(IFP/11) Cluster Induced Ignition - A New Approach to Inertial Fusion
T. Desai1), J. T. Mendonca2),
D. Batani3), A. Bernardinello3)
1) National Research Institute for Applied Mathematics,
7th Block, Jaya Nagar, Bangalore-560082, India
2) GOLP, Instituto Superior Technico, 1096-Lisboa codex, Portugal
3) Dipartimento di Fisica ``G. Occhialini'', Università degli Studi di
Milano-Bicocca and INFM, Via Emanueli 15 - 20126 Milano, Italy
Abstract. An ultra intense laser interaction with clusters produce
energetic ions and electrons in MeV range due to cluster explosion. Here we
discuss the possibility of harnessing these particle energies to heat a part
of the pre compressed DT fuel to ignition condition. In this article we are
striving to present the principle concept and the preliminary results are
IAEA 2001