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Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources

Standard Syllabus

Training Course Series No. 18

Superseded by: Training Course Series - 18 (Rev. 1)

English IAEA-TCS-18

¦ Date published: 2002

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IAEA offers postgraduate educational courses (PGECs) in radiation protection and the safety of radiation sources in five of its six official languages. The PGEC in Spanish has been conducted in Argentina for more than two decades. The aim of the course is to provide an initial basic professional training in radiation protection and safety for young professionals who will become trainers in later years. The standard syllabus has been revised to take into account the requirements and recommendations of the IAEA Safety Series No.115 (1996) and related safety guides. It is divided into eleven parts including the learning objectives, the prerequisites specified for each part, practical training sessions, training the trainers and a bibliography. The objective of the standard syllabus is to facilitate the integration of courses in radiation protection and the safety of radiation sources into the curricula of educational institutions in Member States and to achieve both consistency and a common level in the technical content of such courses.

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