(OV4/4) Review of Confinement and Transport Studies in the TJ-II Flexible
C. Alejaldre, J. Alonso,
L. Almoguera, E. Ascasíbar, A. Baciero,
R. Balbín, M. Blaumoser, J. Botija,
B. Brañas, E. de la Cal, A. Cappa,
R. Carrasco, F. Castejón, J. R. Cepero,
C. Cremy, J. Doncel, S. Eguilior,
T. Estrada, A. Fernández,
C. Fuentes,
A. García, I. García-Cortés,
J. Guasp, J. Herranz, C. Hidalgo,
J. A. Jiménez, I. Kirpitchev,
V. Krivenski, I. Labrador,
F. Lapayese, K. Likin, M. Liniers,
A. López-Fraguas,
A. López-Sánchez,
E. de la Luna, R. Martín,
L. Martínez-Laso,
M. Medrano, P. Méndez,
K. J. McCarthy,
F. Medina, B. van Milligen, M. Ochando,
L. Pacios, I. Pastor, M. A. Pedrosa,
A. de la Peña, A. Portas, J. Qin,
L. Rodríguez-Rodrigo, A. Salas,
E. Sánchez, J. Sánchez,
F. Tabarés,
D. Tafalla, V. Tribaldos, J. Vega,
B. Zurro
1) Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, Asociación
Abstract. TJ-II is a four period, low magnetic shear stellarator
R = 1.5m,
a < 0.22m,
1.2T) which was designed to have a high degree of magnetic
configuration flexibility. In the last experimental campaign, coupling of
the full ECH power (
600kW) to the plasma
has been possible using two ECRH transmission lines which have different
power densities. Both helium and hydrogen fuelled plasmas have been
investigated. This paper reviews the latest physics results in particle
control, configuration effects, and transport and fluctuation studies.
IAEA 2001