SOGIN is operational since November 1st, 1999; its shares have been transferred in 2000 to the Ministry of Treasure (now Ministry of Economy and Finance); nevertheless, SOGIN will act according to guidelines issued by the Ministry of Industry (now Ministry of Productive Activities).
The mission of SOGIN covers:
the decommissioning of the NPPs in Italy;
the decommissioning of the fuel cycle plants, which are property of ENEA and Fabricazioni Nucleari (FN), but whose licenses have been transferred to SOGIN;
the disposal of the low and intermediate radioactive wastes resulting from the past operation and from the dismantling activities;
the temporary storage of the high level wastes (resulting from the reprocessing of the fuel) and of the no reprocessed spent fuel.
Authorisations are granted by the Ministry for Economic Development (MSE, formerly Ministry of Industry), on the basis of the technical advice of the National Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services (ISPRA).
ISPRA is a technical body governed by public law with operational and administrative autonomy under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment. It is responsible for the regulation and supervision (by inspection) of nuclear installations in the matter of nuclear safety and radiation protection.
The Technical Commission for Nuclear Safety and Health Protection from Ionising Radiations, is an advisory body of ISPRA, which gives its technical advice on questions of safety and health protection in relation to the main stages in the licensing procedure. It is composed of experts from ENEA, ISPRA, and various Ministries.
The Ministry for the Environment is the authority responsible for the decision in the matter of environmental compatibility of nuclear projects, including decommissioning of nuclear power stations and other reactors.
2.2. Nuclear Power Plants: Status and Operations
2.2.1. Status and performance of nuclear power plants
Reactor Unit | Type | Net Capacity [MW(e)] |
Status | Operator | Reactor Supplier |
Construction Date |
First Criticality Date |
First Grid Date |
Commercial Date |
Shutdown Date |
UCF for 2014 |
CAORSO | BWR | 860 | Permanent Shutdown | SOGIN | AMN/GETS | 1970-01-01 | 1977-12-31 | 1978-05-23 | 1981-12-01 | 1990-07-01 | |
ENRICO FERMI | PWR | 260 | Permanent Shutdown | SOGIN | EL/WEST | 1961-07-01 | 1964-06-21 | 1964-10-22 | 1965-01-01 | 1990-07-01 | |
GARIGLIANO | BWR | 150 | Permanent Shutdown | SOGIN | GE | 1959-11-01 | 1963-06-05 | 1964-01-01 | 1964-06-01 | 1982-03-01 | |
LATINA | GCR | 153 | Permanent Shutdown | SOGIN | TNPG | 1958-11-01 | 1962-12-27 | 1963-05-12 | 1964-01-01 | 1987-12-01 | |
CIRENE | HWLWR | 35 | Cancelled Constr. | ENELENEA | ANSALDO | 1979-01-01 | 1988-01-01 | ||||
MONTALTO DI CASTRO-1 | BWR | 982 | Cancelled Constr. | ENEL | AMN/GETS | 1982-07-01 | 1988-01-01 | ||||
MONTALTO DI CASTRO-2 | BWR | 982 | Cancelled Constr. | ENEL | AMN/GETS | 1982-07-01 | 1988-01-01 |
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System (PRIS). | |||||||||||
Note: Table 7 is completely generated from PRIS data to reflect the latest available information and may be more up to date than the text of the report. |
FIG 1. Location of NPPs and other facilities
2.2.2. Plant upgrading, plant life management and license renewals
Not applicable. Please refer to section 2.1.1.
2.3. Future development of Nuclear Power
At this moment, there are no nuclear power development programmes in Italy.
2.3.1. Nuclear power development strategy
Not applicable.
2.3.2. Project management
Not applicable.
2.3.3. Project funding
Not applicable.
2.3.4. Electric grid development
Not applicable.
2.3.5. Site selection
Not applicable.
2.4. Organizations involved in construction of NPPs
Due to the historical development of nuclear technology in Italy in the pioneering period, it was not possible to develop separate organizations for the roles of architect engineer and nuclear steam systems supplier. Both activities were performed mainly by foreign companies. For example, for the Caorso NPP the supplier was a joint venture of ANSALDO and G.E. (AMN/GETS), while the architect engineering services were provided by Gibbs & Hill of the U.S.A. For PUN, it was foreseen that ENEL would have covered the role of architect engineering, and ANSALDO would have been the nuclear supplier.
At present, ANSALDO participates in a joint venture with AECL for construction of five CANDU reactors in Cernovoda, Romania, the first of which is now operating.
2.5. Organizations involved in operation of NPPs
At present, there are no operating NPPs in Italy.
2.6. Organizations involved in decommissioning of NPPs
The Ministry of Economic Development, with the Ministerial Decree of December 2 2004, updated the strategic objectives assigned to SOGIN, and envisaged the decommissioning of all NPPs and nuclear fuel cycle facilities in a 20 year time frame, provided that an adequate storage capacity of the resulting waste would be available. In the context of the on-going authorization process of the NPPs decommissioning plans, the regulatory body ISPRA, at that time APAT, has in fact taken the position that, before the start-up of dismantling activities of the nuclear island, in the case of unavailability of the final national repositories, the licensee has to provide an adequate on-site interim storage capacity to be authorized. In this new context, on the bases of the governmental decision to move into a decommissioning strategy involving the dismantling of structures and components in the span of 20 years, comprehensive plans have been submitted by SOGIN to the Ministry of Economic Development for Garigliano, Caorso, Trino and Latina NPPs in order to obtain the overall decommissioning licenses.
It is to be noted that the Italian legislation regulates the decommissioning of nuclear installations as a comprehensive set of actions where authorisations can be granted for subsequent phases leading up to planned and definite intermediate states. Such a possibility, however, is recognised on condition that the proposed subdivision into phases is shown to be part of an overall decommissioning plan leading up to a final site release and defining, inter alia, the destination of resulting radioactive materials.
In addition, the national legislation requires that the decommissioning plans can be authorised only in presence of the results of the environmental impact assessment.
2.7. Fuel Cycle including Waste Management
2.7.1. Uranium enrichment and fuel fabrication
In Italy, there are no facilities for enriching Uranium. Several installations have the capability to manufacture fuel elements. However, at the present time all are closed.
Regarding the fuel fabrication plants and research facilities, they are no longer in operation and have to be decommissioned. The situation is summarized in Table 8.
Installation | Main past activities | Main Decommissioning issues |
EUREX: Pilot reprocessing plant (Saluggia) | Spent fuel reprocessing | Solidification of liquid waste |
FN: Industrial fabrication plant (Bosco Marengo) | Fabrication of fuel assemblies for LWR | Residual nuclear material removal |
OPEC: Post irradiation examination facility (Rome) | Post irradiation examination of spent fuel. Spent fuel encapsulation | Removal of spent fuel scrap Waste management |
PLUTONIUM: Pilot fuel fabrication plant (Rome) | Sol-gel process development Fuel fabrication for AECL Chalk River Reactor | Removal of residual nuclear material Glove-boxes dismantling |
ITREC: Pilot reprocessing and re-fabrication plant (Trisaia) | Reprocessing of Elk River spent fuel (U-Th) assemblies | Solidification of U-Th highly radioactive solution |
Licenses were transferred to SOGIN at the end of 2003. Decommissioning of these facilities is mainly a waste management problem, due to the peculiarity of the waste present on these sites.
2.7.2. Fuel transportation
At the moment, fuel transportation is made with the purpose of sending the fuel abroad for reprocessing. Transport is made with qualified containers and only by authorized carriers. The authority responsible for issuing freight licences is the Ministry of Industry, after ISPRA has given its technical assessment. The rules regulating transport of radioactive material come from IAEA’s Safety Series No. 6, and are in accordance with international regulations enacted by ICAO, ADR, RID and IMO.
In November 2006, an Agreement between the Italian and the French Governments regulating the transfer to France of the spent fuel present in Italy (about 235 t) was signed. On this basis, in April 2007, SOGIN signed a contract with AREVA. In June 2010, the shipment of spent fuel from Caorso NPP to France was completed and transfer of the spent fuel stored in the Avogadro AFR storage pool and in the Trino NPP is on-going.
The only fuel that will not be reprocessed is the 1,7 tHM of Uranium/Thorium fuel, which is stored in the ITREC experimental reprocessing facility, located in southern Italy. For this fuel the transfer into dual-purpose dry cask storage is now envisaged.
Pending the completion of the transfer abroad for reprocessing, the spent fuel will continue to be stored in the pools. Its safe management will continue to be performed according to existing licence conditions and technical specifications.
2.7.3. Spent fuel disposal and storage
In the middle of the 1990’s, ENEL has decided to terminate nuclear fuel reprocessing, on the basis of an economic and technical evaluation, and to proceed with interim dry storage of the remaining spent fuel of LWRs. At the moment, only the fuel related to contracts already issued, is sent to BNFL for reprocessing. It was in fact recognized that, in the light of the Italian situation, reprocessing would not have brought important advantages in term of final disposal, since VHLW would have to be disposed anyway together with other reprocessing generated wastes; moreover, the waste form would not have implied specific advantages in term of final disposal, where only geological barriers could be credited. The strategy now is to store fuel elements in dual purpose (transport and storage) metallic casks in interim storage spaces on nuclear sites. When the national repository for radioactive waste will be in operation, the storage will be continued there, waiting for a final (geological) disposal.
On the implementation side it should be mentioned:
- completion of the transport activities of spent fuel from Caorso NPP to France for reprocessing, in the frame of the agreement between the Italian and the French Government;
- start-up of transport operation from Trino NPP and Avogadro storage facility;
- issue of the decommissioning licence for Bosco Marengo fuel fabrication facility and subsequent dismantling of the production line;
- completion of the regulatory review process of the decommissioning plan for Trino and Garigliano NPP;
- completion of the remediation campaign of the EUREX facility pool with the removal of the stored spent fuel and of the existing components, tools and internal structures and with the emptying of the pool itself;
- start of the licensing process for the approval of the detailed design for treatment and conditioning of the liquid I-HL waste in the site of EUREX reprocessing plant;
- approval and start of construction of new waste interim storage facilities in the sites of Garigliano and Latina NPPs and Casaccia Research Centre;
- completion of the licensing process for a new interim storage facility at the EC JRC of ISPRA;
- completion of the licensing process of a project for the treatment and conditioning of U-Th solution at ITREC plant.
The safety assessment and review of the new on site interim storage facilities is performed taking into account the IAEA Safety Standards and the WENRA storage Safety Reference Levels.
2.7.4. Waste management and disposal
The sources of radioactive waste in Italy include the power plants formerly operated by ENEL, the fuel cycle plants operated by Fabbricazioni Nucleari S.p.A., ENEA research laboratories and experimental facilities, and non-energy applications (e.g., biomedical and other uses).
Criteria applicable to the classification, treatment and disposal of radioactive waste are set forth in ENEA/DISP’s Technical Guide No. 26, issued in May 1988 and updated in 1997. These rules allow above ground disposal of treated low-level waste (Categories I and II) and prescribe suitable final disposal solutions (such as deep disposal) for high-level waste (Category III). As for categories I and II, solid low-level waste is to be super-compacted and cemented. Liquid low-level waste is to be cemented in containers suitable for above ground storage.
Part of the radioactive waste in Italy was produced during the operation of the nuclear installations connected to the national nuclear power programme. Another significant amount of waste will result from the decommissioning activities, as well as from the return of the high and intermediate level reprocessed and conditioned waste.
Another fraction to be managed is represented by the radioactive waste produced by R&D, medical and industrial uses.
At present, almost all the waste generated by the operation of nuclear installations is stored on-site.
In March 2008, the Ministry of the Economic Development appointed a Committee with representatives of Ministries, Regions, ISPRA and ENEA, having the mandate to define the procedures for identifying suitable areas and for selecting a national site for the storage of radioactive waste. A report from this Committee was issued in September 2008.
More recently, in connection with the roadmap associated to the Agreement for the reprocessing of the 235 t of spent fuel, Legislative Decree n° 31/2010 establishes the new procedure for the localization and the construction of a national repository for the LLW disposal and the ILW-HLW long term storage, and assigns to SOGIN the role of the Implementer responsible for the construction and operation of the national repository.
Legislative Decree n° 31/2010 also assigns to SOGIN the responsibility to propose areas suitable for the identification of the site based upon criteria established by the IAEA and the new national Agency for Nuclear Safety and taking into account results of Strategic Environmental Evaluation.
The steps to be taken in order to realize a national storage facility are described below, together with the timeframes to perform each of them.
At first, a list of suitable areas is proposed by the Implementer (SOGIN). Such a list should be defined based upon requirements from the IAEA and the new Italian Agency for Nuclear Safety.
After this preliminary selection, a period for public consultation is foreseen. A public presentation through a seminar, by inviting the central and local interested Administrations will be organized by SOGIN.
Once the potential sites are approved by the Agency for the Nuclear Safety, SOGIN invites the involved regions to present their interest within 60 days. Once one (or more) region shows interest, SOGIN performs its extensive investigations on the site and submits a request for authorization to the Regulatory Body, which expresses its judgement. A one step licence is envisaged (i.e. the authorization is given for construction, operation and closure).
In the case of lack of interest, SOGIN will submit to the Ministry of Economic Development the list of the candidate areas indicating the first three more suitable sites, and within 30 days an interinstitutional Committee will be created, with the participation of representatives from different Ministries and Regions, and with the task of reaching an agreement with one of the interested regions.
Waiting for the availability of the national storage site, the radioactive waste will continue to be stored in the nuclear installations of origin. Interventions are in progress to enhance the safety level of waste by implementing specific treatment and conditioning projects and by refurbishing existing buildings or by constructing new interim storage facilities on-site. New facilities will also be used to ensure temporary storage capacity for waste resulting from decommissioning preliminary activities.
2.8. Research and Development
2.8.1. R&D organizations
Nuclear research is conducted by several agencies, institutions and universities. The leading agency for applied nuclear research is ENEA with its Energy Research Centre (CRE) at Casaccia, near Rome. Theoretical research in the nuclear field is performed mainly under the aegis of CNR6 (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) and INFN7 (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) in its four main laboratories - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnano, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and the new Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
In nuclear engineering, the universities with degree programmes are the Università di Roma, the Università di Pisa, the Politecnico di Milano, the Politecnico di Torino and the Università di Palermo.
2.8.2. Development of advanced nuclear technologies
Some research activities, experiments and studies, mainly in connection with the universities and agencies in Section 2.8.1, are still performed at the facilities equipped with research reactors as shown in Table 9.
Bologna | 100 We | ENEA/RB3 | In operation |
Palermo | 20 We | University of Palermo | not operating |
Roma (Casaccia) | 1 MW | ENEA/TRIGA | in operation |
Roma (Casaccia) | 5 kW | ENEA/TAPIRO | In operation |
Pavia | 250 kW | University of Pavia | in operation |
Ispra | CCR | Not operating | |
Ispra | CCR | Not operating | |
Milano | CESNEF L54M | Not operating | |
Padova | University of Padova | In operation | |
Pisa | CISAM | Not operating | |
Source: Country Information. |
2.8.3. International co-operation and initiatives.
Italy and Russia signed an agreement allocating €360M in 2003 for cooperation in the field of nuclear submarines dismantling and safe handling of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. The agreement includes projects on nuclear submarines, nuclear surface ships and service ships dismantling, reprocessing, transportation and storage of radioactive waste, creation of nuclear site physical protection system, radiation sites rehabilitation, creation of infrastructure for nuclear submarines dismantling. The Russian Atomic Ministry and the Italian Ministry of Productive Activities are responsible for the projects. The agreement is valid for 10 years, and extends automatically for an additional 2 years if the parties do not cancel the agreement before its expiry.
Italy also participates in several international co-operative projects developed under the aegis of the European Community, NEA/OECD and the International Atomic Energy Agency. In this setting two important research centres must be pointed out: the Joint Research Centre of ISPRA8 and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, a branch of the IAEA.
In the area of nuclear safety and environmental protection, bilateral agreements have been signed with NRC (USA), NII (UK), CSN (Spain), N.N.S.A.(China), and D.S.I.N (France).
Some noteworthy activities in progress are: in nuclear fusion field, participation in the Joint European Torus project.
2.9. Human resources development
Current regulation establishes specific qualification requirements for the staff involved in the safe management of the NPPs, Research Reactors, Fuel Reprocessing Facilities etc. These requirements are also applicable to radioactive waste and spent fuel management facilities which, as already said, are operated under the licensing conditions of the main nuclear installation they belong to.
Additionally, staff qualification for the performance of any safety-related activity is among the relevant aspects assessed during the licensing process. Moreover, technical and operating staff undertakes training regarding technical and legal issues, according to the specific company policy of SOGIN.
In the Italian nuclear installations (NPP and fuel cycle facilities) the rules governing the organization and the roles of the technical and operating staff to ensure a safe management of the facility, both during ordinary and emergency conditions, are stated in a specific document -“Regolamento di esercizio”- as required by Italian law. This document also rules the activities related to waste management and dismantling operations. According to that document only licensed personnel can operate in spent fuel management facilities. In other installations, staff qualification requirements are established on a case by case basis.
2.10. Stakeholder Communication
The Governement and each public agency support the stakeholder communication process through periodic meetings and a continuous reporting activity. In particular, for the decommissioning programme of NPPs, SOGIN, by publishing every year its “Sustainability Report”, carries out one of the main transparency initiatives toward its stakeholders, making all social and environmental information available for them.
3.1. Regulatory Framework
3.1.1. Regulatory authority(s)
The present Italian regulatory system related to nuclear and radiation safety is the result of an evolution of rules and standards that begun in the early 1960s and that took into account the experiences of licensing and operation of different types and generations of NPPs and of other nuclear installations. The system also covers the government of safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management.
The main regulations are acts of Parliament, Legislative Decrees, governmental or ministerial Decrees binding in law issued by the Government. Technical Positions and Guides issued by the National Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ISPRA, formerly APAT) are also considered.
The legislative and regulatory framework, established since the early 1960s, envisages a system of licensing of nuclear installations and activities as well as regulatory control. This system fully applies to spent fuel and radioactive waste management activities.
The licensing body is the Ministry of Economic Development, based upon the binding technical advice of ISPRA, which is entrusted with the role of regulatory authority, performing assessments and inspections in nuclear installations.
On the legislative and institutional side, it should be mentioned that in 2009 the Italian Government, with the aim to restart a new nuclear power programme, promulgated Law n° 99/2009 establishing the necessary legislative provisions. Other Legislative Decrees have been subsequently issued or were in preparation, but, after the Fukushima event, the Government decided a moratorium on the planned programme and consequently changed the new laws. A national public consultation (referendum), held in June 2011, showed, the will of Italian citizens not to proceed with the construction of new NPPs. It should be noted that, as provided by Article 29 of Law n° 99/2009, a new Nuclear Safety Agency entitled with the role of Regulatory Body has been established. This new Agency will be composed by the structures and resources of the Nuclear Department of ISPRA and by resources from the ENEA. However, since the full establishment of this new Safety Authority has still to be completed, the Nuclear Department of ISPRA continues to perform the functions of Regulatory Body.
3.1.2. Licensing process
More recently, the Legislative Decree n° 31/2010 establishes the new procedure for the localization and the construction of a national repository for the LLW disposal and the ILW-HLW long term storage, and assigns to SOGIN the role of the implementer responsible for the construction and operation of the repository. Legislative Decree n° 31/2010 also assigns to SOGIN the responsibility to propose areas suitable for the localization of the repository, based upon criteria established by the IAEA and the new national Agency for Nuclear Safety and taking into account results of Strategic Environmental Evaluation. The steps to be taken in order to realize a national storage facility, including public consultation, are described, together with the timeframes to perform each of them.
In connection with the commitments taken in the intergovernmental agreement between Italy and France in relation to the return of the waste resulting from the reprocessing of spent fuel, Legislative Decree n° 31/2010, as subsequently amended, establishes all the steps and timeframes, including public consultation, for the siting procedure of the national site for the LLW repository and for the ILW-HLW long term storage. The same Decree assigns to SOGIN the role of the Implementer responsible for the siting, construction and operation of the national repository.
3.2. Main National Laws and Regulations in Nuclear Power
The system for licensing nuclear installations is governed by the following Laws and regulations.
Law no. 1860 of 31st December 1962, which is the Basic Act on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The Law has been amended by the President's Decree no. 1704 of 30 December 1965, and by the President's Decree no. 519 of 10 May 1975. The Law regulates all activities connected with the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Excluded from the scope of the Law are the nuclear installations for the generation of electricity, which are governed by the procedure, laid down in Legislative Decree no. 230/95.
Legislative Decree no. 230 of 17 March 1995, which replaced the previous DPR n°185/1964. Its provisions on nuclear safety and radiation protection apply to all practices involving an ionising risk, including the construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear plants. The Decree has been amended by:
Legislative Decree no. 241 of 26th May 2000, which has transposed European Union Directive 96/29/Euratom laying down basic safety standards for the radiation protection of workers and the public
Decree no. 257 of 9th May 2001, which modifies some details concerning notification and authorisation of non-nuclear installations where ionising radiation is used for industrial, research and medical purposes
Legislative Decree n° 31/2010, which establishes the new procedure for the localization and the construction of a national repository for the LLW disposal and the ILW-HLW long term storage
[1] | Il regime giuridico dell’impiego pacifico dell’energia nucleare, Vol. I, II and III, ENEA, Roma, (1986) (Volumes II and III present the whole set of international agreements in which Italy participates). |
[2] | Il Nucleare in Italia, special edition of Professione Ingegnere, Anno 5, N.19/20, Luglio-Dicembre, (1992). |
[3] | Energia, ambiente, innovazione dal CNRN all’ENEA, a cura di G. Paoloni, Laterza; Bari, (1992). |
[4] | La questione energetica: dieci anni perduti 1963-1973, F. Ippolito, F. Simen, Feltrinelli; Milano, (1974). |
[5] | Il ruolo dell’organizzazione industriale nello sviluppo nucleare, P. Berra, A. Ninni, S. Vaccà, Economia delle fonti di energia, XXXIII, N. 42, (1990). |
[6] | Data & Statistics, The World Bank, |
[7] | IAEA Energy and Economic Data Base (EEDB). |
[8] | IAEA Power Reactor Information System (PRIS). |
[9] | IEA, Beyond 20/20. |
[10] | TERNA, |
In the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, international co-operation is recognized to be fundamental, and the Italian regulatory authorities, nuclear power and waste management operators and research institutes maintain connections with international organisations. In this respect, it is worthwhile to mention the activities of the IAEA and OECD/NEA and the R&D framework programmes of the European Union. ISPRA is also actively participating in the ENSREG and WENRA (Western European Nuclear Regulators Association) initiatives for the harmonization of spent fuel and radioactive waste storage safety requirements.
• Amendments to Articles VI & XIV of the Agency statute | Not ratified | |
• Agreement on privileges and immunities | Entry into force: | 20 June 1985 |
• NPT related agreement INFCIRC/193 | Entry into force: | 21 February 1977 |
• Additional Protocol (GOV/1998/28) | Signature: | 22 September 1998 |
• Supplementary agreement on provision of technical assistance by the IAEA | Not Applicable | |
• EURATOM | Member | |
• NPT | Entry into force: | 2 May 1975 |
• Convention on physical protection of nuclear material | Entry into force: | 6 October 1991 |
• Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident | Entry into force: | 11 March 1990 |
• Convention on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency | Entry into force: | 25 November 1990 |
• Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage | Not applicable | |
• Paris convention on third party liability in the field of nuclear energy | Entry into force: | 17 September 1975 |
• Joint protocol relating to the application of Vienna and Paris conventions | Entry into force: | 27 April 1992 |
• Protocol to amend the Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage | Signature: | 26 January 1998 |
• Convention on supplementary compensation for nuclear damage | Not signed | |
• Convention on nuclear safety | Entry into force: | 14 July 1998 |
• Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management | Signature | 26 January 1998 |
• Improved procedures for designation of safeguards inspectors | Rejected but agreed to special procedures | |
• ZANGGER Committee | Member | |
• Nuclear Export Guidelines | Adopted | |
• Acceptance of NUSS Codes | Summary: National regulations are in conformity with revised codes. Codes are sound international safety standards which should be made obligatory in all states operating NPPs. Letter: | 27 December 1989 |
• Nuclear Suppliers Group | Member | |
• Establishment of CERN with 12 other European Countries | Paris | July 1953 |
• Halden Boiling Water Reactor project Italian representative: ENEA | June 1958 | |
• Joint European Torus Undertaking Italian representatives: ENEA and CNR | Brussels | May 1978 |
Several other carriers are licensed for radioactive and fissile materials; their addresses are available from ISPRA or from the Ministry of Economic Development.