Corso Stati Uniti 4, I-35127 Padova
Telephone: +39 049 829 5000/5001
Telefax: +39 049 870 0718
President: | Rostagni, Giorgio |
Director: | Gnesotto, Francesco |
Deputy Director | Buffa, Antonio |
Programme Management
Apolloni, Loris
Bagatin, Mario |
Buffa, Antonio
Ortolani, Sergio |
Piovan, Roberto
Sonato, Piergiorgio |
Physics Groups
Valisa, Marco (Leader)
Carraro, Lorella |
Puiatti, Maria Ester
Scarin, Paolo |
Sattin, Fabio
Antoni, Vanni (Leader)
Cavazzana, Roberto Desideri, Daniele |
Martines, Emilio
Moresco, Maurizio Serianni, Gianluigi |
Spolaore, Monica
Tramontin, Lucia |
Martini, Stefano (Leader)
Bolzonella, Tommaso Canton, Alessandra |
Garzotti, Luca
Innocente, Paolo Lorenzini, Rita |
Terranova, David
Zanca, Paolo |
Martin, Piero (Leader)
Franz, Paolo Giudicotti, Leonardo |
Marrelli, Lionello
Murari, Andrea Nielsen, Per |
Pasqualotto, Roberto
Spizzo, Gianluca Zilli, Enrico |
Escande, Dominique (Leader)
Cappello, Susanna |
Paccagnella, Roberto
Guo, Shi Chong
Engineering Groups
Plasma Engineering
Zaccaria, Pierluigi (Leader)
Baker, William Dal Bello, Samuele |
Marchiori, Giuseppe
Marcuzzi, Diego Masiello, Antonio |
Zollino, Giuseppe
Magnetic Systems
Chitarin, Giuseppe (Leader)
Fiorentin, Pietro |
Peruzzo, Simone
Pomaro, Nicola
Electrical Systems
Toigo, Vanni (Leader)
De Lorenzi, Antonio |
Gaio, Elena
Milani, Francesco
Automation and Information
Luchetta, Adriano (Leader)
Manduchi, Gabriele
Taliercio, Cesare
The objectives of Consorzio RFX are:
RFX, in operation since 1992, is a large (R = 2m, a = 0.46m) RFP device. Its main features are a graphite first wall and controlled power supplies for plasma current and fields. It can store a poloidal flux up to 15 Vs with an air-core and produce plasma currents up to 2 MA with a pulse length up to 0,25 s. It has a diborane boronization system, a 8 pellets injector and a feedback system for magnetic field configuration.
The experiments (approximately 12.000 pulses executed) have already produced a number of novel scientific results, in particular on dynamo and transport phenomena, MHD mode control by external fields, current profile control, chaos-to-order transitions, electrostatic and magnetic turbulence, highly radiative régimes. New techniques have been developed for plasma measurements, magnetic field control, power handling, remote manipulation and vision.
Presently RFX is under shutdown for restoration after a fire that partially damaged the RFX power supplies and for improvements to the load assembly. Plasma experiments will be resumed in 2003.
1Partners: CNR, ENEA, Universita' di Padova, Acciaierie Venete S.p.A.
Consorzio RFX is the Padova Research Unit of the ENEA-Euratom Association.