Y. Neyatani , Y. Nakamura , R. Yoshino ,
T. Hatae and the JT-60 Team
Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute Mukoyama 801-1, Naka-mach, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 311-01, Japan
Halo currents and their toroidal peaking factor (TPF) have been
measured in JT-60U by Rogowski coil type halo current sensors. The electron
temperature in the halo region was around 10 eV at 1 ms before the timing of
the maximum halo current. The maximum
was 0.52 in
the operational range of
, including ITER design parameters of
which was lower than that of the maximum value of ITER data base (0.75). The
magnitude of halo currents tended to decrease with the increase in stored
energy just before the energy quench and with the line integrated electron
density at the time of the maximum halo current. A termination technique in
which the current channel remains stationary was useful to avoid halo current
generation. Intense neon gas puffing during the VDE was effective for reducing
the halo currents.
IAEA 1999