Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
ICF, Mail Stop E527
Telephone: +1 505 66(5- or 7-, see below)
Telefax: +1 505 667 0405 (verify 5167)
E-mail: ''Prefix'' (for ''Prefix'', see below)

 Name Group Mail Stop Telephone Telefax ''Prefix''
 Baker, Don A. P-24 E526 5-6671 5-4409 baker_d
 Chrien, Robert P-22 D410 7-1674 7-7684 bchrien
 Cobble, James P-24 E526 7-8290 5-4409 cobble
 Delamater, Norman P-24 E526 7-7946 5-4409 ndd
 Ekdahl, Carl NWT F672 7-8214 5-2828 cekdahl
 Fernandez, Juan P-24 E526 7-6575 5-4409 juanc
 Hauer, Allan P-24 E526 7-5643 5-4409 hauer
 Hockaday, Mary P-23 H803 7-0070 5-4121 mhockaday
 Hockaday, Robert P-24 E526 7-5748 5-4409  
 Hsing, Warren P-24 E526 5-7507 5-4409 hsing
 King, Nicholas P-23 H803 6-6306 5-4121 nspk
 Murphy, Thomas P-24 E526 5-5697 5-4409 tjmurphy
 Oertel, John P-24 E526 5-3246 5-4409 oertel
 Watt, Robert P-24 E526 5-2310 5-4409 watt_r
 Wilke, Mark P-23 H803 7-1509 5-4121 wilke




Group Mail Stop Telephone Telefax ''Prefix''
 Abdallah, Joe T-4 B212 7-7388 5-6229  
 Beck, James XTA B220 5-6972 5-2227 beckj
 Besseridez, Bandel XPA B259 7-7450 5-7725  
 Clark, R.E.H. XCI F663 7-7667 5-5553 rehc (on leave of absence. See IAEA.)
 Clover, Michael XCI F663 7-9797 5-5538 mrc
 Cohen, Jim T-4 B212 7-5982 5-6229 cohen
 Collins, Lee T-4 B212 7-2100 5-6229 lac
 Cranfill, Charles XHM D413 7-7582 7-3726 cwc
 Harlow, Frank T-3 B216 7-9090 5-5926  
 Harris, David XTA B220 7-0852 5-2227  
 Hoffman, Nelson XCI F663 7-3417 5-5553 nmh
 Jones, Michael XPA B259 7-7760 5-7725 mej
 Keady, J. T-4 B212 7-2100 6-6229 jjk
 Kopp, Roger XPA B259 5-3010 5-7725 rak
 Krauser, William J. XTA B220 7-6636 5-2227 wjk
 Lagattuta, Kenneth XPA B259 7-2933 5-7725 jkl
 Lindman, Erik XTA B220 5-7519 5-2227  
 Linnebur, Eldon XCI F663 5-7919 5-2227 ejl
 Little, Robert XCI F663 5-3487 5-5553 rcl
 Magelssen, Glenn XTA B220 7-6519 5-2227 gnm
 Mason, Rodney XPA B259 7-5524 5-3389 mason
 McFee, Ronald XTA B220 7-1682 5-2227 mcfee

 Name Group Mail Stop Telephone Telefax ''Prefix''
 Mercer-Smith, James NWT A105 7-1030 5-2213 jasm-s
 Olson, Gordon XTM B226 7-8105 5-5538 glo
 Pollak, Gregory XTA B220 5-2048 5-2227 gdp
 Powers, William XCI F663 5-3614 5-5553 wjp
 Rose, Harvey T-13 B213 7-7347 5-3003 har
 Sierk, A. T-2 B243 7-6784 7-9671 t2ajs
 Thomas, Vincent XPA B259 5-3672 5-3389 vat
 Vu, Hoanh Xuan XPA B259 7-7427 5-3389 hxv
 Wallace, Jon XPA B259 7-5627 5-3389 jonw
 Wingate, Charles XHM D413 7-8954 5-3389 caw
 Winske, Dan XPA B259 7-2868 5-3389 winske


 Name Group Mail Stop Telephone Telefax ''Prefix''
 Allen, Garry CST-7 E525 7-3394 5-4632 garry
 Barton, Jerome CST-12 E537 5-0475 7-6561 jcbart
 Berggren, Ralph P-24 E526 7-0593 5-6834 ralphb
 Czuchlewski, Stephe CST-1 E543 5-2232 5-4267 stevec
 Gibson, Rowena CST-12 J964 5-4306 5-2342 gibson_rowena_r
 Kurnit, Norman P-24 E526 7-6002 5-4409 kurnit
 Piltch, Martin MST-6 G770 5-6835 7-5268 piltch_martin_s
 Rosocha, Louis CST-18 E525 7-8493 5-8441 rosocha
 Sorem, Mike P-24 E527 7-9739 5-4409 msorem


 Name Group Mail Stop Telephone Telefax ''Prefix''
 Archuleta, Fred P-24 E526 5-0709 5-1599 flarchuleta
 Archuleta, Tom P-24 E526 5-1077 5-4409 archuleta_t
 Bush, Harry MST-7 E549 7-7887   mbush
 Cobble, James P-24 E526 7-8290 5-4409 cobble
 Diepolder, Paula FSS-6 M703 7-3549   diepolder
 Faulkner, James P-24 E526 7-8291 5-6834 jrf
 Gibson, Robert P-24 E526 7-5040 5-1599 gibson
 Goldman, Bob XPA B259 5-7873 5-7725 srg
 Hof, Doug CST-25 J519 5-1186 7-2964 hof
 Hurry, Thomas P-24 E526 7-2092 5-4409 hurry
 Jimerson, John P-24 E526 7-8092 5-4409 jimerson
 Letzring, Sam P-24 E526 7-1957 5-4409 letzring
 Moncur, Kent U. of Michigan        
 Okamoto, Nathan P-24 E526 5-1601 5-1599 nokamoto
 Sedillo, Tom P-24 E526 7-7757 5-4409 sedillo_t
 Watt, Robert P-24 E526 5-2310 5-4409 watt_r
 Zirkle, Reid FSS-9 P908 7-9908 5-1723 rezirk


 Name Group Mail Stop Telephone Telefax ''Prefix''
 Anderson, Wallace MST-7 E549 5-3981 7-8109 wanderson
 Elliott, Norman MST-7 E549 7-1587 7-8109 nee
 Foreman, Larry MST-7 E549 7-1846 5-2104 lforem
 Gobby, Pete MST-7 E549 7-6009 7-8109 pgobby
 Gomez, Veronica MST-7 E549 7-5560 7-8109 vgomez
 Henneke, Bobbie MST-7 E549 7-8323 7-8109 henneke
 Lowe, Terry MST-DO G754 5-1131 5-4584 tlowe
 Moore, Joyce MST-7 E549 7-1010 7-8109 jmoore
 Salazar, Mike MST-7 E549 7-9653 7-8109 mslzr

 Name Group Mail Stop Telephone Telefax ''Prefix''
 Goforth, James DX-3 C970 5-0346 5-3050 goforthjh
 Kirkpatrick, Ronald NIS-9 B229 7-7208 5-3456 rck
 Lindemuth, Irvin XPA B259 7-7844 5-7725 irl
 Reinovsky, Robert DX-DO F672 5-6944 5-2828 bobr
 Sheehey, Peter T. XNH F664 7-7879 5-3561 pete
 Shlachter, Jack P-22 E548 5-1888 5-8781 shlachter

Research activities:
The Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) program is a research and technology development program recognized for its potential for producing thermonuclear burn in the laboratory and for its application to weapons physics studies of relevance to the weapons RD&T program. The principal focus of the national ICF program is achievement of thermonuclear ignition in the laboratory. Los Alamos is involved in an aggressive program to determine the feasibility of meeting this goal with the 1.8MJ National Ignition Facility (NIF).

In collaboration with other components of the national ICF program, Los Alamos is pursuing resolution of key indirect drive ignition issues for NIF encompassing target physics, target design, target fabrication, and laser performance. To address the uncertainties in target physics, a collection of three experimental campaigns are pursued on the Nova laser through FY96. The topics of these studies include drive symmetry, implosion physics and hohlraum plasma dynamics. Each experimental campaign includes a well integrated effort in theoretical modeling design, fabrication, diagnostic development, experimental fielding and data analysis. A small local glass laser facility, Trident, has proved essential for much of the diagnostic development and for staging experiments to optimize campaigns on Nova. Los Alamos also maintains robust efforts in NIF target design and fabrication technology development. Developing a target design which is robust and can be manufactured with a cryogenic fuel layer is necessary to meeting the goal of ignition with the NIF. Finally, Los Alamos also maintains a small focused effort in NIF laser technology development. Principal research includes the efficiency of the NIF laser including third harmonic generation, glass laser parameterization, and losses due to stimulated Raman scattering in nitrogen.

To best support the defense program's stewardship mission, ICF is strengthening its ties with core nuclear weapons personnel and promoting AGEX experiments on laser facilities. In conducting the ICF program described above, Los Alamos has sought out participation of key core nuclear weapons personnel. Not only have significant contributions been made in experimental design, fielding and diagnostic development, but the leading NIF target design work has been done by core nuclear weapons personnel. Los Alamos also encourages collaborative ICF/AGEX experiments to address issues of common interest to the ICF and weapons physics communities. Experimental campaigns are fielded at Nova and on the Trident laser.

* Research activities in magnetized target fusion are the evaluation of physics issues related to the implosion of wall-confined magnetized plasmas; evaluation of 200MJ class Russian pulsed power systems as target driver candidates; multi-dimensional MHD computer codes.

IAEA 2001