I. Voitsekhovitch 1, X. Garbet 2,
D. Moreau 2, R. V. Budny 3, C. E. Bush 2,4,
P. Gohil 5, J. E. Kinsey 5, X. Litaudon 2,6,
T. S. Taylor 5
1 LPIIM, Equipe Turbulence Plasma, CNRS/Université de Provence,
Marseille, France (Permanent address: RRC ``Kurchatov Institute'', Moscow,
2 DRFC, CEA-Cadarache, 13108, St. Paul lez Durance Cedex, France
3 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
4 Permanent address : ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tenessee, USA
5 General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
6 Presently at JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, U.K.
The effects of the magnetic and
rotation shears on
the thermal ion transport in advanced tokamak scenarios are analyzed through
the predictive modelling of the evolution of internal transport barriers . Such
a modelling is performed with an experimentally validated L-mode thermal
diffusivity completed with a semi-empirical shear correction which is based on
simple theoretical arguments from turbulence studies. A multi-machine test of
the model on relevant discharges from the ITER Data Base (TFTR , DIII-D and
JET ) is presented.
IAEA 1999