(ITERP/09) Measurement Requirements and Diagnostic System Designs for
A. J. H. Donné1),
A. E. Costley2), K. Ebisawa2),
G. Janeschitz3), S. Kasai4),
A. Kislyakov5), A. V. Krasilnikov6),
Y. Kusama4), A. Malaquias3),
P. Nielsen7), F. P. Orsitto8),
V. Strelkov9), T. Sugie4), G. Vayakis2),
C. Walker3), S. Yamamoto3),
V. Zaveriaev9), H. Zushi10)
1) FOM-Instituut voor Plasmafysica `Rijnhuizen',
Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
2) ITER JCT, Naka Joint Working Site, Japan
3) ITER JCT, Garching Joint Working Site, Germany
4) JAERI, Naka, Japan
5) Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
6) TRINITY, Troitsk, Russia
7) Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy
8) JET-EFDA/CSU, Abingdon, England
9) Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
10) Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Abstract. The requirements for plasma measurements necessary to support
the different planned operating scenarios of ITER-FEAT are presented. It is
found that as the plasma performance becomes more enhanced the
requirements for plasma measurements become more demanding. The measurements
will be made with a comprehensive diagnostic system and this is briefly
IAEA 2001