(Updated 2016)


1.1. Country Overview

Note: The content of this section, including Tables 1 and 2, has been removed by the IAEA to better focus the report on nuclear power.

1.2. Energy Information

1.2.1. Estimated Available Energy


Estimated available energy sources
 Fossil Fuels Nuclear  Renewables
Solid1) Liquid2) Gas3) Uranium4) Hydro Other Renewable
 Total amount in specific units* 1700.7 .. 12.8 .    

*Solid, Liquid: Million tons; Gas: Billion m3; Uranium: Metric tons; Hydro, Renewable: TW.

1) Available data for 2013. The amount covers: Black coal, Brown coal and Lignite and presents a sum of proved reserves and probable reserves. Figure is calculated based on statistical data from NSI statistical survey ‘Underground reserves’ for reporting 2013 covering economic subjects – holders of concessions and firms declared receipts from mining industry. At calculation proved and probable reserves of Lignite were also used administrative data of the company ‘Mini Maritza-Iztok’ EAD published in its ‘Annual report for 2013’ placed on the official web-site of the company; http://www.marica-iztok.com/cms/user/files/finansi/2013g_MMI.pdf

2) Symbol ‘..’ marks confidential individual data according to the Art. 25 (1) of national Law on Statistics.

3) Latest available data - for 2014. The amount covers: Natural gas and Condensate. Source of data: NSI, Annual statistical survey ‘Underground reserves covering economic subjects – holders of concessions and firms declared receipts from mining industry. The total amount are sums of: proven reserves and probable reserves.

4) Symbol ‘.’ means no data.

Source: National Institute of Statistics, Sofia (http://www.nsi.bg/en)

1.2.2. Energy Statistics


Year 2000 2005 2010 2014 Compound Annual Growth Rate (%)
2000 to 2014
Gross energy consumption**
- Total 0.80 0.84 0.75 0.76 -0.37
- Solids*** 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.27 -0.26
- Liquids 0.18 0.21 0.17 0.17 -0.41
- Gases 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 -1.29
- Nuclear 0.21 0.20 0.16 0.17 -1.50
- Hydro 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 5.80
- Other renewables 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 8.16
Electricity 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 2.94
Primary energy production
- Total 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.47 0.64
- Solids*** 0.19 0.17 0.21 0.21 0.72
- Liquids 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Gases 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00
- Nuclear 0.21 0.20 0.16 0.17 -1.50
- Hydro 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 5.08
- Other renewables 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 8.16
Net import (Import - Export)
- Total 0.37 0.40 0.30 0.27 -2.23

*Latest available data.

**Gross Energy Consumption = Indigenous production + From other sources + Imports – Exports – International marine bunkers + Stock changes.

***Solid fuels include coal, lignite.

Source: National Institute of Statistics, Sofia (http://www.nsi.bg/en)

1.2.3. Energy Policy

The energy strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria is based on the national priorities and corresponds to the new lasting positive political and economic trends in the country as well as to the requirements of the European guidelines, the principles of market mechanisms and the Government's Programme. It is determined by the requirements for ensuring sustainable economic growth and raising the living standard. The National Assembly adopted the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria upon proposal of the Council of Ministers, setting the main objectives, stages, resources and methods for energy development. With Decision dated 1 June 2011, promulgated in the State Gazette issue 43/07.06.2011, the National Assembly adopted the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2020.

The main goals of the Bulgarian energy industry are focused on:

  • energy efficiency improvement,

  • sustainable development through combating the negative climate changes,

  • security of supplies by limiting the Bulgarian external dependence on imported energy sources and providing diversification of the energy mix,

  • development of the national energy system and energy market as a part of UCTE,

  • maintaining of a high level of nuclear safety already achieved and establishment of a competitive domestic energy market.

The Bulgarian energy sector is a steadily functioning system within the restructuring and adapting to the market conditions Bulgarian economy. Bulgaria is in possession of production capacities, which by the end of 2008 covered a great part of the electric power deficit in the Balkan region. After the shutdown of Units 3&4 of Kozloduy NPP this electric power deficit created serious negative consequences not only for Bulgaria but for the security of energy supply for the entire region.

The way of implementation of the fuel-energy balance is of particular importance to the economy of the country as well as to what the technical and economic indicators of the transformation process during the production of the electric and heat power are.

The attained generalized technical and economic indicators of the energy transformation processes during the electric and heat power production outline the establishing tendencies of the energy consumption in the various sectors of the economy of Bulgaria during the past years and provide for an answer to the question to a what degree the national pursuit for conduct of a policy for energy efficiency results in the anticipated stabilization and revival of the economic and public.

The share of the imported energy resources, referred to the general primary energy resources consumption is 49.8% for Bulgaria, compared to 52.7% for EU15 for the year 2007.

The energy sector is a determinative section of the Bulgarian industry, especially taking into account that its structure and development are based predominantly on imported energy sources and the domestic low-quality lignite coal. Moreover, the development of the sector is highly dependent on the geopolitical location on the Balkan Peninsula and in Europe. In this complicated stage of its development, Bulgaria unambiguously proves the willingness to conform to the priorities of European Union and make the needed steps for technical and political integration with these structures.

As a country with limited energy resources, the basis of the energy sources of Bulgarian Energy Sector is well balanced - solid fuel, nuclear power, natural gas, hydro resources and utilization of the new energy sources.



The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH EAD) was established in 2008 by Decision of the Minister of Economy and Energy with main subject of activity acquisition, management, evaluation and sale of shares in companies, carrying out business activities in the areas of production, extraction, transmission, transiting, storage, management, distribution, sale and/or purchase of natural gas, coal, electricity, heat and other forms of energy and raw materials.

BEH EAD is a shareholding company with 100% state participation. In turn, BEH owns 100% of the share capital of: Maritsa Iztok Mines EAD, TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 EAD, NPP Kozloduy EAD, NEK EAD, ESO EAD, Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange EAD /IBEX/, Bulgargaz EAD, Bulgartransgaz EAD and Bulgartel EAD.

All companies, brought together in the holding structure, preserve their operational independence and licenses, as they are all owned and directly subordinated to the corporate centre BEH EAD.

With the consolidation of the energy companies, in Bulgaria already operates one of the largest energy companies in the region that establishes a national energy leader, whose assets amount to some BGN 8.5 billion, consolidated revenue totals to some BGN 3.6 billion, the number of employees sums up at some 21 thousand people.

FIG. 1. BEH EAD Structure


Maritsa Iztok Mines EAD is a subsidiary of BEH EAD, which is at the beginning of the technological process for electric power generation in thermal power plants in the Maritsa Iztok complex. The mines operate the largest lignite coal field in Bulgaria, which supplies with coal four thermal power plants for electricity generation and a factory for the production of briquettes. The total coal output at the Maritsa Iztok Mines for 2014 is 27.6 million tonnes, which represents 88% of the total output of coal used for the generation of electricity and heat in Bulgaria.

The priority share in the brown coal production belongs to the coal mines in the Pernik and Bobovdol basins. Black coal production is realized in “Balkan 2000 Mines EAD”.


The companies engaged in domestic production of natural gas are “Petroceltic” /former “Melrose Resources Sarl”/ and “Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Plc.” In 2014, production of natural gas in Bulgaria marked a low of 35.6% compared to 2013.

Bulgargaz EAD is a public provider of natural gas with functions, related to the purchase and sale of natural gas. "Bulgartransgaz" EAD is a combined operator, related to the transmission, transiting and storage of natural gas. The company has submitted an application for certificate for independent transmission operator. Both companies have been established as a result of legal and organizational restructuring of the National Gas Company, and at present are subsidiaries of BEH EAD.

Gas distribution is organized by private regional and local companies, whereas in 2014 the major market share of 59.4% was held by the subsidiaries of “Overgas” AD, “Citigas Bulgaria” - with a market share of 16.2%, ’Black Sea Technology’ with 10.7% and other gas distribution companies with total market share of 13.7%.


The oil and oil products market in the country is completely liberalized. The largest oil refinery on the Balkan Peninsula operates in Bulgaria, with Lukoil as majority shareholder. Among the major players in the trade in oil and oil products are LUKOIL, PETROL, OMV, SHELL, EKO, ROMPETROL, NAFTEX, PRISTA OIL, OPET, HELLENIC PETROLEUM.

LUKOIL Bulgaria EOOD – a subsidiary of the Russian Lukoil, established in 1999, is a leader in the trade and distribution of fuels, polymers and petrochemicals produced by LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD. The group owns a chain of over 200 petrol stations all over the country with a large share of the market of oil products, fuels and polymers in South Eastern Europe.

PRISTA-OIL AD – Bulgaria is a part of PRISTA-OIL Group which, through its subsidiaries all over Europe, carries out activities in the field of production, distribution, sale and trade in motor oils and industrial lubricants, greases, brake fluids, metalworking fluids and coolants. For the past 13 years the company has developed business relationships in over 20 countries in the region, and its market share in the individual countries ranges between 5-55%.

PETROL AD is a private company established in 1932, a leader in the distribution of fuels in Bulgaria with over 500 petrol stations, laboratories for permanent quality control of oil products, 80 petrol bases and 3 petrol harbour terminals evenly distributed all over the country.

1.3. The Electricity System

1.3.1. Electricity Policy and Decision Making Process

The Energy Strategy is a fundamental document of the national energy policy that is approved by the Council of Ministers and passed by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. The present National Energy Strategy till 2020 reflects the political vision of the Government of European Development of Bulgaria pursuant to the up-to-date European energy policy framework and the global trends in the development of energy technologies.

The full text of the Energy strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria till 2020 is available here: http://www.mi.government.bg/files/useruploads/files/epsp/23_energy_strategy2020%D0%95ng_.pdf

1.3.2. Structure of Electric Power Sector

Bulgaria has a diverse electricity generation mix, including nuclear, thermal and renewable energy sources (hydro, wind, solar and biomass) power plants.

Electricity is generated by energy companies licensed for generation according to the procedure established by the Energy Act. Issuance of license is not required for:

  1. production of electric energy by an entity, possessing a power plant with total installed electric capacity up to 5 MW;

  2. production of heat energy by an entity, possessing a power plant with total installed heat capacity up to 10 MW;

  3. transmission of heat energy by a person, possessing a heat transmission network, to which power plants with total installed capacity up to 10 MW are connected;

  4. production of heat energy for own use only;

  5. production of electric energy for own use only.

Electricity producers are obligated to maintain stocks of fuels, including local hard fuels, in quantities guaranteeing sustained and reliable generation. The terms and procedure for the building, maintenance of stocks of fuel and control are established by an ordinance of the Minister of Energy.

The National Electric Company EAD is a subsidiary of BEH EAD, which carries out licensed activities in transmission, electricity generation from hydro power plants and pumped- storage hydroelectric power plants (2,631 MW), supply of electric power to consumers connected to the transmission networks and to end suppliers of electricity and is a party to long-term bilateral power purchase agreements. In fulfilment of the requirements of the Third Energy Liberalization Package, introduced in the country with the amendments to the Energy Act of 2012 (prom. SG, issue 54 of 2012 in effect from 17.07.2012,) the release of ESO EAD with the transmission assets from NEK EAD is pending and the two companies will remain in the structure of BEH EAD.

ESO EAD holds a certification for transmission of electric power /Decision of State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) No P-205 from 18.12.2013/. As of 4th February 2014 ESO EAD is the owner of the power transmission grid.

"Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange" (IBEX) EAD holds a licence to operate the electricity exchange in Bulgaria for a period of 10 years. IBEX EAD was established in January 2014.

The distribution of electricity on the regulated market is performed by regional companies - operators of the electricity distribution network - ENERGO-PRO Grid AD (Southeast Bulgaria) and CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD (West Bulgaria) with majority shareholders respectively Energo-Pro a.s., Czech Republic and CEZ a.s., Czech Republic. EVN Bulgaria Distribution AD operates in Southwest Bulgaria which major shareholder is EVN AG, Austria. The end suppliers on the regulated market in the respective licensed territories above-mentioned are ENERGO-PRO Sales AD, CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD and EVN Bulgaria Electricity Supply AD.

Since 1st of July 2007, the Bulgarian energy market has been fully liberalized, which means that each user has a legal right to choose a provider and a free and fair access to the network for transmission of electricity to the place of consumption. A market-based model is implemented based on regulated third party access to the electricity transmission network, where transactions are concluded through direct bilateral contracts between producers or traders and consumers, and where insufficient quantities are purchased and the surplus under bilateral contracts is sold in the balancing market. During the transition period of gradual liberalization, in parallel with the free segment where prices are freely negotiated between the parties to the transactions that are subject to balancing, a segment subsists in which electricity transactions are concluded as per the EWRC regulated prices.

The gross electric power GENERATION in 2014 is 47.4 TWh, which is by 8.4 % more than the generation in 2013. There is an increase in the generation of energy by NPP (+12%), TPP (+10.7%), RES (+3.8%) and HPSPP (+1.2%). There is a decrease in gross electricity generation by FHPP (-4.8%) and PSHPP (-3.9%) in 2014 compared to 2013.

FIG. 2. Structure of Gross Electricity Generation by Fuel

The structure of electric power generation is dominated by thermal power plants using coal, followed by Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant. Major sources for the generation of electrical power are local coal and nuclear fuel.

The share of local energy resources in electric power generation in 2014 was 91%, while that of imported resources was 9% (nuclear energy was reported as a local energy resource).

Gross domestic electricity consumption in 2014 is 37.9 TWh, which is an increase of 1.0% compared to 2013.

Generation of electrical power from RES accounts for 18.9% of gross domestic consumption of energy in 2014.

End consumption of electricity in the country in 2014 amounted to 29 TWh, which is by 1.5% more than in 2013, including industrial and the public sectors - 18.4 TWh and household sector - 10.6 TWh.

Detailed information about electric power sector is available on the Bulletin on the state and development of the energy sector in the Republic of Bulgaria at the Ministry of Energy website: https://www.me.government.bg/files/useruploads/files/eoos/buleti_-energy-_2015-eng.pdf

1.3.3. Main Indicators


Year 2000 2005 2010 2014 Compound Annual Growth Rate (%)
2000 to 2014
Capacity of electrical plants (GWe)
- Thermal 6 7 5 5 -1.29
- Hydro 2 3 3 3 2.94
- Nuclear 4 3 2 2 -4.83
- Wind 0 0 0 1 0.00
- Geothermal 0 0 0 0 0.00
- Other renewable 0 0 0 1 0.00
- Total 12 13 13 12 0.00
Electricity production (TW.h)
- Thermal 20 21 25 24 1.31
- Hydro 3 5 6 5 3.72
- Nuclear 18 18 15 16 -0.84
- Wind 0 0 1 1 0.00
- Geothermal 0 0 0 0 0.00
- Other renewable 0 0 0 1 0.00
- Total** 41 44 47 47 0.98
Total electricity consumption (TW.h) 32 32 33 33 0.22

*Latest available data.

**Electricity transmission losses are not deducted.

Source: National Institute of Statistics, Sofia (http://www.nsi.bg/en)


Year 2000 2005 2010 2014*
Gross energy consumption per capita (GJ/capita) 98.39 108.86 98.81 103.00
Electricity consumption per capita (kW.h/capita)
Final consumption of electricity per capita - kWh 2953 3318 3593 3827
Final consumption of electricity in households per capita - kWh 1207 1169 1450 1466
Electricity production/ Primary energy production (%) 34.9 -36.4 37.8 36.2
Nuclear/Total electricity (%) 43.9 40.9 31.9 34.0
Ratio of external dependency (%)** 46.0 47.5 40.5 35.6

*Latest available data.

**Net import / Total energy consumption. For the calculation of the indicator NSI uses data on gross energy consumption, prepared on the basis of the real reported quantities of energy. Data of NSI differ with those of Eurostat, because for the calculation of the indicator Eurostat uses data on gross inland energy consumption, in which the production of nuclear energy is calculated by using of average coefficient for the European Union

Source: National Institute of Statistics, Sofia (http://www.nsi.bg/en)


2.1. Historical Development and Current Organizational Structure

2.1.1. Overview

The beginning of the nuclear development in Bulgaria was set after the Geneva conference ‘Atoms for peace’ in 1956 and remained the preferred strategy of the political leadership ever since. The first step was the construction and commissioning of the IRT-2000 research reactor and a large-scale programme for isotope applications and scientific research. The reactor was put into operation in 1961 and stopped by decision of CUAEPP in 1989. In May 1999 it was finally shut down by a decision of the Council of Ministers (CM). On 06.07.2001 a Decision was issued by CM for reconstruction and partial decommissioning of the research reactor IRRT-2000 and its conversion into a reactor with low power of 200 kW.

In 1966, an agreement with the Soviet Union was signed for the delivery of commercial reactors for electricity generation. This agreement laid down the foundations of the Bulgarian nuclear power programme.

The first two units, WWER 440/230 model, were built and put into operation in 1974 and 1975 respectively. They were permanently shut down on 31.12.2002, under decision by the Council of Ministers. By means of Decision No. 839 of the Council of Ministers, dated 20.12.2008, Units 1 and 2 were declared facilities for radioactive waste management and were transferred to the State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SE RAW). On 18.10.2010, BNRA issued licenses to SE RAW for operation of Units 1 and 2 as facilities for radioactive waste management, subject to decommissioning. On 14.11.2014, BNRA issued SERAW licenses for decommissioning of Units 1 and 2 of Kozloduy NPP. The other two reactors were completed and connected to the grid in 1980 and 1982 accordingly. By that time, the model 230 was improved to model 213, which is the reason why Units 3 and 4 incorporate many of the safety characteristics of the 213s. They were permanently shut down on 31.12.2006. By means of Decision No.1038 of the Council of Ministers, dated 19.12.2006, Units 3 and 4 were declared facilities for radioactive waste management and were transferred to SE RAW. On 25.02.2013, BNRA issued licenses to SE RAW for operation of Units 3 and 4 as facilities for radioactive waste management, subject to decommissioning. The licenses for decommissioning of Units 3 and 4 are to be issued.

The further increase in the demand for electricity resulted in the construction of additional two units of 1000 MW, each of the models known as WWER-1000/320. Units 5 and 6 of Kozloduy NPP were commissioned in 1987 and 1991 respectively and have operating licenses valid until 2017 and 2019 respectively.

There are two storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel from WWER reactors, at the Kozloduy NPP site.

In 1990, a wet type spent nuclear fuel storage was commissioned to store the spent nuclear fuel from WWER-440 and WWER-1000 units. The storage is operated in accordance with the operating license issued by the BNRA in 2014, which is valid for 10 years.

Next to the wet SNF storage, a dry storage was constructed for storing the SNF from WWER-440 units 1-4 of Kozloduy NPP, where the fuel is stored in CONSTOR 440/84 type containers.

In accordance with the commissioning permit issued on 24.11.2011 by the BNRA six CONSTOR 440/84 containers were loaded and transferred to the dry storage facility for long-term storage. On 28.01.2016, the BNRA issued license for operation of the DSF for a period of 10 years.

A second site was selected in the early eighties near the town of Belene. The site was arranged with the entire necessary infrastructure to accommodate six 1000 MW units. Completion progress of the first unit reached about 40% from construction point of view and 80% in terms of delivery of equipment in 1991, when, due to lack of financial resources and some opposition from the nearby communities, the construction was frozen.

In 2002, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria decided to carry out preliminary studies and two years later the Council of Ministers took decision to resume the Belene NPP project.

On 8.04.2005, the Council of Ministers decided to build a New Nuclear Unit (NNU) in Bulgaria. The decision identifies construction of a nuclear power plant with maximum electric power of 2000 MW, based on pressurized water reactor technology. On 29.03.2012 the Council of Ministers took another decision repealing all previous decisions related to the construction of the Belene Nuclear Power Plant. This decision being adopted meant that all further (subsequent) actions related to the Belene project have been terminated.

At present, the project for the construction of a new nuclear unit at the site of Kozloduy NPP is at feasibility stage.

The following facilities for radioactive waste have been built over the years:

  • Permanent disposal facility for radioactive wastes – Novi Han – commissioned in 1964;

  • Specialized division ‘Radioactive waste’ Kozloduy – commissioned in 1996;

The National Repository for Radioactive Waste is under construction.

2.1.2. Current Organizational Chart(s)

FIG. 3. Institutions Involved in the Nuclear Sector

Republic of Bulgaria has the necessary institutions for the formation and implementation of the national policy on safe use of nuclear energy and implementation of state regulation and control. Responsibilities and functions are clearly defined and distributed among the various institutions as follows:

  • Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA) - the regulatory body on nuclear safety and radiation protection, and management of radioactive waste (RAW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF). BNRA develops regulatory requirements for nuclear safety and radiation protection, issues licenses and permits, supervise and impose coercive measures to comply with legal requirements, etc.;

  • Ministry of Energy is responsible for the state policy in the field of energy development and implements the energy policy of the country. The ministry proposes and implements the national strategy for energy development and the national strategy for managing spent fuel and radioactive waste;

  • Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) - implements the state policy on control of prices of the generated electricity and issues licenses for the production of electricity and thermal energy;

  • Ministry of Health (MoH) implements the state policy in the field of protection of human health and establishes mandatory health standards, requirements and rules with regards to all matters of hygiene, radiation protection and epidemiology. Through its bodies, the ministry performs specialized functions in the field of health protection in the use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation. Such specialized bodies are the National Centre for Radiobiology and Radiation Protection and Radiation Control departments at the regional health inspectorates.

  • The Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW) manages, coordinates and supervises the development and implementation of the state policy in the field of environmental protection, conservation and use of water and earth resources. The Ministry manages the National System for Environmental Monitoring and it is the competent decision-making authority the environmental impact assessment.

  • The Ministry of Interior (MOI) ensures the security of nuclear facilities and related sites designated as vital in terms of physical protection. The Ministry, through the General Directorate ‘Fire Safety and Protection of Population Service’ coordinates the activities on the protection of population and national economy in cases of disasters and emergencies, including application of risk assessment, preventive measures, rescue and urgent remedial works and provision of international assistance.

  • Kozloduy NPP Plc. is the operator of the only nuclear power plant in Bulgaria. The plant provides more than a third of the country's electricity.

  • State Enterprise Radioactive Waste was created by decision of the Bulgarian government under the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (ASUNE). Their task is to plan, design and construct the necessary facilities to transport, store and manage radioactive waste in the Republic of Bulgaria.

The Minister of Transport and Communications and the Minister of Defense perform specialized functions in the field of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation.

According to Art. 5 from ASUNE, coordination between the institutions is a responsibility of the BNRA Chairman.

2.2. Nuclear Power Plants: Overview

2.2.1. Status and Performance of Nuclear Power Plants

There are six nuclear units installed at the site of Kozloduy NPP and commissioned between 1974 and 1991, four of which are WWER-440 units, net capacity 408 MW(e) and two are WWER-1000 units, net capacity of 963 MW(e), all imported from the former USSR (Table 14).


Reactor Unit Type Net
Status Operator Reactor
First Grid
KOZLODUY-5 PWR 963 Operational KOZNPP AEE 1980-07-09 1987-11-05 1987-11-29 1988-12-23 89.5
KOZLODUY-6 PWR 963 Operational KOZNPP AEE 1982-04-01 1991-05-29 1991-08-02 1993-12-30 85.2
KOZLODUY-1 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown KOZNPP AEE 1970-04-01 1974-06-30 1974-07-24 1974-10-28 2002-12-31
KOZLODUY-2 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown KOZNPP AEE 1970-04-01 1975-08-22 1975-08-24 1975-11-10 2002-12-31
KOZLODUY-3 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown KOZNPP AEE 1973-10-01 1980-12-04 1980-12-17 1981-01-20 2006-12-31
KOZLODUY-4 PWR 408 Permanent Shutdown KOZNPP AEE 1973-10-01 1982-04-25 1982-05-17 1982-06-20 2006-12-31
BELENE-1 PWR 953 Cancelled Constr. KOZNPP ASE 1987-01-01 2012-03-28
BELENE-2 PWR 953 Cancelled Constr. KOZNPP ASE 1987-03-31 2012-03-28
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).
Note: Table 7 is completely generated from PRIS data to reflect the latest available information and may be more up to date than the text of the report.

Units 1-4 were shut down before the term set following the governmental decision. The shutdown units are in the process of decommissioning. Since March 2013, the units have been part of the State Enterprise Radioactive Waste and do not belong to the plant assets.

According to the Governmental decision #250 from 28 March 2012 the Belene NPP project was terminated.

FIG. 4. Location of the Kolzoduy NPP

In the period from 2007 to 2016, only two out of six nuclear units of Kozloduy NPP site were in operation. The plant electricity share in the total electricity generation in Bulgaria was 32÷36 %.

FIG. 5. Nuclear Power Share in Bulgarian Energy Sector

Following the maximum electricity generation of 20, 221,719 MWh in 2002 with six units in operation and 19,493,219 MWh in 2006 with four units in operation, having only Units 5&6 in operation, the plant gross electricity generation ranges between 15,300,000 and 16,000,000 MWh.

2.2.2. Plant Upgrading, Plant Life Management and License Renewals

The activities for residual life assessment and management of Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) important to safety were launched in 1994 with the development of 10-year schedules for equipment maintenance on units 5 and 6, an Investment Programme, and the preparation and issue of a large-scale Programme for Modernisation of the Kozloduy NPP Units 5 and 6, The KNPP Units 5&6 Modernisation Programme was intended to maintain the plant safety at high level during the design, operating life, and for another 15 to 20 years after decommissioning.

The extensive modernisation of the units completed over the period 1998-2008, achieved the following key results that gave grounds for proceeding with the drafting of a programme to ensure the LTO, namely as follows:

  • safety enhancement in view of the IAEA recommendations provided in the document entitled Safety Issues and their Ranking for VVER-1000 model 320 NPPs, (IAEA-EBP-VVER-05);

  • enhancing the reliability and operability of the equipment and units as a whole;

  • shortening the outage durations;

  • setting the preconditions for long-term operation by means of:

  • replacement of old pieces of equipment with new ones;

  • confirming the possibilities of longer operating life for the existing equipment;

In 2008, an expert IAEA mission was conducted to review the progress on the Modernisation Programme implementation on KNPP units 5 & 6.

As a result of the above mentioned activities, Ageing Management Plan for KNPP Units 5 and 6 was approved in 2003 aiming to identify the activities, time-frames, and funds needed to ensure the lifetime of the units. Following the completion of all the Modernisation Programme measures, this Plan grew into the Lifetime Management Programme for KNPP Units 5 and 6, approved in 2008. The updated programme also considered the BNRA regulatory requirements concerning plant life management, and those regarding the steps that KNPP has to take for the issuance of operating licences for the units beyond their design life. The Programme was developed in conformity with article 48 section 15 of the Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing Licenses and Permits for Safe Use of Nuclear Energy of 18.05.2004.

The Programme also presents the KNPP concept on life management of SSCs of the units 5 and 6 safety systems and systems important to safety until the expiry of their design life, as well as on ensuring the beyond design life operation with respect of both the licensing requirements, and those provided by the applicable IAEA guidelines.

The activities to fulfill the preparatory Programme for the operating life extension of units 5 and 6 were divided in two main stages:

  1. Comprehensive assessment and residual lifetime evaluation of the equipment and facilities of Kozloduy NPP units 5 and 6;

  2. Investment project for implementing the plant life extension Programme, within the timeframes of 2014-2017 for unit 5, and 2016-2019 for unit 6.

According to the Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing Licences and Permits for Safe Use of Nuclear Energy, the operating licenses are issued by the BNRA for a term not exceeding 10 years. The extension of the license validity falls within the scope of the licenses renewal procedure, defined in Section V of the Regulation.

Kozloduy NPP Units 5&6 are operated in accordance with the operating licenses in force issued by the BNRA Chairman. The term of validity of the licenses for units 5 and 6 is 2017 and 2019, respectively.

Since the middle of 2014, the actual activities related to the implementation of PSR started. The scope and the way to conduct the PSR of Kozloduy NPP units 5&6 are defined in the "Methodology for conducting a Periodic Safety Review of Kozloduy NPP units 5&6", concurred with the BNRA; it comprises inspection and determining the status of 14 safety factors, in accordance with the IAEA recommendations as set in "SSG-25 Periodic SafetyReview for Nuclear Power Plants".

The results from the inspections of the individual factors are summarized in a full assessment of units 5&6 safety, based on all findings - positive (strengths) and negative (deviations), and proposals for safety enhancement are developed in a complex programme for implementation.

As a result of the PSR a complex programme will be prepared for implementation of measure for maintaining/enhancing units 5&6 safety. It is expected that these activities will be completed in the end of 2016.

The results from the project for Kozloduy NPP units 5&6 lifetime extension shall be used for the development of the Safety Analysis Report, confirming the units' ability for long-term operation, which should be submitted to the BNRA as a part of the necessary documents for the licenses renewal.

The Kozloduy NPP units 5&6 thermal power uprate to 104% project realization includes several planned activities conditionally divided in the following seven stages:

  1. Preparation of design documentation, substantiating the safe operation of the reactor installations WWER-1000/B-320 at increased power level of 3120 MW and submitting the documentation to the BNRA.

  2. Power units operating license modification. Based on the results from Stage 1 Kozloduy NPP has started an exchange of letters with the BNRA as regards the modification of the permission regime and modification of the license conditions.

  3. Implementation of the technical conditions required for carrying out of Complex tests at increased power level of the Nuclear Steam Supply System, including implementation of the technical modifications of the unit SSCs.

  4. Complex tests at increased power level for the NSSS. At this stage the working characteristics of the NSSS at increased thermal power operation are experimentally taken down.

  5. Processing of the results from the complex tests. Correcting and updating the design and the operating documentation based on the conclusions and findings from the measurements analysis, as obtained in Stage 4.

  6. Preparation for transition to continuous operation of the unit at increased power level (implementation of the SSCs modifications related to the modernization of the main non-nuclear island equipment of the power units - turbine flow-through part, electric generator and related assembly activities).

  7. Unit operation at increased power level.

Units 5:

Stage 1 of the modernization of the steam generators moisture separation system of Unit 5 was implemented, to ensure the design moisture of the steam in increased power operation up to 104% from the rated power; the hardware and the software of the In-core instrumentation system were also reworked.

It is foreseen that Stage 2 of the modernization of the steam generators moisture separation system will start in 2016, and the full restructuring is foreseen to be completed in 2017.

The modernization of the instrumentation and control equipment for loops temperature measuring system, as well as the modification and the adjustment of the reactor protective and control systems, will be implemented during the annual outage in 2016.

Contractor for the restructuring of the high pressure turbine cylinder is due to be selected for the modernization of turbine K 1000-60/1500-2.

The modernization of the turbogenerator TVV-1000-4 UZ consists of supplying a new stator, performing restructuring of the generator rotor type TVV-1000-4 UZ, and restructuring of exciter BVD-4600-1500 UZ, so that the additional electric load can be taken and reliable operation of the generator 1100MW is ensured, which is expected to happen in March 2017.

Complex tests at increased power level are foreseen to start in 2017.

Units 6

Stage 1 and partially Stage 2 of the modernization of the steam generators moisture separation system of Unit 6 were implemented, and in 2016 it is expected that the restructuring will be thoroughly completed.

Modernization of the instrumentation and control equipment of the loops temperature measuring system was performed, as well as the reactor protective and control systems; the hardware and the software of the In-core instrumentation system were also reworked.

All the necessary programmes are prepared and consultations with the BNRA were held on the scope and the way of carrying out the complex tests for power uprate up to 104%.

The modernization of the turbogenerator TVV-1000-4 UZ is completed.

After the annual outage in 2015 of Unit 6 the test up to and over 100%Nnom were conducted. The 102%Nnom and 104%Nnom tests are planned to be conducted after the annual outage 2016 of power unit 6.

It is foreseen that after obtaining a permit (license modification) by the BNRA unit 6 will continue to operate with base load and increased power - 104%Nnom.

The investment project to uprate the thermal power of the reactor installations up to 104% is included in the company's business programme and is defined as a priority project. The project for the uprate of the thermal power of the reactor installations up to 104% is implemented in parallel with the implementation of the project for the units lifetime extension.

The project is financed by proper revenue, through the profit and depreciations included in the electric power selling prices. The funds for its implementation are secured with priority.

The lifetime extension of units 5&6, together with the uprate of their thermal power, is one of the economically most profitable investment projects in energy for the moment, since 2100 MW base load will be secured with minimum investments, and the generation of ~426 442 GWh electric power at extremely low prices will be secured for the period 2014-2041.

The expected benefits and outcomes from the realization of the investment considerably surpass the expenses that should be made.

2.3. Future Development of Nuclear Power Sector

2.3.1. Nuclear Power Development Strategy

According to the Council of Ministers Decision taken in principle in 2012, Bulgaria envisages construction of new build at Kozloduy NPP site based on the newest generation III or III+ PWR technology with thermal spectrum neutrons moderated and cooled by light water (K7 unit) The project implementation should be based on the strategic investor involvement in accordance with the State Aid Rules of the EC and without State loans.

In this respect, a Kozloduy NPP-New Build Project Company (KNPP-New Build) was established in May 2012. The initial project company scope of activities was aimed at conducting the Feasibility Study, Environmental Impact Assessment procedure and initiating the procedure for site selection and approval. The greatest part of the preliminary activities has already been completed.

According to the nuclear law, a nuclear power plant shall be built pursuant to a decision in essence of the Council of Ministers. The proposal for capacity construction shall be submitted by the Minister of Energy, accompanied by an assessment of:

  • nuclear safety and radiation protection analyses, environmental impact and physical protection analyses;

  • the social and economic significance of the construction of a nuclear power plant for the nation or for particular regions;

  • radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel to be generated, as well as their management.

Detailed information about the KNPP-New Build management and staffing, as well as the activities carried out by the company is available at http://www.npp-nb.bg/.

  • Project framework (time scales, number of units, etc); Information about the project framework is still not available as it is in a very early stage.

  • Type of contract (Turnkey, Split Package, Multi Packages); Information about the type of contract is not applicable as it is in a very early stage.

  • Application of nuclear power: electricity supply, heat supply, water desalination etc; Information about the application of nuclear power is still not available as it is in a very early stage.

  • Policy for nuclear fuel cycle; Bulgaria is not in a position to apply a closed fuel cycle. Currently, the national nuclear policy is aimed at open fuel cycle – nuclear fuel is irradiated in a reactor core and spent fuel is shipped to Russian federation for reprocessing and technological storage. High-level waste (HLW) separated at spent fuel reprocessing should be returned to Bulgaria. National practice in spent nuclear fuel management is related to initial 3-5 years storage in reactor pools then in spent fuel storage facilities (Wet and Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility). However, the policy for K7 nuclear fuel cycle is still not available. The policy depends on the final decision of Council of ministers for constructing new nuclear unit.

  • Strategy for funding long term spent fuel handling and final disposal, waste management and decommissioning. Strategy for K7 funding long term spent fuel handling and final disposal, waste management and decommissioning depends on the final decision of Council of Ministers for constructing a new nuclear unit.


Station/Project Name Type Capacity Expected Construction Start Year Expected Commercial Year
 KNPP-7  PWR up to 1200 MW  N.A.  N.A. 

2.4. Organizations Involved in Construction of NPPs

There are currently no new nuclear power plant construction related activities taking place in Bulgaria.

2.5. Organizations Involved in Operation of NPPs

According to Resolution No.70, dated 20 February 2001, adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, all nuclear facilities and other equipment of Kozloduy NPP Plc are identified as one nuclear installation and Kozloduy NPP Plc. is the “Nuclear Installation operator”, in terms of the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and in this role - the bearer of the relevant civil liability. As a ‘License Holder’ according to the Convention on Nuclear Safety, the company also bears liability in nuclear safety. The company holds a license, issued by the State Energy Regulation Commission for production of electrical and thermal energy (Decision No. 049 dated 11.12.2000 by SERC).

The sole shareholder of the Company is the Bulgarian Energy Holding.

Kozloduy NPP Plc is a separate corporate body, registered under the Commercial Law, which has an independent balance and bank accounts. Kozloduy NPP Plc is managed under a one-tier management system, the managing bodies being the Sole Shareholder and the Board of Directors. Kozloduy NPP Plc organises and manages its commercial activities in accordance with the Statute and the Corporate Structure and Activity Code.

2.6. Organizations Involved in Decommissioning of NPPs

Organisations Involved in KNPP Unit 1&4 Decommissioning:

  • Ministry of Energy- monitor the status of the decommissioning process;

  • State Enterprise Radioactive Waste – carry out the decommissioning process and the preparatory work for decommissioning at Units 1&4. Unit 1&2 have been issued decommissioning licences and units 3&4 have been operated as radioactive waste management facilities which are subject to decommissioning;

  • Kozloduy NPP – operate the dry storage facility for the WWER-440 SF. The facility has been funded by Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund

In the context of the negotiations for accession to the European Union, Bulgaria took the commitment to close and subsequently decommission KNPP units 1 to 4 (Units 1&2 were shut down in 2002 and Units 3&4 shut down in 2006).

Recognizing the exceptional social, economic and financial burden of the commitment, the European Union decided to provide a financial contribution for support the decommissioning activities carried out at KNPP Units1&4. Therefore, Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF) has been established, administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in order to support the decommissioning activities and to mitigate the negative consequences of the units' early closure.

The following major projects are financed by KIDSF:

  • Project for construction, commissioning and operation of a national near-surface disposal facility for short-lived low and intermediate-level waste;

  • Facility for Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Waste with High Volume Reduction Factor (Plasma Melting Facility);

  • Project for treatment and conditioning of the solidified phase of evaporator concentrates;

  • Project for evaluation of the Material Backlog and Radiological Inventory of KNPP Units 1-4;

  • Size reduction and decontamination workshop.

At national level, a purposive Decommissioning Fund has been established for financing the nuclear facilities decommissioning process.

2.7. Fuel Cycle Including Waste Management

In September 2015, the Strategy on Spent Fuel (SF) and Radioactive Waste (RAW) management until 2030 was updated by the Council of Ministers in order to be taken into account any changes in national policy and nuclear infrastructure as well as any amendments and modifications in national legislative, regulatory and administrative framework.

The strategy lays down the overall vision, objectives and principles on safe SF and RAW management covering all types and stages of their management from generation to disposal. The document outlines the technical solutions already implemented and planned; the operational state of existing facilities as well as the further steps needed to be taken for constructing the new ones.

Bulgaria will continue transporting SF assemblies to the Russian Federation for storage and reprocessing. This approach is assessed as the most acceptable alternative for SF management in terms of safety and economical point of view.

Regarding the RAW management, Bulgarian main priority project is construction, commissioning and operation of a national near-surface disposal facility for short-lived low and intermediate-level waste (National Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility-NDF). The trench type repository is foreseen to be constructed with multi-barrier protection, including natural and engineered barriers and commissioned in 2021. Concerning the HLW management, an above-ground facility for storage the waste from SF reprocessing with a period of operation up to 100 years is envisaged to be constructed at KNPP site. Concerning the other type of RAW, the following actions are envisaged: improvement of the processes for RAW treatment and primary processing; optimization of processes for RAW reduction both in terms of activity and volume as well as the commissioning of a facility for secondary processing and conditioning of RAW.

The Strategy on SF and RAW until 2030 is available at the Ministry of Energy website: https://www.me.government.bg/bg/themes/aktualizirana-strategiya-za-upravlenie-na-otraboteno-yadreno-gorivo-i-radioaktivni-otpadaci-do-2030-g-1657-0.html

2.7.1 Fuel cycle

The Kozloduy NPP fuel cycle does not include uranium purchase, conversion, enrichment, but only fuel assemblies fabrication by TVEL, interim storage, spent fuel transportation, reprocessing and in the future disposal of VHLW, based on the agreement between Bulgaria and Russia and following long term commercial contracts for fuel supply and spent fuel reprocessing. Diversification options are being surveyed in terms of supply of enriched uranium for the fabrication of fuel assemblies by the current supplier as well as alternative supplier of fuel assemblies.

Kozloduy NPP has been increasing the burn-up and achieved a reduction of spent fuel generation during transition to a 4 year fuel cycle. These design changes have also led to decreasing of specific consumption of natural uranium. In 2016 Kozloduy NPP intends to make a transition to a new fuel assembly which can reach higher BU and has better performance. This transition will also lead to a further reduction of the generated SNF up to 12.5%.

2.7.2. Spent Fuel Management

The SF removed from the reactors is stored in pools situated nearby the reactors. In 1990, the construction of a pool type Wet Spent Fuel Storage Facility (WSFSF) on the site of the Kozloduy NPP was accomplished. It is situated in a separate building on the territory of the Kozloduy NPP. According to the design, the assemblies can be stored in it for a period of 30 years. In 1991, a programme for enhancement of the SFSF safety was elaborated which is now being updated. In 1992, the new seismic characteristics of the Kozloduy NPP site were taken in account in the Programme.

Two independent ecological assessments of the WSFSF were carried out: an expertise made by a team from the Risk-Engineering company as well as a complete report on the impact on the environment made by a group of specialists from the Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski". The results of these assessments do not show any considerable negative impact on the environment from the WSFSF operation.

In 2014 a new licence was issued authorising the operation of the WSNFSF until 2024.

The spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from VVER-1000 reactors is stored at the plant site under conditions which provide safety for the environment and population. After at least 3 years storage in special reactor spent nuclear fuel pools, the fuel is removed to a specially constructed Wet Spent Fuel Storage Facility for storage of spent nuclear fuel for all units.

In 2011, the construction of a dry storage facility for the WWER-440 SNF was completed. It has a capacity for 72 casks of the type CONSTOR each with capacity for 84 spent fuel assemblies with a 50-year storage period. This storage facility is a separate building adjacent to the wet SNF storage facility and it has the capacity to accommodate all the WWER-440 SNF currently in wet storage. In January 2016, a licence was issued authorising the operation of the dry storage facility for a period of 10 years. As of 2016, the transfer of WWER-440 SNF from wet to dry storage will commence in quantities of 3-5 CONSTOR casks per year until there are no more WWER-440 assemblies remaining in the wet storage facility. This will result in yearly emptying of at least 8 SNF baskets in the wet storage facility and their immediate replacement with another 8 SNF baskets from the WWER-1000 reactors, which will suffice to ensure enough room for storage in the SFPs as well as normal operation of the Kozloduy NPP Units 5 and 6 until 2030.

The updated Strategy for the Management of SNF and RAW until 2030 allows for continuation of the yearly shipment of 50 tons of SNF for storage and reprocessing. This can be accomplished in the presence of favourable economic factors and international security guaranteeing safe transport to the reprocessing plant.

In the period 2009 – 2014, 2400 spent fuel assemblies from WWER-440 have been transported to Russia for reprocessing.

No fuel assemblies from WWER-1000 were transported to Russia since 2008.

In 2008 the fuel from the reactor pools of Units 1 and 2 was removed. In 2012 the fuel from the reactor pools of Units 3 and 4 was moved to WSFSF.

The conditions created for safe storage of SNF at the plant site, together with the fact that part of the fuel is transported for reprocessing and long term storage in Russia, provide a mid-term solution of the SNF safe management issue. Together with the Ministry of Energy (ME), NRA and other national institutions implementation is prepared applying the best practices for long term safe storage of radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel.

2.7.3 RAW Management

State Enterprise “Radioactive Waste” (SE RAW) was established in 2004 under the conditions of the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy to meet the requirement for the State responsibility for guaranteeing the safe management of the radioactive waste.

SE RAW is entrusted with management of the radioactive waste outside the site of their generation. The radioactive waste becomes state property from the time of its acceptance by SE RAW. The conditions and procedures for transferring the radioactive waste to the SE RAW are defined by the corresponding Regulation of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA).

SE RAW is responsible to carry out the activities during the whole life cycle of radioactive management facilities – site selection, design, construction, commissioning, operation, rehabilitation and reconstruction, decommissioning and closure/post closure of the facilities for radioactive waste management. It also can perform transportation of radioactive waste out of the site of the waste generation or transportation of radioactive materials in general.

SE RAW implements the above mentioned activities only pursuant to a permit or license for siting, design, construction, commissioning and operation of a radioactive waste management facility and in compliance with nuclear safety and radiation protection regulations.

For implementing its activities SE RAW consists of two specialized divisions for processing and storage of radioactive waste: Specialized Division “RAW Kozloduy” and Specialized Division “Permanent Repository for RAW – Novi Han”. Specialized Division “RAW Kozloduy”

Specialized Division “RAW Kozloduy” is located on the site of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant and is processing the radioactive waste generated from the operation of the plant. It consists of:

  1. Radioactive waste treatment facility, including:

    • Line “Solid RAW” - It is designed for sorting and treatment by compaction of solid RAW in order to reduce the volume and to prepare them for further conditioning. The line includes: Centre for receiving and uploading of solid RAW; Sorting table; Two presses with 50t force; Mechanism for sealing of 210 liters tanks; System for measuring of waste activity; Super-compactor with 910t force; Two depots for tanks; Roll conveyors; Crane-manipulator; 20 tones transport carriage; Two cranes with load capacity of 40t.

    • Line “Liquid RAW” - It is designed for treatment and conditioning of liquid RAW packaging. The line includes: Specialized tank truck for transport of the liquid RAW from the temporary storage facilities; Center for receiving and uploading of liquid RAW; Two receiving tanks for liquid RAW with 40 m3; Two-stages evaporator with receiving tanks for distillate and condensate; Two tanks for concentrated liquid RAW with 12 m3; Receiving bins for cement and chemical supplements; Batcher for the cement and the supplements; Mixer; Pumps, tanks, etc.

    • Installation for deactivation of metal RAW - It is designed for deactivation of solid non-compactable RAW. Installation is built on a modular basis. The line includes: Module No.1–Initial radioactive control; Module No.2 –Jet alkaline degreasing and ultrasonic treatment; Module No.3 – Jet chemical deactivation; Module No.4 – Electrochemical deactivation; Module No.5 – Outgoing radioactive control; Module No.6 –Neutralization; Module No.7 –Technological venting; Module No.8 –Compressed air, reagents and demineralized water; Module No.9 –Drainage and waste water.

  2. Storage for conditioned radioactive waste - It is designed for temporary storage (prior to disposal) of conditioned RAW from Kozloduy NPP. It is a surface ferroconcrete facility which provides the necessary engineering barriers between the stored RAW and the personnel and the environment. It capacity is 1920 reinforced concrete containers with conditioned RAW (960 in each field “A” and “B” in 4 rows one on top of the other). Two bridge cranes of 25 t load capacity each (one for each field) perform all transport operations in the storage facility. They are provided with grip devices for arranging and positioning of the containers with RAW.

  3. Site “Varovostopanstvo” for temporary storage of solid radioactive waste - following sub-sites for RAW management are separated:

    • Storage facility of trench type for storage of solid RAW - It is designed for temporary storage of solid RAW of 2-I and 2-II class and serves all nuclear facilities at the Kozloduy NPP site. The storage facility is surface ferroconcrete construction facility of vault-type. It is separated on forty cells with upper hatch each with dimensions 2,7 x 5,9 x 6,0 m and volume 96,5 m³.

    • Storage facility for temporary storage of processed solid RAW - It is designed for temporary storage of processed solid RAW of class 2-I and 2-II from all nuclear facilities at the Kozloduy NPP site. The storage facility is of building type reinforced concrete panel structure with transport aisle. The processed solid RAW are stored in metal pallets arranged in three rows in height.

    • Site No.1 and No.2 for temporary storage of solid RAW in reinforced concrete containers - It is designed for temporary storage of processed solid RAW of class 2-I and 2-II packed in reinforced concrete containers. It serves all nuclear facilities at the Kozloduy NPP site. The site is with capacity for placing of 2000 reinforced concrete containers.

    • Site for temporary storage of solid RAW in heavy weight containers - It is designed for temporary storage of low-active solid RAW class 2-I and 2-II. It serves all nuclear facilities at the Kozloduy NPP site. The site is with capacity for placing of 14 heavy weight containers. The heavy weight containers with side door are with overall dimensions 5,8 x 2,2 x 2,4 m and net volume of 30 m³.

The conditioning process includes: Extraction of the liquid RAW from the tanks for liquid radioactive concentrate; Transport to the RAW Processing Plant; Concentrating of the liquid radioactive concentrate (when necessary) by evaporation; pH correction; Dosing of the liquid radioactive concentrate, the cement and the supplements; Mixing, homogenization and filling of the cement radioactive mixture into reinforced concrete container; Sealing the package (placing and closing the cover, sealing up the cover’s hole).

Solid compactable RAW is treated using pre-compaction and compaction technology (910 tones super compactor) achieving average volume reduction factor of 7.

Solid non-compactable RAW after deactivation is sorted and conditioned in heavy weight containers.

Liquid RAW is treated using evaporation and cementation technology. Liquid RAW (evaporator concentrates) accepted for treatment in the facility should be up to 7.2E+7Bq/l specific ß-activity.

For conditioning of all type treated RAW is used reinforced concrete containers (RCCs). The reinforced concrete containers is licensed for transport and storage of solid RAW 2-I and 2-II class. It is with overall dimensions 1,95x1,95 x 1,95 m and net volume of 5 m³. Its walls ensure bio-protection in a way that the power of the equivalent dose does not exceed 2 mSv/h in any point its external surface and 0,1mSv/h at 1 m distance from the surface.

The package is in conformity with Technical Specification RAW TR-02/11.07.01.


Categories, m³
Solid RAW
Liquid RAW, m³

Pre-compacted drums, pieces

Super-compacted drums 910t., pieces


Solid RAW packed in RCCs, m³

Solid RAW immobilized in non-radioactive cement matrix, m³

Solid RAW in radioactive cement matrix, m³

Liquid RAW, m³



as of 31.12.2015
Storage facility for conditioned RAW
Storage facility of trench type for storage of solid RAW
Non-treated, m³
Packed in 210 l drums, m³
Super-compacted drums 910 t., m³
Storage facility for temporary storage of processed solid RAW
Raw waste, m³

Packed in 210 l drums, m³

Super-compacted drums 910 t., m³
Site No.1 for temporary storage of solid RAW, RCCs
Site No.2 for temporary storage of solid RAW, RCCs
Site for temporary storage of solid RAW in heavy weight containers
Non-treated, m³
Packed in 210 l drums, m³
Super-compacted drums 910 t., m³
0 Specialized Division “Permanent Repository for RAW – Novi Han”

The Permanent Repository for Radioactive Waste (PRRAW) is situated near the village of Novi Han, municipality of Elin Pelin. It was established in the late 50’s and the early 60’s of the XX century in accordance with the country’s legislation in effect.

The repository was designed for storage of radioactive waste resulting from the application of radioactive sources in medicine – for diagnostics and treatment, as well as in industry, science and education.

Since its commissioning in 1964, until 2006, the Permanent Repository for Radioactive Waste – Novi Han was managed by the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in accordance with the country’s legislation and with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency – Vienna.

The purpose of the repository, as well as of all similar facilities in each country, is to ensure safe management of the waste in the long run. Currently the repository provides safe storage for radioactive waste generated over the last 48 years. They are stored in appropriate multi-barrier facilities – shafts, concrete containers, high-load capacity containers.

The following storage facilities are located at the Permanent Repository for Radioactive Waste – Novi Han:

  • Solid RAW Storage Facility - for storage of non-conditioned solid low and intermediate level short-lived RAW (2a category). The capacity is 237 m3. It consists of three identical cages, with dimensions 5 x 4.5 x 3.5 m. It is dug into ground reinforced concrete multi barrier facility with 15.7 m length, 5.83 m width, and height of the aboveground part 1.2/1.6 m. It is constructed of reinforced concrete with 300 mm thickness, two-sided hydro-insulated with 20 mm bituminous insulation, with lining of 4 mm stainless steel sheets. The external insulation layer is additionally protected by bricks walls with 120 mm thickness. The storage facility is filled up from the surface through 7 hatches with external diameter 100 cm and 120 cm. According to the design, after the fulfilling of the cages, they could be grouted with concrete.

  • Biological RAW Storage Facility - for storage of conditioned by stabilization in the gypsum matrix of pre-treated with formaldehyde biological RAW, low and intermediate level short-lived category 2a. The capacity of the storage facility is 80 m3. Its construction is similar to the above described one with smaller dimensions – 8.35 m length, 4.00 m width, 2.5 m depth, and 0.5 m height of the over ground part (roof construction). The facility is accessible from the surface through 8 hatches with dimensions 80 x 80 cm.

  • Spent Sealed Sources Storage Facility - for storage of non-conditioned low and intermediate level sealed sources category 2a. Its capacity is 1 m3. The reinforced concrete facility, with lining of stainless steel is situated in 5.5 m depth under the ground surface. The sources are received through serpentine of stainless steel with 50 mm diameter. The heavy concrete and 5 lead plates with 10 mm thickness, situated between the storage facility and the surface provide the protection against ionising radiation. The storage facility is additionally protected with heavy roof construction.

  • Engineering trench for solid RAW - For non-conditioned solid low and intermediate level short lived solid waste category 2a. The storage facility is with capacity of 200 m3 and dimensions 29 m length and 4.1 m width. It consists of 8 cages built up of ready-made reinforced concrete elements with 300 mm thickness, bituminous hydro -insulation and supporting brick wall. It is provided with a drain system. It is fulfilled from the ground surface through hatches with diameter 130 cm. Three of the cages are completely filled, stabilised with cement grout, and covered with temporary protective coating.

  • Storage for liquid RAW - for storage of unprocessed low and intermediate level liquid RAW category 1 and 2a. Four tanks of stainless steel type 1X18H9T with 4 mm thickness, constructed in reinforced concrete cages with dimensions 5.7 x 7.4 x 4.3 m on concrete supports at 0.5 m above the cage’s floor. The cage is completely dug into the ground. The capacity is 48 m3.

  • Site for temporary storage of low-active short and long lived wastes (2a and 2b categories) in railway (ISO) containers. Smoke detectors in transport packages, solid RAW and (-disused sources with low specific activity, which do not require additional protection, neutron sources and (-sources in transport packages, are stored on the site. In one of the ISO containers are disposed depleted uranium shielding in metal palettes. Chemical compounds - UO2(NO3)3, UO2(NO3)2, UO2(CH3COO)2, Th(NO3)4, ThO2, etc. are stored in another ISO container. The ISO containers are with dimensions 6.05x2.45x2.30 m. The site capacity is 14 railway ISO containers with 464 m3 total volume. Currently 13 ISO containers are loaded with radioactive waste with total volume 238 m3.

  • Site for temporary storage of medium – active short and long lived RAW (2a and 2b categories) in concrete storage units “PEK” type, reinforced concrete containers (RCC) StBKKUB type; RCC-StBK type and RCC-StBKGOU type. On the site are stored spent sealed sources in transport packages in concrete storage units “PEK” type, spent sealed sources in RCC-StBKKUB type and RCC-StBK type, and gamma-irradiation devices in reinforced concrete containers StBKGOU type. Currently there are disposed 46 RCC-StBKKUB type, with useful volume 1.45 m3, 11 RCC- StBK type with useful volume 5 m3, 4 concrete storage units “PEK” type with useful volume 8 m3 and 13 RCC - StBKGOU type with useful volume 3.3 m3. The total volume of loaded radioactive waste at the site is 166 m3.

  • Site for storage of low-active RAW - RAW are stored in 200-liters drums and in euro-pallets. The site capacity is 400 drums and 100 euro-pallets. The total volume of wastes is 68.4m3. Currently the site is in process of release in preparation for decommissioning of the repository.

  • Processing building – used for acceptance control, preparation and laboratory complex. Acceptance control, preparation and laboratory complex (ACPLC) is used for acceptance control and treatment of RAW. In case of smoke detectors, the spent sealed sources are dismantled from the plastic holders in the glove boxes. In ACPLC there are also: Cementation Unit; Unit for LRAW treatment; Press System; Abrasive decontamination.

  • Hot cell building - used for acceptance control of RAW and dismantling containers with Co-60 and Cs-137 sources.

FIG. 6. Current status of disposal vaults and storage units

2.8. Research and Development

2.8.1. R&D Organizations

  • Sofia University - www.uni-sofia.bg

    The University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski is the oldest higher education institution in Bulgaria, founded on 1 October, 1888. The university has 16 faculties and three departments, where over 21,000 students receive their education.

  • Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy INRNE- www.inrne. bas.bg

  • Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Power Engineering and Power Machines - http://www.tu-sofia.bg/faculties/read/16

Today FPEPM is a leading factor in the preparation of highly qualified engineers in the sphere of thermal engineering, nuclear engineering, energy efficiency, renewable sources of energy, hydraulics and pneumatics and textile technology.

Four departments are involved in the educational process:

  • Department of Thermal Power Engineering and Nuclear Power Engineering

  • Department of Thermal and Refrigeration Engineering

  • Department of Hydroaerodynamics and Hydraulic Machines

  • Department of Textiles

2.8.3. International Co-operation and Initiatives

As a member state of the EU and IAEA, Bulgaria supports and participates in various international programmes – e.g. INPRO, ITER, GNEP, GICNT, NSG, Zangger Committee.

Bulgaria is a member of international conventions and treaties listed in Appendix 1.

Bulgaria has bilateral and multilateral international agreements about information exchange with all neighbouring states and general cooperation agreements with other countries having a substantial nuclear programme. (see Appendix 1)

Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency is a member of:

  • ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group);

  • VVER Forum;

  • WENRA (Western European Nuclear Regulatory Association);

  • ESRA (European Security Regulators’ Association) as observer;

Kozloduy NPP is an active member of the most renowned organizations of the world nuclear community:

  • WANO (World Association of Nuclear Operators);

  • IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency);

  • FORATOM (European Atomic Forum)

  • ENISS (European Nuclear Installations Safety Standards Initiative);

  • ENS (European Nuclear Society) etc.

The Bulgarian Nuclear Society is a member of the European Nuclear Society (ENS) and the Bulgarian Atomic Forum (BULATOM) is a member of Foratom – the association of the European nuclear industry.

Bulgarian scientists take part in research activities organized by international organizations such as OECD/NEA, JRC, CERN, JINR - Dubna, etc.

2.9. Human Resources Development

The system of nuclear staff training and qualification in Bulgaria follows the multistage approach and includes: Secondary vocational education; Higher education (Master’s Degree) for obtaining the relevant degree in natural sciences and engineering, and the educational and research doctor’s degree; Initial and support specialized training to obtain an individual licence to work at a nuclear power plant, taking a specific position (further professional qualification in licenced specialized training centres).

Secondary vocational education in nuclear technology and science is annually granted to about 770 students (48 of whom take the ‘Nuclear Energy’ subject) in two specialized secondary vocational schools. In the Republic of Bulgaria, the higher education of graduates in nuclear technology and nuclear science is carried out in the professional fields of physics, power engineering and chemical technologies, in four accredited higher schools. These schools have a total of 120 students taking bachelor’s programmes, and 70 students, involved in master’s programmes. Currently, the total number of people employed in the nuclear power sector is around 7000 employees. The majority of them (about 65% as at the end of 2011) are directly involved in the maintenance and operation of the Kozloduy NPP, 14% of the staff is part of companies, providing repair and maintenance of equipment, approximately 7% are employed in science, education and engineering activities. About 38% of the staff has a Master’s Degree, while 11 % of the employees hold scientific research degrees. The average age of workers in the nuclear power sector is about 50, and particularly for Kozloduy NPP the major part is in the range of 45-50 years.

2.10. Stakeholder Communication


A referendum on building a new nuclear power plant was held in Bulgaria on 27 January 2013. Whilst it was not explicitly mentioned in the question, it was widely acknowledged that the referendum was about restarting construction at the Belene Nuclear Power Plant.

The referendum requires a turnout of at least 60% for the referendum to be valid. Voters were asked the question "Should nuclear energy be developed in Bulgaria through construction of a new nuclear power plant?"

Although the proposal was approved in all 31 electoral divisions, turnout did not pass the required 60% threshold, resulting in the referendum becoming non-binding.

Invalid/blank votes

Registered voters/turnout

Source: CEC http://referendum.cik.bg/?resh=148

Public consultations

Republic of Bulgaria considers establishing a process to consult, where appropriate, the interested parties, including the public, during the licensing process so that they are able to present their views, and their concerns are addressed.

In respect to public involvement in the licensing process, a text has been prepared for amendment of the Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing Licenses and Permits for Safe Use of Nuclear Energy.

2.11. Emergency Preparedness

The emergency preparedness in case of nuclear or radiological event in the Republic of Bulgaria is a part of the general national arrangements for protection in case of disaster. The main legislative and regulatory requirements for the structure and organization of the emergency preparedness are specified in the Disaster Protection Act (DPA), the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (ASUNE), the Ministry of Interior Act (MIA), and the Regulation on emergency planning and emergency preparedness in case of nuclear and radiation accident.

The Disaster Protection Act establishes, at national level, a unified approach and organization in planning, maintaining emergency preparedness and response during disasters. The Act is harmonized with ASUNE as regards the requirements for development of emergency plans, their contents, the human resources required, material and technical support, etc. According to the DPA, the Council of Ministers establishes the state policy and adopts a National Plan and a National Programme for protection in case of disasters; it also introduces a National System for Early Warning and Notification of the executive authorities and population in case of disaster and determines, through a Regulation, the conditions and the procedure for its implementation, provides for financial resources for protection, including in case of nuclear or radiological emergency situation. The general management of the activities related to the protection of the population and environmental preservation in case of disaster is implemented by the Council of Ministers.

The requirements for emergency preparedness during operation of nuclear facilities are specified in the Act on the Safe Use of Atomic Energy. In accordance with ASUNE, entities implementing activities related to the operation of nuclear facilities are obliged to undertake measures to prevent emergencies and accidents and to mitigate the consequences thereof. The measures for emergency planning are established by the emergency plans, as follows: for protection of the population (off-site emergency plan), which regulates the emergency planning zones and determines the actions to be taken by the competent authorities to protect the population, property and environment in case of an accident; for nuclear facility (on-site emergency plan), which determines the actions to be taken by the licensee or the permit holder to mitigate the accident and eliminate the consequences thereof, according to the off-site emergency plan.

In case of an accident, the licensee/permit holder is obligated to: immediately warn the population and the mayors of municipalities within the emergency planning zones and other competent authorities; take actions for mitigation and remediation of the accident consequences; control and regulate the exposure of the persons engaged in the accident mitigation and liquidation; ensure continuous monitoring of the radioactive releases into the environment.

For more information see Bulgaria’s sixth national report under the Convention on Nuclear Safety http://www.bnra.bg/en/documents-en/conventions-en/reports-en/cns-vi-bulgaria.pdf


3.1. Regulatory Framework

3.1.1. Regulatory Authority

The National Regulatory Authority in the field of safe use of nuclear energy is the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA). The legal framework in respect of the NRA is provided for in the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (ASUNE - in force from July 2002). According to Article 4 (1) of the Act, “State regulation of the safe use of nuclear energy and ionising radiation, the safety of radioactive waste management and the safety of spent fuel management is implemented by the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency”. Article 4 specifies: “the Chairman is an independent specialised authority of the executive power” and “The NRA Chairman shall be designated by a decision of the Council of Ministers and shall be appointed by the Prime Minister for a mandate of five years and may be selected for one more term of office (mandate)”. The functions of the NRA are effectively separated from those of the bodies and organisations involved in promotion or use of nuclear technology

Pursuant to Article 5 of the ASUNE, the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency shall have the following powers:

  • Grant, amend, supplement, renew, suspend and revoke licences and permits;

  • Control the fulfillment of safety requirements and standards, as well as the conditions of licenses and permits granted;

  • Issue and withdraw individual licenses;

  • Undertake enforcement measures and impose administrative penalties;

  • Assign (contract) nuclear safety and radiation protection related external expertise, researches and studies;

  • Implement the interactions with other competent authorities of the executive power vested with some regulatory and control functions and propose to the Council of Ministers measures for co-ordination of the activities;

  • Implement the international co-operation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the field;

  • Provide individuals, legal persons and state bodies with objective information referring to nuclear safety and radiation protection;

  • Submit annually to the Council of Ministers a report on the status of nuclear safety and radiation protection, as well as on the operation of the Agency;

  • Organise and co-ordinate the drafting process and submit to the Council of Ministers the reports for implementation of country obligations under the Convention on Nuclear Safety and the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management;

  • Organise and co-ordinate implementation of the obligations of the Republic of Bulgaria arising from the Agreement Between the People's Republic of Bulgaria and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of the Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, as well as from the Additional Protocol to the Agreement;

  • Perform the functions of a competent authority and a contact point for notification of an accident and for provision of assistance according to the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency;

  • Develop and submit for adoption to the Council of Ministers regulations for the application of the ASUNE;

  • Exercise other powers as may be entrusted thereto by the national legislation.

3.1.2 Organisational Structure of the NRA

A Chairman supported by two Deputy Chairmen and an Executive Secretary governs the NRA. An administration supports the NRA Chairman in implementation of the specified authorities, assures technically the activity, and performs activities on administrative service provided to legal persons and citizens. In its activities, the NRA Chairman and the administration is guided by the adopted by the Council of Ministers Organisational Rules of Procedure. The administration is organised in a General department and 4 departments, distributed into general and specialised administration.

The permanent number of the NRA staff is 114 persons (4 – management team, 1 - financial controller, 1 - local information security officer, 2 positions in internal audit unit, 18 positions in the general administration, and 88 experts and inspectors). Six inspectors work permanently at the Kozloduy NPP site. 95% of inspectors have university education and more than 60% of them have over 15 years of experience in the nuclear field. Four NRA employees have Ph.D. degree, including the Chairman who is also an associate professor.

The NRA is forming its own budget within the overall state budget. In accordance with Article 10, p. 1 of the ASUNE, the Agency operation is financed by the national budget and by income from the licensing fees collected under the Act provisions. Each year, the incomes and the expenditures at NRA budget and its relations to the central state budget, subsides or donations are defined by the annual Act of the State Budget. The ASB is passed in accordance with the order of the Acts passing in the Republic of Bulgaria.

The organisational structure and duties of the NRA structural units were described in the Statute of the NRA (Rules of Procedure), adopted by the Council of Ministers

FIG. 7. Organisational Structure of the NRA

3.1.2. Licensing Process

The main legal provisions for the licensing of nuclear installations in Bulgaria are outlined in the ASUNE. The Act specifies the conditions, the order, terms and time limits for issuance of licenses and permits. The NRA Chairman based on a written application by the applicant shall issue licenses and permits for utilisation of nuclear energy. According to ASUNE Article 20 (1), a licence shall be issued for a term of validity not exceeding ten years.

3.2. National Laws and Regulations in Nuclear Power

The Act on Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (ASUNE) entered into force in the middle of 2002 (2 July 2002). According to the ASUNE, the NRA Chairman has no power to issue regulations. The NRA Chairman develops and submits regulations for the application of the Act to the Council of Ministers for adoption (Article 5, item 17 of the ASUNE), through the Deputy Prime Minister.

The ASUNE specifies the areas, which have to be regulated by the regulations and submitted to the Council of Ministers on a motion of the NRA Chairman or other State Authority. The Transitional and Final Provisions of the ASUNE require that within two years after the entry into force of the ASUNE, the Council of Ministers adopts new regulations.

After entry into force of ASUNE, the NRA initiated a legislative program for development of a comprehensive set of regulations. Initially, the programme included the responsible persons and the deadlines for the development of 19 secondary legal documents (18 Regulations and 1 Rate Schedule) in the area of the safe use of nuclear energy and ionising radiation, safe management of RAW and SNF, physical protection, emergency planning and preparedness, etc. The program was subsequently enlarged and the present number of regulations adopted by the Council of Ministers on the basis of the ASUNE is 24. As the NRA objective is to establish exact and clear regulatory requirements, the legislative program has been based on:

  • existing regulations and practices;

  • full compliance with the national legislation and the international treaties;

  • full compliance with the EU Regulations and Directives;

  • internationally recognised requirements - IAEA Safety Standards;

  • international good practice – practices in leading nuclear countries (European), WENRA (reference levels);

The regulatory practice of the NRA has been build up and developed during a long time by taking into account of the legislative requirements, Agency’s own experience and the good international practices. The NRA continuously improves its regulatory practice by conducting self-assessment, inviting well known international experts as management consultants, inviting independent external reviews, as well as by making use of the vast potential of the IAEA, WENRA and the leading regulators of the world scale. During development of the secondary legislation (regulations), the systematic approach was applied in accordance with the national legislation, the importance of the legislative document and the resources available. Most of the NRA employees participated actively in the development of the secondary legislation, as well as representatives of ministries and other organizations concerned. An internal procedure, part of the QM system, has been developed by the NRA and is applied in the process of regulations drafting and adoption.

In September 2003, the Council of Ministers approved the first two of 24 statutory instruments – Rate Tariff for the Fees Collected by NRA under the ASUNE and Regulation for the Fees Payment Procedure. The Regulation and the Rate Schedule guarantee the stable financing of NRA within the framework of the national budget.

At the beginning of 2004, the regulations, included in the first legislative programme, except the Transport regulation, were submitted in one package for co-ordination with the ministries and the national institutions concerned. Thus, synchronization and interrelation between the secondary legislation, its simultaneous entry into force and standardization of the specific terminology have been achieved. Also, in the development of the regulations, the NRA used the advice and opinion provided to the Chairman by the Advisory Councils on nuclear safety and radiation protection.

Within the following few years, the Council of Ministers adopted the Regulation on the procedure for issuing licenses and permits for the safe use of nuclear energy, the Regulation on ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants and all the rest of the statutory documents prescribed by the Nuclear Act.

In summary, this statutory framework is in force for a period longer than 10 years. The Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy and a significant part of the regulations have been subject to amendment as a result of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union, the IAEA's peer review process, and the experience gained from the application of the essential statutory requirements.

The following fundamental statutory instruments are currently applicable in the field of safe utilization of nuclear energy and in respect of nuclear material procurement, accountability, storage and transport:

  • Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy;

  • Regulation on the procedure for issuing licenses and permits for the safe use of nuclear energy;

  • Regulation on ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants;

  • Regulation on ensuring the safety of research nuclear installations;

  • Regulation on basic norms of radiation protection;

  • Regulation on the radiation protection during activities involving sources of ionizing radiation;

  • Regulation on the radiation protection during work activities involving materials with increased concentration of natural radionuclides;

  • Regulation on the provision of physical protection of nuclear facilities, nuclear material and radioactive substances;

  • Regulation on the conditions and procedure for notification of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency of events in nuclear facilities and sites with sources of ionizing radiation;

  • Regulation on emergency planning and emergency preparedness in case of nuclear and radiological emergencies;

  • Regulation on the conditions and procedure for establishing of special-status areas around nuclear facilities and facilities with sources of ionizing radiation;

  • Regulation on the conditions and procedure of transport of radioactive material;

  • Regulation on the safety of spent fuel management;

  • Regulation on the safety during decommissioning of nuclear facilities;

  • Regulation on the safe management of radioactive waste;

  • Regulation on the terms and procedure for delivery of radioactive waste to the Radioactive Waste State-Owned Company;

  • Regulation on the procedure for payment of the fees collected pursuant to the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy;

  • Regulation on the terms and procedure for obtaining of vocational qualification and on the procedure for issuing of licenses for specialised training and of individual licenses for use of nuclear power;

  • Regulation on the terms and the procedure for collection and provision of information and for maintaining registers on the activities pertaining to the application of safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;

  • Regulation on the terms and procedure for exemption of small quantities of nuclear material from the application of the Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage;

  • Regulation on the procedure for assessment, collection, spending and control of the financial resources and definition of the amount of contributions due on the “Nuclear facilities decommissioning” Fund;

  • Regulation on the procedure for assessment, collection, spending and control of the financial resources and definition of the amount of contributions due on the “Radioactive waste” Fund”;

  • Regulation on radiation protection during activities involving radiographers;

  • Tariff on the fees collected by the NRA pursuant to the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy;

  • Rules of Procedure of Nuclear Regulatory Agency.


  1. National Statistical Institute - http://www.nsi.bg/en

  2. Report under the Convention on Nuclear Safety by the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria for the Sixth Review Meeting in 2014 - http://www.bnra.bg/en/documents-en/conventions-en/reports-en/cns-vi-bulgaria.pdf

  3. Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria till 2020 - http://www.mi.government.bg/files/useruploads/files/epsp/23_energy_strategy2020%D0%95ng_.pdf

  4. Strategy on Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management until 2030 - https://www.me.government.bg/bg/themes/aktualizirana-strategiya-za-upravlenie-na-otraboteno-yadreno-gorivo-i-radioaktivni-otpadaci-do-2030-g-1657-0.html

  5. Bulletin on the state and development of the energy sector in the Republic of Bulgaria issued by the Ministry of Energy - https://www.me.government.bg/files/useruploads/files/eoos/buleti_-energy-_2015-eng.pdf


Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Entry into force:
29 July 1957
NPT related safeguards agreement INFCIRC/178
Entry into force:
29 February 1972
Additional Protocol
Entry into force:
10 October 2000
Improved procedures for designation of safeguards inspectors
Entry into force:
16 October 1988
Supplementary agreement on provision of technical assistance by the IAEA
Entry into force:
18 August 1980
Agreement on privileges and immunities of the IAEA
Entry into force:
17 June 1968
Entry into force:
5 September 1969
- Convention on physical protection of nuclear material
Entry into force:
8 February 1987
- Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident
Entry into force:
26 March 1988
- Convention on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency
Entry into force:
26 March 1988
- Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage and joint protocol
Entry into force:
24 November 1994
- Protocol to amend the Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage
Not signed

- Convention on supplementary compensation for nuclear damage
Not signed

- Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management
Entry into force:
18 June 2001
- Convention on nuclear safety
Entry into force:
24 October 1996
- Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
Entry into force:
15 January 1994
- ZANGGER Committee

- Nuclear Export Guidelines

- Acceptance of NUSS Codes
No reply

- Nuclear Suppliers Group

International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation
(formerly Global Nuclear Energy Partnership)
October 2006


  1. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Greece on early notification in case of nuclear accident and exchange of information for nuclear facilities, 23 April 1989

  2. Agreement between the Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Commission on Atomic Energy of the Republic of Greece on Early Notification of Nuclear Accident and Exchange of Information for Nuclear Facilities, 15 February 1991;

  3. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Romania on Early notification in case of nuclear accident and exchange of information for nuclear facilities, Entry into force: 01.01.1998

  4. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on Early notification in case of nuclear accident and exchange of information for nuclear facilities, Entry into force: 21.05.1998

  5. Agreement between the Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Regulatory Authority of Russia on Nuclear and Radiological Safety, 24.10.1996

  6. Agreement between the Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Protection of the Environment and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine in the domain of the state regulation and control on safety in the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, Entry into force: 20.03.2003

  7. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Russian Federation in the domain of peaceful use of atomic energy, 30.05.1998

  8. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Russian Federation in the domain of atomic energy sector, Entry into force: 30.11.1995

  9. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of Ukraine on Early Notification in Case of Nuclear Accident and Cooperation in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Area, Entry into force: 11.09.2003

  10. Agreement between the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (Republic of Bulgaria) and the Radiation Safety Directorate (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) For Cooperation in Radiation Protection Matters, Entry into force: 17.11. 2010

  11. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in transportation of nuclear material between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bulgaria through the territory of Ukraine and Moldova, Entry into force: 16.04. 2006

  12. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Ukraine on transport of nuclear material between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bulgaria through the territory of Ukraine, Entry into force: 08.09.2006

  13. Agreement between the Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic on cooperation in regulatory safety matters, 29.09.1999

  14. Agreement on cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Argentine Republic in the field of peaceful uses on nuclear energy, 01.08.2000

  15. Agreement between the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the exchange of technical information and cooperation in nuclear safety matters, Entry into force: 10.01.2012

  16. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the United States of America for cooperation in the field of peaceful uses on nuclear energy, Entry into force: 21.06. 1994

  17. Arrangement between the Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Ministry of the Environment, the Protection of Nature and the Reactor Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany, Entry into force: 25.05.1992

  18. Agreement between the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (The Russian Federation) and the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (The Republic of Bulgaria) for the cooperation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety regulation in the peaceful use of atomic energy, Entry into force: 16.05.2014


State Authorities and Organizations
Nuclear Regulatory Agency
69 Shipchenski prokhod Blvd.,
1574 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: (+359 2) 9406-800
Fax: (+359 2) 9406 919
Ministry of Energy
8, Triaditsa Str.,
Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 9263 152
Fax: +359 2 980 76 30
Energy And Water Regulatory Commission
8-10, Al. Dondukov blvd.
Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria
tel: + 359 2 9359 628
fax: + 359 2 988 8782
Ministry of Health
5, Sv. Nedelia squr.
Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria
tel: + 359 2981 01 11
fax: + 359 2 981 18 33
National Center of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection
3 St. Georgi Sofijski str.
Sofia, 1606, Bulgaria
tel: + 359 2 862 11 23
fax: + 359 2 8621059
Ministry of Environment and Water
22 Maria Louiza Blvd.
Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria
tel: + 359 2 940 61 94
fax: + 359 2 986 25 33
State Enterprise Radioactive Waste
52A G. M. Dimitrov Blvd., fl. 6
Sofia 1797, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 9035 100
Fax: +359 2 962 50 78
National Statistical Institute
2, P. Volov Str.
1038 Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 9857 111
Fax: +359 2 9857 764

Research Institutes and Organizations
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies “Acad. A. Balevski”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia University
Technical University
Plovdiv University

TSO and Expert organisations
Atomenergoproekt Ltd.
Atomtoploproekt Ltd.
Enpro Consult Ltd.
EQE Bulgaria
Energy Institute
Quantum Engineering Ltd.
Risk Engineering Ltd.
Theta Consult Ltd.
Worleyparsons Nuclear Services JSC
Other Organizations and Associations
Bulgarian Atomic Forum (BULATOM)
Bulgarian Nuclear Society
Scientific and Technical Union
of the Power Engineers in Bulgaria

Coordinator Information

Albena Georgieva
Department of International Cooperation
Nuclear Regulatory Agency
69 Shipchenski prokhod, blvd.
1574 Sofia

e-mail: A.Georgieva@bnra.bg
tel. +359 2 9406 943
fax. +359 2 9406 919