Abstract. An ohmic shear reversed configuration has been obtained in HL-1M by combined control of plasma current rise and supersonic Molecular Beam Injection (MBI). An equilibrium reconstruction code has been applied to the HL-1M database, which stores data from 32 magnetic probes to derive the current density profile and safety q profile. The current density profile derived from the code is found to be hollow in core plasma and q is nonmonotonic. They are characterized by the peaked density profile and hollow electron temperature profiles. The hollow temperature profile leads to a hollow current density profile and reversed magnetic shear. Current profile control by LHCD was conducted in HL-1M. The sawtooth and m=1 mode instabilities were observed to be suppressed by LHCD. The current profile and q profile reconstructed by the equilibrium code show a hollow current profile during LHCD and they are related to the nonmonotonic q profile. In ECRH off-axis experiments the occurrence of the compound sawtooth observed by the soft X-ray diode array implies that the hollow current density profiles were formed.
IAEA 2001