H. R. Wilson , J. W. Connor , A. R. Field ,
S. J. Fielding , R. J. Hastie , R. L. Miller 1 and
J. B. Taylor
EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon,
Oxon OX14 3DB UK
1 General Atomics San Diego CA 92186-5608 USA
A number of edge plasma physics phenomena are considered to
determine tokamak performance: transport barrier, edge magneto-hydrodynamic
(MHD) instabilities, plasma flow. These phenomena are thought to be causally
related: a spontaneous increase in the plasma flow (actually, its radial
variation) suppresses heat and particle fluxes at the plasma edge, to form a
transport barrier; the edge pressure gradient steepens until limited by MHD
instabilities, resulting in a temperature pedestal at the top of the steep
gradient region; a number of core transport models predict enhanced
confinement for higher values of the temperature pedestal. This paper examines
these phenomena and their interaction.
IAEA 1999