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(EX8/1) Effects of Plasma Shape and Profiles on
Session EX8 - Transport (Friday, 23 October)
(EX8/1) Effects of Plasma Shape and Profiles on Edge Stability in DIII-D
(EX8/2) MHD Phenomena at ASDEX Upgrade
(EX8/3) Energy Confinement and MHD Activity in Shaped TCV Plasmas with Localised Electron Cyclotron Heating
(EX8/4) Localized MHD Activity Near Transport Barriers in JT-60U and TFTR
(EX8/5) Error Field Mode Studies on JET, COMPASS-D and DIII-D, and Implications for ITER
(EX8/6) Alfvén eigenmodes and their Impact on Plasma Characteristics in JT-60U
(EX8/D) Discussion of Session EX8
IAEA 1999