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(EXP1/04) High Time-Resolved Measurements of Radiation Emitted by Impurities Injected on the MT-1M Tokamak

B. Kardon , S. Kálvin , G. Kocsis , G. Petravich , S. Zoletnik 
Department of Plasma Physics, KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, H-1525 Budapest 14., P.O.Box 49., Hungary

The shape and evolution of the dense impurity cloud surrounding an ablating micro-pellet in a hot plasma is investigated. The observations can be understood by assuming near-spherical expansion of the cloud close to the pellet and a one-dimensional flow along the field lines far from it. Distortion of the regular one-dimensional flow is often seen if the lifetime of the observed ions is long enough.


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IAEA 1999