(ITERP/14) Design of ITER-FEAT RF Heating and Current Drive Systems
G. Bosia1), N. Kobayashi1),
K. Ioki1), P. Bibet2), R. Koch3),
R. Chavan4), M. Q. Tran4),
K. Takahashi5), S. Kuzikov6),
V. Vdovin7)
1) ITER Joint Central Team, Boltzmannstrasse 2, 85748
2) DRFC/STID/FCI, CE Cadarache BP n1, 13108 St Paul Lez Durance,
3) Plasma Physics Laboratory, ERM/KMS, 30 Av. de la Renaissance, 1040
4) CRPP, Ass. Euratom - Conf. Suisse, PPB, EPFL 1015 Lausanne,
5) RF Heating Laboratory, JAERI Naka-machi, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken
311-01 JAPAN,
6) Institut of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novograd,
7) Kurchatov Institute for Atomic Energy, Moscow
Abstract. Three radio frequency (RF) heating and current drive
(H & CD) systems are being designed for ITER-FEAT: an electron cyclotron
(EC), an ion cyclotron (IC) and a lower hybrid (LH) System. The launchers of
the RF systems use four ITER equatorial ports and are fully interchangeable.
They feature equal power outputs (20 MW/port), similar neutron shielding
performance, and identical interfaces with the other machine components. An
outline of the design is given in the paper.
IAEA 2001