International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators

4-8 May 2009, Vienna


New Applications for Accelerators in Pharmaceutical Processes

P. Fontcuberta, F. Malcolm, and D. Morisseau

Linac Technologies, Orsay, France

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In-line sterilization tunnels using electron beam have become a reality since the development of low energy and medium energy accelerators small enough to fit into self-shielded units which can be integrated into production lines. These systems have many advantages for the health care industry since they provide fast continuous room temperature sterilization which is simple to validate and traceable. Economies are apparent in terms of time, logistics, fixed assets costs, labour costs etc. Environmental impact is considered low. Medium energy systems for core sterilization of medical devices, syringes or vials have already been installed. The low energy surface sterilization systems which have been installed on 19+ pre-filled syringe lines have recently benefited from technology
improvements which increase efficiency. The presentation will introduce electron beam sterilization technology and its practical aspects for pharmaceutical manufacturers, i.e., dosimetry, validation, interfaces, monitoring and recording.