Abstract. Zonal flows generated by fluctuations on some scale are expected to affect fluctuations on other different scales in addition to regulating their own fluctuation level. Demonstrating a new role of the zonal flow, we present new intermittent (and/or bursting) transport dynamics resulting from the interaction among different spatio-temporal scale fluctuations through zonal flows. As an example, here we discuss ITG turbulence embedded in a small scale ETG-driven zonal flow based on 3-dimensional gyro-fluid simulations. We have found a new suppression mechanism of the long wavelength ITG mode by the small-scale ETG-driven zonal flow. The origin is from the radial non-local mode coupling and the associated energy transfer between unstable long wavelength ITG modes and near marginal (and/or stable) short wavelength modes through zonal flow. Besides the role of suppression of ITG turbulence, we have for the first time observed intermittent and/or bursting behavior in the ion heat transport originating from the complicated mutual interaction among ETG-driven zonal flows, ITG turbulence, and the associated ITG-driven zonal flows.
IAEA 2003