(This paper was rapporteured in lecture EX3/1)
N. Hosogane , H. Kubo , S. Higashijima ,
K. Itami , K. Shimizu , H. Takenaga , H. Tamai ,
S. Konoshima , N. Asakura , S. Sakurai , A. Sakasai ,
T. Ishijima *, M. Shimada and the JT-60 Team
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research
Establishment, Naka-machi, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 311-0193, Japan
* University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1, Tnnoudai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken,
305-0006, Japan
Roles of the inner leg pumping and the private dome, which are
special features of the W-shaped divertor of JT-60U , have been
investigated. The following observations were made: The inner leg pumping
functions well in attached states or partially detached states with weak
X-point MARFE where the inner particle recycling is enhanced. A combination of
main gas puff and inner leg pump is effective in reduction of intrinsic carbon
impurity. Geometrical effects of the private dome on transport of hydrocarbons
in the private flux region was confirmed by spectroscopic measurements of
CD-band intensity profile and impurity transport simulation code using
experimental data.
IAEA 1999