(EXP5/09) Transport Mechanisms and Enhanced Confinement Studies in RFX
M. Valisa1), V. Antoni1),
L. Apolloni1),
M. Bagatin1), W. Baker1), O. Barana1),
R. Bartiromo1), P. Bettini1),
A. Boboc1), T. Bolzonella1), A. Buffa1),
A. Canton1), S. Cappello1),
L. Carraro1), R. Cavazzana1),
G. Chitarin1), S. Costa1),
F. D'Angelo1), S. Dal Bello1),
A. De Lorenzi1), D. Desideri1),
D. F. Escande2),
L. Fattorini1), P. Fiorentin1),
P. Franz1), E. Gaio1), L. Garzotti1),
L. Giudicotti1), F. Gnesotto1),
L. Grando1), S. C. Guo1),
P. Innocente1), A. Intravaia1),
R. Lorenzini1), A. Luchetta1),
G. Malesani1), G. Manduchi1),
G. Marchiori1), L. Marrelli1),
P. Martin1), E. Martines1),
S. Martini1), A. Maschio1),
A. Masiello1), F. Milani1),
M. Moresco1), A. Murari1), P. Nielsen1),
M. O'Gorman1), S. Ortolani1),
R. Paccagnella1), R. Pasqualotto1),
B. Pégurié1), S. Peruzzo1),
R. Piovan1), N. Pomaro1), A. Ponno1),
G. Preti1), M. E. Puiatti1),
G. Rostagni1), F. Sattin1), P. Scarin1),
G. Serianni1), P. Sonato1), E. Spada1),
G. Spizzo1), M. Spolaore1),
C. Taliercio1), G. Telesca1),
D. Terranova1), V. Toigo1),
L. Tramontin1), N. Vianello1),
M. Viterbo1), L. Zabeo1), P. Zaccaria1),
P. Zanca1), B. Zaniol1), L. Zanotto1),
E. Zilli1), G. Zollino1)
1) Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom - ENEA sulla
Fusione, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy
2) UMR 6633 CNRS-Université de Provence, Avenue Normandie-Niemen,
13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France
Abstract. The results of an extensive study on transport mechanisms and on
improved confinement scenarios in RFX are reported. The scaling of the
thermal conductivity in the core with the Lundquist number indicates that
the magnetic field in this region is not fully stochastic, as proved by the
existence of thermal barriers observed in Single Helicity configurations.
The electrostatic transport at the edge has been proved to depend on the
highly sheared ExB flow which has been interpreted by fluid and Monte Carlo
models. Regimes of improved confinement have been obtained in the core by
Poloidal Current Drive techniques and the electrostatic transport has been
reduced at the edge by biasing experiments. A radiation mantle by impurity
seeding has been found to successfully reduce the local plasma wall
interaction without significantly deteriorating the plasma performance.
IAEA 2001