(ITERP/11(R)) Predicted ELM Energy Loss and Power Loading in ITER-FEAT
A. Loarte1), G. Saibene1),
R. Sartori1), G. Janeschitz2),
Yu. Igitkhanov2), A. S. Kukushkin2),
M. Sugihara2), D. P. Coster3),
A. Herrmann3), L. D. Horton3),
J. Stober3),
N. Asakura4), K. Itami4), H. Tamai4),
G. Matthews5), R. Schneider6),
D. Reiter7), A. W. Leonard8),
G. D. Porter9)
1) EFDA CSU-Garching, MPI für Plasmaphysik, D-85748
Garching bei München, Germany
2) ITER Joint Central Team, MPI für Plasmaphysik, D-85748 Garching
bei München, Germany
3) MPI für Plasmaphysik, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany
4) JAERI, Naka Research Establishment, Naka-machi, Naka-gun,
Ibaraki-ken 311-0193, Japan
5) Joint European Torus, UKAEA Culham Ass., Abingdon OX14 3EA,
United Kingdom
6) MPI für Plasmaphysik, D-17489 Greifswald, Germany
7) Institut für Laser und Plasmaphysik, Heinrich-Heine-Universität
Düsseldorf, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
8) General Atomics, P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608, USA
9) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA
94550, USA
Abstract. Scaling of Type I ELM energy losses from existing experiments to
the ITER-FEAT reference inductive scenario shows that the ELM energy loss is
12 MJ, marginal from divertor lifetime considerations. B2-Eirene
modelling of the transient radiative losses induced by the ELMs shows a
factor of 2 reduction of the divertor load for small ELMs but not for the
12 MJ ELMs. Regimes with reduced ELM sizes (Type II)
compatible with the ITER-FEAT reference performance would be required to
achieve a long lifetime of the divertor target.
IAEA 2001