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(FT/P1-07) Modelling of Materials under Irradiation in Inertial Fusion Reactors: Activation and Damage

J.M. Perlado1), G. Velarde1), J. Sanz2), M. Alonso2), O. Cabellos1), E. Domínguez1), R. Falquina2), A.I. González1), J.G. del Río2), D. Lodi3), J. Marian4), J. Prieto1), S. Reyes4), A. Rodríguez2), M. Salvador1), M. Velarde1)
1) Instituto Fusión Nuclear (DENIM) / ETSII / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
2) also UNED (Spain)
3) also SCK CEN MOL (Belgium)
4) also Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA)

Abstract.  Neutron intensities and primary damage versus time after target emission are presented for IFE protections: LiPb/Flibe. HT evaluation indicates that 90-98% of the total dose comes from ingestion of agriculture and meat, and the rest from inhalation by re-emission. A multiscale modelling (MM) study of pulse irradiation in Fe is presented up to microscopy; we give differences with continuous irradiation. Experimental validation of MM is presented using Fe+ in Fe in VENUS II with CIEMAT. Cascade accumulation and amorphization of SiC is reported; new defects energetic emerge using a new tight-binding molecular-dynamics. A new MonteCarlo procedure estimates effect of activation cross section uncertainties in the accuracy of inventory calculations, based on simultaneous random sampling of all the cross sections; it is implemented in activation code ACAB. We apply, with LLNL, to NIF gunite chamber shielding with reference pulsing operation. Preliminary results show that the 95 percentile of the distribution of the relative error of the contact dose rate can take values up to 1.2. Model is promising for uncertainty analysis of pulsed activation in IFE PP by using a continuous-pulsed model.

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IAEA 2003