JAEA-IAEA Workshop on Advanced Safeguards Technology for the Future Nuclear Fuel Cycle
13-16 November 2007
Techno Community Square Ricotti Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan
We are pleased to announce that over 90 participants, representing 17 different countries, attended the event and 30 papers on diverse topics surrounding Advanced Safeguards Technology were presented.
- Please see the Workshop Agenda by clicking the link below, which has also been emailed to all participants.
Final Workshop Agenda |
Final Papers and Presentations NEW |
This international workshop will address issues and technologies associated with safeguarding the future nuclear fuel cycle. The workshop will discuss issues of interest to the Safeguards community, facility operators and States systems of accounting and control of nuclear materials.
This workshop will be of interest to individuals and organizations concerned with future nuclear fuel cycle technical developments and safeguards technologies. This includes representatives from the nuclear industry, R&D organizations, Safeguards inspectorates, States systems of accountancy and control, and Member States support programmes.
1 Challenges for Safeguards in the near future
- The Integrated Safeguards Approach
- Improving Safeguards approaches for large-scale plants, including:
- Minor actinides
- Design information verification
- Evaluation simulator
- Safeguards data and information, including:
- Collection
- Processing
- Analysis
- Archival
- Security
2 Advanced Safeguards concepts and Safeguards by design for the future nuclear fuel cycle
- Next generation power reactors and fuel reprocessing and fabrication facilities
- New approaches which combine various concepts of random inspection, zone approaches and others
- Safeguards concepts which are increasingly based on unattended and continuous monitoring (e.g. containment, surveillance, nuclear radiation, etc.) rather than traditional accountancy methods
- Monitoring the isotopic composition of nuclear fuel (e.g. for the presence of curium in fresh fuel)
3 New and novel Safeguards technologies
- Detection and analytic methods, including:
- Destructive analysis (DA), Nondestructive analysis (NDA)
- Near real time accountancy (NRTA)
- Remote monitoring
- Advanced sensors, including the outcome and recommendations resulting from the IAEA/POTAS April 2007 Workshop on advanced sensor technology
- Verification
- Containment and sealing systems
- Surveillance and other imaging systems
- Design information verification (DIV)
- Instruments for nuclear forensic investigations
- Detection of undeclared nuclear activities, facilities and materials, including:
- Environmental sampling
- Satellite imagery
The working language of the WS will be English. However, simultaneous English to Japanese translation will be offered at the Opening session. All communications, synopses, abstracts and papers must be sent to the IAEA copy to JAEA as described in 5(a) in English.
The workshop will be held at the Techno Community Square Ricotti, Tokai-mura, which is located approximately 140 km North East of Tokyo. The conference centre is conveniently located 1 minute on foot from the East exit of JR Tokai Railway Station.
Scientific secretariat:
Mr. Julian Whichello
Division Safeguards
Wagramer Strasse 5
P.O. Box 100
1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 2600 21867
Fax: +43 1 2600 29317
Email: j.whichello@iaea.org
Mr Ryoji Aso
Nuclear Non-proliferation Science and Technology Center (NPSTC)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Tel.: +81 29 284 3490
Fax: +81 29 284 3678
Email: npstc2007ws@jaea.go.jp