Abstract. In JT-60U, with the extended capability of high triangularity operation, multiple pellet injection and high power heating including the negative ion based NBs, we have newly clarified the parameter-linkages determining the pedestal structure (i.e. 'width' ion poloidal gyro radius (not depends on -ped), and 'gradient' (alpha parameter) is almost constant at low triangulariy, while the alpha increases linearly with -total at high triangularity). As a result, we have enhanced the pedestal pressure of the ELMy H-mode by factors of 2-2.5 at the same plasma current and plasma shape, and extended the high confinement regime to a high density. We found that the pedestal stored energy Wped increases with the core energy (or -core) at high triangularity (>0.3-0.4), while Wped is low and almost constant independent of heating power at low triangularity (<0.2). This observation gives a new direction for the scaling study of Wped. In addition, we have expanded the type II (grassy) ELMy high confinement regime (with a small heat load on to divertor plates) to the low-q ( q95 < 4) regime, and demonstrated successful compatibility of the type II ELMs with the pellet injection.
IAEA 2003