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Announcement Code: 42049 ()
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Workshop on Regulatory Approaches and Strategies for Licensing the first Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Newcomer Countries
Vienna, Austria
16-20 May 2011 Conference ID: 42049  ()
Information Sheet and Participation Form (PDF), Word
Provisional Programme
Note Verbale (PDF)


One of the main challenges for countries embarking on nuclear power programmes remains the establishment of the necessary safety infrastructure. In establishing this infrastructure countries must decide on the strategies and approaches they wish to adopt for licensing their first nuclear power plant (NPP). Nuclear regulatory approaches vary. Some are very prescriptive that leave little room for flexibility, whilst others are of a goal setting nature, allow more latitude in selecting the best means to comply with the rules. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages.
Among other factors, the strategies and approaches will vary depending upon the level of maturity of the regulatory body and competencies available in the country in the field of nuclear safety.
Whatever strategy and approach is adopted, the final goal is to take informed decisions to protect workers and the public and maintain public confidence.
For countries embarking on a nuclear power programme the decision on which approach to adopt is therefore critical in the planning and development of its regulatory infrastructure. For some time the IAEA has recognized the value of sharing Member States’ experiences on this issue and with the increase in the number of Member States actively pursuing a nuclear power programme it is considered timely to hold such a workshop.


This workshop will assist Member States in understanding:
1. The various approaches to regulation, e.g. goal setting, prescriptive.
2. Various regulatory regimes — their benefits and shortcomings.
3. Strategies used by Member States to licence their first NPP.


• Different regulatory approaches.
• Experiences of Member States in implementing the various approaches.
• Benefits, disadvantages and implications of the various approaches.
• Application of the approaches in countries licensing their first nuclear facility.

In order to maximize the benefit of the workshop it would be helpful if presenters could consider the following:
• What is their regulatory approach?
• Why was it chosen?
• Has it been adapted and if so why?
• What has been their experience with their approach?
• What are the implications of adopting their approach — resources, legislation, guidance, timescale, and issues with utilities and the public?
• What advice should be given to a country embarking on a nuclear power programme with respect to adopting a regulatory approach?

And other participants consider:
• What is the situation with respect to the development of a regulatory body in your country?
• Has a specific regulatory approach been adopted and why?
• What has been your experience with this approach?
• Have you adapted / changed it, and if so why?
• If an approach has not been adopted, what are your intentions and why?
• What do you consider are the implications of adopting a specific approach – e.g., resources, legislation, guidance, timescale, issues with utility, public?


This workshop is intended for Member States with established nuclear programmes and those developing such programmes.
To ensure maximum effectiveness in the exchange of information, participants should be from entities actively involved in the subject of the meeting, such as the regulatory body or organizations that have the responsibility for deciding on the approach to nuclear safety regulation to be adopted in a specific country.
Participants should complete the Participation Form (see Attachment A) as soon as possible and send it to the competent official authorities (Ministry of Foreign Affairs or National Atomic Energy Authority) for transmission to the IAEA Secretariat (see Item 9), to arrive no later than 31 March 2011. The designation of a participant will be accepted only if forwarded by the Government of an IAEA Member State or by an organization invited to participate.
The meeting is, in principle, open to all officially designated persons. The Agency, however, reserves the right to limit participation due to limitations imposed by the available facilities. It is, therefore, recommended that interested persons take the necessary steps for the official designation as early as possible.


Designated participants who require a visa to enter Austria should submit the necessary application to the nearest respective diplomatic or consular representatives of Austria as soon as possible.

Similarly, the necessary arrangements for accompanying hardware/software should also be made as soon as possible.


The costs of the workshop are borne by the Agency; no registration fee is charged to participants.

Travel and subsistence expenses of participants will not be borne by the Agency. Limited funds are, however, available to help cover the cost of participants from countries eligible to receive technical assistance under the technical cooperation programme. Such assistance can be offered, upon specific request, to one participant per country provided that, in the Agency’s view, this participant will make an important contribution to the meeting. The application for financial support should be made at the time of designation of the participant.


The working language of the workshop will be English. No simultaneous interpretation will be provided.


The workshop will be held in meeting room A0742 at the IAEA’s Headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and will start on Monday 16 May 2011 at 9.30 a.m. and end at 1.00 p.m. on Friday 20 May 2011.

Participants are kindly requested to be at Checkpoint 1/Gate 1 of the Vienna International Centre (VIC) at least half an hour before the meeting starts to allow adequate time for the photo badge to be issued. Participants are requested to bring with them some form of a personal identification, such as a national passport, so they can be identified at Checkpoint 1.
The workshop agenda and local details, together with information on local arrangements, will be sent to designated participants when the completed participation forms have been received.


The IAEA Scientific Secretary for the meeting is Mr Paul Woodhouse of the Division of Nuclear Installation Safety.

International Atomic Energy Agency
PO Box 100
Vienna International Centre
1400 Vienna, Austria
Fax No.: +43 1 26007 22682
Telephone No.: +43 1 2600 22432
Email: p.woodhouse@iaea.org

Administrative assistance:
Jayne Stringer
Telephone No.: +43 1 2600 22682
Fax No.: +43 1 26007 22682

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International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: (+431) 2600-0, Facsimile (+431) 2600-7
E-mail: Official Mail