(Updated 2018)


This report provides information on the status and development of the nuclear power programme in Germany, including factors related to the effective planning, decision making and implementation of the nuclear power programme that together lead to safe and economical operations of nuclear power plants.

The CNPP summarizes organizational and industrial aspects of the nuclear power programme and provides information about the relevant legislative, regulatory and national framework in Germany.

Germany has seven nuclear power reactors in operation and is in the process of phasing out its nuclear power programme. A total of 23 nuclear power reactors are undergoing decommissioning and three nuclear power plants have already been fully dismantled. The remaining seven nuclear power reactors in operation will be permanently shut down in a phased approach by the end of 2022.



1.1.1. Energy policy

Energy policy is, within the Federal Government, the responsibility of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)) is responsible for environmental policy within the Federal Government.

The major aim of the German energy policy is an affordable, secure and environmentally friendly energy supply. This aim shall be reached through the ongoing energy transition, where it is planned to produce energy on a sustainable basis and to maintain one of the most energy efficient and environmentally compatible economies in the world. The energy transition includes the following steps:

  • The last German nuclear power plant (NPP) will be taken off-grid by 2022.

  • A greater share of renewable energy shall be used — according to the energy concept, 60% of the energy supply and 80% of electricity should be generated by renewables by 2050.

  • Germany shall become less dependent on oil and gas imports.

  • In line with the Paris Agreement, the emissions of greenhouse gases, which are harmful to the environment, shall be reduced by 80% to 95% by 2050.

  • Energy needs shall be reduced by more economical and efficient use.

  • The restructuring of the energy supply shall be a driver of innovation for Germany as an industrial base in order to generate growth and create sustainable and secure jobs.

In 2000, the Federal Government and the energy utilities agreed to phase out nuclear energy use for commercial power generation, and the Atomic Energy Act was amended accordingly in 2002. A legal ban on the construction of new nuclear power plants was enacted. Each nuclear power plant was assigned a residual electricity volume such that the total output of the respective plant corresponds to an average 32 year lifetime. As electricity volumes can, in principle, be legally transferred between plants, it was not possible to forecast precise shutdown dates. In 2011, in the light of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (NPP), final shutdown dates for all operating German NPPs have been set (for more details see Section 2.1.1).

To meet the challenges of the energy transition, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy has launched a Ten Point Energy Agenda (see

1.1.2. Estimated available energy

Germany is one of the largest energy consumers in the world and is currently expanding generation capacities for primary energy from renewable sources as part of the implementation of its energy transition, and to comply with the obligations inherent in the Paris Climate Agreement signed in 2015. However, around 80% of its primary energy consumption still has to be provided by fossil fuels. Germany must import the majority of the energy resources it requires. The most significant importing countries for fossil fuels to Germany are the Russian Federation, Norway and the Netherlands.

Around 2% of crude oil production and 10% of natural gas production are derived from domestic production. A withdrawal from subsidized hard coal mining is planned for 2018. Of all the energy resources in Germany, lignite is the only non-renewable energy resource which is available in large, economically extractable amounts — Germany supplies its own needs, and is the world’s largest producer and consumer of this resource.

The demand for natural uranium is covered almost entirely by imports. After the closure of the Wismut facility in East Germany in 1990, there has been no mined production of natural uranium in Germany.

An overview of the estimated available energy sources in Germany is given in Table 1. The remaining potential includes reserves (proven volumes of energy resources economically exploitable at today’s prices and using today’s technology) and resources (proven amounts of energy resources which cannot currently be exploited for technical and/or economic reasons, as well as unproven but geologically possible energy resources which may be exploitable in future).


Fossil fuels Nuclear Renewables
[million t]
[million t]
[billion m3]
Total amount in specific units 155571 272 1574 7000 0.006 0.106
Total amount in exajoules (EJ) 2934.1 11.6 59.8 3.5 1.8 33.3

1 Including 70 million tonnes of shale oil resources.

2 Identified resources (reasonably assured and inferred).

3 Renewables are given as installed capacity in 2016. EJ equivalent is calculated for a period of 10 years. It is noted that the projected production for a period of 10 years is calculated to be 0.7 EJ hydro and 6.8 EJ other renewables.

Source: Country Information [1].

1.1.3. Energy Statistics

Table 2 gives an overview of the primary energy consumption in Germany and of the energy production from German domestic resources.


19801 1991 2000 2010 2015 2016 Compound
annual growth
rate (%)
2000 to 2016
Energy consumption [EJ]2
- Total ± net import 11.35 (3.54) 14.61 14.40 14.22 13.26 13.45 –0.43
- Solids3 3.41 (2.48) 4.84 3.57 3.23 3.29 3.18 –0.72
- Liquids 5.44 (0.62) 5.53 5.50 4.68 4.49 4.57 –1.15
- Gases 1.86 (0.30) 2.41 2.99 3.17 2.77 3.03 0.08
- Nuclear 0.48 (0.13) 1.61 1.85 1.53 1.00 0.92 –4.27
- Hydro 0.06 (0.00) 0.05 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 –1.56
- Other/Renewables 0.19 0.40 1.59 1.81 1.87 10.12
Energy production [EJ]
- Total 5.11 (2.55) 6.97 5.63 5.69 5.07 4.89 –0.87
- Solids3 3.70 (2.30) 4.44 2.53 1.92 1.79 1.66 –2.60
- Liquids 0.20 (0.00) 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 –1.63
- Gases 0.59 (0.11) 0.57 0.65 0.46 0.29 0.26 –5.52
- Nuclear4 0.48 (0.13) 1.61 1.85 1.53 1.00 0.92 –4.27
- Hydro 0.06 (0.00) 0.05 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 –1.56
- Other/Renewables 0.10 (0.01) 0.15 0.38 1.59 1.82 1.88 10.52
Net import (Import–Export) [EJ]
- Total 6.24 (0.99) 7.64 8.77 8.53 8.19 8.56 –0.15

1 Numbers refer to the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, West Germany) before reunification in 1990; numbers in parentheses refer to the former German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany).

2 Energy consumption = Primary energy production + Net import (Import–Export) of secondary.

3 Solid fuels include coal and lignite.

4 Nuclear considered as imported energy in national energy balance.

Source: Country Information [2].


1.2.1. Electricity system and decision making process

German electricity policy is based on three fundamental objectives: sustainability, security of supply and economic efficiency. The main challenge will be the integration of an increasing number of plants generating electricity from renewable sources, including a large number of offshore wind farms in the Baltic and North Seas. Consequently, the German electricity grid and the electricity market are facing new challenges.

Since 1998, Germany has continued the process of liberalizing its electricity market. Currently, all customers are free to choose their own suppliers.

The Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz), together with secondary legislation enacted under it, specifies the regulatory framework governing grid access and transmission fees for electricity and gas. The objective is to provide the public with a secure, affordable, consumer-friendly, efficient and environmentally sound supply of grid electricity and gas. Enforcement lies with the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur), which regulates electricity, gas, telecommunications, postal and railway networks spanning two or more federal states and network operators with more than 100,000 customers. Network operators with fewer than 100,000 customers are regulated by regulatory agencies in the individual German federal states. The main features of the legal framework relate to network access and transit fees, and separating network operation from companies’ other activities. The network regulator, a public agency under the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, has a clear legal mandate to keep down transit fees while assuring security of supply. Grid operators are required to operate a secure, reliable, high-capacity energy supply network, to maintain this network and to expand it in line with demand.

1.2.2. Structure of electric power sector


Germany’s electricity supply is undergoing radical change. At present, conventional energy sources (including nuclear) generate approximately 63% of Germany’s electricity. However, the ongoing expansion of renewable energy and the phase-out of nuclear energy for power generation will change the composition of the electricity mix. With 217 TWh in 2017, renewables accounted for 33.1% of Germany’s gross electricity production. Onshore and offshore wind provided 16.1%, biomass 7.0% and photovoltaic 6.1%.

There are more than 1000 commercial electricity producers in Germany. The four largest electricity producers are RWE AG, E.ON SE/Uniper SE, EnBW AG and Vattenfall GmbH, which contribute about 75% to the German electricity market.

Though demand for electricity is forecast to remain relatively flat, construction projects for power plants using conventional fuels and for those using renewables are currently in the planning, preparation or building phase in order to replace existing plants, particularly nuclear plants, slated for closure.


Germany has a comparatively well developed and intricately meshed electricity grid. In the past, the four companies dominating electricity generation each owned their own transmission companies, which operated the extra high voltage transmission lines. Now, the transmission companies are legally unbundled companies (TenneT TSO GmbH, Amprion GmbH, TransnetBW GmbH and 50Hertz Transmission GmbH). They provide non-discriminatory third party access to their networks for all generators. All decisions on grid access and access fees can be appealed to the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) or to the respective regional regulator (Länderregulierungsbehörde). Grid fees, which cover transmission operations and investments, are charged to distributor companies, which are then passed on to the end users through retail rates. Transmission system operators charge distribution companies via a ‘postage stamp’ rate, at a single flat rate per kW of maximum demand.

Under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG)), grid system operators are required to connect plants generating electricity from renewable sources to their system at standard rates and to guarantee priority feed-in and transmission of electricity to such plants.

The extension of renewables, intensified transboundary power trading and new conventional power plants are the main reasons for the plans to modernize the existing transmission grid and to build up new extra high voltage transmission lines.

The total length of the German transmission grids is about 36 000 kilometres (km) of ultra-high voltage grid. At the moment, electricity is transmitted as alternating current (AC) with a maximum voltage of 220 kilovolts (kV) or 380 kV; In the future, new high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines are planned, with a voltage of up to 525 kV.

Germany’s grid is linked to its neighbours’ power grids via cross-border connections. The interconnection capacity is equivalent to about 15% of total capacity. Electricity is physically exchanged with nine neighbouring countries: Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland. Some of these transmission lines are already HVDC systems (i.e. with Denmark) or are under construction (i.e. with Norway). In 2016, Germany exported around 80.7 TWh of electricity to its neighbours, while importing 33.6 TWh (these are preliminary values).


At the level of the distribution grids, electricity is transmitted at high, medium and low voltages. The high-voltage grid is the link to the ultra-high voltage grid and distributes the electricity to urban areas (60 kV to 220 kV; grid length approx. 97 000 km). The medium voltage grid distributes the electricity to regional transformer substations or directly to large facilities (6 kV to 60 kV, grid length approx. 511 000 km). The low voltage grid distributes the power to end users (230 V or 400 V; grid length approx. 1 173 000 km). There are about 900 distribution system operators in Germany, mainly regional and municipal grid operators.

There is significant cross-ownership of distribution and retail in Germany’s electricity sector through the country’s many regional and local utilities, or Stadtwerke. The major electricity generating companies — E.ON/Uniper, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall — have stakes in a large percentage of Stadtwerke, but the National Competition Authority (Bundeskartellamt) has become more and more restrictive in its approval of such mergers.

1.2.3. Main indicators

Base load power is provided by hard coal, lignite and nuclear power plants, which typically run with a maximum number of operating hours, but can also be operated in load-following operation. These plants provide about 53% of the total electricity production. At present, the proportion of renewable energy in the electricity supply is about 30%. This value is an average for the whole year, though it can reach higher levels at peak times. On an hourly basis, the electricity proportion created by wind and photovoltaic is sometimes more than 60%. On the other hand, there are periods, such as long wind-free times in winter, when not much renewable energy is available. Phases with low renewable availability therefore need to be covered by facilities such as flexible conventional power stations to ensure the reliability of the power supply.

Table 3 gives an overview of the installed capacity of electrical plants in Germany, and of the gross electricity production in TWh. The values are reported as gross values.

Table 4 displays several energy related ratios.


19801 1991 2000 2010 2015 20162 Compound
annual growth
rate (%)
2000 to 2016
Capacity of electrical plants (GWe)
- Thermal3 67.5 (16.5) 92.2 83.9 82.6 86.2 83.1 –0.06
- Nuclear 8.7 (1.7) 23.7 23.6 21.5 11.4 10.8 –4.77
- Hydro4 6.5 (1.5) 8.7 9.0 10.4 10.3 5.6 –2.92
- Wind 0.1 6.1 26.9 44.5 49.5 13.99
- Geothermal 0.008 0.03 0.04  
- Other/Renewables 1.4 2.9 29.6 55.4 61.0 20.97
- Total 82.7 (19.7) 126.1 125.5 171.0 207.8 210.0  –3.27
Electricity production (TWh)
- Thermal3 306.4 (85.3) 359.2 346.5 360.9 340.4 348.9 0.04
- Nuclear 41.4 (11.9) 147.4 169.6 140.6 91.8 84.6 –4.25
- Hydro4 17.4 (1.7) 19.5 29.4 27.4 24.9 26.1 –0.73
- Wind 0.1 9.5 37.8 79.2 78.6 14.12
- Geothermal 0.028 0.1 0.2  
- Other/Renewables 14.1 21.5 65.8 110.4 110.7 10.77
- Total5 365.2 (98.9) 540.2 576.6 632.4 646.9 649.1 0.74
Total electricity consumption (TWh) 539.6 579.6 614.7 595.1 595.4 0.17

1 Numbers refer to the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, West Germany) before reunification in 1990; numbers in parentheses refer to the former German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany).

2 Preliminary data.

3 Thermal includes hard coal, lignite, gas and oil, pump-storage facilities and other.

4 Water mills and storage plants.

5 Electricity transmission losses are not deducted.

Source: Country Information [2].


19801 1991 2000 2010 2015 2016
Energy consumption per capita (GJ/capita) 184 (212) 183 177 177 162 163
Electricity consumption per capita (kWh/capita) 6748 7116 7657 7294 7217
Electricity production/Energy production (%) 26 (14) 28 37 40 46 48
Nuclear/Total electricity (%) 11.3 (12.0) 27.3 29.4 22.2 14.2 13.0
Ratio of external dependency (%)2 55 (28) 52 61 60 62 64

1 Numbers refer to the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, West Germany) before reunification in 1990; numbers in parentheses refer to the former German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany).

2 Net import/Total energy consumption.

Source: Country Information [2].



2.1.1. Overview

In 1955, research and development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes began. Based on extensive international cooperation, several prototype reactors were constructed, and concepts for a closed nuclear fuel cycle and for the final storage of radioactive waste in deep geological formations were elaborated.

From 1956 to 1969, several nuclear research centres were founded in West Germany. Most of these research centres, as well as university institutes, were equipped with research reactors.

With the assistance of United States manufacturers, West Germany started to develop commercial nuclear power plants (Siemens/Westinghouse for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), AEG/General Electric for boiling water reactors (BWRs)). In 1958, the first West German NPP — a 16 MW(e) experimental nuclear power plant (Versuchsatomkraftwerk Kahl, VAK) — was ordered from AEG/GE and reached criticality in 1960. Domestic West German nuclear development began in 1961, with the order of 15 MW(e) pebble-bed high-temperature reactors (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor at Jülich, AVR) from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Brown, Boverie & Cie. (BBC)/ Krupp (BBC, or Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. (ABB)). Power reactors with 250–350 MW(e) and 600–700 MW(e) were ordered between 1965 and 1970.

After about 15 years, the gap between the West German and the international technological state of the art was closed. The West German nuclear industry received the first orders from abroad, from the Netherlands (Borssele) and from Argentina (Atucha). In 1972, the construction of the world’s then largest reactor, Biblis A, with 1200 MW(e), started in West Germany. Between 1970 and 1975, an average of three units was ordered annually.

In 1969, Siemens and AEG founded Kraftwerk Union (KWU) by merging their respective nuclear activities. The domestic development of KWU nuclear power plants with PWRs started. Based on several years of operational experience, a standardized 1300 MW(e) PWR (the so-called ‘Konvoi’) was introduced, mainly to speed up the licensing process. Three Konvoi units started operation in 1988 and were the last NPPs built in West Germany.

The German Democratic Republic, i.e. East Germany, started to develop a peaceful nuclear energy programme with the assistance of the Soviet Union in 1955. In 1956, the Central Institute for Nuclear Physics was founded at Rossendorf. There, in 1957, a research reactor supplied by the Soviet Union started operation. The first East German 70 MW(e) NPP Rheinsberg, equipped with a Russian type PWR, was connected to the grid in 1966. Between 1974 and 1979, the Greifswald NPP Units 1 to 4 started operation, all equipped with Russian WWER-440/W-230 reactors. In 1989, Unit 5, a WWER-440/W-213 reactor, was in the process of being commissioned.

Following German reunification in October 1990, comprehensive safety assessments of the Soviet type NPPs were carried out. These analyses showed safety deficiencies in comparison with the current West German nuclear safety requirements. For technical and economic reasons, in particular uncertainties in the licensing process and also decreasing electricity consumption, it was decided to shut down these plants. Work on the nuclear plants under construction (Units 6, 7 and 8 at Greifswald with WWER-440/W-213 reactors and two WWER-1000 reactors near Stendal) was also abandoned.

Following the euphoria of the fifties and sixties, scepticism about nuclear power began to grow in the early 1970s. An increasing number of citizens were opposed to the risks of atomic energy, and opposed the further expansion of nuclear power plants. In West Germany, names such as Wyhl and Brokdorf (planned nuclear power plants), Gorleben (waste management centre), Wackersdorf (reprocessing unit) and Kalkar (fast breeder) are synonyms for the protests against nuclear power. After the Three Mile Island nuclear incident in Harrisburg, PA, in 1979, and finally after the disaster of Chernobyl in 1986, it became clear that the risks of nuclear power are not merely theoretical.

In 2000, the Government concluded an agreement with the electricity companies on a structured phase out of the commercial utilization of nuclear energy for electricity production. The Atomic Energy Act was amended accordingly in April 2002. A legal ban on the construction of new NPPs was enacted. Each nuclear power plant was assigned a residual electricity volume such that the total output of the respective plant corresponds to an average 32 year lifetime. As electricity volumes can, in principle, be legally transferred between plants, it was not possible to forecast precise shutdown dates.

Since 2010, the Federal Government has focused on an energy mix, in which conventional sources of energy are gradually replaced with renewable energies. For a transitional period, nuclear energy should remain an indispensable part of the energy mix and support the use of renewables. The Atomic Energy Act was amended accordingly in December 2010. The legal ban on the construction of new nuclear power plants remained valid. The operating lives of the 17 nuclear power plants, determined by the amount of electricity allowed for production, were extended by granting further electricity production rights grossly equalling an additional 12 years, on average. The extension was converted into volumes of electricity for each plant.

After the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP on 11 March 2011, the German Federal Government, together with the Minister-Presidents of the German states (Länder) in which NPPs are operated, reviewed the safety of all German NPPs by the Reactor Safety Commission (Reaktor-Sicherheitskommission (RSK)) in close collaboration with the competent nuclear regulatory authorities of the states. Through an Ethics Commission on Secure Energy Supply, they also started a dialogue among German society on the risks involved in the use of nuclear power and on the possibility of an accelerated transition to the age of renewable energies.

Taking the results of the RSK and the Ethics Commission on Secure Energy Supply as well as the absolute priority of nuclear safety into account, the Federal Government terminated the use of nuclear energy by the year 2022. With the amendment’s entry into force in August 2011, the operating licences for power operation of eight nuclear power plant blocks were revoked. The remaining blocks were subsequently or will be permanently shut down in a phased approach by the end of 2022:

  • 31 December 2015 for Grafenrheinfeld NPP;

  • 31 December 2017 for Gundremmingen B NPP;

  • 31 December 2019 for Philippsburg 2 NPP;

  • 31 December 2021 for Grohnde, Gundremmingen C and Brokdorf NPPs;

  • 31 December 2022 for Isar 2, Emsland and Neckarwestheim 2 NPPs.

Introduced in December 2010, the additional electricity volumes were withdrawn, returning to the electricity volumes as stipulated in 2002. Production of unused electricity volumes transferred from one NPP to another is possible until the shutdown date for the receiving NPP has been reached. For details, see Section 2.2.1 and Table 5B.

2.1.2. Current organizational structure

The organizations of the regulatory body are shown in Fig. 1.

The regulatory body is composed of the nuclear licensing and supervisory authorities of the Federal Government authorities and state government authorities.

By organizational decree, the Federal Government specifies the federal ministry competent for nuclear safety and radiation protection. Currently, this competence is assigned to the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)).

The licensing procedure for operation and decommissioning and the continuous regulatory supervision of the facilities lie within the responsibility of the individual federal states (see Table 4B). To preserve legal uniformity for the entire territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the BMU oversees the licensing and supervisory activities of the state authorities regarding legality and expediency [5].

As subordinate authority to the BMU in the area of nuclear safety the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit (BfE)) supports the BMU technically and scientifically, especially in the execution of oversight with regard to legality and expediency, the preparation of legal and administrative procedures and in intergovernmental cooperation.

The BfE is the licensing authority for transportation and storage of nuclear fuel (including spent fuel and radioactive waste) whilst supervision is performed by the competent authority of the respective state. In addition, BfE will be responsible for the licensing and supervision of disposal facilities for radioactive waste. Furthermore, the BfE regulates the site selection process for a final repository, particularly for high-level radioactive waste, and supports the BMU in its activities pertaining to the final disposal of radioactive waste.

The subordinate authority to the BMU in the area of radiation protection is the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS)). The BfS supports the BMU technically and scientifically, especially in the solution of practical radiation protection problems and the assessment of technical and organisational measures in the area of radiological emergency preparedness.

The BMU receives regular advisory support from the Reactor Safety Commission (Reaktor-Sicherheitskommission (RSK)), the Commission on Radiological Protection (Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK)) and the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (Entsorgungskommission (ESK)). The commissions are independent and their members reflect the entire spectrum of scientific and technical opinions. Besides advising the BMU on issues of fundamental importance, they also initiate developments directed at furthering safety technology. The results of the deliberations of the commissions are formulated as general recommendations to the BMU and as statements on individual cases, which are then published.

The main expert organization advising the BMU on technical issues is the Global Research for Safety (GRS). This organization performs scientific research in the field of nuclear safety technology, predominately sponsored by federal funds. GRS also performs a limited amount of work by order of the licensing and supervisory authorities of the states.

Technical support organizations (Technischer Überwachungs-Verein (TÜV)) act on behalf of the state authorities. The involvement of authorized experts is based on special technical knowledge and independence. The authorities are not bound by the authorized experts’ evaluation results in making their decision

FIG. 1: Organization of the regulatory body.

Source: Country Information [5], updated.


Nuclear Installation
Licensing Authority
Supervisory Authority
Neckarwestheim 1 & 2
Philippsburg 1 & 2
MZFR Karlsruhe
Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector
in agreement with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior, Digitization and Migration
Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector
Isar 1 & 2
Gundremmingen A–C
Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection
Ministry of Justice, European Affairs and Consumer Protection
Biblis A and B
Hesse Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection
Greifswald 1–5
Ministry of the Interior and Europe
North Rhine-Westphalia
AVR Jülich
THTR-300 Hamm
North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy
Ministry of the Environment, Energy, Food and Forestry
Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment, Nature and Digitalization


2.2.1. Status and performance of nuclear power plants

In Germany, seven nuclear power plants (six PWRs and one BWR), with a total gross capacity of 10.0 GWe, are in operation. Table 5A shows the status of German NNPs. Figure 2 shows their geographical location and their status as of the end of May 2018.

According to the current legal situation, the licence for power operation will expire at fixed shutdown dates or even before if the electricity volume for that installation, as listed in the Atomic Energy Act or as derived from an allowable transfer of electricity volume, has been produced. Table 5B shows the residual electricity volumes of the German NPPs as of 31 December 2017.

In 2016, NPPs contributed approximately 13.1% to the gross electricity production, which corresponds to 84.6 TWh. The average availability of German NPPs is shown in Table 6.

In total, 46 research and training reactors were built and operated in Germany. At present, most research reactors are shut down or being decommissioned, though, seven research facilities — three with a thermal power of more than 50 kW(th) and four small training reactors — are still in operation.

Warning: Table 5 generated from PRIS contains the most current information, which can be inconsistent with information in a text when the report is not updated.


Reactor Unit Type Net
Status Operator Reactor
First Grid
BROKDORF PWR 1410 Operational E.ON KWU 1976-01-01 1986-10-08 1986-10-14 1986-12-22 48.2
EMSLAND PWR 1335 Operational KLE KWU 1982-08-10 1988-04-14 1988-04-19 1988-06-20 93.1
GROHNDE PWR 1360 Operational KWG KWU 1976-06-01 1984-09-01 1984-09-05 1985-02-01 82.1
GUNDREMMINGEN-B BWR 1284 Operational KGG KWU 1976-07-20 1984-03-09 1984-03-16 1984-07-19 2017-12-31 92.2
GUNDREMMINGEN-C BWR 1288 Operational KGG KWU 1976-07-20 1984-10-26 1984-11-02 1985-01-18 85.9
ISAR-2 PWR 1410 Operational E.ON KWU 1982-09-15 1988-01-15 1988-01-22 1988-04-09 91.1
NECKARWESTHEIM-2 PWR 1310 Operational EnKK KWU 1982-11-09 1988-12-29 1989-01-03 1989-04-15 88.6
PHILIPPSBURG-2 PWR 1402 Operational EnKK KWU 1977-07-07 1984-12-13 1984-12-17 1985-04-18 63.1
AVR JUELICH HTGR 13 Permanent Shutdown AVR BBK 1961-08-01 1966-08-16 1967-12-17 1969-05-19 1988-12-31
BIBLIS-A PWR 1167 Permanent Shutdown RWE KWU 1970-01-01 1974-07-16 1974-08-25 1975-02-26 2011-08-06
BIBLIS-B PWR 1240 Permanent Shutdown RWE KWU 1972-02-01 1976-03-25 1976-04-25 1977-01-31 2011-08-06
BRUNSBUETTEL BWR 771 Permanent Shutdown KKB KWU 1970-04-15 1976-06-23 1976-07-13 1977-02-09 2011-08-06
GRAFENRHEINFELD PWR 1275 Permanent Shutdown E.ON KWU 1975-01-01 1981-12-09 1981-12-30 1982-06-17 2015-06-27
GREIFSWALD-1 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown EWN AEE 1970-03-01 1973-12-15 1973-12-17 1974-07-12 1990-02-14
GREIFSWALD-2 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown EWN AEE 1970-03-01 1974-12-03 1974-12-23 1975-04-16 1990-02-14
GREIFSWALD-3 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown EWN AEE 1972-04-01 1977-10-16 1977-10-24 1978-05-01 1990-02-28
GREIFSWALD-4 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown EWN AEE 1972-04-01 1979-07-22 1979-09-03 1979-11-01 1990-07-22
GREIFSWALD-5 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown EWN AEE 1976-12-01 1989-03-26 1989-04-24 1989-11-01 1989-11-24
GUNDREMMINGEN-A BWR 237 Permanent Shutdown KGB AEG,GE 1962-12-12 1966-08-14 1966-12-01 1967-04-12 1977-01-13
HDR GROSSWELZHEIM BWR 25 Permanent Shutdown HDR AEG,KWU 1965-01-01 1969-10-14 1969-10-14 1970-08-02 1971-04-20
ISAR-1 BWR 878 Permanent Shutdown E.ON KWU 1972-05-01 1977-11-20 1977-12-03 1979-03-21 2011-08-06
KNK II FBR 17 Permanent Shutdown KBG IA 1974-09-01 1977-10-10 1978-04-09 1979-03-03 1991-08-23
KRUEMMEL BWR 1346 Permanent Shutdown KKK KWU 1974-04-05 1983-09-14 1983-09-28 1984-03-28 2011-08-06
LINGEN BWR 183 Permanent Shutdown KWL AEG 1964-10-01 1968-01-31 1968-07-01 1968-10-01 1977-01-05
MUELHEIM-KAERLICH PWR 1219 Permanent Shutdown KGG BBR 1975-01-15 1986-03-01 1986-03-14 1987-08-18 1988-09-09
MZFR PHWR 52 Permanent Shutdown KBG SIEMENS 1961-12-01 1965-09-29 1966-03-09 1966-12-19 1984-05-03
NECKARWESTHEIM-1 PWR 785 Permanent Shutdown EnKK KWU 1972-02-01 1976-05-26 1976-06-03 1976-12-01 2011-08-06
NIEDERAICHBACH HWGCR 100 Permanent Shutdown KKN SIEM,KWU 1966-06-01 1972-12-17 1973-01-01 1973-01-01 1974-07-31
OBRIGHEIM PWR 340 Permanent Shutdown EnBW SIEM,KWU 1965-03-15 1968-09-22 1968-10-29 1969-03-31 2005-05-11
PHILIPPSBURG-1 BWR 890 Permanent Shutdown EnKK KWU 1970-10-01 1979-03-09 1979-05-05 1980-03-26 2011-08-06
RHEINSBERG PWR 62 Permanent Shutdown EWN AEE 1960-01-01 1966-03-01 1966-05-06 1966-10-11 1990-06-01
STADE PWR 640 Permanent Shutdown E.ON KWU 1967-12-01 1972-01-08 1972-01-29 1972-05-19 2003-11-14
THTR-300 HTGR 296 Permanent Shutdown HKG HRB 1971-05-03 1983-09-13 1985-11-16 1987-06-01 1988-09-29
UNTERWESER PWR 1345 Permanent Shutdown E.ON KWU 1972-07-01 1978-09-16 1978-09-29 1979-09-06 2011-08-06
VAK KAHL BWR 15 Permanent Shutdown VAK GE,AEG 1958-07-01 1960-11-13 1961-06-17 1962-02-01 1985-11-25
WUERGASSEN BWR 640 Permanent Shutdown PE AEG,KWU 1968-01-26 1971-10-20 1971-12-18 1975-11-11 1994-08-26
GREIFSWALD-6 PWR 408 Cancelled Constr. EWN AEE 1976-12-01 1990-01-01
GREIFSWALD-7 PWR 408 Cancelled Constr. EWN AEE 1978-12-01 1990-10-01
GREIFSWALD-8 PWR 408 Cancelled Constr. EWN AEE 1978-12-01 1990-10-01
KALKAR FBR 295 Cancelled Constr. SBK INB 1973-04-23 1991-03-20
STENDAL-1 PWR 900 Cancelled Constr. EWN AEE 1982-12-01 1991-03-01
STENDAL-2 PWR 900 Cancelled Constr. EWN AEE 1984-12-01 1991-03-01
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).
Note: Table is completely generated from PRIS data to reflect the latest available information and may be more up to date than the text of the report.

FIG. 2: Nuclear power plants in Germany (including prototype and experimental reactors) as of 31 May 2018.

Source: Country Information [5], updated.


Residual electricity
volume as of
1 January 2000
(Annex 3 of the
Atomic Energy Act)
Net electricity
volume produced
1 January 2000 to
31 December 2017
Transfer of
Residual electricity
31 December 2017
Biblis A (KWB A)1
Biblis B (KWB B)1
Brokdorf (KBR)
Brunsbüttel (KKB)1
Emsland (KKE)
Grafenrheinfeld (KKG)2
Grohnde (KWG)
Gundremmingen B (KRB B)
Gundremmingen C (KRB C)
Isar 1 (KKI 1)1
Isar 2 KKI 2)
Krümmel (KKK)1
Mülheim-Kärlich (KMK)3
Neckarwestheim 1 (GKN 1)1)
Neckarwestheim 2 (GKN 2)
Obrigheim (KWO)4
Philippsburg 1 (KKP 1)1
Philippsburg 2 (KKP 1)
Stade (KKS)5
Unterweser (KKU)1

1 On 6 August 2011, the authorization to operate the NPP for electricity production expired.

2 The NPP Grafenrheinfeld was shut down in June 2015.

3 The NPP Mülheim-Kärlich was shut down in September 1988. The electricity volume of the NPP Mülheim-Kärlich can be transferred to KKE, GKN2, KKI2, KBR, KRB-B, KRB-C.

4 The NPP Obrigheim was shut down in May 2005.

5 The NPP Stade was shut down in November 2003.

Source: Country Information [4].


Time availability
Energy availability
Capacity availability

  1. Preliminary data

    Time availability: available operating time/calendar time. Energy availability: available energy/nominal energy. Capacity availability: energy generated/nominal energy.

    Source: Country Information [3].

2.2.2. Plant upgrading, plant life management and licence renewals

According to the Atomic Energy Act, a licence for operating an NPP is only granted if the applicant proves that the necessary technical and organizational precautions for safe operation have been taken. During operation, the plant operator must fulfil his or her responsibilities continuously, which the licensing and supervisory authority verifies and ensures.

Planned modifications of an NPP are to be assessed systematically with regards to the impacts on the safety level of the NPP. Modifications with insignificant impacts on safety levels do not require a licensing procedure, but they do require accompanying inspections by the safety authorities within the framework of the supervisory procedure. Significant modifications of an NPP or its operations require a licence from the competent authority (see Section 3.1.2).

All operators of German NPPs are obliged to perform comprehensive quality management, based on provisions for quality and safety assurance specified in the safety requirements published by the BMU and in the nuclear safety standards of the Nuclear Safety Standard Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA)). The supervisory authority controls the results of the audits performed by the plant operator, and the implementation of measures derived from it within the framework of on-site inspections. Ageing management (i.e. measures for maintaining quality over a long period of time) is an integral part of the quality requirements.

According to the Atomic Energy Act, safety reviews must be carried out every ten years and follow the standardized national criteria. Safety reviews consist of a deterministic safety status analysis, a probabilistic safety analysis and a deterministic analysis on physical protection of the plant. The results are then submitted to the supervisory authority and usually assessed by independent experts who act by order of the supervisory authority. The obligation to present the safety review results is lifted if the licensee makes the binding declaration to the licensing and supervisory authority that he or she is definitively going to terminate power operation at the plant no later than three years after the final date for submission of the safety review mentioned in the Atomic Energy Act. In addition to the dates for the final shutdown pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, safety reviews will be performed in the future only for the two NPPs Gundremmingen C and Brokdorf. Safety reviews supplement the continuous supervision and inspection of NPPs. Findings from the safety reviews and increasing knowledge and requirements imposed on the authorities lead to safety related backfits and to improvement of the plant.

In the light of the events in Fukushima in 2011, the RSK performed safety reviews for German NPPs in operation [7]. In a summarizing assessment, the RSK concluded that compared with the Fukushima NPP, a higher level of precaution can be ascertained for German plants with regard to the electrical power supply and consideration of flooding events. Further robustness assessments showed that there is no consistent result depending on type or age of the plant to be revealed. At older plants, initially with lesser design requirements, emergency systems were upgraded in order to ensure the necessary safety functions.

Germany participated actively in the European Union’s stress test and in its follow-up process, initiated by the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG). During ENSREG workshops in April 2013 and 2015, it was stated that Germany’s NPPs had already completed significant enhancements to robustness ahead of the Fukushima events (e.g. filtered containment venting and mobile pumps). The German National Action Plan identified that further work was required in some technical areas which are relevant to the stress test. Some of these actions were completed in 2013, with some left to be completed in 2014/15/16. The National Report and the National Action Plan of Germany can be found at

Furthermore, Germany will participate in the first EU Topical Peer Review with the topic Ageing Management of Nuclear Power Plants, coordinated by ENSREG. A national assessment report is under preparation. For further information, see

2.2.3. Permanent shutdown and decommissioning process

As of 30 April 2018, 29 nuclear power plants, including prototype and experimental reactors, had been permanently shut down. Of these, 22 facilities are being dismantled and returned to greenfield status, one facility is in safe enclosure and three facilities have already been completely dismantled and the sites returned to greenfield status and released from nuclear regulatory control. Further information (shutdown date and reason, etc.) is shown in Table 6. For decommissioning, a licence is required from the competent licensing authority of the state in which the nuclear installation is sited. The licensing and supervisory process is described in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. The eight NPPs that lost their authorization for operation in August 2011 applied for decommissioning, and four licences for decommissioning have been granted. Six other nuclear power plants never commenced operation, as the projects were abandoned during the construction phase.

Each decommissioning project runs individually. The course of the project, the financing, the choice of the decommissioning strategy and many other boundary conditions depend strongly on the type of plant and the owner of the plant. NPPs and uranium enrichment and fuel assembly plants are usually overseen by energy supply companies. The licensees are obliged to continuously build up financial reserves for the decommissioning of their installations. On the other hand, research reactors, prototype and experimental reactors as well as prototype plants for fuel supply are mostly located in research centres or at universities. Their decommissioning is financed predominantly by the federal budget.

The decommissioning of the NPPs Greifswald and Rheinsberg of the former GDR (East Germany) is financed from the federal budget as well, as is the decommissioning of facilities for uranium ore mining and processing in the former GDR.

On 16 June 2017, the Act on the Reorganization of Responsibility in Nuclear Waste Management entered into force. Thus, the Federation is responsible for the implementation and financing of storage and disposal of radioactive waste. The operators transfer the financial means into a public law fund, which provides the Federation with the funds for the waste management steps to be carried out. In return, the spent fuel and radioactive waste, as well as the storage facilities defined in the Act, will be transferred to the Federation.


Reactor name
Shutdown date
Shutdown reason
Decom. strategy
Current decom. phase
Current fuel management phase
Decom. licensee
License terminated
AVR Jülich (AVR)
Experimental program ended
Final dismantling
Storage at Jülich
JEN GmbH (part of EWN)

Phase-out regulation
Partial dismantling
Storage in on-site facility
RWE Power AG

Phase-out regulation
Partial dismantling
Storage in on-site facility
RWE Power AG

Grafenrheinfeld (KKG)
Phase-out regulation
Partial dismantling
Storage in on-site facility
PreussenElektra GmbH

Greifswald-1 (KGR 1)
Safety concerns
Final dismantling
Storage Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)

Greifswald-2 (KGR 2)
Safety concerns
Final dismantling
Storage Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)

Greifswald-3 (KGR 3)
Safety concerns
Final dismantling
Storage Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)

Greifswald-4 (KGR 4)
Safety concerns
Final dismantling
Storage Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)

Greifswald-5 (KGR 5)
Final dismantling
Storage Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)

Gundremmingen-A (KRB-A)
Final dismantling
Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen GmbH

HDR Großwelzheim
Licence terminated
Reprocessed in WAK
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Phase-out regulation
Partial dismantling
Storage in on-site facility
PreussenElektra GmbH

Experimental program ended
Final dismantling
Storage Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)
KTE GmbH (part of EWN)

Lingen (KWL)
Safe enclosure
Final dismantling
Transport to Sellafield (GB)
Kernkraftwerk Lingen GmbH

Mülheim-Kärlich (KMK)
Phase-out regulation
Final dismantling
Reprocessed in La Hague (F)
RWE Power AG

Experimental program ended
Final dismantling
Reprocessed in WAK
KTE GmbH (part of EWN)

Neckarwestheim-1 (GKN-1)
Phase-out regulation
Partial dismantling
Storage in on-site facility
EnBW Kernkraft GmbH (EnKK)

Niederaichbach (KKN)
Licence terminated
Transported to Commissariat à l’energie atomique
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Obrigheim (KWO)
Phase-out regulation
Final dismantling
Dry storage is planned
EnBW Kernkraft GmbH (EnKK)

Philippsburg-1 (KKP-1)
Phase-out regulation
Partial dismantling
Storage in on-site facility
EnBW Kernkraft GmbH (EnKK)

Rheinsberg (KKR)
Safety concerns
Final dismantling
Storage Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)

Stade (KKS)
Phase-out regulation
Final dismantling
Reprocessed in France
PreussenElektra GmbH

Economic, technical
Safe enclosure
Safe enclosure
Storage at Ahaus
Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH (HKG)

Phase-out regulation
Partial dismantling
Storage in on-site facility
PreussenElektra GmbH

VAK Kahl
Experimental program ended
Licence terminated
Reprocessed in WAK/disposal in Sweden
Versuchsatomkraftwerk Kahl GmbH (VAK)
Würgassen (KWW)
Final dismantling
Reprocessed in La Hague (F)
PreussenElektra GmbH


As specified in the Atomic Energy Act, no new NPPs for commercial production of electricity will be built. For further details on nuclear energy policy, see Section 1.2.3.


All NPPs currently in operation in Germany were constructed in the 1970s and 1980s by KWU, a 100% subsidiary of Siemens AG until 2001.

The company Babcock-Brown Boveri Reaktor GmbH (BBR, a joint venture of Brown, Boveri & Cie. and Babcock & Wilcox from the United States of America, later ABB, respectively sold to BNFL/UK in December 1999, now renamed Westinghouse) supplied the PWR plant Mülheim-Kärlich, which was shut down in 1988.

German utilities, together with Siemens/KWU and in close cooperation with its French counterparts (EdF and Framatome), developed the European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) with enhanced safety features. EPRs are currently being built in Finland, France and China. German utilities also supported the Siemens/KWU development of an advanced BWR (SWR 1000) with additional passive safety features.

No exclusively German supplier of NPPs remained by the beginning of the 21st century. In 2001, the remaining domestic manufacturer, Siemens/KWU, merged its nuclear business with Framatome S.A., which has since become part of the French AREVA Group as AREVA GmbH. It was renamed Framatome in 2018, and is now part of the French electric utility company Électricité de France (EDF). The main activities are projects and engineering, safety systems, digital instrumentation and control (I&C) systems, nuclear services, nuclear fuel and mechanical equipment. Under French management, the former KWU employees are also engaged in EPR activities in Finland, France and China. The second German supplier for NPPs, BBR, now part of Westinghouse, concentrates on nuclear services.


EnBW Kernkraft GmbH (EnKK), as part of the holding company Energie-Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW), operates the NPPs Neckarwestheim 2 and Philippsburg 2. The NPPs Brokdorf, Grohnde and Isar 2 are operated by PreussenElektra GmbH, which is a subsidiary of E.ON SE. The NPPs Gundremmingen B and C are operated by Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen GmbH (KGG); the shareholders of this company are RWE Power AG (75%) and PreussenElektra GmbH (25%). The NPP Emsland is operated by Kernkraftwerke Lippe-Ems GmbH (KLE), which is held by RWE Power AG (87.5%) and PreussenElektra GmbH (12.5%).


In recent decades, several nuclear power plants and test facilities have already been successfully dismantled in Germany. There are also a number of plants in the decommissioning phase. Licensees are responsible for the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, as mentioned in Table 6. For decommissioning, a licence is required from the competent licensing authority of the state in which the nuclear installation is sited. The licensing and supervisory process is described in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. Companies involved in the operation of NPPs are also involved in their decommissioning.

EnBW Kernkraft GmbH has three plants in the process of being dismantled: NPP Obrigheim, since 2008; and Neckarwestheim 1 and Philippsburg 1, since 2017. Two NPPs are still in operation (Philippsburg 2 and Neckarwestheim 2) but have already applied for decommissioning.

The company RWE Power AG dismantled NPP Kahl in the 1990s and returned it to greenfield status in 2011. RWE Power AG is currently dismantling the NPPs Mülheim-Kärlich, Lingen and Gundremmingen A. They will also be responsible for the dismantling of the NPPs Biblis A and B.

PreussenElektra GmbH, as a subsidiary of E.ON SE, is responsible for the dismantling of the NPPs Würgassen, Stade, Isar 1, Unterweser and Grafenrheinfeld. The dismantling of Würgassen took place from 1997 to 2014; the dismantling of NPP Stade started in 2005 and is well advanced.

Kernkraftwerk Brunsbüttel GmbH & Co. oHG, held by Vattenfall GmbH (66.6%) and PreussenElektra GmbH (33.3%) will be responsible for the decommissioning of the NPP Brunsbüttel. Vattenfall GmbH and PreussenElektra GmbH are also shareholders in equal parts of Kernkraftwerk Krümmel GmbH & Co. oHG, which will be responsible for the decommissioning of the NPP Krümmel. Both NPPs have filed an application for decommissioning in 2012 and 2015, respectively, but no license was granted yet.

The state-owned company EWN GmbH is responsible for the decommissioning of the NPPs Greifswald and Rheinsberg in the former GDR (East Germany), and for the decommissioning of several research reactors. EWN GmbH receives its financial resources solely from the federal budget.


With the commercial use of nuclear energy, various nuclear facilities dedicated to the fuel cycle and waste management have emerged in Germany. Today, only a few of them are in operation. Several facilities have been shut down and are being decommissioned.

Mining and milling

In Germany, the search for mines containing uranium ore began very early. However, for economic reasons, only a few were of interest and were operated as pilot mines. In 1961, West Germany built a very small utility for yellow cake production at Ellweiler. The supervisory authority stopped work in 1989. The facility was decommissioned and restoration was finalized in 2000. In East Germany, the large uranium production facility Wismut was made operational, initially supplying uranium also to the Soviet Union. Mining was stopped on 31 December 1990. This facility is being decommissioned and remediation is under way.

Uranium enrichment

At the enrichment plant at Gronau (URENCO Germany), natural uranium in the form of uranium hexafluoride is enriched via centrifuge cascades to a maximum of 6% by weight of fissionable uranium-235. The facility started operation in 1985, with a capacity of 400 kSWU/year. The design capacity was expanded in stages. The last licence to increase capacity up to 4500 kSWU/year was licensed in 2005. The additional systems were constructed after 2008 and commissioned gradually. At the end of 2013, the installed capacity reached full capacity of 4500 kSWU/year.

Fuel fabrication

At Lingen, the Fuel Element Fabrication Plant ANF (Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH) has operated since 1979, and produces uranium fuel elements for light water reactors (LWRs). In 2009, the conversion facility was licensed at a capacity of 800 Mg of uranium per year.

At the Siemens Fuel Element Fabrication Plant Hanau (Siemens Brennelementewerk Hanau, Siemens AG), mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel elements and uranium fuel elements for LWRs were produced from 1968 until 1991 and from 1969 until 1995, respectively. The facility was finally decommissioned in 2006. The Siemens Fuel Element Fabrication Plant Karlstein (Siemens Brennelementewerk Karlstein, Siemens AG) started in the year 1966 with the production of special fuel elements using low enriched uranium dioxide. Decommissioning of this plant was finalized in 1999. At the NUKEM Fuel Element Fabrication Plant Hanau (Brennelementefabrik Hanau), the company NUKEM produced special fuel elements consisting of uranium and thorium for research reactors from 1962 until 1988. The decommissioning process has been finalized for this plant (status: installation was removed, clearance of the site). The company Hochtemperatur-Brennelement-Gesellschaft (HOBEG) operated a fuel fabrication plant at Hanau or the production of spherical fuel elements, composed of highly enriched uranium and thorium for high temperature reactors, from 1972 until 1988. The utility was finally decommissioned in 1995.

Storage of spent fuel

Three central storage facilities for spent fuel are in operation: the Transport Cask Storage Facility Ahaus (TBL-A), for irradiated fuel and other radioactive substances; the Transport Cask Storage Facility Gorleben (TBL-G), for both irradiated fuel and vitrified reprocessing products; and the Transport Cask Storage Facility in the storage facility North Rubenow (Zwischenlager Nord (ZLN)) for spent fuel elements, nuclear fuel and other radioactive waste from decommissioning the NPPs Greifswald and Rheinsberg. In 2009, the ZLN was licensed to store vitrified waste from the shutdown pilot reprocessing plant at Karlsruhe (WAK).

In the AVR cask storage facility in Jülich, the spent fuel spheres from the operation of the AVR are stored in 152 transport and storage casks of the CASTOR® THTR/AVR type. The original storage licence granted by the BfS on 17 June 1993 had been limited to 20 years and expired on 1 July 2013. The competent nuclear supervisory authority issued temporary orders for further storage of the nuclear fuel in the AVR cask storage facility in Jülich. On 2 July 2014, the nuclear supervisory authority gave the order to remove nuclear fuel from the AVR cask storage facility. The operator developed a concept including three options: transport of the nuclear fuel to 1) the Ahaus transport cask storage facility; 2) to their country of origin, the USA; and 3) to a new storage facility to be built at the Jülich site. According to the current state of knowledge, it is not yet foreseeable which of the three options will be chosen by the operator JEN. Due to the extent and complexity of the issues to be examined, no decision has been reached on which of the three options to choose.

Twelve on-site storage facilities at NPP sites have been licensed and are all in operation. The storage licence for the on-site storage facility at Brunsbüttel site, granted on 28 November 2003, was revoked by the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Administrative Court and confirmed by the Federal Administrative Court on 8 January 2015. The storage of the fuel assemblies is tolerated for the duration of a licensing procedure, on the basis of a nuclear supervisory order issued by the competent licensing authority. The competent authority extended the ordered storage by two years in December 2017. A new licence for the on-site storage facility was applied for on 16 November 2015.

The state-owned Federal Company for Storage (Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung mbH (BGZ)) resumed responsibility for the operation of the central storage facilities in Gorleben and Ahaus in August 2017. At the beginning of 2019, the BGZ will also be responsible for the twelve on-site storage facilities for spent fuel at the NPP sites. In 2020, it will assume responsibility for the on-site storage facilities for radioactive waste.


In Germany, the development of reprocessing technologies started in the 1960s. In 1989, the plans for reprocessing were abandoned and it was intended to transport irradiated fuel elements into other member states of the European Union for storage and reprocessing. These transports were banned in 2002, with the last transport allowed in 2005. At that time, the direct final disposal of fuel elements became the aim of waste management.

The pilot reprocessing plant at Karlsruhe (Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage Karlsruhe (WAK)) operated from 1971 until 1990. The facility has since been shut down and is in the process of being dismantled. The highly radioactive solutions of fission products (High Active Waste Concentrate (HAWC)) present at this plant were vitrified at the on-site vitrification plant. In total, 56 tons of vitrified waste were produced and shipped to the storage facility Zwischenlager Nord in February 2011.

The project for a reprocessing plant at Wackersdorf (Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage Wackersdorf (WAW)) started 1982 and was abandoned in 1988 [8].

Disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive waste

From the outset, it was intended to dispose of all kinds of radioactive waste in deep geological formations.

Development work in the field of repositories started in West Germany with the Asse II mine, a salt dome in Lower Saxony, where approximately 47 000 cubic metres of low and medium active radioactive waste in about 125 000 drums were stored from 1967 until 1978. Today, the Asse mine faces two major problems: On the one hand, saline solutions enter the mine, on the other hand the stability of the mine openings is endangered. It was decided that retrieval of the radioactive waste stored in Asse would be the best option to protect the public and the environment; a closure concept is being prepared.

In the late 1960s, East Germany erected a repository at the former salt dome Morsleben, where approximately 36.752 cubic metres of low and intermediate level radioactive waste was stored from 1971 until 1998 with an interruption between 1991 and 1994. The licensing procedure for its closure is in progress.

The former iron ore Schacht Konrad was licensed as a repository in May 2002, to dispose of radioactive waste with negligible heat generation. Since the licence was confirmed by the Federal Administrative Court on 26 March 2007, the Konrad mine is being converted to a repository for radioactive waste with negligible heat generation.

Between 1979 and 2000, the salt dome of Gorleben was investigated for its suitability as a repository for all types of radioactive waste, in particular for high level waste. Exploration work was terminated on 27 July 2013 when the Site Selection Act became effective (see below, “Disposal of high level radioactive waste”).

Disposal of high level radioactive waste

Since 2005, it is mandatory to directly dispose of the spent fuel from commercial electricity production that currently exists or will be generated in the future in Germany. However, other kinds of high level radioactive waste, in particular vitrified waste from reprocessing, were generated due to the differing regulation in earlier times (see above) and are to be disposed of in Germany as well.

The site for a disposal facility for high level radioactive waste in Germany is to be determined according to the Site Selection Act. The 2017 amendment of this act was based on the recommendations of the Commission on Storage of High-Radioactive Waste Materials, which consulted on the fundamental issues related to the search procedure from 2014 to 2016 and consisted of 33 members representing different parts of society, including scientists, public groups and the Federal Parliament and Federal Council (Bundestag and Bundesrat). It provides for a participative, science-based, transparent, self-critical and learning procedure for identifying the site offering the best possible safety for one million years.

Starting from a ‘blank map’ of Germany without preferring or excluding certain regions from the outset, potential sites will be identified following the selection criteria laid down in the Site Selection Act. In a three-staged procedure, the geological conditions at the potential sites will be explored in detail and compared based on repeated preliminary safety analyses, thereby narrowing down the number of site candidates until the site can be determined in the final stage.

In each of the stages and with comprehensive participation of the regional and supraregional public, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE)) as the operator conducts the aforementioned site exploration and preliminary safety analyses and develops proposals for the potential sites to remain in the procedure. The newly established Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit (BfE)), being in charge of the procedure, examines the proposals of the BGE, organizes public participation and forwards the results to the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)). At the end of each stage, The Federal Parliament and Federal Council decide on the sites to be further explored or, in the third stage, the definitive site for the disposal facility.


2.8.1. R&D organizations

See Appendix 2.

Safe operation of nuclear power plants is a top priority for the Federal Government, and consequently research in this field is continued and extended.

In 2016, the Energy R&D Programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)) supported research on nuclear safety and waste disposal with a total amount of €74.4 million.

Within the government, the BMWi currently provides approximately €21.4 million annually for reactor safety research, funding experimental or analytical studies of the plant behaviour of nuclear reactors under accident conditions, studies concerning the safety of pressure retaining components and the development of probabilistic safety analysis. Approximately a further €11.3 million is spent on final disposal and nuclear waste management research.

The BMBF promotes projects and institutions with funds of around €42 million, focussing on basic science issues regarding waste disposal, reactor safety research and radiation research. As a long term energy option, BMBF currently supports the development of fusion reactors through research projects and institutional funding (around €130 million in total).

2.8.2. Development of advanced nuclear power technologies

Two prototypes of advanced reactor design were developed in Germany: the pebble-bed high-temperature reactor (Thorium-Hochtemperaturreaktor, THTR 300) at HRB/BBC and a fast breeder reactor (Schneller Natriumgekühlter Reaktor, SNR 300) at Interatom/Siemens. After successful commissioning and operation for some years, the THTR 300 was shut down. The SNR 300 was completed but never commissioned.

2.8.3. International cooperation and initiatives

See Appendix 1.

As a Member State of the EU, OECD/NEA, and the IAEA, Germany supports various international programmes in nuclear safety and nuclear waste management. In direct international cooperation, Germany also supports projects and organizations such as licensing and supervisory authorities, technical support organizations and research institutes.

Germany currently participates in the following NEA joint projects, among others:

  • NEA Advanced Thermal-hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation (ATLAS) Project

  • NEA Behaviour of Iodine Project (BIP-3)

  • NEA Benchmark Study of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (BSAF) Project

  • NEA Cable Ageing Data and Knowledge (CADAK) Project

  • NEA Cabri International Project (CIP)

  • NEA Component Operational Experience, Degradation and Ageing Programme (CODAP)

  • NEA Cooperative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD)

  • NEA Fire Incidents Records Exchange (FIRE) Project

  • NEA Fire Propagation in Elementary, Multi-room Scenarios (PRISME-2) Project

  • NEA Halden Reactor Project

  • NEA Hydrogen Mitigation Experiments for Reactor Safety (HYMERES) Project

  • NEA Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) Project

  • NEA International Common-cause Failure Data Exchange (ICDE) Project

  • NEA Loss of Forced Coolant Project (LOFC)

  • NEA Source Term Evaluation and Mitigation Project (STEM-2)

  • NEA Studsvik Cladding Integrity Project (SCIP-3)

  • NEA Thermal-hydraulics, Hydrogen, Aerosols, Iodine Project (THAI-3)

  • NEA Thermochemical Database (TDB) Project

For project descriptions see


The need for provision of sufficient and qualified personnel is defined in the Radiation Protection Ordinance — as from 31 December 2018 in the new Radiation Protection Act — and the Atomic Energy Act. Proof of the qualifications of responsible personnel as well as the necessary knowledge of personnel otherwise engaged during operation must already be considered in the licence application for construction, operation or essential modification. Detailed requirements for the technical qualification of personnel are specified in the guidelines. In addition, the guidelines stipulate the qualifications of responsible shift personnel and their maintenance, as well as the qualifications of personnel responsible for radiation protection. The measures taken by the operator to ensure adequate staffing are reviewed by the supervisory authority, on the basis of submitted reports.

German NPPs currently in operation are staffed by personnel with experience in their operation. These employees undergo regular job-specific retraining on plant-specific, full-scope simulators at the Simulator Centre (Simulatorzentrum) in Essen.

Due to the ageing of operating personnel, a forward-looking personnel management system is implemented to maintain the competence and quantity of personnel. On the basis of expected retirements, as well as statistical forecasts, plant operators typically plan the need for replacement recruitment up to five years in advance. Systematic training programmes and a long-running ‘parallel recruitment’ system are in place to ensure the transfer of know-how.


Comprehensive information about nuclear installations is provided by the nuclear regulatory authorities.

The competent authorities of the Federal Government and the states provide information about their activities in the field of nuclear safety on one central web page, providing a comprehensive overview of the topic.

The BMU provides general information on its web site on nuclear safety and radiological protection, including information on the legal and regulatory framework, technical rules, international cooperation and the site selection process for a final repository.

Additionally, the BMU provides on its web site an overview of current environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedures for nuclear facilities in neighbouring countries with German public participation. This includes procedures for which no cross-border EIA or SEA is carried out in relation to Germany, but the German public still has the opportunity to participate.

The state government authorities provide information on the status of those NPPs in their jurisdiction regarding licensing issues, reportable events or the process of decommissioning.

The Incident Registration Centre is operated by the BfE and informs the general public of reportable events at regular intervals by publishing such information on the Internet. In addition to the monthly updated reports, annual reports on reportable events, categorized by nuclear power plants and research reactors as well as nuclear fuel cycle facilities, are available.

Information on radiation protection and nuclear accident management is provided by the BfS, on the Internet or in the form of brochures, teaching material or mobile exhibitions.

The basis for public participation in the search for a repository for heat-generating radioactive waste is the Site Selection Act. The site selection is implemented in several stages and with the participation of the regional and supraregional public. In future, citizens have manifold options to participate in the search for a repository site. This may be within a regional framework (e.g. in so-called regional conferences) as well as within a supraregional framework (e.g. in the symposium subsections). The regional conferences are composed of individual citizens, representatives of organized interests and members of regional authorities. These regional boards monitor the site selection process in situ and combine regional expertise and regional interests. They are established once certain stages of the site selection procedure have been reached. The already appointed National Advisory Body monitors the site selection independently, in particular the participation procedure. It is composed of individual citizens and acknowledged public figures.


Nuclear emergency preparedness in Germany consists of on-site and off-site planning. On-site emergency planning comprises technical and organizational measures taken at NPPs and lies within the responsibility of the operator. Off-site emergency planning comprises disaster control for averting imminent danger and protective measures aiming to deal with the consequences of radiological releases. Off-site emergency planning lies in the responsibilities of the states and the Federation.

At all German NPPs, on-site accident management measures are implemented as a precaution. If an accident occurs, which has not been taken into account and against which the plant is not designed, the accident management measures shall detect and control this event and prevent damage (preventive measure) or mitigate the effects within and outside of the plant (mitigative measures). Rulings that are specified to enable the operating personnel in performing situation dependent tasks and the description of the measures that can be taken in case of event sequences that exceed design limit values, with the objective of either controlling the event sequence itself or of mitigating its effects, are described in the plant-specific emergency manual. In light of the Fukushima accident, Germany also revised the on-site emergency preparedness of its NPP. The national action plan resulting from the EU stress test includes new measures regarding on-site emergency preparedness which were implemented or are planned to be implemented.

Off-site emergency planning, especially disaster control, consists of protective actions in the area affected in order to protect the public from the effects of radionuclide releases. Depending on the specific circumstances, these measures may include sheltering, taking iodine tablets, evacuation and, if necessary, resettlement. In order to reduce radiation exposure of the population even in those areas where disaster control measures are not justified, protective measures are foreseen. As a result of the Fukushima accident the existing regulations and basic fundamentals regarding off-site emergency preparedness and response in Germany were reviewed by a working group of the Commission on Radiological Protection (Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK)). This discussion was finalized in 2015, resulting in six new and four amended recommendations for further measures. In particular, the planning areas, including associated measures and radii, were revised. For NPPs under decommissioning specific characteristics were considered due to the changed risk potential.

For more information see [5] and

The provisions of the new Radiation Protection Act (Strahlenschutzgesetz) regulating the emergency management system of the Federation and the states, i.e. the legal and administrative framework for emergency preparedness and response, entered into force on 1 October 2017. The Radiation Protection Act has transposed the Basic Safety Standards Directive 2013/59/Euratom into German law, taking into account the experiences after the Fukushima accident. It introduces a new sector interlocking approach into the management system of the Federation and states for the different economic and administrative sectors affected by the consequences of a nuclear accident or other radiological emergency and for all authorities and organizations having a role in preparedness and response to dangers for human health, the environment and public safety. Furthermore, a system of coordinated emergency response plans at the adequate Federal, regional or local level has to be established. For these purposes the BMU has drafted a general emergency response plan for the Federation. It shall inter alia postulate about ten emergency scenarios in Germany, Europe and third countries and contain optimized protection strategies for each of the scenarios. Special emergency response plans of the Federation for the different fields of action will be drafted by the ministries responsible for the affected sector (civil protection, food, non-food products, waste, transport, etc.). Each of the states shall have a general and special emergency response plan supplementing the federal plans.



3.1.1. Regulatory authority(ies)

For information about regulatory authorities please refer to Section 2.1.2.

Germany is a federal state. The ‘regulatory body’ is composed of federal and state government authorities (see Fig. 1).

The Länder Committee for Nuclear Energy (LAA) is composed of representatives from the state nuclear licensing and supervisory authorities and from the BMU. It serves for the preparatory coordination of Federal and state authorities in connection with the execution of the Atomic Energy Act, the preparation of amendments and the further development of legal and administrative provisions as well as of the regulatory guidance instruments. In the interest of enacting nuclear law that is as uniform throughout Germany as possible, the competent nuclear licensing and supervisory authorities of the state and the BMU draft any regulations on the uniform handling of nuclear law in consensus. In the area of legislation, the LAA is an important instrument of early and comprehensive state involvement, which supplements the formal right of participation of the states in the legislative procedure of the Federal Council. The committee’s decisions are usually by mutual consent.


Functions and responsibilities of the regulatory body
Regulatory function
Federal Government authorities
State government authorities
Main functions
Establishment of national safety requirements and regulations
Further development of the legal requirements (decided by Parliament in the case of formal Acts, by Federal Government with approval of the Bundesrat in the case of ordinances) and the regulatory guidance instruments
Participation on the basis of consolidated findings and needs in connection with execution
Supplementary administrative procedures of the respective states
Licensing system with regard to nuclear installations
Oversight with regard to legality and expediency*
Checking of consolidated findings with regard to their relevance to standard national requirements
Checking of applications and notifications according to Section 7 of the Atomic Energy Act, granting of licences and approvals
System of regulatory inspection and assessment of nuclear installations
Oversight with regard to legality and expediency*
Checking of consolidated findings with regard to their relevance to standard national requirements
Controls and inspections in the nuclear facilities, checking and assessment with regard to the relevance to the safety of the installation, as well as to protection and prevention measures
Enforcement of applicable regulations and of the terms of licences
Oversight with regard to legality and expediency*
Checking of consolidated findings with regard to their relevance to standard national requirements
Implementation of necessary measures to avert hazards and concerning necessary safety improvements and improvements of protection and prevention measures
Secondary functions
Regulatory safety research
Investigation of safety issues for standard requirements
Plant-specific studies
Monitoring of events, operating experience and implementation
Examination and assessment of events in Germany and abroad, with regard to generic relevance to the safety of installations as well as to protection and prevention measures; national organization of experience feedback
Examination and assessment of events with regard to relevance for the safety of installations as well as for protection and prevention measures
Radiation protection, environmental monitoring
Monitoring of the radiation exposure of the population and the federal territory
Plant-specific monitoring of emissions and emissions (radiation exposure of workers and in the environment)
Emergency preparedness
Preparation and planning of general requirements; cross-national emergency preparedness, international reporting systems
Participation in the preparation and planning of general requirements, plant-specific emergency protection
International cooperation
Participation in international activities to determine the state of the art in science and technology and regarding nuclear regulations, and provision for national purposes; fulfilment of international obligations; assertion of German safety interests
Consideration of the internationally documented state of the art in science and technology
Participation in cooperation with neighbouring countries in the case of installations close to the border, especially on the basis of bilateral agreements

Leading function, execution within area of competence.
Light grey:
Function with separate competences but common objectives.
‘Federalism function’ oversight with regard to legality and expediency or participation (e.g. in the Länder Committee for Nuclear Energy (LAA), by provision of information).

* This also means that the Federal Government may execute its power to decide the respective matter in hand itself, and initiate on its own authority the corresponding detailed examinations.

Source: Country Information [5].

3.1.2. Licensing process

Participants in the licensing and supervisory procedure for NPPs are shown in Fig. 3.

FIG. 3: Participants in the licensing and supervision procedure for nuclear power plants.

A licence is required for construction, operation, and essential modification of nuclear facilities, or for the operation and decommissioning of a stationary installation for the production, treatment, processing or fission of nuclear fuel. Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, licences for the construction of NPPs for the commercial production of electricity are no longer issued. Licensing procedures for NPPs are therefore only performed for the essential modification of existing NPPs and for their decommissioning.

The operating licences for existing NPPs are not limited in time and thus do not require renewal. The authorization for power operation of existing NPPs expires once the shutdown dates fixed in the Atomic Energy Act are reached or if the electricity volume for the respective plant, as stipulated in the Atomic Energy Act, including possible electricity volumes transferred from other plants, has been produced.

The actual details and procedure of licensing are specified in the Nuclear Licensing Procedure Ordinance. Here, the application procedure, with the submission of supporting documents and the participation of the general public, is described. Furthermore, the Nuclear Licensing Procedure Ordinance specifies the assessment of any environmental impact and the consideration of other licensing requirements (e.g. regarding the possible release or discharge of non-radioactive pollutants into the air or water).

The written licence application is submitted to the competent licensing authority of the state in which the nuclear installation is sited. On the basis of the submitted documents, the licensing authority examines whether or not the licensing prerequisites have been met. All federal, state, local and other regional authorities — according to circumstances, also authorities of other states — whose jurisdiction is involved shall take part in the licensing procedure. These include authorities responsible under the building and water codes for regional planning and for emergency response. The participation of the public was obligatory for construction licences. In the case of major modifications, the authority may waive public participation if the modification does not give rise to the concern that there might be adverse effects on the public. However, the public has to be involved if this is required pursuant to the Act on the Assessment of Environmental Impacts. The competent authority performs a final evaluation of the environmental impacts on the basis of the requirements in nuclear and radiation protection regulations. The final decision of the licensing authority is based on the entirety of application documents, safety evaluation reports by the authorized experts and, if available, a statement by the BMU and the authorities consulted as well as the findings from objections raised in the public hearing.

As in licensing, the prime objective of the regulatory supervision of nuclear installations is to protect the general public and workers in these installations against the hazards connected with the operation of the installation. Nuclear installations are subject to continuous regulatory supervision over their entire lifetime — from the start of construction to the end of decommissioning. Supervision is performed by the state authorities, on behalf of the Federation. Authorized experts called in by the supervisory authority have access to the nuclear installation at any time and are authorized to perform the necessary examinations and to demand pertinent information. In addition, the operators of NPPs have to supply operating reports to the supervisory authorities at regular intervals. Any events relevant to safety and to physical protection must be reported to the authorities. In addition to the continuous regulatory supervision, comprehensive periodic safety reviews are to be performed every ten years.

Under the Atomic Energy Act, the NPP operator’s liability for third party damage is unlimited. Furthermore, the Atomic Energy Act compels the operators of NPPs to secure their liability for damages which may arise from a nuclear incident (compulsory financial security). Pursuant to the regulations of the Nuclear Financial Security Ordinance the financial security to be provided for each operating NPP shall be €2.5 billion. Financial security may be ensured by third party liability insurance or other financial means such as private warranty. The Atomic Energy Act also stipulates that the Federation shall indemnify an NPP operator from any liability to pay compensation for nuclear damage to the extent such liability cannot be satisfied out of the financial security provided by the operator. The maximum amount of indemnification by the Federation shall be €2.5 billion.

The individual power utilities or their subsidiaries are the licensees of the NPPs. They are obliged by law to build up financial reserves to be prepared for the follow-up costs connected with the operation of a nuclear power plant, such as the decommissioning and dismantling of the installations, and the treatment and disposal of radioactive material, including spent fuel. The financial reserves are adjusted on an annual basis. The valuation of these reserves is regularly reviewed by independent accountants and the financial authorities.

For further information see Refs. [5] and [8].


Germany is organized as a federal republic. The responsibilities for legislation and law enforcement are assigned to the organs of the Federation and the states according to their scope of function. Unless otherwise specified, the execution of federal laws lies within the responsibility of the federal states, the 16 Länder.

According to the Basic Law (Grundgesetz), the Federation has exclusive legislative power over the production and utilization of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, the construction and operation of facilities serving such purposes, protection against hazards arising from the release of nuclear energy or from ionizing radiation and the disposal of radioactive substances. The states execute the Atomic Energy Act on federal commission, which is the strongest form of federal administration the Basic Law provides for. Federal oversight extends to the legality and appropriateness of execution. Inter alia, the Federal Ministry can subject a state authority to an instruction.

In the hierarchy of legislation, international treaties concluded by the Federal Republic of Germany are on the same level as formal federal law.

In addition, in Germany legislation and administrative work must account for any binding requirement from the law of the European Union. In accordance with the Euratom Treaty, any use of ores, source material and special fissile material is subject to the Safeguards of the European Atomic Energy Community. Examples for relevant secondary law instruments on the basis of the Euratom Treaty are Directive 2013/59/Euratom, laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation, Directive 2009/71/Euratom (amended by Directive 2014/87/Euratom), establishing a community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations and Directive 2011/70/Euratom, establishing a community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.

The IAEA Safety Standards as well as WENRA safety reference levels are taken into account when revising national regulations.

The Atomic Energy Act is the core of national regulations with respect to nuclear safety and waste management in Germany. It was promulgated on 23 December 1959. Since then, it has been amended several times. Since the 2002 amendment, one of the purposes of the Atomic Energy Act is to end the use of nuclear energy for the commercial production of electricity in a structured manner, and to ensure ongoing operation up until the date of discontinuation. It also aims to protect life, health and property against the hazards of nuclear energy and the detrimental effects of ionizing radiation and to provide compensation for any damage and injuries incurred. Most of the regulations laid down in the Atomic Energy Act are not exhaustive and are further specified, regarding both the procedures and the substantive legal requirements, by ordinances, general administrative provisions and regulatory guidance instruments. The concrete rules concerning the safety of NPPs are comprised of the safety standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA)), recommendations from the Reactor Safety Commission (Reaktor-Sicherheitskommission (RSK)), the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (Entsorgungskommission (ESK)) and the Commission on Radiological Protection (Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK)) as well as on conventional technical standards (DIN, ISO and IEC).

Main national laws and regulations on nuclear power and waste management

See chapter 1A of the Handbook on Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection:

  • Atomic Energy Act (Atomgesetz)

  • Radiation Protection Act (Strahlenschutzgesetz)

  • Site Selection Act (Standortauswahlgesetz)

  • Waste Management Fund Act (Entsorgungsfondgesetz)

  • Waste Management Transfer Act (Entsorgungsübergangsgesetz)

  • Radiation Protection Ordinance (Strahlenschutzverordnung)

  • Nuclear Licensing Procedure Ordinance (Atomrechtliche Verfahrensverordnung)

  • Nuclear Financial Security Ordinance (Atomrechtliche Deckungsvorsorge-Verordnung)

  • Repository Prepayment Ordinance (Endlagervorausleistungsverordnung)

  • Nuclear Reliability Assessment Ordinance (Atomrechtliche Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfungs-Verordnung)

  • Nuclear Safety Officer and Reporting Ordinance (Atomrechtliche Sicherheitsbeauftragten- und Meldeverordnung)

  • Nuclear Waste Shipment Ordinance (Atomrechtliche Abfallverbringungsverordnung)


[1] Energy Study 2016: Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hannover,

[2] Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie,

[3] State and Development of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2016 (BfE-KE-02/17),

[4] Announcement acc. to § 7 para. 1c Atomic Energy Act (AtG) — annual statement 2017 (Bundesanzeiger: 3 April 2018)

[5] Report under the Convention on Nuclear Safety by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Seventh Review Meeting in March/April 2017,

[7] Reactor Safety Commission (Reaktor-Sicherheitskommission (RSK)) Statement, “Plant-specific safety review (RSK-SÜ) of German nuclear power plants in the light of the events in Fukushima-1 (Japan)”, adopted at the 437th meeting of the RSK on 11 to 14 May 2011

[8] Report of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Fifth Review Meeting in May 2015 under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management,


Agreements with the IAEA

  • NPT related safeguards agreement EURATOM/IAEA, INFCIRC/193

Entry into force for Germany:
21 February 1977
  • Protocol Additional to the Euratom Agreement, INFCIRC/193(GOV/1998/28)

22 September 1998
  • Improved procedures for designation of safeguards

Proposal rejected by EURATOM but special procedures agreed upon
16 February 1989
  • Agreement on privileges and immunities, INFCIRC/9

Entry into force for Germany:
4 August 1960

Multilateral safeguards agreements

  • Brazil/Germany/IAEA, INFCIRC/237
    application suspended, INFCIRC/237/Add.1

Entry into force:
Entry into force:
26 February 1976
21 October 1999
  • Spain/Germany/IAEA, INFCIRC/305

Entry into force:
29 September 1982

Other relevant international treaties

  • Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons — NPT, INFCIRC/140

Entry into force for Germany:
2 May 1975
  • Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, INFCIRC/274

Entry into force for Germany:
6 October 1991
  • Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material

Entry into force for Germany:
8 July May 2016
  • Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, INFCIRC/335

Entry into force for Germany:
15 October 1989
  • Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, INFCIRC/336

Entry into force for Germany:
15 October 1989
  • Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy

Entry into force for Germany:
30 September 1975
  • Brussels Supplementary Convention

Entry into force for Germany
1 January 1976
  • Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna and Paris Conventions,

Entry into force for Germany:
13 September 2001
  • Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, INFCIRC/500

Not signed
  • Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage, INFCIRC/567

Not signed
  • Convention Relating to Civil Liability in Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Materials

Entry into force for Germany:
30 December 1975
  • Convention on Nuclear Safety,

Entry into force for Germany:
20 April 1997
  • Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, INFCIRC/546

Entry into force for Germany:
18 June 2001
  • International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism

Entry into force for Germany:
9 March 2008
  • ESPOO Convention

Entry into force for Germany:
6 November 2002
  • Aarhus Convention

Entry into force for Germany:
15 April 2007
  • European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)

  • ZANGGER Committee

  • Nuclear Suppliers Group


Bilateral agreements concerning the safety of nuclear installations and radiation protection

Germany has concluded bilateral agreements on the safety of nuclear installation or radiation protection with the following 59 countries:

Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uzbekistan.

For further information, see Bilateral Agreements in chapter 1D of the Handbook on Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection.


National atomic energy authorities, Federation and states

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit (BfE)
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS)
Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg
Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Bauen und Klimaschutz
Ministerium für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt, Natur und Digitalisierung Schleswig-Holstein

Main power utilities

EnBW Kernkraft GmbH
PreussenElektra GmbH
RWE Power AG
Uniper SE
Vattenfall GmbH

Manufacturers, services and other nuclear organizations

Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH (ANF)
Bilfinger Noell GmbH
Brenk Systemplanung GmbH
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE)
Bundesgesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung (BGZ)
Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (BDEW)
Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern für Abfallstoffe mbH (DBE)
Deutsche Kernreaktor-Versicherungsgemeinschaft (DVKG)
50950 Köln
Postfach 52 01 29
Deutsches Atomforum e.V. (DAtF)
Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (KTG)
INFORUM Verlag- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Deutsch-Schweizerischer Fachverband für Strahlenschutz e.V.
Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen GmbH (EWN)
Entsorgungskommission (ESK)
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH (GRS)
Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH (GNS)
Jülicher Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH (JEN)
Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA)
Kerntechnische Hilfsdienst GmbH (KHG)
Kerntechnische Entsorgung Karlsruhe GmbH (KTE)
Kraftanlagen Heidelberg GmbH
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Reaktor-Sicherheitskommission (RSK)
Siemens AG, Power Generation
Siempelkamp Nukleartechnik GmbH
Kraftwerks-Simulator-Gesellschaft mbH (KSG)
Gesellschaft für Simulatorschulung mbH (GfS)
Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK)
STEAG Energy Services GmbH
Studsvik GmbH & Co. KG
Urenco Deutschland GmbH
VGB PowerTech e.V. (Vereinigung der Großkraftwerksbetreiber)
Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH
Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage Karlsruhe Rückbau- und Entsorgungs-GmbH (WAK GmbH)
Wismut GmbH

Nuclear research institutes

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Fachgruppe Energietechnik an der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR)
Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH
Institut für Endlagerforschung der TU Clausthal
Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme (IKE) an der Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Fusionstechnologie und Reaktortechnik (IFRT) am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Kern- und Energietechnik (IKET) am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
Garching / Greifswald
Institut für Energietechnik der Technischen Universität Dresden

Physikalisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg
Strahlenschutz, Analytik und Entsorgung Rossendorf e.V. (VKTA)

Coordinator Information

Name: Jenny Tuchtenhagen

Institution: Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management Directorate-General Nuclear Safety and Supervision in Nuclear Waste Management

Contact Details: Tel.: +49 30 18333 – 1562 Email: