Abstract. SOL plasma flow plays an important role in the plasma transport along the field lines, and influences control of the divertor plasma and impurity ions. Recently, mechanisms producing the SOL flow such as drifts produced by electric field and pressure gradient are pointed out. In JT-60U, three reciprocating Mach probes were installed at the high-field-side (HFS) baffle, low-field-side (LFS) midplane and just below the X-point. The measurements of the SOL flow and plasma profiles both at the HFS and LFS, for the first time, found out the SOL flow pattern and its driving mechanism. ``Flow reversal'' was found near the separatrix of the HFS and LFS. Radial profiles of the SOL flow were similar to those calculated numerically using the UEDGE code with the plasma drifts included. SOL particle fluxes towards the HFS and LFS divertors were, for the first time, evaluated. Important physics issues for the divertor design and operation, such as in-out asymmetries of the heat and particle fluxes, and control of impurity ions with intense gas puff and divertor pump (puff and pump), were investigated.
IAEA 2003