IAEA International Workshop on Lessons Learned from Strong Earthquakes
19-21 June 2008
Organized by the
In cooperation with the
Hosted by the
1. BACKGROUND Seismic safety of nuclear installations is a subject that has received substantial attention at the IAEA within the framework of its statutory functions for establishing nuclear Safety Standards and providing for their applications. IAEA Safety Standards have been developed since the 1970s and significantly improved in late 1990s. Today they are widely applied among the Member States. The seismic safety review services based on these Standards started in 1980s and at present more than 110 missions of interdisciplinary team of experts were implemented in many countries during the site selection and evaluation phases, and for new and existing nuclear installations. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP The main objective of this Workshop is sharing information in relation to recent technical knowledge and research developments, as well as the experience and good practices relating to the occurrences and effects of this type of extreme external event on nuclear power plant sites. Thus, learning from the lessons of these recent events, will allow the review, revision and expansion, as appropriate, of the Agency Safety Standards relevant in the subject of seismic safety. Some of these actions are already underway. 3. SCOPE OF THE WORKSHOP
The Workshop will cover the following scope, in relation to the phenomena and the nuclear installation type:
4. STRUCTURE OF THE WORKSHOP The Workshop consists of 6 sessions besides the welcome and opening addresses and the closing remarks. The 6 sessions will be organized in an open forum style, allowing the participation of a wide audience These sessions are as follows: 19 June 2008
(Presentations from Tohoku EPCO, TEPCO, NISA, JNES, researchers, IAEA) Session 2: Methods for the evaluation of seismic hazards and recent applications in Member States. 20 June 2008
21 June 2008 5. PARTICIPATION Expected participants are high level experts from regulatory authorities, utilities, engineering and consultancy organisations, and academic and R&D institutions, involved in the topics that the Workshop is targeting. Participants should be officially designated by their relevant governmental authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs or National Atomic Energy Authority) and should send by fax or e-mail, the attached participation form before 15 May 2008 to the Scientific Secretaries of the Workshop. All participants should be registered through a designated channel as mentioned above. 6. ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKSHOP The Workshop is organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and hosted by the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) of Japan. The working language of the Workshop will be English but simultaneous translation between English and Japanese will be provided. The organizing institution nominated the following committees and members:
7. ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS The Workshop is organized through presentations by invited lecturers. TITLE OF PAPER ABSTRACT KEY WORDS In addition to the Master (paper) copy, an electronic version of the paper is necessary to ensure quality and timely issuance of the proceedings to be prepared and distributed in electronic form (CD-ROM). It is highly desirable to use an internationally used software programme, preferably in MS Word format. 8. DELIVERABLE A working material document containing all presentations including conclusions and recommendations will be issued and distributed by IAEA, not later than 6 months after the Workshop. 9. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Workshop location: Kashiwazaki Civic Plaza, Kashiwazaki, Japan. Workshop logistics and accommodation Enquiries regarding logistical arrangements (hotel, accommodation, transportation, etc.) and any general information requests should be addressed to NISA (Mr Masahiro Yagi, Email:yagi-masahiro@meti.go.jp).Visa The need of visa to enter Japan should be checked by the Participant. The IAEA Scientific Secretaries will send an invitation letter if so requested for such purposes. 10. EXPENDITURES The organizational cost of the Workshop is borne by the host organizations. The Agency is not in a position to bear the travel and other costs for the designated participants to the Workshop. However, limited funds are available to help cover the cost of participants from Member States eligible to receive technical assistance under the Agency’s Technical Co-operation Programme. Such assistance can be offered, upon specific request through official channel, to one participant per country provided that, in the Agency’s view, this participant will make an important contribution to the Workshop. The application for financial support should be made at the time of nomination of the Participant.