When will the book be available?
It is anticipated that the book will be published in time for the General Conference in September.
May I buy more than one copy?
Yes. There is no limit to the number of copies that you order. We will make sure that your copies are printed if we receive your order in time. Be aware, though, that stocks will be limited by the print run and so availability cannot be guaranteed for late orders.
Will it be possible to pay a lower price than the pre-publication price?
No. This is the lowest feasible price, based on the cost of origination and production and there are no plans to sell the book at a price lower than the cost of production.
What about free copies - for Member State libraries, counterparts or staff members?
The book is not funded by the regular IAEA budget and therefore there will be no free distribution to the usual Member State depository libraries or to individuals.
I have been working for or with the IAEA - will my photograph be included?
Maybe. The book will focus heavily on IAEA activity and its impact and so it will feature a vast number of individuals who have been associated with the work; however, given that it covers 50 years of IAEA history, we can make no guarantees at this stage about the inclusion of particular individuals.
What about all the staff members working for the IAEA at the time of the Nobel Prize - will they be mentioned?
Yes. Their names will be listed.
How may I get an idea of what is in the book?
Please see the "sample pages" link.
I want to wait until I have seen the book before I order - is this possible?
Of course. Copies may be ordered after the book is published. However, pre-ordering is encouraged (with the incentive of the lower price) because it will be a large, glossy, full colour book and expensive to produce. In order to ensure that there is no over printing, the print run will be determined in part by the pre-publication demand.