(EX3/5) New Insights into MHD Dynamics of Magnetically Confined Plasmas
from Experiments in RFX
P. Martin1), S. Martini1),
V. Antoni1), L. Apolloni1),
M. Bagatin1), W. Baker1), O. Barana1),
R. Bartiromo1), P. Bettini1),
A. Boboc1), T. Bolzonella1), A. Buffa1),
A. Canton1), S. Cappello1),
L. Carraro1), R. Cavazzana1),
G. Chitarin1), S. Costa1),
F. D'Angelo1), S. Dal Bello1),
A. De Lorenzi1),
D. Desideri1), D. F. Escande2),
L. Fattorini1), P. Fiorentin1),
P. Franz1), E. Gaio1), L. Garzotti1),
L. Giudicotti1), F. Gnesotto1),
L. Grando1), S. C. Guo1),
P. Innocente1), A. Intravaia1),
R. Lorenzini1), A. Luchetta1),
G. Malesani1), G. Manduchi1),
G. Marchiori1), L. Marrelli1),
E. Martines1), A. Maschio1),
A. Masiello1), F. Milani1),
M. Moresco1), A. Murari1), P. Nielsen1),
M. O'Gorman1), S. Ortolani1),
R. Paccagnella1), R. Pasqualotto1),
B. Pégouriè3), S. Peruzzo1),
R. Piovan1), N. Pomaro1), A. Ponno1),
G. Preti1), M. E. Puiatti1),
G. Rostagni1), F. Sattin1), P. Scarin1),
G. Serianni1), P. Sonato1), E. Spada1),
G. Spizzo1), M. Spolaore1),
C. Taliercio1), G. Telesca1),
D. Terranova1), V. Toigo1),
L. Tramontin1), M. Valisa1),
N. Vianello1), M. Viterbo1), L. Zabeo1),
P. Zaccaria1), P. Zanca1), B. Zaniol1),
L. Zanotto1), E. Zilli1), G. Zollino1)
1) Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom - ENEA sulla Fusione, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy
2) UMR 6633 CNRS-Université de Provence, Avenue Normandie-Niemen, 13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France
3) Association EURATOM-CEA sur la Fusion Contrôlée, C. E.
Cadarache, 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
Abstract. The experimental and theoretical activity performed in the RFX
experiment has allowed a deeper insight into the MHD properties of the RFP
configuration. A set of successful experiments has demonstrated the
possibility of influencing both the amplitude and the spectrum of the
magnetic fluctuations which characterise the RFP configuration. A new regime
(QSH states) where the dynamo mechanism works in a nearly laminar way and a
helical core plasma is produced has been investigated. With these studies a
reduction of the magnetic chaos has been obtained. The continuos rotation of
wall locked resistive tearing modes has been obtained by an m = 0 rotating
perturbation. This perturbation induces rotation of m = 1 non-linearly
coupled modes.
IAEA 2001