Bhat, Gandhinagar - 382 428 Gujarat

Telephone: +91 079 3269001to 3269015 and 3269031 to 3269041
Telefax: +91 079 3269017

Senior Faculty
Dr. Agarwal, A.K.
Dr. Ahalpara, D.P.
Dr. Ahmed, Saiyed Maqbool
Mr. Atrey, Pravin Kumar
Mr. Bhatt, S.B.
Dr. Bhattahcharyya, Sati Nath
Dr. Bora, Dhiraj
Mr. Buch, Bhadresh N.
Dr. Chainani, Ashish Atma
Dr. Chaturvedi, Shashank
Dr. Das, Amita
Dr. Deshpande, Shishir P.
Dr. Govindarajan, J.
Mr. Gupta, Chet Narayan
Dr. Jain, Kamlesh Kumar
Dr. Jha, Ratneshwar
Prof. John, P.I.
Prof. Kaw, Predhiman K.
Dr. Khare, Avinash
Dr. Kulkarni, Sanjay
Dr. Kumar, Ajai
Dr. Kumar, Vinay
Prof. Mattoo, S.K.
Dr. Mukherjee, Subroto
Dr. Patel, R.J.
Dr. Pathak, H.A.
Dr. Pathak, Surya Kumar
Dr. Prasad, K.S. Ganesh
Mr. Pujara, Harshad D.
Dr. Ramachandran, Hari
Dr. Ranjan, Prabhat
Dr. Rao, C.V.S.
Dr. Reddy, D. Chenna
Prof. Saxena, Y.C.
Prof. Sen, Abhijit
Dr. Sethia, G.C.
Dr. Shyam, Anurag
Dr. Singh, Mahendrajit
Dr. Singh, Raghvendra
Dr. Vasu, P.

Research activities:
The Institute for Plasma Research was established as an autonomous institution in 1986 under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The major objectives of the Institute are to carry out experimental and theoretical research in plasma physics with an emphasis on the physics of magnetically confined hot plasmas and nonlinear phenomena.

The largest experimental device is a medium sized tokamak ADITYA. The Institute is now in the process of fabricating its next generation tokamak SST 1. SST (Superconducting Steady State Tokamak) is a medium sized high aspect ratio machine with elongated plasmas and a double null divertor with plasma duration of 1000 seconds and is scheduled to be ready for experiments by 2002. A large number of smaller laboratory devices carry out basic experiments. The Institute also has an active graduate students programme and in recent years has initiated a research programme in plasma based process in industrial applications.

Funding Agency:
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India
Approximate fund - Rs. 20 crores.

IAEA 2001