Small Reactor Utilization |
Utilization of the Thai Research Reactor (TRR-1/M-1) |
S. Chue-inta, N. Klaysuban, C. Tippayakul, A. Konduangkaeo
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
The Thai Research Reactor type TRIGA Mark III has reached 18th core configuration in 2010 after more than thirty years of service since 1977. The recent hexagonal core comprises mixed 107 fuel elements of 8.5-20% U wt.% and five control rods and with maximum neutron flux of 3×1013 cm-2s-1 at 1.2 MW. Core calculation is carried out by Neutronics Computer Codes (3D Deterministic method SRAC and 3D Monte Carlo method MVP) and Thermal Hydraulics Codes (Steady state Calculation COOLODN2 and Reactivity Insertion Analysis EUREKA2/RR). There are 10 in-core tubes (CT, C8, C12, F3, F12, F22, F29, G5, G22 and G33) and 12 out-core tubes and facilities (A1, A4, CA2, CA3, TA, TC, wet tube, SNIF, Rotary specimen rack, void tank and beam tubes and thermal column). The reactor serves research and development on neutron activation analysis, neutron radiography, plant mutation, as well as services on medical radioisotope production (I-131, P-32 and Sm-153), gems quality enhancement and elemental analysis with the total income around 0.45 Million US$ in 2009. The reactor also serves education, training and technology transfer including university reactor experiments and technical tours for the public.
Paper |
Presentation |
Vienna, Austria, 28 June–2 July 2010
© IAEA, 2013
Produced by the IAEA in Austria
July 2013